#include "weather.hpp" #include "world.hpp" #include "player.hpp" #include "../mwrender/renderingmanager.hpp" #include "../mwsound/soundmanager.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace Ogre; using namespace MWWorld; using namespace MWSound; #define lerp(x, y) (x * (1-factor) + y * factor) const std::string WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID0 = "Thunder0"; const std::string WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID1 = "Thunder1"; const std::string WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID2 = "Thunder2"; const std::string WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID3 = "Thunder3"; const float WeatherGlobals::mSunriseTime = 8; const float WeatherGlobals::mSunsetTime = 18; const float WeatherGlobals::mSunriseDuration = 2; const float WeatherGlobals::mSunsetDuration = 2; const float WeatherGlobals::mWeatherUpdateTime = 20.f; // morrowind sets these per-weather, but since they are only used by 'thunderstorm' // weather setting anyway, we can just as well set them globally const float WeatherGlobals::mThunderFrequency = .4; const float WeatherGlobals::mThunderThreshold = 0.6; const float WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundDelay = 0.25; WeatherManager::WeatherManager(MWRender::RenderingManager* rendering, MWWorld::Environment* env) : mHour(14), mCurrentWeather("clear"), mFirstUpdate(true), mWeatherUpdateTime(0), mThunderFlash(0), mThunderChance(0), mThunderChanceNeeded(50), mThunderSoundDelay(0) { mRendering = rendering; mEnvironment = env; #define clr(r,g,b) ColourValue(r/255.f, g/255.f, b/255.f) /// \todo read these from Morrowind.ini Weather clear; clear.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_clear.dds"; clear.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; clear.mTransitionDelta = 0.015; clear.mSkySunriseColor = clr(118, 141, 164); clear.mSkyDayColor = clr(95, 135, 203); clear.mSkySunsetColor = clr(56, 89, 129); clear.mSkyNightColor = clr(9, 10, 11); clear.mFogSunriseColor = clr(255, 189, 157); clear.mFogDayColor = clr(206, 227, 255); clear.mFogSunsetColor = clr(255, 189, 157); clear.mFogNightColor = clr(9, 10, 11); clear.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(47, 66, 96); clear.mAmbientDayColor = clr(137, 140, 160); clear.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(68, 75, 96); clear.mAmbientNightColor = clr(32, 35, 42); clear.mSunSunriseColor = clr(242, 159, 99); clear.mSunDayColor = clr(255, 252, 238); clear.mSunSunsetColor = clr(255, 115, 79); clear.mSunNightColor = clr(59, 97, 176); clear.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(255, 189, 157); clear.mLandFogDayDepth = 0.69; clear.mLandFogNightDepth = 0.69; clear.mWindSpeed = 0.1; clear.mCloudSpeed = 1.25; clear.mGlareView = 1.0; mWeatherSettings["clear"] = clear; Weather cloudy; cloudy.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_cloudy.dds"; cloudy.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; cloudy.mTransitionDelta = 0.015; cloudy.mSkySunriseColor = clr(126, 158, 173); cloudy.mSkyDayColor = clr(117, 160, 215); cloudy.mSkySunsetColor = clr(111, 114, 159); cloudy.mSkyNightColor = clr(9, 10, 11); cloudy.mFogSunriseColor = clr(255, 207, 149); cloudy.mFogDayColor = clr(245, 235, 224); cloudy.mFogSunsetColor = clr(255, 155, 106); cloudy.mFogNightColor = clr(9, 10, 11); cloudy.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(66, 74, 87); cloudy.mAmbientDayColor = clr(137, 145, 160); cloudy.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(71, 80, 92); cloudy.mAmbientNightColor = clr(32, 39, 54); cloudy.mSunSunriseColor = clr(241, 177, 99); cloudy.mSunDayColor = clr(255, 236, 221); cloudy.mSunSunsetColor = clr(255, 89, 00); cloudy.mSunNightColor = clr(77, 91, 124); cloudy.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(255, 202, 179); cloudy.mLandFogDayDepth = 0.72; cloudy.mLandFogNightDepth = 0.72; cloudy.mWindSpeed = 0.2; cloudy.mCloudSpeed = 2; cloudy.mGlareView = 1.0; mWeatherSettings["cloudy"] = cloudy; Weather foggy; foggy.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_foggy.dds"; foggy.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; foggy.mTransitionDelta = 0.015; foggy.mSkySunriseColor = clr(197, 190, 180); foggy.mSkyDayColor = clr(184, 211, 228); foggy.mSkySunsetColor = clr(142, 159, 176); foggy.mSkyNightColor = clr(18, 23, 28); foggy.mFogSunriseColor = clr(173, 164, 148); foggy.mFogDayColor = clr(150, 187, 209); foggy.mFogSunsetColor = clr(113, 135, 157); foggy.mFogNightColor = clr(19, 24, 29); foggy.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(48, 43, 37); foggy.mAmbientDayColor = clr(92, 109, 120); foggy.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(28, 33, 39); foggy.mAmbientNightColor = clr(28, 33, 39); foggy.mSunSunriseColor = clr(177, 162, 137); foggy.mSunDayColor = clr(111, 131, 151); foggy.mSunSunsetColor = clr(125, 157, 189); foggy.mSunNightColor = clr(81, 100, 119); foggy.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(223, 223, 223); foggy.mLandFogDayDepth = 1.0; foggy.mLandFogNightDepth = 1.9; foggy.mWindSpeed = 0; foggy.mCloudSpeed = 1.25; foggy.mGlareView = 0.25; mWeatherSettings["foggy"] = foggy; Weather thunderstorm; thunderstorm.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_thunder.dds"; thunderstorm.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 0.66; thunderstorm.mTransitionDelta = 0.03; thunderstorm.mSkySunriseColor = clr(35, 36, 39); thunderstorm.mSkyDayColor = clr(97, 104, 115); thunderstorm.mSkySunsetColor = clr(35, 36, 39); thunderstorm.mSkyNightColor = clr(19, 20, 22); thunderstorm.mFogSunriseColor = clr(70, 74, 85); thunderstorm.mFogDayColor = clr(97, 104, 115); thunderstorm.mFogSunsetColor = clr(70, 74, 85); thunderstorm.mFogNightColor = clr(19, 20, 22); thunderstorm.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(54, 54, 54); thunderstorm.mAmbientDayColor = clr(90, 90, 90); thunderstorm.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(54, 54, 54); thunderstorm.mAmbientNightColor = clr(49, 51, 54); thunderstorm.mSunSunriseColor = clr(91, 99, 122); thunderstorm.mSunDayColor = clr(138, 144, 155); thunderstorm.mSunSunsetColor = clr(96, 101, 117); thunderstorm.mSunNightColor = clr(55, 76, 110); thunderstorm.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); thunderstorm.mLandFogDayDepth = 1; thunderstorm.mLandFogNightDepth = 1.15; thunderstorm.mWindSpeed = 0.5; thunderstorm.mCloudSpeed = 3; thunderstorm.mGlareView = 0; thunderstorm.mRainLoopSoundID = "rain heavy"; mWeatherSettings["thunderstorm"] = thunderstorm; Weather rain; rain.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_rainy.dds"; rain.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 0.66; rain.mTransitionDelta = 0.015; rain.mSkySunriseColor = clr(71, 74, 75); rain.mSkyDayColor = clr(116, 120, 122); rain.mSkySunsetColor = clr(73, 73, 73); rain.mSkyNightColor = clr(24, 25, 26); rain.mFogSunriseColor = clr(71, 74, 75); rain.mFogDayColor = clr(116, 120, 122); rain.mFogSunsetColor = clr(73, 73, 73); rain.mFogNightColor = clr(24, 25, 26); rain.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(97, 90, 88); rain.mAmbientDayColor = clr(105, 110, 113); rain.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(88, 97, 97); rain.mAmbientNightColor = clr(50, 55, 67); rain.mSunSunriseColor = clr(131, 122, 120); rain.mSunDayColor = clr(149, 157, 170); rain.mSunSunsetColor = clr(120, 126, 131); rain.mSunNightColor = clr(50, 62, 101); rain.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); rain.mLandFogDayDepth = 0.8; rain.mLandFogNightDepth = 0.8; rain.mWindSpeed = 0.3; rain.mCloudSpeed = 2; rain.mGlareView = 0; rain.mRainLoopSoundID = "rain"; mWeatherSettings["rain"] = rain; Weather overcast; overcast.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_overcast.dds"; overcast.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; overcast.mTransitionDelta = 0.015; overcast.mSkySunriseColor = clr(91, 99, 106); overcast.mSkyDayColor = clr(143, 146, 149); overcast.mSkySunsetColor = clr(108, 115, 121); overcast.mSkyNightColor = clr(19, 22, 25); overcast.mFogSunriseColor = clr(91, 99, 106); overcast.mFogDayColor = clr(143, 146, 149); overcast.mFogSunsetColor = clr(108, 115, 121); overcast.mFogNightColor = clr(19, 22, 25); overcast.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(84, 88, 92); overcast.mAmbientDayColor = clr(93, 96, 105); overcast.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(83, 77, 75); overcast.mAmbientNightColor = clr(57, 60, 66); overcast.mSunSunriseColor = clr(87, 125, 163); overcast.mSunDayColor = clr(163, 169, 183); overcast.mSunSunsetColor = clr(85, 103, 157); overcast.mSunNightColor = clr(32, 54, 100); overcast.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); overcast.mLandFogDayDepth = 0.7; overcast.mLandFogNightDepth = 0.7; overcast.mWindSpeed = 0.2; overcast.mCloudSpeed = 1.5; overcast.mGlareView = 0; mWeatherSettings["overcast"] = overcast; Weather ashstorm; ashstorm.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_ashstorm.dds"; ashstorm.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; ashstorm.mTransitionDelta = 0.035; ashstorm.mSkySunriseColor = clr(91, 56, 51); ashstorm.mSkyDayColor = clr(124, 73, 58); ashstorm.mSkySunsetColor = clr(106, 55, 40); ashstorm.mSkyNightColor = clr(20, 21, 22); ashstorm.mFogSunriseColor = clr(91, 56, 51); ashstorm.mFogDayColor = clr(124, 73, 58); ashstorm.mFogSunsetColor = clr(106, 55, 40); ashstorm.mFogNightColor = clr(20, 21, 22); ashstorm.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(52, 42, 37); ashstorm.mAmbientDayColor = clr(75, 49, 41); ashstorm.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(48, 39, 35); ashstorm.mAmbientNightColor = clr(36, 42, 49); ashstorm.mSunSunriseColor = clr(184, 91, 71); ashstorm.mSunDayColor = clr(228, 139, 114); ashstorm.mSunSunsetColor = clr(185, 86, 57); ashstorm.mSunNightColor = clr(54, 66, 74); ashstorm.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); ashstorm.mLandFogDayDepth = 1.1; ashstorm.mLandFogNightDepth = 1.2; ashstorm.mWindSpeed = 0.8; ashstorm.mCloudSpeed = 7; ashstorm.mGlareView = 0; ashstorm.mAmbientLoopSoundID = "ashstorm"; mWeatherSettings["ashstorm"] = ashstorm; Weather blight; blight.mCloudTexture = "tx_sky_blight.dds"; blight.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; blight.mTransitionDelta = 0.04; blight.mSkySunriseColor = clr(90, 35, 35); blight.mSkyDayColor = clr(90, 35, 35); blight.mSkySunsetColor = clr(92, 33, 33); blight.mSkyNightColor = clr(44, 14, 14); blight.mFogSunriseColor = clr(90, 35, 35); blight.mFogDayColor = clr(128, 19, 19); blight.mFogSunsetColor = clr(92, 33, 33); blight.mFogNightColor = clr(44, 14, 14); blight.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(61, 40, 40); blight.mAmbientDayColor = clr(79, 54, 54); blight.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(61, 40, 40); blight.mAmbientNightColor = clr(56, 58, 62); blight.mSunSunriseColor = clr(180, 78, 78); blight.mSunDayColor = clr(224, 84, 84); blight.mSunSunsetColor = clr(180, 78, 78); blight.mSunNightColor = clr(61, 91, 143); blight.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); blight.mLandFogDayDepth = 1.1; blight.mLandFogNightDepth = 1.2; blight.mWindSpeed = 0.9; blight.mCloudSpeed = 9; blight.mGlareView = 0; blight.mAmbientLoopSoundID = "blight"; mWeatherSettings["blight"] = blight; /* Weather snow; snow.mCloudTexture = "tx_bm_sky_snow.dds"; snow.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; snow.mTransitionDelta = 0.014; snow.mSkySunriseColor = clr(196, 91, 91); snow.mSkyDayColor = clr(153, 158, 166); snow.mSkySunsetColor = clr(96, 115, 134); snow.mSkyNightColor = clr(31, 35, 39); snow.mFogSunriseColor = clr(106, 91, 91); snow.mFogDayColor = clr(153, 158, 166); snow.mFogSunsetColor = clr(96, 115, 134); snow.mFogNightColor = clr(31, 35, 39); snow.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(92, 84, 84); snow.mAmbientDayColor = clr(93, 96, 105); snow.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(70, 79, 87); snow.mAmbientNightColor = clr(49, 58, 68); snow.mSunSunriseColor = clr(141, 109, 109); snow.mSunDayColor = clr(163, 169, 183); snow.mSunSunsetColor = clr(101, 121, 141); snow.mSunNightColor = clr(55, 66, 77); snow.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); snow.mLandFogDayDepth = 1.0; snow.mLandFogNightDepth = 1.2; snow.mWindSpeed = 0; snow.mCloudSpeed = 1.5; snow.mGlareView = 0; mWeatherSettings["snow"] = snow; Weather blizzard; blizzard.mCloudTexture = "tx_bm_sky_blizzard.dds"; blizzard.mCloudsMaximumPercent = 1.0; blizzard.mTransitionDelta = 0.030; blizzard.mSkySunriseColor = clr(91, 99, 106); blizzard.mSkyDayColor = clr(121, 133, 145); blizzard.mSkySunsetColor = clr(108, 115, 121); blizzard.mSkyNightColor = clr(27, 29, 31); blizzard.mFogSunriseColor = clr(91, 99, 106); blizzard.mFogDayColor = clr(121, 133, 145); blizzard.mFogSunsetColor = clr(108, 115, 121); blizzard.mFogNightColor = clr(21, 24, 28); blizzard.mAmbientSunriseColor = clr(84, 88, 92); blizzard.mAmbientDayColor = clr(93, 96, 105); blizzard.mAmbientSunsetColor = clr(83, 77, 75); blizzard.mAmbientNightColor = clr(53, 62, 70); blizzard.mSunSunriseColor = clr(114, 128, 146); blizzard.mSunDayColor = clr(163, 169, 183); blizzard.mSunSunsetColor = clr(106, 114, 136); blizzard.mSunNightColor = clr(57, 66, 74); blizzard.mSunDiscSunsetColor = clr(128, 128, 128); blizzard.mLandFogDayDepth = 2.8; blizzard.mLandFogNightDepth = 3.0; blizzard.mWindSpeed = 0.9; blizzard.mCloudSpeed = 7.5; blizzard.mGlareView = 0; blizzard.mAmbientLoopSoundID = "BM Blizzard"; mWeatherSettings["blizzard"] = blizzard; */ } void WeatherManager::setWeather(const String& weather, bool instant) { if (weather == mCurrentWeather && mNextWeather == "") return; if (instant || mFirstUpdate) { mNextWeather = ""; mCurrentWeather = weather; } else { if (mNextWeather != "") { // transition more than 50% finished? if (mRemainingTransitionTime/(mWeatherSettings[mCurrentWeather].mTransitionDelta*24.f*3600) <= 0.5) mCurrentWeather = mNextWeather; } mNextWeather = weather; mRemainingTransitionTime = mWeatherSettings[mCurrentWeather].mTransitionDelta*24.f*3600; } mFirstUpdate = false; } WeatherResult WeatherManager::getResult(const String& weather) { const Weather& current = mWeatherSettings[weather]; WeatherResult result; result.mCloudTexture = current.mCloudTexture; result.mCloudBlendFactor = 0; result.mCloudOpacity = current.mCloudsMaximumPercent; result.mWindSpeed = current.mWindSpeed; result.mCloudSpeed = current.mCloudSpeed; result.mGlareView = current.mGlareView; result.mAmbientLoopSoundID = current.mAmbientLoopSoundID; result.mSunColor = current.mSunDiscSunsetColor; result.mNight = (mHour < 6 || mHour > 19); result.mFogDepth = result.mNight ? current.mLandFogNightDepth : current.mLandFogDayDepth; // night if (mHour <= 5.5f || mHour >= 21) { result.mFogColor = current.mFogNightColor; result.mAmbientColor = current.mAmbientNightColor; result.mSunColor = current.mSunNightColor; result.mSkyColor = current.mSkyNightColor; result.mNightFade = 1.f; } // sunrise else if (mHour >= 5.5f && mHour <= 9) { if (mHour <= 6) { // fade in float advance = 6-mHour; float factor = advance / 0.5f; result.mFogColor = lerp(current.mFogSunriseColor, current.mFogNightColor); result.mAmbientColor = lerp(current.mAmbientSunriseColor, current.mAmbientNightColor); result.mSunColor = lerp(current.mSunSunriseColor, current.mSunNightColor); result.mSkyColor = lerp(current.mSkySunriseColor, current.mSkyNightColor); result.mNightFade = factor; } else //if (mHour >= 6) { // fade out float advance = mHour-6; float factor = advance / 3.f; result.mFogColor = lerp(current.mFogSunriseColor, current.mFogDayColor); result.mAmbientColor = lerp(current.mAmbientSunriseColor, current.mAmbientDayColor); result.mSunColor = lerp(current.mSunSunriseColor, current.mSunDayColor); result.mSkyColor = lerp(current.mSkySunriseColor, current.mSkyDayColor); } } // day else if (mHour >= 9 && mHour <= 17) { result.mFogColor = current.mFogDayColor; result.mAmbientColor = current.mAmbientDayColor; result.mSunColor = current.mSunDayColor; result.mSkyColor = current.mSkyDayColor; } // sunset else if (mHour >= 17 && mHour <= 21) { if (mHour <= 19) { // fade in float advance = 19-mHour; float factor = (advance / 2); result.mFogColor = lerp(current.mFogSunsetColor, current.mFogDayColor); result.mAmbientColor = lerp(current.mAmbientSunsetColor, current.mAmbientDayColor); result.mSunColor = lerp(current.mSunSunsetColor, current.mSunDayColor); result.mSkyColor = lerp(current.mSkySunsetColor, current.mSkyDayColor); } else //if (mHour >= 19) { // fade out float advance = mHour-19; float factor = advance / 2.f; result.mFogColor = lerp(current.mFogSunsetColor, current.mFogNightColor); result.mAmbientColor = lerp(current.mAmbientSunsetColor, current.mAmbientNightColor); result.mSunColor = lerp(current.mSunSunsetColor, current.mSunNightColor); result.mSkyColor = lerp(current.mSkySunsetColor, current.mSkyNightColor); result.mNightFade = factor; } } return result; } WeatherResult WeatherManager::transition(float factor) { const WeatherResult& current = getResult(mCurrentWeather); const WeatherResult& other = getResult(mNextWeather); WeatherResult result; result.mCloudTexture = current.mCloudTexture; result.mNextCloudTexture = other.mCloudTexture; result.mCloudBlendFactor = factor; result.mCloudOpacity = lerp(current.mCloudOpacity, other.mCloudOpacity); result.mFogColor = lerp(current.mFogColor, other.mFogColor); result.mSunColor = lerp(current.mSunColor, other.mSunColor); result.mSkyColor = lerp(current.mSkyColor, other.mSkyColor); result.mAmbientColor = lerp(current.mAmbientColor, other.mAmbientColor); result.mSunDiscColor = lerp(current.mSunDiscColor, other.mSunDiscColor); result.mFogDepth = lerp(current.mFogDepth, other.mFogDepth); result.mWindSpeed = lerp(current.mWindSpeed, other.mWindSpeed); //result.mCloudSpeed = lerp(current.mCloudSpeed, other.mCloudSpeed); result.mCloudSpeed = current.mCloudSpeed; result.mCloudOpacity = lerp(current.mCloudOpacity, other.mCloudOpacity); result.mGlareView = lerp(current.mGlareView, other.mGlareView); result.mNightFade = lerp(current.mNightFade, other.mNightFade); result.mNight = current.mNight; return result; } void WeatherManager::update(float duration) { mWeatherUpdateTime -= duration * mEnvironment->mWorld->getTimeScaleFactor(); bool exterior = (mEnvironment->mWorld->isCellExterior() || mEnvironment->mWorld->isCellQuasiExterior()); if (exterior) { std::string regionstr = mEnvironment->mWorld->getPlayer().getPlayer().getCell()->cell->region; boost::algorithm::to_lower(regionstr); if (mWeatherUpdateTime <= 0 || regionstr != mCurrentRegion) { mCurrentRegion = regionstr; mWeatherUpdateTime = WeatherGlobals::mWeatherUpdateTime*3600; std::string weather; if (mRegionOverrides.find(regionstr) != mRegionOverrides.end()) weather = mRegionOverrides[regionstr]; else { // get weather probabilities for the current region const ESM::Region *region = mEnvironment->mWorld->getStore().regions.find (regionstr); float clear = region->data.clear/255.f; float cloudy = region->data.cloudy/255.f; float foggy = region->data.foggy/255.f; float overcast = region->data.overcast/255.f; float rain = region->data.rain/255.f; float thunder = region->data.thunder/255.f; float ash = region->data.ash/255.f; float blight = region->data.blight/255.f; //float snow = region->data.a/255.f; //float blizzard = region->data.b/255.f; // re-scale to 100 percent const float total = clear+cloudy+foggy+overcast+rain+thunder+ash+blight;//+snow+blizzard; srand(time(NULL)); float random = ((rand()%100)/100.f) * total; //if (random >= snow+blight+ash+thunder+rain+overcast+foggy+cloudy+clear) // weather = "blizzard"; //else if (random >= blight+ash+thunder+rain+overcast+foggy+cloudy+clear) // weather = "snow"; /*else*/ if (random >= ash+thunder+rain+overcast+foggy+cloudy+clear) weather = "blight"; else if (random >= thunder+rain+overcast+foggy+cloudy+clear) weather = "ashstorm"; else if (random >= rain+overcast+foggy+cloudy+clear) weather = "thunderstorm"; else if (random >= overcast+foggy+cloudy+clear) weather = "rain"; else if (random >= foggy+cloudy+clear) weather = "overcast"; else if (random >= cloudy+clear) weather = "foggy"; else if (random >= clear) weather = "cloudy"; else weather = "clear"; } setWeather(weather, false); } WeatherResult result; if (mNextWeather != "") { mRemainingTransitionTime -= duration * mEnvironment->mWorld->getTimeScaleFactor(); if (mRemainingTransitionTime < 0) { mCurrentWeather = mNextWeather; mNextWeather = ""; } } if (mNextWeather != "") result = transition(1-(mRemainingTransitionTime/(mWeatherSettings[mCurrentWeather].mTransitionDelta*24.f*3600))); else result = getResult(mCurrentWeather); mRendering->configureFog(result.mFogDepth, result.mFogColor); // disable sun during night if (mHour >= 20 || mHour <= 6.f) mRendering->getSkyManager()->sunDisable(); else mRendering->getSkyManager()->sunEnable(); // sun angle float height; // rise at 6, set at 20 if (mHour >= 6 && mHour <= 20) height = 1-std::abs(((mHour-13)/7.f)); else if (mHour > 20) height = (mHour-20.f)/4.f; else //if (mHour > 0 && mHour < 6) height = 1-(mHour/6.f); int facing = (mHour > 13.f) ? 1 : -1; Vector3 final( -(1-height)*facing, -(1-height)*facing, height); mRendering->setSunDirection(final); // moon calculations float night; if (mHour >= 14) night = mHour-14; else if (mHour <= 10) night = mHour+10; else night = 0; night /= 20.f; if (night != 0) { float moonHeight = 1-std::abs((night-0.5)*2); int facing = (mHour > 0.f && mHour<12.f) ? 1 : -1; Vector3 masser( (1-moonHeight)*facing, (1-moonHeight)*facing, moonHeight); Vector3 secunda( (1-moonHeight)*facing*0.8, (1-moonHeight)*facing*1.25, moonHeight); mRendering->getSkyManager()->setMasserDirection(masser); mRendering->getSkyManager()->setSecundaDirection(secunda); mRendering->getSkyManager()->masserEnable(); mRendering->getSkyManager()->secundaEnable(); float hour_fade; if (mHour >= 7.f && mHour <= 14.f) hour_fade = 1-(mHour-7)/3.f; else if (mHour >= 14 && mHour <= 15.f) hour_fade = mHour-14; else hour_fade = 1; float secunda_angle_fade; float masser_angle_fade; float angle = moonHeight*90.f; if (angle >= 30 && angle <= 50) secunda_angle_fade = (angle-30)/20.f; else if (angle <30) secunda_angle_fade = 0.f; else secunda_angle_fade = 1.f; if (angle >= 40 && angle <= 50) masser_angle_fade = (angle-40)/10.f; else if (angle <40) masser_angle_fade = 0.f; else masser_angle_fade = 1.f; masser_angle_fade *= hour_fade; secunda_angle_fade *= hour_fade; mRendering->getSkyManager()->setMasserFade(masser_angle_fade); mRendering->getSkyManager()->setSecundaFade(secunda_angle_fade); } else { mRendering->getSkyManager()->masserDisable(); mRendering->getSkyManager()->secundaDisable(); } if (mCurrentWeather == "thunderstorm" && mNextWeather == "" && exterior) { if (mThunderFlash > 0) { // play the sound after a delay mThunderSoundDelay -= duration; if (mThunderSoundDelay <= 0) { // pick a random sound int sound = rand() % 4; std::string soundname; if (sound == 0) soundname = WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID0; else if (sound == 1) soundname = WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID1; else if (sound == 2) soundname = WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID2; else if (sound == 3) soundname = WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundID3; mEnvironment->mSoundManager->playSound(soundname, 1.0, 1.0); mThunderSoundDelay = 1000; } mThunderFlash -= duration; if (mThunderFlash > 0) mRendering->getSkyManager()->setThunder( mThunderFlash / WeatherGlobals::mThunderThreshold ); else { srand(time(NULL)); mThunderChanceNeeded = rand() % 100; mThunderChance = 0; mRendering->getSkyManager()->setThunder( 0.f ); } } else { // no thunder active mThunderChance += duration*4; // chance increases by 4 percent every second if (mThunderChance >= mThunderChanceNeeded) { mThunderFlash = WeatherGlobals::mThunderThreshold; mRendering->getSkyManager()->setThunder( mThunderFlash / WeatherGlobals::mThunderThreshold ); mThunderSoundDelay = WeatherGlobals::mThunderSoundDelay; } } } else mRendering->getSkyManager()->setThunder(0.f); mRendering->setAmbientColour(result.mAmbientColor); mRendering->sunEnable(); mRendering->setSunColour(result.mSunColor); mRendering->getSkyManager()->setWeather(result); } else { mRendering->sunDisable(); mRendering->skyDisable(); mRendering->getSkyManager()->setThunder(0.f); } // play sounds std::string ambientSnd = (mNextWeather == "" ? mWeatherSettings[mCurrentWeather].mAmbientLoopSoundID : ""); if (!exterior) ambientSnd = ""; if (ambientSnd != "") { if (std::find(mSoundsPlaying.begin(), mSoundsPlaying.end(), ambientSnd) == mSoundsPlaying.end()) { mSoundsPlaying.push_back(ambientSnd); mEnvironment->mSoundManager->playSound(ambientSnd, 1.0, 1.0, true); } } std::string rainSnd = (mNextWeather == "" ? mWeatherSettings[mCurrentWeather].mRainLoopSoundID : ""); if (!exterior) rainSnd = ""; if (rainSnd != "") { if (std::find(mSoundsPlaying.begin(), mSoundsPlaying.end(), rainSnd) == mSoundsPlaying.end()) { mSoundsPlaying.push_back(rainSnd); mEnvironment->mSoundManager->playSound(rainSnd, 1.0, 1.0, true); } } // stop sounds std::vector::iterator it=mSoundsPlaying.begin(); while (it!=mSoundsPlaying.end()) { if ( *it != ambientSnd && *it != rainSnd) { mEnvironment->mSoundManager->stopSound(*it); it = mSoundsPlaying.erase(it); } else ++it; } } void WeatherManager::setHour(const float hour) { mHour = hour; } void WeatherManager::setDate(const int day, const int month) { mDay = day; mMonth = month; } unsigned int WeatherManager::getWeatherID() const { // Source: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:GetCurrentWeather if (mCurrentWeather == "clear") return 0; else if (mCurrentWeather == "cloudy") return 1; else if (mCurrentWeather == "foggy") return 2; else if (mCurrentWeather == "overcast") return 3; else if (mCurrentWeather == "rain") return 4; else if (mCurrentWeather == "thunderstorm") return 5; else if (mCurrentWeather == "ashstorm") return 6; else if (mCurrentWeather == "blight") return 7; else if (mCurrentWeather == "snow") return 8; else if (mCurrentWeather == "blizzard") return 9; else return 0; } void WeatherManager::changeWeather(const std::string& region, const unsigned int id) { std::string weather; if (id==0) weather = "clear"; else if (id==1) weather = "cloudy"; else if (id==2) weather = "foggy"; else if (id==3) weather = "overcast"; else if (id==4) weather = "rain"; else if (id==5) weather = "thunderstorm"; else if (id==6) weather = "ashstorm"; else if (id==7) weather = "blight"; else if (id==8) weather = "snow"; else if (id==9) weather = "blizzard"; else weather = "clear"; mRegionOverrides[region] = weather; }