#ifndef OPENMW_MWRENDER_SKY_H #define OPENMW_MWRENDER_SKY_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "precipitationocclusion.hpp" #include "skyutil.hpp" namespace osg { class Group; class Node; class Material; class PositionAttitudeTransform; class Camera; } namespace osgParticle { class ParticleSystem; class BoxPlacer; } namespace Resource { class SceneManager; } namespace SceneUtil { class RTTNode; } namespace MWRender { ///@brief The SkyManager handles rendering of the sky domes, celestial bodies as well as other objects that need to /// be rendered /// relative to the camera (e.g. weather particle effects) class SkyManager { public: SkyManager(osg::Group* parentNode, osg::Group* rootNode, osg::Camera* camera, Resource::SceneManager* sceneManager, bool enableSkyRTT); ~SkyManager(); void update(float duration); void setEnabled(bool enabled); int getMasserPhase() const; ///< 0 new moon, 1 waxing or waning cresecent, 2 waxing or waning half, /// 3 waxing or waning gibbous, 4 full moon int getSecundaPhase() const; ///< 0 new moon, 1 waxing or waning cresecent, 2 waxing or waning half, /// 3 waxing or waning gibbous, 4 full moon void setMoonColour(bool red); ///< change Secunda colour to red void setWeather(const WeatherResult& weather); void sunEnable(); void sunDisable(); bool isEnabled(); bool hasRain() const; bool getRainRipplesEnabled() const; float getPrecipitationAlpha() const; void setStormParticleDirection(const osg::Vec3f& direction); void setSunDirection(const osg::Vec3f& direction); void setMasserState(const MoonState& state); void setSecundaState(const MoonState& state); void setGlareTimeOfDayFade(float val); /// Enable or disable the water plane (used to remove underwater weather particles) void setWaterEnabled(bool enabled); /// Set height of water plane (used to remove underwater weather particles) void setWaterHeight(float height); void listAssetsToPreload( std::vector& models, std::vector& textures); float getBaseWindSpeed() const; void setSunglare(bool enabled); SceneUtil::RTTNode* getSkyRTT() { return mSkyRTT.get(); } osg::Vec4f getSkyColor() const { return mSkyColour; } private: void create(); ///< no need to call this, automatically done on first enable() void createRain(); void destroyRain(); void switchUnderwaterRain(); void updateRainParameters(); Resource::SceneManager* mSceneManager; osg::Camera* mCamera; osg::ref_ptr mRootNode; osg::ref_ptr mEarlyRenderBinRoot; osg::ref_ptr mParticleNode; osg::ref_ptr mParticleEffect; osg::ref_ptr mUnderwaterSwitch; osg::ref_ptr mCloudNode; osg::ref_ptr mCloudUpdater; osg::ref_ptr mNextCloudUpdater; osg::ref_ptr mCloudMesh; osg::ref_ptr mNextCloudMesh; osg::ref_ptr mAtmosphereDay; osg::ref_ptr mAtmosphereNightNode; float mAtmosphereNightRoll; osg::ref_ptr mAtmosphereNightUpdater; osg::ref_ptr mAtmosphereUpdater; std::unique_ptr mSun; std::unique_ptr mMasser; std::unique_ptr mSecunda; osg::ref_ptr mRainNode; osg::ref_ptr mRainParticleSystem; osg::ref_ptr mPlacer; osg::ref_ptr mCounter; osg::ref_ptr mRainShooter; bool mPrecipitationOcclusion = false; std::unique_ptr mPrecipitationOccluder; bool mCreated; bool mIsStorm; bool mTimescaleClouds; float mCloudAnimationTimer; // particle system rotation is independent of cloud rotation internally osg::Vec3f mStormParticleDirection; osg::Vec3f mStormDirection; osg::Vec3f mNextStormDirection; // remember some settings so we don't have to apply them again if they didn't change std::string mClouds; std::string mNextClouds; float mCloudBlendFactor; float mCloudSpeed; float mStarsOpacity; osg::Vec4f mCloudColour; osg::Vec4f mSkyColour; osg::Vec4f mFogColour; VFS::Path::Normalized mCurrentParticleEffect; std::string mRainEffect; float mRainSpeed; float mRainDiameter; float mRainMinHeight; float mRainMaxHeight; float mRainEntranceSpeed; int mRainMaxRaindrops; bool mRainRipplesEnabled; bool mSnowRipplesEnabled; float mWindSpeed; float mBaseWindSpeed; bool mEnabled; bool mSunglareEnabled; float mPrecipitationAlpha; bool mDirtyParticlesEffect; osg::Vec4f mMoonScriptColor; osg::ref_ptr mSkyRTT; }; } #endif