#ifndef _MWINPUT_MWINPUTMANAGERIMP_H #define _MWINPUT_MWINPUTMANAGERIMP_H #include "../mwgui/mode.hpp" #include #include "../mwbase/inputmanager.hpp" namespace OEngine { namespace Render { class OgreRenderer; } } namespace MWWorld { class Player; } namespace MWBase { class WindowManager; } namespace OMW { class Engine; } namespace ICS { class InputControlSystem; } namespace OIS { class Keyboard; class Mouse; class InputManager; } #include #include #include namespace MWInput { /** * @brief Class that handles all input and key bindings for OpenMW. */ class InputManager : public MWBase::InputManager, public OIS::KeyListener, public OIS::MouseListener, public ICS::ChannelListener { public: InputManager(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer &_ogre, MWWorld::Player&_player, MWBase::WindowManager &_windows, bool debug, OMW::Engine& engine, const std::string& userFile); virtual ~InputManager(); virtual void update(float dt); virtual void changeInputMode(bool guiMode); virtual void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& changed); virtual void setDragDrop(bool dragDrop); virtual void toggleControlSwitch (const std::string& sw, bool value); public: virtual bool keyPressed( const OIS::KeyEvent &arg ); virtual bool keyReleased( const OIS::KeyEvent &arg ); virtual bool mousePressed( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id ); virtual bool mouseReleased( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id ); virtual bool mouseMoved( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg ); virtual void channelChanged(ICS::Channel* channel, float currentValue, float previousValue); private: OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer &mOgre; MWWorld::Player &mPlayer; MWBase::WindowManager &mWindows; OMW::Engine& mEngine; ICS::InputControlSystem* mInputCtrl; OIS::Keyboard* mKeyboard; OIS::Mouse* mMouse; OIS::InputManager* mInputManager; std::string mUserFile; bool mDragDrop; bool mMouseLookEnabled; bool mGuiCursorEnabled; int mMouseX; int mMouseY; std::map mControlSwitch; private: void adjustMouseRegion(int width, int height); private: void toggleMainMenu(); void toggleSpell(); void toggleWeapon(); void toggleInventory(); void toggleConsole(); void screenshot(); void toggleJournal(); void activate(); void toggleWalking(); void toggleAutoMove(); void exitNow(); bool actionIsActive (int id); void loadKeyDefaults(); private: enum Actions { // please add new actions at the bottom, in order to preserve the channel IDs in the key configuration files A_GameMenu, A_Quit, // Exit the program A_Screenshot, // Take a screenshot A_Inventory, // Toggle inventory screen A_Console, // Toggle console screen A_MoveLeft, // Move player left / right A_MoveRight, A_MoveForward, // Forward / Backward A_MoveBackward, A_Activate, A_Use, //Use weapon, spell, etc. A_Jump, A_AutoMove, //Toggle Auto-move forward A_Rest, //Rest A_Journal, //Journal A_Weapon, //Draw/Sheath weapon A_Spell, //Ready/Unready Casting A_AlwaysRun, //Toggle Always Run A_CycleSpellLeft, //cycling through spells A_CycleSpellRight, A_CycleWeaponLeft,//Cycling through weapons A_CycleWeaponRight, A_ToggleSneak, //Toggles Sneak, add Push-Sneak later A_ToggleWalk, //Toggle Walking/Running A_Crouch, A_QuickSave, A_QuickLoad, A_QuickMenu, A_ToggleWeapon, A_ToggleSpell, A_LAST // Marker for the last item }; }; } #endif