#include "l10n.hpp" #include <unicode/errorcode.h> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> namespace sol { template <> struct is_automagical<LuaUtil::L10nManager::Context> : std::false_type {}; } namespace LuaUtil { void L10nManager::init() { sol::usertype<Context> ctx = mLua->sol().new_usertype<Context>("L10nContext"); ctx[sol::meta_function::call] = &Context::translate; } void L10nManager::setPreferredLocales(const std::vector<std::string>& langs) { mPreferredLocales.clear(); for (const auto &lang : langs) mPreferredLocales.push_back(icu::Locale(lang.c_str())); { Log msg(Debug::Info); msg << "Preferred locales:"; for (const icu::Locale& l : mPreferredLocales) msg << " " << l.getName(); } for (auto& [_, context] : mContexts) context.updateLang(this); } void L10nManager::Context::readLangData(L10nManager* manager, const icu::Locale& lang) { std::string path = "l10n/"; path.append(mName); path.append("/"); path.append(lang.getName()); path.append(".yaml"); if (!manager->mVFS->exists(path)) return; mMessageBundles->load(*manager->mVFS->get(path), lang, path); } std::pair<std::vector<icu::Formattable>, std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> getICUArgs(std::string_view messageId, const sol::table &table) { std::vector<icu::Formattable> args; std::vector<icu::UnicodeString> argNames; for (auto elem : table) for (auto& [key, value] : table) { // Argument values if (value.is<std::string>()) args.push_back(icu::Formattable(value.as<std::string>().c_str())); // Note: While we pass all numbers as doubles, they still seem to be handled appropriately. // Numbers can be forced to be integers using the argType number and argStyle integer // E.g. {var, number, integer} else if (value.is<double>()) args.push_back(icu::Formattable(value.as<double>())); else { Log(Debug::Error) << "Unrecognized argument type for key \"" << key.as<std::string>() << "\" when formatting message \"" << messageId << "\""; } // Argument names argNames.push_back(icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(key.as<std::string>())); } return std::make_pair(args, argNames); } std::string L10nManager::Context::translate(std::string_view key, const sol::object& data) { std::vector<icu::Formattable> args; std::vector<icu::UnicodeString> argNames; if (data.is<sol::table>()) { sol::table dataTable = data.as<sol::table>(); auto argData = getICUArgs(key, dataTable); args = argData.first; argNames = argData.second; } return mMessageBundles->formatMessage(key, argNames, args); } void L10nManager::Context::updateLang(L10nManager* manager) { icu::Locale fallbackLocale = mMessageBundles->getFallbackLocale(); mMessageBundles->setPreferredLocales(manager->mPreferredLocales); int localeCount = 0; bool fallbackLocaleInPreferred = false; for (const icu::Locale& loc: mMessageBundles->getPreferredLocales()) { if (!mMessageBundles->isLoaded(loc)) readLangData(manager, loc); if (mMessageBundles->isLoaded(loc)) { localeCount++; Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Language file \"l10n/" << mName << "/" << loc.getName() << ".yaml\" is enabled"; if (loc == fallbackLocale) fallbackLocaleInPreferred = true; } } if (!mMessageBundles->isLoaded(fallbackLocale)) readLangData(manager, fallbackLocale); if (mMessageBundles->isLoaded(fallbackLocale) && !fallbackLocaleInPreferred) Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Fallback language file \"l10n/" << mName << "/" << fallbackLocale.getName() << ".yaml\" is enabled"; if (localeCount == 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << "No language files for the preferred languages found in \"l10n/" << mName << "\""; } } sol::object L10nManager::getContext(const std::string& contextName, const std::string& fallbackLocaleName) { auto it = mContexts.find(contextName); if (it != mContexts.end()) return sol::make_object(mLua->sol(), it->second); auto allowedChar = [](char c) { return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_'; }; bool valid = !contextName.empty(); for (char c : contextName) valid = valid && allowedChar(c); if (!valid) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Invalid l10n context name: ") + contextName); icu::Locale fallbackLocale(fallbackLocaleName.c_str()); Context ctx{contextName, std::make_shared<l10n::MessageBundles>(mPreferredLocales, fallbackLocale)}; { Log msg(Debug::Verbose); msg << "Fallback locale: " << fallbackLocale.getName(); } ctx.updateLang(this); mContexts.emplace(contextName, ctx); return sol::make_object(mLua->sol(), ctx); } }