#include "npcanimation.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/weapontype.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "postprocessor.hpp" #include "renderbin.hpp" #include "rotatecontroller.hpp" #include "vismask.hpp" namespace { std::string getVampireHead(const ESM::RefId& race, bool female, const VFS::Manager& vfs) { static std::map, const ESM::BodyPart*> sVampireMapping; std::pair thisCombination = std::make_pair(race, int(female)); if (sVampireMapping.find(thisCombination) == sVampireMapping.end()) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); for (const ESM::BodyPart& bodypart : store.get()) { if (!bodypart.mData.mVampire) continue; if (bodypart.mData.mType != ESM::BodyPart::MT_Skin) continue; if (bodypart.mData.mPart != ESM::BodyPart::MP_Head) continue; if (female != (bodypart.mData.mFlags & ESM::BodyPart::BPF_Female)) continue; if (!(bodypart.mRace == race)) continue; sVampireMapping[thisCombination] = &bodypart; } } sVampireMapping.emplace(thisCombination, nullptr); const ESM::BodyPart* bodyPart = sVampireMapping[thisCombination]; if (!bodyPart) return std::string(); return Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(bodyPart->mModel, &vfs); } } namespace MWRender { class HeadAnimationTime : public SceneUtil::ControllerSource { private: MWWorld::Ptr mReference; float mTalkStart; float mTalkStop; float mBlinkStart; float mBlinkStop; float mBlinkTimer; bool mEnabled; float mValue; private: void resetBlinkTimer(); public: HeadAnimationTime(const MWWorld::Ptr& reference); void updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& updated); void update(float dt); void setEnabled(bool enabled); void setTalkStart(float value); void setTalkStop(float value); void setBlinkStart(float value); void setBlinkStop(float value); float getValue(osg::NodeVisitor* nv) override; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HeadAnimationTime::HeadAnimationTime(const MWWorld::Ptr& reference) : mReference(reference) , mTalkStart(0) , mTalkStop(0) , mBlinkStart(0) , mBlinkStop(0) , mEnabled(true) , mValue(0) { resetBlinkTimer(); } void HeadAnimationTime::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& updated) { mReference = updated; } void HeadAnimationTime::setEnabled(bool enabled) { mEnabled = enabled; } void HeadAnimationTime::resetBlinkTimer() { auto& prng = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPrng(); mBlinkTimer = -(2.0f + Misc::Rng::rollDice(6, prng)); } void HeadAnimationTime::update(float dt) { if (!mEnabled) return; if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->sayActive(mReference)) { mBlinkTimer += dt; float duration = mBlinkStop - mBlinkStart; if (mBlinkTimer >= 0 && mBlinkTimer <= duration) { mValue = mBlinkStart + mBlinkTimer; } else mValue = mBlinkStop; if (mBlinkTimer > duration) resetBlinkTimer(); } else { // FIXME: would be nice to hold on to the SoundPtr so we don't have to retrieve it every frame mValue = mTalkStart + (mTalkStop - mTalkStart) * std::min(1.f, MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSaySoundLoudness(mReference) * 2); // Rescale a bit (most voices are not very loud) } } float HeadAnimationTime::getValue(osg::NodeVisitor*) { return mValue; } void HeadAnimationTime::setTalkStart(float value) { mTalkStart = value; } void HeadAnimationTime::setTalkStop(float value) { mTalkStop = value; } void HeadAnimationTime::setBlinkStart(float value) { mBlinkStart = value; } void HeadAnimationTime::setBlinkStop(float value) { mBlinkStop = value; } // ---------------------------------------------------- NpcAnimation::NpcType NpcAnimation::getNpcType() const { const MWWorld::Class& cls = mPtr.getClass(); // Dead vampires should typically stay vampires. if (mNpcType == Type_Vampire && cls.getNpcStats(mPtr).isDead() && !cls.getNpcStats(mPtr).isWerewolf()) return mNpcType; return getNpcType(mPtr); } NpcAnimation::NpcType NpcAnimation::getNpcType(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { const MWWorld::Class& cls = ptr.getClass(); NpcAnimation::NpcType curType = Type_Normal; if (cls.getCreatureStats(ptr).getMagicEffects().getOrDefault(ESM::MagicEffect::Vampirism).getMagnitude() > 0) curType = Type_Vampire; if (cls.getNpcStats(ptr).isWerewolf()) curType = Type_Werewolf; return curType; } static const inline NpcAnimation::PartBoneMap createPartListMap() { return { { ESM::PRT_Head, "Head" }, { ESM::PRT_Hair, "Head" }, // note it uses "Head" as attach bone, but "Hair" as filter { ESM::PRT_Neck, "Neck" }, { ESM::PRT_Cuirass, "Chest" }, { ESM::PRT_Groin, "Groin" }, { ESM::PRT_Skirt, "Groin" }, { ESM::PRT_RHand, "Right Hand" }, { ESM::PRT_LHand, "Left Hand" }, { ESM::PRT_RWrist, "Right Wrist" }, { ESM::PRT_LWrist, "Left Wrist" }, { ESM::PRT_Shield, "Shield Bone" }, { ESM::PRT_RForearm, "Right Forearm" }, { ESM::PRT_LForearm, "Left Forearm" }, { ESM::PRT_RUpperarm, "Right Upper Arm" }, { ESM::PRT_LUpperarm, "Left Upper Arm" }, { ESM::PRT_RFoot, "Right Foot" }, { ESM::PRT_LFoot, "Left Foot" }, { ESM::PRT_RAnkle, "Right Ankle" }, { ESM::PRT_LAnkle, "Left Ankle" }, { ESM::PRT_RKnee, "Right Knee" }, { ESM::PRT_LKnee, "Left Knee" }, { ESM::PRT_RLeg, "Right Upper Leg" }, { ESM::PRT_LLeg, "Left Upper Leg" }, { ESM::PRT_RPauldron, "Right Clavicle" }, { ESM::PRT_LPauldron, "Left Clavicle" }, { ESM::PRT_Weapon, "Weapon Bone" }, // Fallback. The real node name depends on the current weapon type. { ESM::PRT_Tail, "Tail" } }; } const NpcAnimation::PartBoneMap NpcAnimation::sPartList = createPartListMap(); NpcAnimation::~NpcAnimation() { mAmmunition.reset(); } NpcAnimation::NpcAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, osg::ref_ptr parentNode, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, bool disableSounds, ViewMode viewMode, float firstPersonFieldOfView) : ActorAnimation(ptr, std::move(parentNode), resourceSystem) , mViewMode(viewMode) , mShowWeapons(false) , mShowCarriedLeft(true) , mNpcType(getNpcType(ptr)) , mFirstPersonFieldOfView(firstPersonFieldOfView) , mSoundsDisabled(disableSounds) , mAccurateAiming(false) , mAimingFactor(0.f) { mNpc = mPtr.get()->mBase; mHeadAnimationTime = std::make_shared(mPtr); mWeaponAnimationTime = std::make_shared(this); for (size_t i = 0; i < ESM::PRT_Count; i++) { mPartslots[i] = -1; // each slot is empty mPartPriorities[i] = 0; } std::fill(mSounds.begin(), mSounds.end(), nullptr); updateNpcBase(); } void NpcAnimation::setViewMode(NpcAnimation::ViewMode viewMode) { assert(viewMode != VM_HeadOnly); if (mViewMode == viewMode) return; // FIXME: sheathing state must be consistent if the third person skeleton doesn't have the necessary node, but // third person skeleton is unavailable in first person view. This is a hack to avoid cosmetic issues. bool viewChange = mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson || viewMode == VM_FirstPerson; mViewMode = viewMode; MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->scaleObject( mPtr, mPtr.getCellRef().getScale(), true); // apply race height after view change mAmmunition.reset(); rebuild(); setRenderBin(); if (viewChange && Settings::game().mShieldSheathing) { int weaptype = ESM::Weapon::None; MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(mPtr, &weaptype); showCarriedLeft(updateCarriedLeftVisible(weaptype)); } } /// @brief A RenderBin callback to clear the depth buffer before rendering. /// Switches depth attachments to a proxy renderbuffer, reattaches original depth then redraws first person root. /// This gives a complete depth buffer which can be used for postprocessing, buffer resolves as if depth was never /// cleared. class DepthClearCallback : public osgUtil::RenderBin::DrawCallback { public: DepthClearCallback(Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem) { mPassNormals = resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getSupportsNormalsRT(); mDepth = new SceneUtil::AutoDepth; mDepth->setWriteMask(true); mStateSet = new osg::StateSet; mStateSet->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::ColorMask(false, false, false, false), osg::StateAttribute::ON); mStateSet->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); } void drawImplementation( osgUtil::RenderBin* bin, osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo, osgUtil::RenderLeaf*& previous) override { osg::State* state = renderInfo.getState(); PostProcessor* postProcessor = dynamic_cast(renderInfo.getCurrentCamera()->getUserData()); state->applyAttribute(mDepth); unsigned int frameId = state->getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber() % 2; if (postProcessor && postProcessor->getFbo(PostProcessor::FBO_FirstPerson, frameId)) { postProcessor->getFbo(PostProcessor::FBO_FirstPerson, frameId)->apply(*state); if (mPassNormals) { state->get()->glColorMaski(1, true, true, true, true); state->haveAppliedAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::COLORMASK); } glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // color accumulation pass bin->drawImplementation(renderInfo, previous); auto primaryFBO = postProcessor->getPrimaryFbo(frameId); if (postProcessor->getFbo(PostProcessor::FBO_OpaqueDepth, frameId)) postProcessor->getFbo(PostProcessor::FBO_OpaqueDepth, frameId)->apply(*state); else primaryFBO->apply(*state); // depth accumulation pass osg::ref_ptr restore = bin->getStateSet(); bin->setStateSet(mStateSet); bin->drawImplementation(renderInfo, previous); bin->setStateSet(restore); if (postProcessor->getFbo(PostProcessor::FBO_OpaqueDepth, frameId)) primaryFBO->apply(*state); } else { // fallback to standard depth clear when we are not rendering our main scene via an intermediate FBO glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); bin->drawImplementation(renderInfo, previous); } state->checkGLErrors("after DepthClearCallback::drawImplementation"); } bool mPassNormals; osg::ref_ptr mDepth; osg::ref_ptr mStateSet; }; /// Overrides Field of View to given value for rendering the subgraph. /// Must be added as cull callback. class OverrideFieldOfViewCallback : public osg::NodeCallback { public: OverrideFieldOfViewCallback(float fov) : mFov(fov) { } void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) override { osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = static_cast(nv); float fov, aspect, zNear, zFar; if (cv->getProjectionMatrix()->getPerspective(fov, aspect, zNear, zFar) && std::abs(fov - mFov) > 0.001) { fov = mFov; osg::ref_ptr newProjectionMatrix = new osg::RefMatrix(); newProjectionMatrix->makePerspective(fov, aspect, zNear, zFar); osg::ref_ptr invertedOldMatrix = cv->getProjectionMatrix(); invertedOldMatrix = new osg::RefMatrix(osg::RefMatrix::inverse(*invertedOldMatrix)); osg::ref_ptr viewMatrix = new osg::RefMatrix(*cv->getModelViewMatrix()); viewMatrix->postMult(*newProjectionMatrix); viewMatrix->postMult(*invertedOldMatrix); cv->pushModelViewMatrix(viewMatrix, osg::Transform::ReferenceFrame::ABSOLUTE_RF); traverse(node, nv); cv->popModelViewMatrix(); } else traverse(node, nv); } private: float mFov; }; void NpcAnimation::setRenderBin() { if (mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { static bool prototypeAdded = false; if (!prototypeAdded) { osg::ref_ptr depthClearBin(new osgUtil::RenderBin); depthClearBin->setDrawCallback(new DepthClearCallback(mResourceSystem)); osgUtil::RenderBin::addRenderBinPrototype("DepthClear", depthClearBin); prototypeAdded = true; } mObjectRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails( RenderBin_FirstPerson, "DepthClear", osg::StateSet::OVERRIDE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS); } else if (osg::StateSet* stateset = mObjectRoot->getStateSet()) stateset->setRenderBinToInherit(); } void NpcAnimation::rebuild() { mScabbard.reset(); mHolsteredShield.reset(); updateNpcBase(); MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->forceStateUpdate(mPtr); } int NpcAnimation::getSlot(const osg::NodePath& path) const { for (int i = 0; i < ESM::PRT_Count; ++i) { const PartHolder* const part = mObjectParts[i].get(); if (part == nullptr) continue; if (std::find(path.begin(), path.end(), part->getNode().get()) != path.end()) { return mPartslots[i]; } } return -1; } void NpcAnimation::updateNpcBase() { clearAnimSources(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ESM::PRT_Count; i++) removeIndividualPart((ESM::PartReferenceType)i); const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const ESM::Race* race = store.get().find(mNpc->mRace); NpcType curType = getNpcType(); bool isWerewolf = (curType == Type_Werewolf); bool isVampire = (curType == Type_Vampire); bool isFemale = !mNpc->isMale(); mHeadModel.clear(); mHairModel.clear(); const ESM::RefId& headName = isWerewolf ? ESM::RefId::stringRefId("WerewolfHead") : mNpc->mHead; const ESM::RefId& hairName = isWerewolf ? ESM::RefId::stringRefId("WerewolfHair") : mNpc->mHair; if (!headName.empty()) { const ESM::BodyPart* bp = store.get().search(headName); if (bp) mHeadModel = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(bp->mModel, mResourceSystem->getVFS()); else Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: Failed to load body part '" << headName << "'"; } if (!hairName.empty()) { const ESM::BodyPart* bp = store.get().search(hairName); if (bp) mHairModel = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(bp->mModel, mResourceSystem->getVFS()); else Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: Failed to load body part '" << hairName << "'"; } const std::string vampireHead = getVampireHead(mNpc->mRace, isFemale, *mResourceSystem->getVFS()); if (!isWerewolf && isVampire && !vampireHead.empty()) mHeadModel = vampireHead; bool is1stPerson = mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson; bool isBeast = (race->mData.mFlags & ESM::Race::Beast) != 0; std::string defaultSkeleton = SceneUtil::getActorSkeleton(is1stPerson, isFemale, isBeast, isWerewolf); defaultSkeleton = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctActorModelPath(defaultSkeleton, mResourceSystem->getVFS()); std::string smodel = defaultSkeleton; if (!is1stPerson && !isWerewolf && !mNpc->mModel.empty()) smodel = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctActorModelPath( Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(mNpc->mModel, mResourceSystem->getVFS()), mResourceSystem->getVFS()); setObjectRoot(smodel, true, true, false); updateParts(); if (!is1stPerson) { const std::string& base = Settings::Manager::getString("xbaseanim", "Models"); if (smodel != base && !isWerewolf) addAnimSource(base, smodel); if (smodel != defaultSkeleton && base != defaultSkeleton) addAnimSource(defaultSkeleton, smodel); addAnimSource(smodel, smodel); if (!isWerewolf && mNpc->mRace.contains("argonian")) addAnimSource("meshes\\xargonian_swimkna.nif", smodel); } else { const std::string& base = Settings::Manager::getString("xbaseanim1st", "Models"); if (smodel != base && !isWerewolf) addAnimSource(base, smodel); addAnimSource(smodel, smodel); mObjectRoot->setNodeMask(Mask_FirstPerson); mObjectRoot->addCullCallback(new OverrideFieldOfViewCallback(mFirstPersonFieldOfView)); } mWeaponAnimationTime->updateStartTime(); } std::string NpcAnimation::getSheathedShieldMesh(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& shield) const { std::string mesh = getShieldMesh(shield, !mNpc->isMale()); if (mesh.empty()) return std::string(); std::string holsteredName = mesh; holsteredName = holsteredName.replace(holsteredName.size() - 4, 4, "_sh.nif"); if (mResourceSystem->getVFS()->exists(holsteredName)) { osg::ref_ptr shieldTemplate = mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getInstance(holsteredName); SceneUtil::FindByNameVisitor findVisitor("Bip01 Sheath"); shieldTemplate->accept(findVisitor); osg::ref_ptr sheathNode = findVisitor.mFoundNode; if (!sheathNode) return std::string(); } return mesh; } void NpcAnimation::updateParts() { if (!mObjectRoot.get()) return; NpcType curType = getNpcType(); if (curType != mNpcType) { mNpcType = curType; rebuild(); return; } static const struct { int mSlot; int mBasePriority; } slotlist[] = { // FIXME: Priority is based on the number of reserved slots. There should be a better way. { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Robe, 11 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Skirt, 3 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Helmet, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Cuirass, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Greaves, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_LeftPauldron, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_RightPauldron, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Boots, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_LeftGauntlet, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_RightGauntlet, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Shirt, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Pants, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft, 0 }, { MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight, 0 } }; static const size_t slotlistsize = sizeof(slotlist) / sizeof(slotlist[0]); bool wasArrowAttached = isArrowAttached(); mAmmunition.reset(); const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); for (size_t i = 0; i < slotlistsize && mViewMode != VM_HeadOnly; i++) { MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator store = inv.getSlot(slotlist[i].mSlot); removePartGroup(slotlist[i].mSlot); if (store == inv.end()) continue; if (slotlist[i].mSlot == MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Helmet) removeIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Hair); int prio = 1; bool enchantedGlow = !store->getClass().getEnchantment(*store).empty(); osg::Vec4f glowColor = store->getClass().getEnchantmentColor(*store); if (store->getType() == ESM::Clothing::sRecordId) { prio = ((slotlist[i].mBasePriority + 1) << 1) + 0; const ESM::Clothing* clothes = store->get()->mBase; addPartGroup(slotlist[i].mSlot, prio, clothes->mParts.mParts, enchantedGlow, &glowColor); } else if (store->getType() == ESM::Armor::sRecordId) { prio = ((slotlist[i].mBasePriority + 1) << 1) + 1; const ESM::Armor* armor = store->get()->mBase; addPartGroup(slotlist[i].mSlot, prio, armor->mParts.mParts, enchantedGlow, &glowColor); } if (slotlist[i].mSlot == MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Robe) { ESM::PartReferenceType parts[] = { ESM::PRT_Groin, ESM::PRT_Skirt, ESM::PRT_RLeg, ESM::PRT_LLeg, ESM::PRT_RUpperarm, ESM::PRT_LUpperarm, ESM::PRT_RKnee, ESM::PRT_LKnee, ESM::PRT_RForearm, ESM::PRT_LForearm, ESM::PRT_Cuirass }; size_t parts_size = sizeof(parts) / sizeof(parts[0]); for (size_t p = 0; p < parts_size; ++p) reserveIndividualPart(parts[p], slotlist[i].mSlot, prio); } else if (slotlist[i].mSlot == MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Skirt) { reserveIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Groin, slotlist[i].mSlot, prio); reserveIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_RLeg, slotlist[i].mSlot, prio); reserveIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_LLeg, slotlist[i].mSlot, prio); } } if (mViewMode != VM_FirstPerson) { if (mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Head] < 1 && !mHeadModel.empty()) addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Head, -1, 1, mHeadModel); if (mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Hair] < 1 && mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Head] <= 1 && !mHairModel.empty()) addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Hair, -1, 1, mHairModel); } if (mViewMode == VM_HeadOnly) return; if (mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Shield] < 1) { MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator store = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); MWWorld::ConstPtr part; if (store != inv.end() && (part = *store).getType() == ESM::Light::sRecordId) { const ESM::Light* light = part.get()->mBase; const VFS::Manager* const vfs = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS(); addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Shield, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft, 1, Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(light->mModel, vfs), false, nullptr, true); if (mObjectParts[ESM::PRT_Shield]) addExtraLight(mObjectParts[ESM::PRT_Shield]->getNode()->asGroup(), SceneUtil::LightCommon(*light)); } } showWeapons(mShowWeapons); showCarriedLeft(mShowCarriedLeft); bool isWerewolf = (getNpcType() == Type_Werewolf); ESM::RefId race = (isWerewolf ? ESM::RefId::stringRefId("werewolf") : mNpc->mRace); const std::vector& parts = getBodyParts(race, !mNpc->isMale(), mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson, isWerewolf); for (int part = ESM::PRT_Neck; part < ESM::PRT_Count; ++part) { if (mPartPriorities[part] < 1) { const ESM::BodyPart* bodypart = parts[part]; if (bodypart) { const VFS::Manager* const vfs = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS(); addOrReplaceIndividualPart(static_cast(part), -1, 1, Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(bodypart->mModel, vfs)); } } } if (wasArrowAttached) attachArrow(); } PartHolderPtr NpcAnimation::insertBoundedPart(const std::string& model, std::string_view bonename, std::string_view bonefilter, bool enchantedGlow, osg::Vec4f* glowColor, bool isLight) { osg::ref_ptr attached = attach(model, bonename, bonefilter, isLight); if (enchantedGlow) mGlowUpdater = SceneUtil::addEnchantedGlow(attached, mResourceSystem, *glowColor); return std::make_unique(attached); } osg::Vec3f NpcAnimation::runAnimation(float timepassed) { osg::Vec3f ret = Animation::runAnimation(timepassed); mHeadAnimationTime->update(timepassed); if (mFirstPersonNeckController) { if (mAccurateAiming) mAimingFactor = 1.f; else mAimingFactor = std::max(0.f, mAimingFactor - timepassed * 0.5f); float rotateFactor = 0.75f + 0.25f * mAimingFactor; mFirstPersonNeckController->setRotate( osg::Quat(mPtr.getRefData().getPosition().rot[0] * rotateFactor, osg::Vec3f(-1, 0, 0))); mFirstPersonNeckController->setOffset(mFirstPersonOffset); } WeaponAnimation::configureControllers(mPtr.getRefData().getPosition().rot[0] + getBodyPitchRadians()); return ret; } void NpcAnimation::removeIndividualPart(ESM::PartReferenceType type) { mPartPriorities[type] = 0; mPartslots[type] = -1; mObjectParts[type].reset(); if (mSounds[type] != nullptr && !mSoundsDisabled) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->stopSound(mSounds[type]); mSounds[type] = nullptr; } } void NpcAnimation::reserveIndividualPart(ESM::PartReferenceType type, int group, int priority) { if (priority > mPartPriorities[type]) { removeIndividualPart(type); mPartPriorities[type] = priority; mPartslots[type] = group; } } void NpcAnimation::removePartGroup(int group) { for (int i = 0; i < ESM::PRT_Count; i++) { if (mPartslots[i] == group) removeIndividualPart((ESM::PartReferenceType)i); } } bool NpcAnimation::isFemalePart(const ESM::BodyPart* bodypart) { return bodypart->mData.mFlags & ESM::BodyPart::BPF_Female; } bool NpcAnimation::addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PartReferenceType type, int group, int priority, const std::string& mesh, bool enchantedGlow, osg::Vec4f* glowColor, bool isLight) { if (priority <= mPartPriorities[type]) return false; removeIndividualPart(type); mPartslots[type] = group; mPartPriorities[type] = priority; try { std::string_view bonename = sPartList.at(type); if (type == ESM::PRT_Weapon) { const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator weapon = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); if (weapon != inv.end() && weapon->getType() == ESM::Weapon::sRecordId) { int weaponType = weapon->get()->mBase->mData.mType; const std::string& weaponBonename = MWMechanics::getWeaponType(weaponType)->mAttachBone; if (weaponBonename != bonename) { const NodeMap& nodeMap = getNodeMap(); NodeMap::const_iterator found = nodeMap.find(weaponBonename); if (found != nodeMap.end()) bonename = weaponBonename; } } } // PRT_Hair seems to be the only type that breaks consistency and uses a filter that's different from the // attachment bone const std::string_view bonefilter = (type == ESM::PRT_Hair) ? std::string_view{ "hair" } : bonename; mObjectParts[type] = insertBoundedPart(mesh, bonename, bonefilter, enchantedGlow, glowColor, isLight); } catch (std::exception& e) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error adding NPC part: " << e.what(); return false; } if (!mSoundsDisabled && group == MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft) { const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator csi = inv.getSlot(group); if (csi != inv.end()) { const auto soundId = csi->getClass().getSound(*csi); if (!soundId.empty()) { mSounds[type] = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D( mPtr, soundId, 1.0f, 1.0f, MWSound::Type::Sfx, MWSound::PlayMode::Loop); } } } osg::Node* node = mObjectParts[type]->getNode(); if (node->getNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal() > 0) { std::shared_ptr src; if (type == ESM::PRT_Head) { src = mHeadAnimationTime; if (node->getUserDataContainer()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->getUserDataContainer()->getNumUserObjects(); ++i) { osg::Object* obj = node->getUserDataContainer()->getUserObject(i); if (SceneUtil::TextKeyMapHolder* keys = dynamic_cast(obj)) { for (const auto& key : keys->mTextKeys) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(key.second, "talk: start")) mHeadAnimationTime->setTalkStart(key.first); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(key.second, "talk: stop")) mHeadAnimationTime->setTalkStop(key.first); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(key.second, "blink: start")) mHeadAnimationTime->setBlinkStart(key.first); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(key.second, "blink: stop")) mHeadAnimationTime->setBlinkStop(key.first); } break; } } } SceneUtil::ForceControllerSourcesVisitor assignVisitor(src); node->accept(assignVisitor); } else { if (type == ESM::PRT_Weapon) src = mWeaponAnimationTime; else src = std::make_shared(); SceneUtil::AssignControllerSourcesVisitor assignVisitor(src); node->accept(assignVisitor); } } return true; } void NpcAnimation::addPartGroup(int group, int priority, const std::vector& parts, bool enchantedGlow, osg::Vec4f* glowColor) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const MWWorld::Store& partStore = store.get(); const char* ext = (mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) ? ".1st" : ""; for (const ESM::PartReference& part : parts) { const ESM::BodyPart* bodypart = nullptr; if (!mNpc->isMale() && !part.mFemale.empty()) { bodypart = partStore.search(ESM::RefId::stringRefId(part.mFemale.getRefIdString() + ext)); if (!bodypart && mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { bodypart = partStore.search(part.mFemale); if (bodypart && !(bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand || bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist || bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm || bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm)) bodypart = nullptr; } else if (!bodypart) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: Failed to find body part '" << part.mFemale << "'"; } if (!bodypart && !part.mMale.empty()) { bodypart = partStore.search(ESM::RefId::stringRefId(part.mMale.getRefIdString() + ext)); if (!bodypart && mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { bodypart = partStore.search(part.mMale); if (bodypart && !(bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand || bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist || bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm || bodypart->mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm)) bodypart = nullptr; } else if (!bodypart) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: Failed to find body part '" << part.mMale << "'"; } if (bodypart) { const VFS::Manager* const vfs = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS(); addOrReplaceIndividualPart(static_cast(part.mPart), group, priority, Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctMeshPath(bodypart->mModel, vfs), enchantedGlow, glowColor); } else reserveIndividualPart((ESM::PartReferenceType)part.mPart, group, priority); } } void NpcAnimation::addControllers() { Animation::addControllers(); mFirstPersonNeckController = nullptr; WeaponAnimation::deleteControllers(); if (mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { NodeMap::iterator found = mNodeMap.find("bip01 neck"); if (found != mNodeMap.end()) { osg::MatrixTransform* node = found->second.get(); mFirstPersonNeckController = new RotateController(mObjectRoot.get()); node->addUpdateCallback(mFirstPersonNeckController); mActiveControllers.emplace_back(node, mFirstPersonNeckController); } } else if (mViewMode == VM_Normal) { WeaponAnimation::addControllers(mNodeMap, mActiveControllers, mObjectRoot.get()); } } void NpcAnimation::showWeapons(bool showWeapon) { mShowWeapons = showWeapon; mAmmunition.reset(); if (showWeapon) { const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator weapon = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); if (weapon != inv.end()) { osg::Vec4f glowColor = weapon->getClass().getEnchantmentColor(*weapon); std::string mesh = weapon->getClass().getModel(*weapon); addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Weapon, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight, 1, mesh, !weapon->getClass().getEnchantment(*weapon).empty(), &glowColor); // Crossbows start out with a bolt attached if (weapon->getType() == ESM::Weapon::sRecordId && weapon->get()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow) { int ammotype = MWMechanics::getWeaponType(ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow)->mAmmoType; MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator ammo = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Ammunition); if (ammo != inv.end() && ammo->get()->mBase->mData.mType == ammotype) attachArrow(); } } } else { removeIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Weapon); // If we remove/hide weapon from player, we should reset attack animation as well if (mPtr == MWMechanics::getPlayer()) mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).setAttackingOrSpell(false); } updateHolsteredWeapon(!mShowWeapons); updateQuiver(); } bool NpcAnimation::updateCarriedLeftVisible(const int weaptype) const { if (Settings::game().mShieldSheathing) { const MWWorld::Class& cls = mPtr.getClass(); MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr); if (stats.getDrawState() == MWMechanics::DrawState::Nothing) { SceneUtil::FindByNameVisitor findVisitor("Bip01 AttachShield"); mObjectRoot->accept(findVisitor); if (findVisitor.mFoundNode || mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = cls.getInventoryStore(mPtr); const MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator shield = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); if (shield != inv.end() && shield->getType() == ESM::Armor::sRecordId && !getSheathedShieldMesh(*shield).empty()) return false; } } } return !(MWMechanics::getWeaponType(weaptype)->mFlags & ESM::WeaponType::TwoHanded); } void NpcAnimation::showCarriedLeft(bool show) { mShowCarriedLeft = show; const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator iter = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); if (show && iter != inv.end()) { osg::Vec4f glowColor = iter->getClass().getEnchantmentColor(*iter); std::string mesh = iter->getClass().getModel(*iter); // For shields we must try to use the body part model if (iter->getType() == ESM::Armor::sRecordId) { mesh = getShieldMesh(*iter, !mNpc->isMale()); } if (mesh.empty() || addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Shield, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft, 1, mesh, !iter->getClass().getEnchantment(*iter).empty(), &glowColor, iter->getType() == ESM::Light::sRecordId)) { if (mesh.empty()) reserveIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Shield, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft, 1); if (iter->getType() == ESM::Light::sRecordId && mObjectParts[ESM::PRT_Shield]) addExtraLight(mObjectParts[ESM::PRT_Shield]->getNode()->asGroup(), SceneUtil::LightCommon(*iter->get()->mBase)); } } else removeIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Shield); updateHolsteredShield(mShowCarriedLeft); } void NpcAnimation::attachArrow() { WeaponAnimation::attachArrow(mPtr); const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator ammo = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Ammunition); if (ammo != inv.end() && !ammo->getClass().getEnchantment(*ammo).empty()) { osg::Group* bone = getArrowBone(); if (bone != nullptr && bone->getNumChildren()) SceneUtil::addEnchantedGlow( bone->getChild(0), mResourceSystem, ammo->getClass().getEnchantmentColor(*ammo)); } updateQuiver(); } void NpcAnimation::detachArrow() { WeaponAnimation::detachArrow(mPtr); updateQuiver(); } void NpcAnimation::releaseArrow(float attackStrength) { WeaponAnimation::releaseArrow(mPtr, attackStrength); updateQuiver(); } osg::Group* NpcAnimation::getArrowBone() { const PartHolder* const part = mObjectParts[ESM::PRT_Weapon].get(); if (part == nullptr) return nullptr; const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator weapon = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); if (weapon == inv.end() || weapon->getType() != ESM::Weapon::sRecordId) return nullptr; int type = weapon->get()->mBase->mData.mType; int ammoType = MWMechanics::getWeaponType(type)->mAmmoType; if (ammoType == ESM::Weapon::None) return nullptr; // Try to find and attachment bone in actor's skeleton, otherwise fall back to the ArrowBone in weapon's mesh osg::Group* bone = getBoneByName(MWMechanics::getWeaponType(ammoType)->mAttachBone); if (bone == nullptr) { SceneUtil::FindByNameVisitor findVisitor("ArrowBone"); part->getNode()->accept(findVisitor); bone = findVisitor.mFoundNode; } return bone; } osg::Node* NpcAnimation::getWeaponNode() { const PartHolder* const part = mObjectParts[ESM::PRT_Weapon].get(); if (part == nullptr) return nullptr; return part->getNode(); } Resource::ResourceSystem* NpcAnimation::getResourceSystem() { return mResourceSystem; } void NpcAnimation::enableHeadAnimation(bool enable) { mHeadAnimationTime->setEnabled(enable); } void NpcAnimation::setWeaponGroup(const std::string& group, bool relativeDuration) { mWeaponAnimationTime->setGroup(group, relativeDuration); } void NpcAnimation::equipmentChanged() { if (Settings::game().mShieldSheathing) { int weaptype = ESM::Weapon::None; MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(mPtr, &weaptype); showCarriedLeft(updateCarriedLeftVisible(weaptype)); } updateParts(); } void NpcAnimation::setVampire(bool vampire) { if (mNpcType == Type_Werewolf) // we can't have werewolf vampires, can we return; if ((mNpcType == Type_Vampire) != vampire) { if (mPtr == MWMechanics::getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->reattachPlayerCamera(); else rebuild(); } } void NpcAnimation::setFirstPersonOffset(const osg::Vec3f& offset) { mFirstPersonOffset = offset; } void NpcAnimation::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& updated) { Animation::updatePtr(updated); mHeadAnimationTime->updatePtr(updated); } // Remember body parts so we only have to search through the store once for each race/gender/viewmode combination typedef std::map, std::vector> RaceMapping; static RaceMapping sRaceMapping; const std::vector& NpcAnimation::getBodyParts( const ESM::RefId& race, bool female, bool firstPerson, bool werewolf) { static const int Flag_FirstPerson = 1 << 1; static const int Flag_Female = 1 << 0; int flags = (werewolf ? -1 : 0); if (female) flags |= Flag_Female; if (firstPerson) flags |= Flag_FirstPerson; RaceMapping::iterator found = sRaceMapping.find(std::make_pair(race, flags)); if (found != sRaceMapping.end()) return found->second; else { std::vector& parts = sRaceMapping[std::make_pair(race, flags)]; typedef std::multimap BodyPartMapType; static const BodyPartMapType sBodyPartMap = { { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Neck, ESM::PRT_Neck }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Chest, ESM::PRT_Cuirass }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Groin, ESM::PRT_Groin }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand, ESM::PRT_RHand }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand, ESM::PRT_LHand }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist, ESM::PRT_RWrist }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist, ESM::PRT_LWrist }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm, ESM::PRT_RForearm }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm, ESM::PRT_LForearm }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm, ESM::PRT_RUpperarm }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm, ESM::PRT_LUpperarm }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Foot, ESM::PRT_RFoot }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Foot, ESM::PRT_LFoot }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Ankle, ESM::PRT_RAnkle }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Ankle, ESM::PRT_LAnkle }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Knee, ESM::PRT_RKnee }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Knee, ESM::PRT_LKnee }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperleg, ESM::PRT_RLeg }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperleg, ESM::PRT_LLeg }, { ESM::BodyPart::MP_Tail, ESM::PRT_Tail } }; parts.resize(ESM::PRT_Count, nullptr); if (werewolf) return parts; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); for (const ESM::BodyPart& bodypart : store.get()) { if (bodypart.mData.mFlags & ESM::BodyPart::BPF_NotPlayable) continue; if (bodypart.mData.mType != ESM::BodyPart::MT_Skin) continue; if (!(bodypart.mRace == race)) continue; const bool partFirstPerson = ESM::isFirstPersonBodyPart(bodypart); bool isHand = bodypart.mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand || bodypart.mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist || bodypart.mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm || bodypart.mData.mPart == ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm; bool isSameGender = isFemalePart(&bodypart) == female; /* A fallback for the arms if 1st person is missing: 1. Try to use 3d person skin for same gender 2. Try to use 1st person skin for male, if female == true 3. Try to use 3d person skin for male, if female == true A fallback in another cases: allow to use male bodyparts, if female == true */ if (firstPerson && isHand && !partFirstPerson) { // Allow 3rd person skins as a fallback for the arms if 1st person is missing BodyPartMapType::const_iterator bIt = sBodyPartMap.lower_bound(BodyPartMapType::key_type(bodypart.mData.mPart)); while (bIt != sBodyPartMap.end() && bIt->first == bodypart.mData.mPart) { // If we have no fallback bodypart now and bodypart is for same gender (1) if (!parts[bIt->second] && isSameGender) parts[bIt->second] = &bodypart; // If we have fallback bodypart for other gender and found fallback for current gender (1) else if (isSameGender && isFemalePart(parts[bIt->second]) != female) parts[bIt->second] = &bodypart; // If we have no fallback bodypart and searching for female bodyparts (3) else if (!parts[bIt->second] && female) parts[bIt->second] = &bodypart; ++bIt; } continue; } // Don't allow to use podyparts for a different view if (partFirstPerson != firstPerson) continue; if (female && !isFemalePart(&bodypart)) { // Allow male parts as fallback for females if female parts are missing BodyPartMapType::const_iterator bIt = sBodyPartMap.lower_bound(BodyPartMapType::key_type(bodypart.mData.mPart)); while (bIt != sBodyPartMap.end() && bIt->first == bodypart.mData.mPart) { // If we have no fallback bodypart now if (!parts[bIt->second]) parts[bIt->second] = &bodypart; // If we have 3d person fallback bodypart for hand and 1st person fallback found (2) else if (isHand && !ESM::isFirstPersonBodyPart(*parts[bIt->second]) && partFirstPerson) parts[bIt->second] = &bodypart; ++bIt; } continue; } // Don't allow to use podyparts for another gender if (female != isFemalePart(&bodypart)) continue; // Use properly found bodypart, replacing fallbacks BodyPartMapType::const_iterator bIt = sBodyPartMap.lower_bound(BodyPartMapType::key_type(bodypart.mData.mPart)); while (bIt != sBodyPartMap.end() && bIt->first == bodypart.mData.mPart) { parts[bIt->second] = &bodypart; ++bIt; } } return parts; } } void NpcAnimation::setAccurateAiming(bool enabled) { mAccurateAiming = enabled; } bool NpcAnimation::isArrowAttached() const { return mAmmunition != nullptr; } }