#include "debugwindow.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef BT_NO_PROFILE namespace { void bulletDumpRecursive(CProfileIterator* pit, int spacing, std::stringstream& os) { pit->First(); if (pit->Is_Done()) return; float accumulated_time=0,parent_time = pit->Is_Root() ? CProfileManager::Get_Time_Since_Reset() : pit->Get_Current_Parent_Total_Time(); int i,j; int frames_since_reset = CProfileManager::Get_Frame_Count_Since_Reset(); for (i=0;iGet_Current_Parent_Name())+" (total running time: "+MyGUI::utility::toString(parent_time,3)+" ms) ---\n"; os << s; //float totalTime = 0.f; int numChildren = 0; for (i = 0; !pit->Is_Done(); i++,pit->Next()) { numChildren++; float current_total_time = pit->Get_Current_Total_Time(); accumulated_time += current_total_time; float fraction = parent_time > SIMD_EPSILON ? (current_total_time / parent_time) * 100 : 0.f; for (j=0;jGet_Current_Name()+" ("+MyGUI::utility::toString(fraction,2)+" %) :: "+MyGUI::utility::toString(ms,3)+" ms / frame ("+MyGUI::utility::toString(pit->Get_Current_Total_Calls())+" calls)\n"; os << s; //totalTime += current_total_time; //recurse into children } if (parent_time < accumulated_time) { os << "what's wrong\n"; } for (i=0;i SIMD_EPSILON ? ((parent_time - accumulated_time) / parent_time) * 100 : 0.f; s = "Unaccounted: ("+MyGUI::utility::toString(unaccounted,3)+" %) :: "+MyGUI::utility::toString(parent_time - accumulated_time,3)+" ms\n"; os << s; for (i=0;iEnter_Child(i); bulletDumpRecursive(pit, spacing+3, os); pit->Enter_Parent(); } } void bulletDumpAll(std::stringstream& os) { CProfileIterator* profileIterator = 0; profileIterator = CProfileManager::Get_Iterator(); bulletDumpRecursive(profileIterator, 0, os); CProfileManager::Release_Iterator(profileIterator); } } #endif // BT_NO_PROFILE namespace MWGui { DebugWindow::DebugWindow() : WindowBase("openmw_debug_window.layout") { getWidget(mTabControl, "TabControl"); // Ideas for other tabs: // - Texture / compositor texture viewer // - Material editor // - Shader editor initLogView(); #ifndef BT_NO_PROFILE MyGUI::TabItem* item = mTabControl->addItem("Physics Profiler"); mBulletProfilerEdit = item->createWidgetReal ("LogEdit", MyGUI::FloatCoord(0,0,1,1), MyGUI::Align::Stretch); #else mBulletProfilerEdit = nullptr; #endif } void DebugWindow::initLogView() { MyGUI::TabItem* itemLV = mTabControl->addItem("Log Viewer"); mLogView = itemLV->createWidgetReal ("LogEdit", MyGUI::FloatCoord(0,0,1,1), MyGUI::Align::Stretch); mLogView->setEditReadOnly(true); mLogCircularBuffer.resize(std::max(0, Settings::Manager::getInt64("log buffer size", "General"))); Debug::setLogListener([this](Debug::Level level, std::string_view prefix, std::string_view msg) { if (mLogCircularBuffer.empty()) return; // Log viewer is disabled. std::string_view color; switch (level) { case Debug::Error: color = "#FF0000"; break; case Debug::Warning: color = "#FFFF00"; break; case Debug::Info: color = "#FFFFFF"; break; case Debug::Verbose: case Debug::Debug: color = "#666666"; break; default: color = "#FFFFFF"; } bool bufferOverflow = false; const int64_t bufSize = mLogCircularBuffer.size(); auto addChar = [&](char c) { mLogCircularBuffer[mLogEndIndex++] = c; if (mLogEndIndex == bufSize) mLogEndIndex = 0; bufferOverflow = bufferOverflow || mLogEndIndex == mLogStartIndex; }; auto addShieldedStr = [&](std::string_view s) { for (char c : s) { addChar(c); if (c == '#') addChar(c); } }; for (char c : color) addChar(c); addShieldedStr(prefix); addShieldedStr(msg); if (bufferOverflow) mLogStartIndex = (mLogEndIndex + 1) % bufSize; }); } void DebugWindow::updateLogView() { if (!mLogView || mLogCircularBuffer.empty() || mLogStartIndex == mLogEndIndex) return; if (mLogView->isTextSelection()) return; // Don't change text while player is trying to copy something std::string addition; const int64_t bufSize = mLogCircularBuffer.size(); { std::unique_lock lock = Log::lock(); if (mLogStartIndex < mLogEndIndex) addition = std::string(mLogCircularBuffer.data() + mLogStartIndex, mLogEndIndex - mLogStartIndex); else { addition = std::string(mLogCircularBuffer.data() + mLogStartIndex, bufSize - mLogStartIndex); addition.append(mLogCircularBuffer.data(), mLogEndIndex); } mLogStartIndex = mLogEndIndex; } size_t scrollPos = mLogView->getVScrollPosition(); bool scrolledToTheEnd = scrollPos+1 >= mLogView->getVScrollRange(); int64_t newSizeEstimation = mLogView->getTextLength() + addition.size(); if (newSizeEstimation > bufSize) mLogView->eraseText(0, newSizeEstimation - bufSize); mLogView->addText(addition); if (scrolledToTheEnd && mLogView->getVScrollRange() > 0) mLogView->setVScrollPosition(mLogView->getVScrollRange() - 1); else mLogView->setVScrollPosition(scrollPos); } void DebugWindow::updateBulletProfile() { #ifndef BT_NO_PROFILE std::stringstream stream; bulletDumpAll(stream); if (mBulletProfilerEdit->isTextSelection()) // pause updating while user is trying to copy text return; size_t previousPos = mBulletProfilerEdit->getVScrollPosition(); mBulletProfilerEdit->setCaption(stream.str()); mBulletProfilerEdit->setVScrollPosition(std::min(previousPos, mBulletProfilerEdit->getVScrollRange()-1)); #endif } void DebugWindow::onFrame(float dt) { static float timer = 0; timer -= dt; if (timer > 0 || !isVisible()) return; timer = 0.25; if (mTabControl->getIndexSelected() == 0) updateLogView(); else updateBulletProfile(); } }