#ifndef MWINPUT_ACTIONS_H #define MWINPUT_ACTIONS_H namespace MWInput { enum Actions { // please add new actions at the bottom, in order to preserve the channel IDs in the key configuration files A_GameMenu, A_Unused, A_Screenshot, // Take a screenshot A_Inventory, // Toggle inventory screen A_Console, // Toggle console screen A_MoveLeft, // Move player left / right A_MoveRight, A_MoveForward, // Forward / Backward A_MoveBackward, A_Activate, A_Use, //Use weapon, spell, etc. A_Jump, A_AutoMove, //Toggle Auto-move forward A_Rest, //Rest A_Journal, //Journal A_Weapon, //Draw/Sheath weapon A_Spell, //Ready/Unready Casting A_Run, //Run when held A_CycleSpellLeft, //cycling through spells A_CycleSpellRight, A_CycleWeaponLeft, //Cycling through weapons A_CycleWeaponRight, A_ToggleSneak, //Toggles Sneak A_AlwaysRun, //Toggle Walking/Running A_Sneak, A_QuickSave, A_QuickLoad, A_QuickMenu, A_ToggleWeapon, A_ToggleSpell, A_TogglePOV, A_QuickKey1, A_QuickKey2, A_QuickKey3, A_QuickKey4, A_QuickKey5, A_QuickKey6, A_QuickKey7, A_QuickKey8, A_QuickKey9, A_QuickKey10, A_QuickKeysMenu, A_ToggleHUD, A_ToggleDebug, A_LookUpDown, //Joystick look A_LookLeftRight, A_MoveForwardBackward, A_MoveLeftRight, A_ZoomIn, A_ZoomOut, A_Last // Marker for the last item }; } #endif