#include #include #include #include #include "components/debug/debuglog.hpp" #include #include "components/misc/convert.hpp" #include "components/settings/settings.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/movement.hpp" #include "../mwrender/bulletdebugdraw.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "actor.hpp" #include "contacttestwrapper.h" #include "movementsolver.hpp" #include "mtphysics.hpp" #include "object.hpp" #include "physicssystem.hpp" #include "projectile.hpp" namespace { /// @brief A scoped lock that is either exclusive or inexistent depending on configuration template class MaybeExclusiveLock { public: /// @param mutex a mutex /// @param threadCount decide wether the excluse lock will be taken MaybeExclusiveLock(Mutex& mutex, int threadCount) : mMutex(mutex), mThreadCount(threadCount) { assert(threadCount >= 0); if (mThreadCount > 0) mMutex.lock(); } ~MaybeExclusiveLock() { if (mThreadCount > 0) mMutex.unlock(); } private: Mutex& mMutex; unsigned int mThreadCount; }; /// @brief A scoped lock that is either shared or inexistent depending on configuration template class MaybeSharedLock { public: /// @param mutex a shared mutex /// @param threadCount decide wether the shared lock will be taken MaybeSharedLock(Mutex& mutex, int threadCount) : mMutex(mutex), mThreadCount(threadCount) { assert(threadCount >= 0); if (mThreadCount > 0) mMutex.lock_shared(); } ~MaybeSharedLock() { if (mThreadCount > 0) mMutex.unlock_shared(); } private: Mutex& mMutex; unsigned int mThreadCount; }; /// @brief A scoped lock that is either shared, exclusive or inexistent depending on configuration template class MaybeLock { public: /// @param mutex a shared mutex /// @param threadCount decide wether the lock will be shared, exclusive or inexistent MaybeLock(Mutex& mutex, int threadCount) : mMutex(mutex), mThreadCount(threadCount) { assert(threadCount >= 0); if (mThreadCount > 1) mMutex.lock_shared(); else if(mThreadCount == 1) mMutex.lock(); } ~MaybeLock() { if (mThreadCount > 1) mMutex.unlock_shared(); else if(mThreadCount == 1) mMutex.unlock(); } private: Mutex& mMutex; unsigned int mThreadCount; }; bool isUnderWater(const MWPhysics::ActorFrameData& actorData) { return actorData.mPosition.z() < actorData.mSwimLevel; } osg::Vec3f interpolateMovements(const MWPhysics::PtrHolder& ptr, float timeAccum, float physicsDt) { const float interpolationFactor = std::clamp(timeAccum / physicsDt, 0.0f, 1.0f); return ptr.getPosition() * interpolationFactor + ptr.getPreviousPosition() * (1.f - interpolationFactor); } using LockedActorSimulation = std::pair< std::shared_ptr, std::reference_wrapper >; using LockedProjectileSimulation = std::pair< std::shared_ptr, std::reference_wrapper >; namespace Visitors { template class Lock> struct WithLockedPtr { const Impl& mImpl; std::shared_mutex& mCollisionWorldMutex; const int mNumJobs; template void operator()(MWPhysics::SimulationImpl& sim) const { auto locked = sim.lock(); if (!locked.has_value()) return; auto&& [ptr, frameData] = *std::move(locked); // Locked shared_ptr has to be destructed after releasing mCollisionWorldMutex to avoid // possible deadlock. Ptr destructor also acquires mCollisionWorldMutex. const std::pair arg(std::move(ptr), frameData); const Lock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumJobs); mImpl(arg); } }; struct InitPosition { const btCollisionWorld* mCollisionWorld; void operator()(MWPhysics::ActorSimulation& sim) const { auto locked = sim.lock(); if (!locked.has_value()) return; auto& [actor, frameDataRef] = *locked; auto& frameData = frameDataRef.get(); actor->applyOffsetChange(); frameData.mPosition = actor->getPosition(); if (frameData.mWaterCollision && frameData.mPosition.z() < frameData.mWaterlevel && actor->canMoveToWaterSurface(frameData.mWaterlevel, mCollisionWorld)) { const auto offset = osg::Vec3f(0, 0, frameData.mWaterlevel - frameData.mPosition.z()); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObjectBy(actor->getPtr(), offset); actor->applyOffsetChange(); frameData.mPosition = actor->getPosition(); } frameData.mOldHeight = frameData.mPosition.z(); const auto rotation = actor->getPtr().getRefData().getPosition().asRotationVec3(); frameData.mRotation = osg::Vec2f(rotation.x(), rotation.z()); frameData.mInertia = actor->getInertialForce(); frameData.mStuckFrames = actor->getStuckFrames(); frameData.mLastStuckPosition = actor->getLastStuckPosition(); } void operator()(MWPhysics::ProjectileSimulation& /*sim*/) const { } }; struct PreStep { btCollisionWorld* mCollisionWorld; void operator()(const LockedActorSimulation& sim) const { MWPhysics::MovementSolver::unstuck(sim.second, mCollisionWorld); } void operator()(const LockedProjectileSimulation& /*sim*/) const { } }; struct UpdatePosition { btCollisionWorld* mCollisionWorld; void operator()(const LockedActorSimulation& sim) const { auto& [actor, frameDataRef] = sim; auto& frameData = frameDataRef.get(); if (actor->setPosition(frameData.mPosition)) { frameData.mPosition = actor->getPosition(); // account for potential position change made by script actor->updateCollisionObjectPosition(); mCollisionWorld->updateSingleAabb(actor->getCollisionObject()); } } void operator()(const LockedProjectileSimulation& sim) const { auto& [proj, frameDataRef] = sim; auto& frameData = frameDataRef.get(); proj->setPosition(frameData.mPosition); proj->updateCollisionObjectPosition(); mCollisionWorld->updateSingleAabb(proj->getCollisionObject()); } }; struct Move { const float mPhysicsDt; const btCollisionWorld* mCollisionWorld; const MWPhysics::WorldFrameData& mWorldFrameData; void operator()(const LockedActorSimulation& sim) const { MWPhysics::MovementSolver::move(sim.second, mPhysicsDt, mCollisionWorld, mWorldFrameData); } void operator()(const LockedProjectileSimulation& sim) const { MWPhysics::MovementSolver::move(sim.second, mPhysicsDt, mCollisionWorld); } }; struct Sync { const bool mAdvanceSimulation; const float mTimeAccum; const float mPhysicsDt; const MWPhysics::PhysicsTaskScheduler* scheduler; void operator()(MWPhysics::ActorSimulation& sim) const { auto locked = sim.lock(); if (!locked.has_value()) return; auto& [actor, frameDataRef] = *locked; auto& frameData = frameDataRef.get(); auto ptr = actor->getPtr(); MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); const float heightDiff = frameData.mPosition.z() - frameData.mOldHeight; const bool isStillOnGround = (mAdvanceSimulation && frameData.mWasOnGround && frameData.mIsOnGround); if (isStillOnGround || frameData.mFlying || isUnderWater(frameData) || frameData.mSlowFall < 1) stats.land(ptr == MWMechanics::getPlayer() && (frameData.mFlying || isUnderWater(frameData))); else if (heightDiff < 0) stats.addToFallHeight(-heightDiff); actor->setSimulationPosition(::interpolateMovements(*actor, mTimeAccum, mPhysicsDt)); actor->setLastStuckPosition(frameData.mLastStuckPosition); actor->setStuckFrames(frameData.mStuckFrames); if (mAdvanceSimulation) { MWWorld::Ptr standingOn; auto* ptrHolder = static_cast(scheduler->getUserPointer(frameData.mStandingOn)); if (ptrHolder) standingOn = ptrHolder->getPtr(); actor->setStandingOnPtr(standingOn); // the "on ground" state of an actor might have been updated by a traceDown, don't overwrite the change if (actor->getOnGround() == frameData.mWasOnGround) actor->setOnGround(frameData.mIsOnGround); actor->setOnSlope(frameData.mIsOnSlope); actor->setWalkingOnWater(frameData.mWalkingOnWater); actor->setInertialForce(frameData.mInertia); } } void operator()(MWPhysics::ProjectileSimulation& sim) const { auto locked = sim.lock(); if (!locked.has_value()) return; auto& [proj, frameData] = *locked; proj->setSimulationPosition(::interpolateMovements(*proj, mTimeAccum, mPhysicsDt)); } }; } namespace Config { /// @return either the number of thread as configured by the user, or 1 if Bullet doesn't support multithreading and user requested more than 1 background threads int computeNumThreads() { int wantedThread = Settings::Manager::getInt("async num threads", "Physics"); auto broad = std::make_unique(); auto maxSupportedThreads = broad->m_rayTestStacks.size(); auto threadSafeBullet = (maxSupportedThreads > 1); if (!threadSafeBullet && wantedThread > 1) { Log(Debug::Warning) << "Bullet was not compiled with multithreading support, 1 async thread will be used"; return 1; } return std::max(0, wantedThread); } } } namespace MWPhysics { PhysicsTaskScheduler::PhysicsTaskScheduler(float physicsDt, btCollisionWorld *collisionWorld, MWRender::DebugDrawer* debugDrawer) : mDefaultPhysicsDt(physicsDt) , mPhysicsDt(physicsDt) , mTimeAccum(0.f) , mCollisionWorld(collisionWorld) , mDebugDrawer(debugDrawer) , mNumThreads(Config::computeNumThreads()) , mNumJobs(0) , mRemainingSteps(0) , mLOSCacheExpiry(Settings::Manager::getInt("lineofsight keep inactive cache", "Physics")) , mFrameCounter(0) , mAdvanceSimulation(false) , mQuit(false) , mNextJob(0) , mNextLOS(0) , mFrameNumber(0) , mTimer(osg::Timer::instance()) , mPrevStepCount(1) , mBudget(physicsDt) , mAsyncBudget(0.0f) , mBudgetCursor(0) , mAsyncStartTime(0) , mTimeBegin(0) , mTimeEnd(0) , mFrameStart(0) { if (mNumThreads >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < mNumThreads; ++i) mThreads.emplace_back([&] { worker(); } ); } else { mLOSCacheExpiry = 0; } mPreStepBarrier = std::make_unique(mNumThreads); mPostStepBarrier = std::make_unique(mNumThreads); mPostSimBarrier = std::make_unique(mNumThreads); } PhysicsTaskScheduler::~PhysicsTaskScheduler() { waitForWorkers(); { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mSimulationMutex, mNumThreads); mQuit = true; mNumJobs = 0; mRemainingSteps = 0; mHasJob.notify_all(); } for (auto& thread : mThreads) thread.join(); } std::tuple PhysicsTaskScheduler::calculateStepConfig(float timeAccum) const { int maxAllowedSteps = 2; int numSteps = timeAccum / mDefaultPhysicsDt; // adjust maximum step count based on whether we're likely physics bottlenecked or not // if maxAllowedSteps ends up higher than numSteps, we will not invoke delta time // if it ends up lower than numSteps, but greater than 1, we will run a number of true delta time physics steps that we expect to be within budget // if it ends up lower than numSteps and also 1, we will run a single delta time physics step // if we did not do this, and had a fixed step count limit, // we would have an unnecessarily low render framerate if we were only physics bottlenecked, // and we would be unnecessarily invoking true delta time if we were only render bottlenecked // get physics timing stats float budgetMeasurement = std::max(mBudget.get(), mAsyncBudget.get()); // time spent per step in terms of the intended physics framerate budgetMeasurement /= mDefaultPhysicsDt; // ensure sane minimum value budgetMeasurement = std::max(0.00001f, budgetMeasurement); // we're spending almost or more than realtime per physics frame; limit to a single step if (budgetMeasurement > 0.95) maxAllowedSteps = 1; // physics is fairly cheap; limit based on expense if (budgetMeasurement < 0.5) maxAllowedSteps = std::ceil(1.0/budgetMeasurement); // limit to a reasonable amount maxAllowedSteps = std::min(10, maxAllowedSteps); // fall back to delta time for this frame if fixed timestep physics would fall behind float actualDelta = mDefaultPhysicsDt; if (numSteps > maxAllowedSteps) { numSteps = maxAllowedSteps; // ensure that we do not simulate a frame ahead when doing delta time; this reduces stutter and latency // this causes interpolation to 100% use the most recent physics result when true delta time is happening // and we deliberately simulate up to exactly the timestamp that we want to render actualDelta = timeAccum/float(numSteps+1); // actually: if this results in a per-step delta less than the target physics steptime, clamp it // this might reintroduce some stutter, but only comes into play in obscure cases // (because numSteps is originally based on mDefaultPhysicsDt, this won't cause us to overrun) actualDelta = std::max(actualDelta, mDefaultPhysicsDt); } return std::make_tuple(numSteps, actualDelta); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::applyQueuedMovements(float & timeAccum, std::vector&& simulations, osg::Timer_t frameStart, unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats) { waitForWorkers(); // This function run in the main thread. // While the mSimulationMutex is held, background physics threads can't run. MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mSimulationMutex, mNumThreads); double timeStart = mTimer->tick(); // start by finishing previous background computation if (mNumThreads != 0) { syncWithMainThread(); if(mAdvanceSimulation) mAsyncBudget.update(mTimer->delta_s(mAsyncStartTime, mTimeEnd), mPrevStepCount, mBudgetCursor); updateStats(frameStart, frameNumber, stats); } auto [numSteps, newDelta] = calculateStepConfig(timeAccum); timeAccum -= numSteps*newDelta; // init const Visitors::InitPosition vis{mCollisionWorld}; for (auto& sim : simulations) { std::visit(vis, sim); } mPrevStepCount = numSteps; mRemainingSteps = numSteps; mTimeAccum = timeAccum; mPhysicsDt = newDelta; mSimulations = std::move(simulations); mAdvanceSimulation = (mRemainingSteps != 0); ++mFrameCounter; mNumJobs = mSimulations.size(); mNextLOS.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); mNextJob.store(0, std::memory_order_release); if (mAdvanceSimulation) mWorldFrameData = std::make_unique(); if (mAdvanceSimulation) mBudgetCursor += 1; if (mNumThreads == 0) { doSimulation(); syncWithMainThread(); if(mAdvanceSimulation) mBudget.update(mTimer->delta_s(timeStart, mTimer->tick()), numSteps, mBudgetCursor); return; } mAsyncStartTime = mTimer->tick(); mHasJob.notify_all(); if (mAdvanceSimulation) mBudget.update(mTimer->delta_s(timeStart, mTimer->tick()), 1, mBudgetCursor); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::resetSimulation(const ActorMap& actors) { waitForWorkers(); MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mSimulationMutex, mNumThreads); mBudget.reset(mDefaultPhysicsDt); mAsyncBudget.reset(0.0f); mSimulations.clear(); for (const auto& [_, actor] : actors) { actor->updatePosition(); actor->updateCollisionObjectPosition(); } } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::rayTest(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld, btCollisionWorld::RayResultCallback& resultCallback) const { MaybeLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mCollisionWorld->rayTest(rayFromWorld, rayToWorld, resultCallback); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::convexSweepTest(const btConvexShape* castShape, const btTransform& from, const btTransform& to, btCollisionWorld::ConvexResultCallback& resultCallback) const { MaybeLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mCollisionWorld->convexSweepTest(castShape, from, to, resultCallback); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::contactTest(btCollisionObject* colObj, btCollisionWorld::ContactResultCallback& resultCallback) { MaybeSharedLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); ContactTestWrapper::contactTest(mCollisionWorld, colObj, resultCallback); } std::optional PhysicsTaskScheduler::getHitPoint(const btTransform& from, btCollisionObject* target) { MaybeLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); // target the collision object's world origin, this should be the center of the collision object btTransform rayTo; rayTo.setIdentity(); rayTo.setOrigin(target->getWorldTransform().getOrigin()); btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback cb(from.getOrigin(), rayTo.getOrigin()); mCollisionWorld->rayTestSingle(from, rayTo, target, target->getCollisionShape(), target->getWorldTransform(), cb); if (!cb.hasHit()) // didn't hit the target. this could happen if point is already inside the collision box return std::nullopt; return {cb.m_hitPointWorld}; } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::aabbTest(const btVector3& aabbMin, const btVector3& aabbMax, btBroadphaseAabbCallback& callback) { MaybeSharedLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mCollisionWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(aabbMin, aabbMax, callback); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::getAabb(const btCollisionObject* obj, btVector3& min, btVector3& max) { MaybeSharedLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); obj->getCollisionShape()->getAabb(obj->getWorldTransform(), min, max); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::setCollisionFilterMask(btCollisionObject* collisionObject, int collisionFilterMask) { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); collisionObject->getBroadphaseHandle()->m_collisionFilterMask = collisionFilterMask; } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::addCollisionObject(btCollisionObject* collisionObject, int collisionFilterGroup, int collisionFilterMask) { mCollisionObjects.insert(collisionObject); MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mCollisionWorld->addCollisionObject(collisionObject, collisionFilterGroup, collisionFilterMask); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::removeCollisionObject(btCollisionObject* collisionObject) { mCollisionObjects.erase(collisionObject); MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mCollisionWorld->removeCollisionObject(collisionObject); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::updateSingleAabb(std::shared_ptr ptr, bool immediate) { if (immediate || mNumThreads == 0) { updatePtrAabb(ptr); } else { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mUpdateAabbMutex, mNumThreads); mUpdateAabb.insert(std::move(ptr)); } } bool PhysicsTaskScheduler::getLineOfSight(const std::shared_ptr& actor1, const std::shared_ptr& actor2) { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mLOSCacheMutex, mNumThreads); auto req = LOSRequest(actor1, actor2); auto result = std::find(mLOSCache.begin(), mLOSCache.end(), req); if (result == mLOSCache.end()) { req.mResult = hasLineOfSight(actor1.get(), actor2.get()); mLOSCache.push_back(req); return req.mResult; } result->mAge = 0; return result->mResult; } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::refreshLOSCache() { MaybeSharedLock lock(mLOSCacheMutex, mNumThreads); int job = 0; int numLOS = mLOSCache.size(); while ((job = mNextLOS.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)) < numLOS) { auto& req = mLOSCache[job]; auto actorPtr1 = req.mActors[0].lock(); auto actorPtr2 = req.mActors[1].lock(); if (req.mAge++ > mLOSCacheExpiry || !actorPtr1 || !actorPtr2) req.mStale = true; else req.mResult = hasLineOfSight(actorPtr1.get(), actorPtr2.get()); } } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::updateAabbs() { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mUpdateAabbMutex, mNumThreads); std::for_each(mUpdateAabb.begin(), mUpdateAabb.end(), [this](const std::shared_ptr& ptr) { updatePtrAabb(ptr); }); mUpdateAabb.clear(); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::updatePtrAabb(const std::shared_ptr& ptr) { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); if (const auto actor = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(ptr)) { actor->updateCollisionObjectPosition(); mCollisionWorld->updateSingleAabb(actor->getCollisionObject()); } else if (const auto object = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(ptr)) { object->commitPositionChange(); mCollisionWorld->updateSingleAabb(object->getCollisionObject()); } else if (const auto projectile = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(ptr)) { projectile->updateCollisionObjectPosition(); mCollisionWorld->updateSingleAabb(projectile->getCollisionObject()); } } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::worker() { std::size_t lastFrame = 0; std::shared_lock lock(mSimulationMutex); while (!mQuit) { if (lastFrame == mFrameCounter) { mHasJob.wait(lock, [&] { return mQuit || lastFrame != mFrameCounter; }); lastFrame = mFrameCounter; } doSimulation(); } } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::updateActorsPositions() { const Visitors::UpdatePosition impl{mCollisionWorld}; const Visitors::WithLockedPtr vis{impl, mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads}; for (Simulation& sim : mSimulations) std::visit(vis, sim); } bool PhysicsTaskScheduler::hasLineOfSight(const Actor* actor1, const Actor* actor2) { btVector3 pos1 = Misc::Convert::toBullet(actor1->getCollisionObjectPosition() + osg::Vec3f(0,0,actor1->getHalfExtents().z() * 0.9)); // eye level btVector3 pos2 = Misc::Convert::toBullet(actor2->getCollisionObjectPosition() + osg::Vec3f(0,0,actor2->getHalfExtents().z() * 0.9)); btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback resultCallback(pos1, pos2); resultCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = 0xFF; resultCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = CollisionType_World|CollisionType_HeightMap|CollisionType_Door; MaybeLock lockColWorld(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mCollisionWorld->rayTest(pos1, pos2, resultCallback); return !resultCallback.hasHit(); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::doSimulation() { while (mRemainingSteps) { mPreStepBarrier->wait([this] { afterPreStep(); }); int job = 0; const Visitors::Move impl{mPhysicsDt, mCollisionWorld, *mWorldFrameData}; const Visitors::WithLockedPtr vis{impl, mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads}; while ((job = mNextJob.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)) < mNumJobs) std::visit(vis, mSimulations[job]); mPostStepBarrier->wait([this] { afterPostStep(); }); } refreshLOSCache(); mPostSimBarrier->wait([this] { afterPostSim(); }); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::updateStats(osg::Timer_t frameStart, unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats) { if (!stats.collectStats("engine")) return; if (mFrameNumber == frameNumber - 1) { stats.setAttribute(mFrameNumber, "physicsworker_time_begin", mTimer->delta_s(mFrameStart, mTimeBegin)); stats.setAttribute(mFrameNumber, "physicsworker_time_taken", mTimer->delta_s(mTimeBegin, mTimeEnd)); stats.setAttribute(mFrameNumber, "physicsworker_time_end", mTimer->delta_s(mFrameStart, mTimeEnd)); } mFrameStart = frameStart; mTimeBegin = mTimer->tick(); mFrameNumber = frameNumber; } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::debugDraw() { MaybeSharedLock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads); mDebugDrawer->step(); } void* PhysicsTaskScheduler::getUserPointer(const btCollisionObject* object) const { auto it = mCollisionObjects.find(object); if (it == mCollisionObjects.end()) return nullptr; return (*it)->getUserPointer(); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::releaseSharedStates() { waitForWorkers(); std::scoped_lock lock(mSimulationMutex, mUpdateAabbMutex); mSimulations.clear(); mUpdateAabb.clear(); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::afterPreStep() { updateAabbs(); if (!mRemainingSteps) return; const Visitors::PreStep impl{mCollisionWorld}; const Visitors::WithLockedPtr vis{impl, mCollisionWorldMutex, mNumThreads}; for (auto& sim : mSimulations) std::visit(vis, sim); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::afterPostStep() { if (mRemainingSteps) { --mRemainingSteps; updateActorsPositions(); } mNextJob.store(0, std::memory_order_release); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::afterPostSim() { { MaybeExclusiveLock lock(mLOSCacheMutex, mNumThreads); mLOSCache.erase( std::remove_if(mLOSCache.begin(), mLOSCache.end(), [](const LOSRequest& req) { return req.mStale; }), mLOSCache.end()); } mTimeEnd = mTimer->tick(); std::unique_lock lock(mWorkersDoneMutex); ++mWorkersFrameCounter; mWorkersDone.notify_all(); } void PhysicsTaskScheduler::syncWithMainThread() { const Visitors::Sync vis{mAdvanceSimulation, mTimeAccum, mPhysicsDt, this}; for (auto& sim : mSimulations) std::visit(vis, sim); } // Attempt to acquire unique lock on mSimulationMutex while not all worker // threads are holding shared lock but will have to may lead to a deadlock because // C++ standard does not guarantee priority for exclusive and shared locks // for std::shared_mutex. For example microsoft STL implementation points out // for the absence of such priority: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sync/slim-reader-writer--srw--locks void PhysicsTaskScheduler::waitForWorkers() { if (mNumThreads == 0) return; std::unique_lock lock(mWorkersDoneMutex); if (mFrameCounter != mWorkersFrameCounter) mWorkersDone.wait(lock); } }