#include "nestedcoladapterimp.hpp"

#include <components/esm/loadregn.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadfact.hpp>

#include "idcollection.hpp"
#include "pathgrid.hpp"
#include "info.hpp"
#include "infoselectwrapper.hpp"

namespace CSMWorld
    PathgridPointListAdapter::PathgridPointListAdapter () {}

    void PathgridPointListAdapter::addRow(Record<Pathgrid>& record, int position) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        ESM::Pathgrid::PointList& points = pathgrid.mPoints;

        // blank row
        ESM::Pathgrid::Point point;
        point.mX = 0;
        point.mY = 0;
        point.mZ = 0;
        point.mAutogenerated = 0;
        point.mConnectionNum = 0;
        point.mUnknown = 0;

        points.insert(points.begin()+position, point);
        pathgrid.mData.mS2 = pathgrid.mPoints.size();

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    void PathgridPointListAdapter::removeRow(Record<Pathgrid>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        ESM::Pathgrid::PointList& points = pathgrid.mPoints;

        if (rowToRemove < 0 || rowToRemove >= static_cast<int> (points.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        // Do not remove dangling edges, does not work with current undo mechanism
        // Do not automatically adjust indices, what would be done with dangling edges?
        pathgrid.mData.mS2 = pathgrid.mPoints.size();

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    void PathgridPointListAdapter::setTable(Record<Pathgrid>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();
        pathgrid.mPoints = static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<ESM::Pathgrid::PointList> &>(nestedTable).mNestedTable;
        pathgrid.mData.mS2 = pathgrid.mPoints.size();

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* PathgridPointListAdapter::table(const Record<Pathgrid>& record) const
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<ESM::Pathgrid::PointList>(record.get().mPoints);

    QVariant PathgridPointListAdapter::getData(const Record<Pathgrid>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Pathgrid::Point point = record.get().mPoints[subRowIndex];
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return subRowIndex;
            case 1: return point.mX;
            case 2: return point.mY;
            case 3: return point.mZ;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Pathgrid point subcolumn index out of range");

    void PathgridPointListAdapter::setData(Record<Pathgrid>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();
        ESM::Pathgrid::Point point = pathgrid.mPoints[subRowIndex];
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return; // return without saving
            case 1: point.mX = value.toInt(); break;
            case 2: point.mY = value.toInt(); break;
            case 3: point.mZ = value.toInt(); break;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Pathgrid point subcolumn index out of range");

        pathgrid.mPoints[subRowIndex] = point;

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    int PathgridPointListAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<Pathgrid>& record) const
        return 4;

    int PathgridPointListAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<Pathgrid>& record) const
        return static_cast<int>(record.get().mPoints.size());

    PathgridEdgeListAdapter::PathgridEdgeListAdapter () {}

    void PathgridEdgeListAdapter::addRow(Record<Pathgrid>& record, int position) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        ESM::Pathgrid::EdgeList& edges = pathgrid.mEdges;

        // blank row
        ESM::Pathgrid::Edge edge;
        edge.mV0 = 0;
        edge.mV1 = 0;

        // NOTE: inserting a blank edge does not really make sense, perhaps this should be a
        // logic_error exception
        // Currently the code assumes that the end user to know what he/she is doing.
        // e.g. Edges come in pairs, from points a->b and b->a
        edges.insert(edges.begin()+position, edge);

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    void PathgridEdgeListAdapter::removeRow(Record<Pathgrid>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        ESM::Pathgrid::EdgeList& edges = pathgrid.mEdges;

        if (rowToRemove < 0 || rowToRemove >= static_cast<int> (edges.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");


        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    void PathgridEdgeListAdapter::setTable(Record<Pathgrid>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        pathgrid.mEdges =
            static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<ESM::Pathgrid::EdgeList> &>(nestedTable).mNestedTable;

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* PathgridEdgeListAdapter::table(const Record<Pathgrid>& record) const
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<ESM::Pathgrid::EdgeList>(record.get().mEdges);

    QVariant PathgridEdgeListAdapter::getData(const Record<Pathgrid>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (pathgrid.mEdges.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        ESM::Pathgrid::Edge edge = pathgrid.mEdges[subRowIndex];
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return subRowIndex;
            case 1: return edge.mV0;
            case 2: return edge.mV1;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Pathgrid edge subcolumn index out of range");

    void PathgridEdgeListAdapter::setData(Record<Pathgrid>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Pathgrid pathgrid = record.get();

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (pathgrid.mEdges.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        ESM::Pathgrid::Edge edge = pathgrid.mEdges[subRowIndex];
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return; // return without saving
            case 1: edge.mV0 = value.toInt(); break;
            case 2: edge.mV1 = value.toInt(); break;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Pathgrid edge subcolumn index out of range");

        pathgrid.mEdges[subRowIndex] = edge;

        record.setModified (pathgrid);

    int PathgridEdgeListAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<Pathgrid>& record) const
        return 3;

    int PathgridEdgeListAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<Pathgrid>& record) const
        return static_cast<int>(record.get().mEdges.size());

    FactionReactionsAdapter::FactionReactionsAdapter () {}

    void FactionReactionsAdapter::addRow(Record<ESM::Faction>& record, int position) const
        ESM::Faction faction = record.get();

        std::map<std::string, int>& reactions = faction.mReactions;

        // blank row
        reactions.insert(std::make_pair("", 0));

        record.setModified (faction);

    void FactionReactionsAdapter::removeRow(Record<ESM::Faction>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        ESM::Faction faction = record.get();

        std::map<std::string, int>& reactions = faction.mReactions;

        if (rowToRemove < 0 || rowToRemove >= static_cast<int> (reactions.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        // FIXME: how to ensure that the map entries correspond to table indicies?
        // WARNING: Assumed that the table view has the same order as std::map
        std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter = reactions.begin();
        for(int i = 0; i < rowToRemove; ++i)

        record.setModified (faction);

    void FactionReactionsAdapter::setTable(Record<ESM::Faction>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        ESM::Faction faction = record.get();

        faction.mReactions =
            static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<std::map<std::string, int> >&>(nestedTable).mNestedTable;

        record.setModified (faction);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* FactionReactionsAdapter::table(const Record<ESM::Faction>& record) const
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<std::map<std::string, int> >(record.get().mReactions);

    QVariant FactionReactionsAdapter::getData(const Record<ESM::Faction>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Faction faction = record.get();

        std::map<std::string, int>& reactions = faction.mReactions;

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (reactions.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        // FIXME: how to ensure that the map entries correspond to table indicies?
        // WARNING: Assumed that the table view has the same order as std::map
        std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator iter = reactions.begin();
        for(int i = 0; i < subRowIndex; ++i)
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return QString((*iter).first.c_str());
            case 1: return (*iter).second;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Faction reactions subcolumn index out of range");

    void FactionReactionsAdapter::setData(Record<ESM::Faction>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Faction faction = record.get();

        std::map<std::string, int>& reactions = faction.mReactions;

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (reactions.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        // FIXME: how to ensure that the map entries correspond to table indicies?
        // WARNING: Assumed that the table view has the same order as std::map
        std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter = reactions.begin();
        for(int i = 0; i < subRowIndex; ++i)

        std::string factionId = (*iter).first;
        int reaction = (*iter).second;

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0:
                reactions.insert(std::make_pair(value.toString().toUtf8().constData(), reaction));
            case 1:
                reactions[factionId] = value.toInt();
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Faction reactions subcolumn index out of range");

        record.setModified (faction);

    int FactionReactionsAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<ESM::Faction>& record) const
        return 2;

    int FactionReactionsAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<ESM::Faction>& record) const
        return static_cast<int>(record.get().mReactions.size());

    RegionSoundListAdapter::RegionSoundListAdapter () {}

    void RegionSoundListAdapter::addRow(Record<ESM::Region>& record, int position) const
        ESM::Region region = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef>& soundList = region.mSoundList;

        // blank row
        ESM::Region::SoundRef soundRef;
        soundRef.mChance = 0;

        soundList.insert(soundList.begin()+position, soundRef);

        record.setModified (region);

    void RegionSoundListAdapter::removeRow(Record<ESM::Region>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        ESM::Region region = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef>& soundList = region.mSoundList;

        if (rowToRemove < 0 || rowToRemove >= static_cast<int> (soundList.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");


        record.setModified (region);

    void RegionSoundListAdapter::setTable(Record<ESM::Region>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        ESM::Region region = record.get();

        region.mSoundList =
            static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef> >&>(nestedTable).mNestedTable;

        record.setModified (region);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* RegionSoundListAdapter::table(const Record<ESM::Region>& record) const
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef> >(record.get().mSoundList);

    QVariant RegionSoundListAdapter::getData(const Record<ESM::Region>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Region region = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef>& soundList = region.mSoundList;

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (soundList.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        ESM::Region::SoundRef soundRef = soundList[subRowIndex];
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return QString(soundRef.mSound.toString().c_str());
            case 1: return soundRef.mChance;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Region sounds subcolumn index out of range");

    void RegionSoundListAdapter::setData(Record<ESM::Region>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Region region = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef>& soundList = region.mSoundList;

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (soundList.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        ESM::Region::SoundRef soundRef = soundList[subRowIndex];
        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: soundRef.mSound.assign(value.toString().toUtf8().constData()); break;
            case 1: soundRef.mChance = static_cast<unsigned char>(value.toInt()); break;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Region sounds subcolumn index out of range");

        region.mSoundList[subRowIndex] = soundRef;

        record.setModified (region);

    int RegionSoundListAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<ESM::Region>& record) const
        return 2;

    int RegionSoundListAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<ESM::Region>& record) const
        return static_cast<int>(record.get().mSoundList.size());

    InfoListAdapter::InfoListAdapter () {}

    void InfoListAdapter::addRow(Record<Info>& record, int position) const
        throw std::logic_error ("cannot add a row to a fixed table");

    void InfoListAdapter::removeRow(Record<Info>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        throw std::logic_error ("cannot remove a row to a fixed table");

    void InfoListAdapter::setTable(Record<Info>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        throw std::logic_error ("table operation not supported");

    NestedTableWrapperBase* InfoListAdapter::table(const Record<Info>& record) const
        throw std::logic_error ("table operation not supported");

    QVariant InfoListAdapter::getData(const Record<Info>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Info info = record.get();

        if (subColIndex == 0)
            return QString(info.mResultScript.c_str());
            throw std::runtime_error("Trying to access non-existing column in the nested table!");

    void InfoListAdapter::setData(Record<Info>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Info info = record.get();

        if (subColIndex == 0)
            info.mResultScript = value.toString().toStdString();
            throw std::runtime_error("Trying to access non-existing column in the nested table!");

        record.setModified (info);

    int InfoListAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<Info>& record) const
        return 1;

    int InfoListAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<Info>& record) const
        return 1; // fixed at size 1

    InfoConditionAdapter::InfoConditionAdapter () {}

    void InfoConditionAdapter::addRow(Record<Info>& record, int position) const
        Info info = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct>& conditions = info.mSelects;

        // default row
        ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct condStruct;
        condStruct.mSelectRule = "01000";
        condStruct.mValue = ESM::Variant();

        conditions.insert(conditions.begin()+position, condStruct);

        record.setModified (info);

    void InfoConditionAdapter::removeRow(Record<Info>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        Info info = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct>& conditions = info.mSelects;

        if (rowToRemove < 0 || rowToRemove >= static_cast<int> (conditions.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");


        record.setModified (info);

    void InfoConditionAdapter::setTable(Record<Info>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        Info info = record.get();

        info.mSelects =
            static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct> >&>(nestedTable).mNestedTable;

        record.setModified (info);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* InfoConditionAdapter::table(const Record<Info>& record) const
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct> >(record.get().mSelects);

    QVariant InfoConditionAdapter::getData(const Record<Info>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Info info = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct>& conditions = info.mSelects;

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (conditions.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        ConstInfoSelectWrapper infoSelectWrapper(conditions[subRowIndex]);

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0:
                return infoSelectWrapper.getFunctionName();
            case 1:
                if (infoSelectWrapper.hasVariable())
                    return QString(infoSelectWrapper.getVariableName().c_str());
                    return "";
            case 2:
                return infoSelectWrapper.getRelationType();
            case 3:
                switch (infoSelectWrapper.getVariant().getType())
                    case ESM::VT_Int:
                        return infoSelectWrapper.getVariant().getInteger();
                    case ESM::VT_Float:
                        return infoSelectWrapper.getVariant().getFloat();
                    default: return QVariant();
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Info condition subcolumn index out of range");

    void InfoConditionAdapter::setData(Record<Info>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        Info info = record.get();

        std::vector<ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct>& conditions = info.mSelects;

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int> (conditions.size()))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        InfoSelectWrapper infoSelectWrapper(conditions[subRowIndex]);
        bool conversionResult = false;

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: // Function

                if (infoSelectWrapper.getComparisonType() != ConstInfoSelectWrapper::Comparison_Numeric &&
                    infoSelectWrapper.getVariant().getType() != ESM::VT_Int)

            case 1: // Variable
            case 2: // Relation
            case 3: // Value
                switch (infoSelectWrapper.getComparisonType())
                    case ConstInfoSelectWrapper::Comparison_Numeric:
                        // QVariant seems to have issues converting 0
                        if ((value.toInt(&conversionResult) && conversionResult) || value.toString().compare("0") == 0)
                        else if (value.toFloat(&conversionResult) && conversionResult)
                    case ConstInfoSelectWrapper::Comparison_Boolean:
                    case ConstInfoSelectWrapper::Comparison_Integer:
                        if ((value.toInt(&conversionResult) && conversionResult) || value.toString().compare("0") == 0)
                    default: break;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Info condition subcolumn index out of range");

        record.setModified (info);

    int InfoConditionAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<Info>& record) const
        return 4;

    int InfoConditionAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<Info>& record) const
        return static_cast<int>(record.get().mSelects.size());

    RaceAttributeAdapter::RaceAttributeAdapter () {}

    void RaceAttributeAdapter::addRow(Record<ESM::Race>& record, int position) const
        // Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user

    void RaceAttributeAdapter::removeRow(Record<ESM::Race>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        // Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user

    void RaceAttributeAdapter::setTable(Record<ESM::Race>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        ESM::Race race = record.get();

        race.mData =
            static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::Race::RADTstruct> >&>(nestedTable).mNestedTable.at(0);

        record.setModified (race);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* RaceAttributeAdapter::table(const Record<ESM::Race>& record) const
        std::vector<ESM::Race::RADTstruct> wrap;
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::Race::RADTstruct> >(wrap);

    QVariant RaceAttributeAdapter::getData(const Record<ESM::Race>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Race race = record.get();

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= ESM::Attribute::Length)
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return subRowIndex;
            case 1: return race.mData.mAttributeValues[subRowIndex].mMale;
            case 2: return race.mData.mAttributeValues[subRowIndex].mFemale;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Race Attribute subcolumn index out of range");

    void RaceAttributeAdapter::setData(Record<ESM::Race>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Race race = record.get();

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= ESM::Attribute::Length)
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return; // throw an exception here?
            case 1: race.mData.mAttributeValues[subRowIndex].mMale = value.toInt(); break;
            case 2: race.mData.mAttributeValues[subRowIndex].mFemale = value.toInt(); break;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Race Attribute subcolumn index out of range");

        record.setModified (race);

    int RaceAttributeAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<ESM::Race>& record) const
        return 3; // attrib, male, female

    int RaceAttributeAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<ESM::Race>& record) const
        return ESM::Attribute::Length; // there are 8 attributes

    RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::RaceSkillsBonusAdapter () {}

    void RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::addRow(Record<ESM::Race>& record, int position) const
        // Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user

    void RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::removeRow(Record<ESM::Race>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        // Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user

    void RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::setTable(Record<ESM::Race>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        ESM::Race race = record.get();

        race.mData =
            static_cast<const NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::Race::RADTstruct> >&>(nestedTable).mNestedTable.at(0);

        record.setModified (race);

    NestedTableWrapperBase* RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::table(const Record<ESM::Race>& record) const
        std::vector<ESM::Race::RADTstruct> wrap;
        // deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
        return new NestedTableWrapper<std::vector<ESM::Race::RADTstruct> >(wrap);

    QVariant RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::getData(const Record<ESM::Race>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Race race = record.get();

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int>(sizeof(race.mData.mBonus)/sizeof(race.mData.mBonus[0])))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return race.mData.mBonus[subRowIndex].mSkill; // can be -1
            case 1: return race.mData.mBonus[subRowIndex].mBonus;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Race skill bonus subcolumn index out of range");

    void RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::setData(Record<ESM::Race>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Race race = record.get();

        if (subRowIndex < 0 || subRowIndex >= static_cast<int>(sizeof(race.mData.mBonus)/sizeof(race.mData.mBonus[0])))
            throw std::runtime_error ("index out of range");

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: race.mData.mBonus[subRowIndex].mSkill = value.toInt(); break; // can be -1
            case 1: race.mData.mBonus[subRowIndex].mBonus = value.toInt(); break;
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Race skill bonus subcolumn index out of range");

        record.setModified (race);

    int RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<ESM::Race>& record) const
        return 2; // skill, bonus

    int RaceSkillsBonusAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<ESM::Race>& record) const
        // there are 7 skill bonuses
        return static_cast<int>(sizeof(record.get().mData.mBonus)/sizeof(record.get().mData.mBonus[0]));

    CellListAdapter::CellListAdapter () {}

    void CellListAdapter::addRow(Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record, int position) const
        throw std::logic_error ("cannot add a row to a fixed table");

    void CellListAdapter::removeRow(Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        throw std::logic_error ("cannot remove a row to a fixed table");

    void CellListAdapter::setTable(Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record,
            const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        throw std::logic_error ("table operation not supported");

    NestedTableWrapperBase* CellListAdapter::table(const Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record) const
        throw std::logic_error ("table operation not supported");

    QVariant CellListAdapter::getData(const Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record,
            int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        CSMWorld::Cell cell = record.get();

        bool isInterior = (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior) != 0;
        bool behaveLikeExterior = (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx) != 0;
        bool interiorWater = (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::HasWater) != 0;

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0: return isInterior;
            case 1: return (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior) ?
                    cell.mAmbi.mAmbient : QVariant(QVariant::UserType);
            case 2: return (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior) ?
                    cell.mAmbi.mSunlight : QVariant(QVariant::UserType);
            case 3: return (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior) ?
                    cell.mAmbi.mFog : QVariant(QVariant::UserType);
            case 4: return (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior) ?
                    cell.mAmbi.mFogDensity : QVariant(QVariant::UserType);
            case 5:
                if (isInterior && interiorWater)
                    return cell.mWater;
                    return QVariant(QVariant::UserType);
            case 6: return isInterior ?
                    QVariant(QVariant::UserType) : cell.mMapColor; // TODO: how to select?
            //case 7: return isInterior ?
                    //behaveLikeExterior : QVariant(QVariant::UserType);
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Cell subcolumn index out of range");

    void CellListAdapter::setData(Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record,
            const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        CSMWorld::Cell cell = record.get();

        bool isInterior = (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior) != 0;
        bool behaveLikeExterior = (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx) != 0;
        bool interiorWater = (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::HasWater) != 0;

        switch (subColIndex)
            case 0:
                if (value.toBool())
                    cell.mData.mFlags |= ESM::Cell::Interior;
                    cell.mData.mFlags &= ~ESM::Cell::Interior;
            case 1:
                if (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior)
                    cell.mAmbi.mAmbient = static_cast<int32_t>(value.toInt());
                    return; // return without saving
            case 2:
                if (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior)
                    cell.mAmbi.mSunlight = static_cast<int32_t>(value.toInt());
                    return; // return without saving
            case 3:
                if (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior)
                    cell.mAmbi.mFog = static_cast<int32_t>(value.toInt());
                    return; // return without saving
            case 4:
                if (isInterior && !behaveLikeExterior)
                    cell.mAmbi.mFogDensity = value.toFloat();
                    return; // return without saving
            case 5:
                if (isInterior && interiorWater)
                    cell.mWater = value.toFloat();
                    return; // return without saving
            case 6:
                if (!isInterior)
                    cell.mMapColor = value.toInt();
                    return; // return without saving
#if 0
            // redundant since this flag is shown in the main table as "Interior Sky"
            // keep here for documenting the logic based on vanilla
            case 7:
                if (isInterior)
                    if (value.toBool())
                        cell.mData.mFlags |= ESM::Cell::QuasiEx;
                        cell.mData.mFlags &= ~ESM::Cell::QuasiEx;
                    return; // return without saving
            default: throw std::runtime_error("Cell subcolumn index out of range");

        record.setModified (cell);

    int CellListAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record) const
        return 7;

    int CellListAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<CSMWorld::Cell>& record) const
        return 1; // fixed at size 1

    RegionWeatherAdapter::RegionWeatherAdapter () {}

    void RegionWeatherAdapter::addRow(Record<ESM::Region>& record, int position) const
        throw std::logic_error ("cannot add a row to a fixed table");

    void RegionWeatherAdapter::removeRow(Record<ESM::Region>& record, int rowToRemove) const
        throw std::logic_error ("cannot remove a row from a fixed table");

    void RegionWeatherAdapter::setTable(Record<ESM::Region>& record, const NestedTableWrapperBase& nestedTable) const
        throw std::logic_error ("table operation not supported");

    NestedTableWrapperBase* RegionWeatherAdapter::table(const Record<ESM::Region>& record) const
        throw std::logic_error ("table operation not supported");

    QVariant RegionWeatherAdapter::getData(const Record<ESM::Region>& record, int subRowIndex, int subColIndex) const
        const char* WeatherNames[] = {

        const ESM::Region& region = record.get();

        if (subColIndex == 0 && subRowIndex >= 0 && subRowIndex < 10)
            return WeatherNames[subRowIndex];
        else if (subColIndex == 1)
            switch (subRowIndex)
                case 0: return region.mData.mClear;
                case 1: return region.mData.mCloudy;
                case 2: return region.mData.mFoggy;
                case 3: return region.mData.mOvercast;
                case 4: return region.mData.mRain;
                case 5: return region.mData.mThunder;
                case 6: return region.mData.mAsh;
                case 7: return region.mData.mBlight;
                case 8: return region.mData.mA; // Snow
                case 9: return region.mData.mB; // Blizzard
                default: break;

        throw std::runtime_error("index out of range");

    void RegionWeatherAdapter::setData(Record<ESM::Region>& record, const QVariant& value, int subRowIndex,
        int subColIndex) const
        ESM::Region region = record.get();
        unsigned char chance = static_cast<unsigned char>(value.toInt());

        if (subColIndex == 1)
            switch (subRowIndex)
                case 0: region.mData.mClear = chance; break;
                case 1: region.mData.mCloudy = chance; break;
                case 2: region.mData.mFoggy = chance; break;
                case 3: region.mData.mOvercast = chance; break;
                case 4: region.mData.mRain = chance; break;
                case 5: region.mData.mThunder = chance; break;
                case 6: region.mData.mAsh = chance; break;
                case 7: region.mData.mBlight = chance; break;
                case 8: region.mData.mA = chance; break;
                case 9: region.mData.mB = chance; break;
                default: throw std::runtime_error("index out of range");

            record.setModified (region);

    int RegionWeatherAdapter::getColumnsCount(const Record<ESM::Region>& record) const
        return 2;

    int RegionWeatherAdapter::getRowsCount(const Record<ESM::Region>& record) const
        return 10;