#include "application.hpp" #include <QFile> #include <QOperatingSystemVersion> #include <QStyle> #include <QStyleHints> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> #include <components/misc/scalableicon.hpp> namespace Platform { Application::Application(int& argc, char* argv[]) : QApplication(argc, argv) { #if defined(WIN32) && QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0) init(); } static QString getStyleSheetPath() { QString qssPath(":/dark/dark_win10.qss"); if (QOperatingSystemVersion::current() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows11) qssPath = ":/dark/dark_win11.qss"; return qssPath; } void Application::init() { connect(this, &Application::darkModeChanged, this, &Application::updateStyle); const auto* hints = QGuiApplication::styleHints(); const auto currentStyle = QApplication::style()->objectName(); mInitialStyle = currentStyle.toStdString(); mCurrentStyle = currentStyle.toStdString(); if (hints->colorScheme() == Qt::ColorScheme::Dark) { mDarkMode = true; if (currentStyle == "windowsvista") { mCurrentStyle = "windows"; setStyle("windows"); QFile file(getStyleSheetPath()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Failed to open style sheet file:" << getStyleSheetPath(); return; } setStyleSheet(file.readAll()); } } } void Application::updateStyle(bool isDark) { if (mInitialStyle != "windowsvista") return; if (isDark) { mCurrentStyle = "windows"; setStyle("windows"); QFile file(getStyleSheetPath()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Failed to open style sheet file:" << getStyleSheetPath(); return; } setStyleSheet(file.readAll()); } else { mCurrentStyle = mInitialStyle; setStyleSheet(""); setStyle(mInitialStyle.c_str()); } #endif } bool Application::notify(QObject* receiver, QEvent* event) { try { if (event->type() == QEvent::ThemeChange || event->type() == QEvent::PaletteChange) { #if defined(WIN32) && QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0) const auto* hints = QGuiApplication::styleHints(); const auto currentStyle = QApplication::style()->objectName(); bool isDark = hints->colorScheme() == Qt::ColorScheme::Dark; if (isDark != mDarkMode) { mDarkMode = isDark; bool result = QApplication::notify(receiver, event); emit darkModeChanged(isDark); return result; } #endif Misc::ScalableIcon::updateAllIcons(); } return QApplication::notify(receiver, event); } catch (const std::exception& exception) { Log(Debug::Error) << "An exception has been caught: " << exception.what(); } return false; } }