local input = require('openmw.input') return { interfaceName = 'GamepadControls', --- -- Gamepad control interface -- @module GamepadControls interface = { --- Interface version -- @field [parent=#GamepadControls] #number version version = 0, --- Checks if the gamepad cursor is active. If it is active, the left stick can move the cursor, and A will be interpreted as a mouse click. -- @function [parent=#GamepadControls] isGamepadCursorActive -- @return #boolean isGamepadCursorActive = function() return input._isGamepadCursorActive() end, --- Sets if the gamepad cursor is active. If it is active, the left stick can move the cursor, and A will be interpreted as a mouse click. -- @function [parent=#GamepadControls] setGamepadCursorActive -- @param #boolean value setGamepadCursorActive = function(state) input._setGamepadCursorActive(state) end, } }