#include "keyboardnavigation.hpp" #include <MyGUI_Gui.h> #include <MyGUI_InputManager.h> #include <MyGUI_WidgetManager.h> #include <MyGUI_Window.h> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" namespace MWGui { bool shouldAcceptKeyFocus(MyGUI::Widget* w) { return w && !w->castType<MyGUI::Window>(false) && w->getInheritedEnabled() && w->getInheritedVisible() && w->getVisible() && w->getEnabled(); } /// Recursively get all child widgets that accept keyboard input void getKeyFocusWidgets(MyGUI::Widget* parent, std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*>& results) { assert(parent != nullptr); if (!parent->getVisible() || !parent->getEnabled()) return; MyGUI::EnumeratorWidgetPtr enumerator = parent->getEnumerator(); while (enumerator.next()) { MyGUI::Widget* w = enumerator.current(); if (!w->getVisible() || !w->getEnabled()) continue; if (w->getNeedKeyFocus() && shouldAcceptKeyFocus(w)) results.push_back(w); else getKeyFocusWidgets(w, results); } } KeyboardNavigation::KeyboardNavigation() : mCurrentFocus(nullptr) , mModalWindow(nullptr) , mEnabled(true) { MyGUI::WidgetManager::getInstance().registerUnlinker(this); } KeyboardNavigation::~KeyboardNavigation() { try { MyGUI::WidgetManager::getInstance().unregisterUnlinker(this); } catch (const MyGUI::Exception& e) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error in the destructor: " << e.what(); } } void KeyboardNavigation::saveFocus(int mode) { MyGUI::Widget* focus = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getKeyFocusWidget(); if (shouldAcceptKeyFocus(focus)) { mKeyFocus[mode] = focus; } else if (shouldAcceptKeyFocus(mCurrentFocus)) { mKeyFocus[mode] = mCurrentFocus; } } void KeyboardNavigation::restoreFocus(int mode) { std::map<int, MyGUI::Widget*>::const_iterator found = mKeyFocus.find(mode); if (found != mKeyFocus.end()) { MyGUI::Widget* w = found->second; if (w && w->getVisible() && w->getEnabled() && w->getInheritedVisible() && w->getInheritedEnabled()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(found->second); } } void KeyboardNavigation::_unlinkWidget(MyGUI::Widget* widget) { for (std::pair<const int, MyGUI::Widget*>& w : mKeyFocus) if (w.second == widget) w.second = nullptr; if (widget == mCurrentFocus) mCurrentFocus = nullptr; } bool isRootParent(MyGUI::Widget* widget, MyGUI::Widget* root) { while (widget && widget->getParent()) widget = widget->getParent(); return widget == root; } void KeyboardNavigation::onFrame() { if (!mEnabled) return; if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(nullptr); return; } MyGUI::Widget* focus = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getKeyFocusWidget(); if (focus == mCurrentFocus) { return; } // workaround incorrect key focus resets (fix in MyGUI TBD) if (!shouldAcceptKeyFocus(focus) && shouldAcceptKeyFocus(mCurrentFocus) && (!mModalWindow || isRootParent(mCurrentFocus, mModalWindow))) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(mCurrentFocus); focus = mCurrentFocus; } if (focus != mCurrentFocus) { mCurrentFocus = focus; } } void KeyboardNavigation::setDefaultFocus(MyGUI::Widget* window, MyGUI::Widget* defaultFocus) { MyGUI::Widget* focus = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getKeyFocusWidget(); if (!focus || !shouldAcceptKeyFocus(focus)) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(defaultFocus); } else { if (!isRootParent(focus, window)) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(defaultFocus); } } void KeyboardNavigation::setModalWindow(MyGUI::Widget* window) { mModalWindow = window; } void KeyboardNavigation::setEnabled(bool enabled) { mEnabled = enabled; } enum Direction { D_Left, D_Up, D_Right, D_Down, D_Next, D_Prev }; bool KeyboardNavigation::injectKeyPress(MyGUI::KeyCode key, unsigned int text, bool repeat) { if (!mEnabled) return false; switch (key.getValue()) { case MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowLeft: return switchFocus(D_Left, false); case MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowRight: return switchFocus(D_Right, false); case MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowUp: return switchFocus(D_Up, false); case MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowDown: return switchFocus(D_Down, false); case MyGUI::KeyCode::Tab: return switchFocus(MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().isShiftPressed() ? D_Prev : D_Next, true); case MyGUI::KeyCode::Period: return switchFocus(D_Prev, true); case MyGUI::KeyCode::Slash: return switchFocus(D_Next, true); case MyGUI::KeyCode::Return: case MyGUI::KeyCode::NumpadEnter: case MyGUI::KeyCode::Space: { // We should disable repeating for activation keys MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectKeyRelease(MyGUI::KeyCode::None); if (repeat) return true; return accept(); } default: return false; } } bool KeyboardNavigation::switchFocus(int direction, bool wrap) { if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) return false; MyGUI::Widget* focus = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getKeyFocusWidget(); bool isCycle = (direction == D_Prev || direction == D_Next); if ((focus && focus->getTypeName().find("Button") == std::string::npos) && !isCycle) return false; if (focus && isCycle && focus->getUserString("AcceptTab") == "true") return false; if ((!focus || !focus->getNeedKeyFocus()) && isCycle) { // if nothing is selected, select the first widget return selectFirstWidget(); } if (!focus) return false; MyGUI::Widget* window = focus; while (window && window->getParent()) window = window->getParent(); MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr keyFocusList; getKeyFocusWidgets(window, keyFocusList); if (keyFocusList.empty()) return false; MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr::iterator found = std::find(keyFocusList.begin(), keyFocusList.end(), focus); if (found == keyFocusList.end()) { if (isCycle) return selectFirstWidget(); else return false; } bool forward = (direction == D_Next || direction == D_Right || direction == D_Down); std::ptrdiff_t index{ found - keyFocusList.begin() }; index = forward ? (index + 1) : (index - 1); if (wrap) index = (index + keyFocusList.size()) % keyFocusList.size(); else index = std::clamp<std::ptrdiff_t>(index, 0, keyFocusList.size() - 1); MyGUI::Widget* next = keyFocusList[index]; int vertdiff = next->getTop() - focus->getTop(); int horizdiff = next->getLeft() - focus->getLeft(); bool isVertical = std::abs(vertdiff) > std::abs(horizdiff); if (direction == D_Right && (horizdiff <= 0 || isVertical)) return false; else if (direction == D_Left && (horizdiff >= 0 || isVertical)) return false; else if (direction == D_Down && (vertdiff <= 0 || !isVertical)) return false; else if (direction == D_Up && (vertdiff >= 0 || !isVertical)) return false; MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(keyFocusList[index]); return true; } bool KeyboardNavigation::selectFirstWidget() { MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr keyFocusList; MyGUI::EnumeratorWidgetPtr enumerator = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().getEnumerator(); if (mModalWindow) enumerator = mModalWindow->getEnumerator(); while (enumerator.next()) getKeyFocusWidgets(enumerator.current(), keyFocusList); if (!keyFocusList.empty()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(keyFocusList[0]); return true; } return false; } bool KeyboardNavigation::accept() { MyGUI::Widget* focus = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getKeyFocusWidget(); if (!focus) return false; // MyGUI::Button* button = focus->castType<MyGUI::Button>(false); // if (button && button->getEnabled()) if (focus->getTypeName().find("Button") != std::string::npos && focus->getEnabled()) { focus->eventMouseButtonClick(focus); return true; } return false; } }