#ifndef GAME_MWBASE_SCRIPTMANAGER_H #define GAME_MWBASE_SCRIPTMANAGER_H #include <string> namespace Interpreter { class Context; } namespace Compiler { class Locals; } namespace MWScript { class GlobalScripts; } namespace MWBase { /// \brief Interface for script manager (implemented in MWScript) class ScriptManager { ScriptManager (const ScriptManager&); ///< not implemented ScriptManager& operator= (const ScriptManager&); ///< not implemented public: ScriptManager() {} virtual ~ScriptManager() {} virtual void run (const std::string& name, Interpreter::Context& interpreterContext) = 0; ///< Run the script with the given name (compile first, if not compiled yet) virtual bool compile (const std::string& name) = 0; ///< Compile script with the given namen /// \return Success? virtual std::pair<int, int> compileAll() = 0; ///< Compile all scripts /// \return count, success virtual Compiler::Locals& getLocals (const std::string& name) = 0; ///< Return locals for script \a name. virtual MWScript::GlobalScripts& getGlobalScripts() = 0; virtual int getLocalIndex (const std::string& scriptId, const std::string& variable, char type) = 0; ///< Return index of the variable of the given name and type in the given script. Will /// throw an exception, if there is no such script or variable or the type does not match. }; } #endif