#include "inputbindings.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/inputmanager.hpp" #include "../mwinput/actions.hpp" #include "luamanagerimp.hpp" namespace sol { template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type { }; template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type { }; template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type { }; } namespace MWLua { sol::table initInputPackage(const Context& context) { { sol::state_view& lua = context.mLua->sol(); if (lua["openmw_input"] != sol::nil) return lua["openmw_input"]; } sol::usertype keyEvent = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype("KeyEvent"); keyEvent["symbol"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDL_Keysym& e) { if (e.sym > 0 && e.sym <= 255) return std::string(1, static_cast(e.sym)); else return std::string(); }); keyEvent["code"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDL_Keysym& e) -> int { return e.scancode; }); keyEvent["withShift"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDL_Keysym& e) -> bool { return e.mod & KMOD_SHIFT; }); keyEvent["withCtrl"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDL_Keysym& e) -> bool { return e.mod & KMOD_CTRL; }); keyEvent["withAlt"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDL_Keysym& e) -> bool { return e.mod & KMOD_ALT; }); keyEvent["withSuper"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDL_Keysym& e) -> bool { return e.mod & KMOD_GUI; }); auto touchpadEvent = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype("TouchpadEvent"); touchpadEvent["device"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDLUtil::TouchEvent& e) -> int { return e.mDevice; }); touchpadEvent["finger"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDLUtil::TouchEvent& e) -> int { return e.mFinger; }); touchpadEvent["position"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDLUtil::TouchEvent& e) -> osg::Vec2f { return { e.mX, e.mY }; }); touchpadEvent["pressure"] = sol::readonly_property([](const SDLUtil::TouchEvent& e) -> float { return e.mPressure; }); auto inputActions = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype("InputActions"); inputActions[sol::meta_function::index] = [](LuaUtil::InputAction::Registry& registry, std::string_view key) { return registry[key]; }; { auto pairs = [](LuaUtil::InputAction::Registry& registry) { auto next = [](LuaUtil::InputAction::Registry& registry, std::string_view key) -> sol::optional> { std::optional nextKey(registry.nextKey(key)); if (!nextKey.has_value()) return sol::nullopt; else return std::make_tuple(*nextKey, registry[*nextKey].value()); }; return std::make_tuple(next, registry, registry.firstKey()); }; inputActions[sol::meta_function::pairs] = pairs; } auto actionInfo = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype("ActionInfo"); actionInfo["key"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputAction::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mKey; }); actionInfo["name"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputAction::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mName; }); actionInfo["description"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputAction::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mDescription; }); actionInfo["l10n"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputAction::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mL10n; }); actionInfo["type"] = sol::readonly_property([](const LuaUtil::InputAction::Info& info) { return info.mType; }); actionInfo["defaultValue"] = sol::readonly_property([](const LuaUtil::InputAction::Info& info) { return info.mDefaultValue; }); auto inputTriggers = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype("InputTriggers"); inputTriggers[sol::meta_function::index] = [](LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Registry& registry, std::string_view key) { return registry[key]; }; { auto pairs = [](LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Registry& registry) { auto next = [](LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Registry& registry, std::string_view key) -> sol::optional> { std::optional nextKey(registry.nextKey(key)); if (!nextKey.has_value()) return sol::nullopt; else return std::make_tuple(*nextKey, registry[*nextKey].value()); }; return std::make_tuple(next, registry, registry.firstKey()); }; inputTriggers[sol::meta_function::pairs] = pairs; } auto triggerInfo = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype("TriggerInfo"); triggerInfo["key"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mKey; }); triggerInfo["name"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mName; }); triggerInfo["description"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mDescription; }); triggerInfo["l10n"] = sol::readonly_property( [](const LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Info& info) -> std::string_view { return info.mL10n; }); MWBase::InputManager* input = MWBase::Environment::get().getInputManager(); sol::table api(context.mLua->sol(), sol::create); api["ACTION_TYPE"] = LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs({ { "Boolean", LuaUtil::InputAction::Type::Boolean }, { "Number", LuaUtil::InputAction::Type::Number }, { "Range", LuaUtil::InputAction::Type::Range }, })); api["actions"] = std::ref(context.mLuaManager->inputActions()); api["registerAction"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](sol::table options) { LuaUtil::InputAction::Info parsedOptions; parsedOptions.mKey = options["key"].get(); parsedOptions.mType = options["type"].get(); parsedOptions.mL10n = options["l10n"].get(); parsedOptions.mName = options["name"].get(); parsedOptions.mDescription = options["description"].get(); parsedOptions.mDefaultValue = options["defaultValue"].get(); manager->inputActions().insert(std::move(parsedOptions)); }; api["bindAction"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager]( std::string_view key, const sol::table& callback, sol::table dependencies) { std::vector parsedDependencies; parsedDependencies.reserve(dependencies.size()); for (size_t i = 1; i <= dependencies.size(); ++i) { sol::object dependency = dependencies[i]; if (!dependency.is()) throw std::domain_error("The dependencies argument must be a list of Action keys"); parsedDependencies.push_back(dependency.as()); } if (!manager->inputActions().bind(key, LuaUtil::Callback::fromLua(callback), parsedDependencies)) throw std::domain_error("Cyclic action binding"); }; api["registerActionHandler"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](std::string_view key, const sol::table& callback) { manager->inputActions().registerHandler(key, LuaUtil::Callback::fromLua(callback)); }; api["getBooleanActionValue"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](std::string_view key) { return manager->inputActions().valueOfType(key, LuaUtil::InputAction::Type::Boolean); }; api["getNumberActionValue"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](std::string_view key) { return manager->inputActions().valueOfType(key, LuaUtil::InputAction::Type::Number); }; api["getRangeActionValue"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](std::string_view key) { return manager->inputActions().valueOfType(key, LuaUtil::InputAction::Type::Range); }; api["triggers"] = std::ref(context.mLuaManager->inputTriggers()); api["registerTrigger"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](sol::table options) { LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Info parsedOptions; parsedOptions.mKey = options["key"].get(); parsedOptions.mL10n = options["l10n"].get(); parsedOptions.mName = options["name"].get(); parsedOptions.mDescription = options["description"].get(); manager->inputTriggers().insert(std::move(parsedOptions)); }; api["registerTriggerHandler"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](std::string_view key, const sol::table& callback) { manager->inputTriggers().registerHandler(key, LuaUtil::Callback::fromLua(callback)); }; api["activateTrigger"] = [manager = context.mLuaManager](std::string_view key) { manager->inputTriggers().activate(key); }; api["isIdle"] = [input]() { return input->isIdle(); }; api["isActionPressed"] = [input](int action) { return input->actionIsActive(action); }; api["isKeyPressed"] = [](SDL_Scancode code) -> bool { int maxCode; const auto* state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(&maxCode); if (code >= 0 && code < maxCode) return state[code] != 0; else return false; }; api["isShiftPressed"] = []() -> bool { return SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT; }; api["isCtrlPressed"] = []() -> bool { return SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL; }; api["isAltPressed"] = []() -> bool { return SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT; }; api["isSuperPressed"] = []() -> bool { return SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_GUI; }; api["isControllerButtonPressed"] = [input](int button) { return input->isControllerButtonPressed(static_cast(button)); }; api["isMouseButtonPressed"] = [](int button) -> bool { return SDL_GetMouseState(nullptr, nullptr) & SDL_BUTTON(button); }; api["getMouseMoveX"] = [input]() { return input->getMouseMoveX(); }; api["getMouseMoveY"] = [input]() { return input->getMouseMoveY(); }; api["getAxisValue"] = [input](int axis) { if (axis < SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX) return input->getControllerAxisValue(static_cast(axis)); else return input->getActionValue(axis - SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX) * 2 - 1; }; // input.CONTROL_SWITCH is deprecated, remove after releasing 0.49 api["getControlSwitch"] = [input](std::string_view key) { return input->getControlSwitch(key); }; api["setControlSwitch"] = [input](std::string_view key, bool v) { input->toggleControlSwitch(key, v); }; api["getKeyName"] = [](SDL_Scancode code) { return SDL_GetKeyName(SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(code)); }; api["ACTION"] = LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs({ { "GameMenu", MWInput::A_GameMenu }, { "Screenshot", MWInput::A_Screenshot }, { "Inventory", MWInput::A_Inventory }, { "Console", MWInput::A_Console }, { "MoveLeft", MWInput::A_MoveLeft }, { "MoveRight", MWInput::A_MoveRight }, { "MoveForward", MWInput::A_MoveForward }, { "MoveBackward", MWInput::A_MoveBackward }, { "Activate", MWInput::A_Activate }, { "Use", MWInput::A_Use }, { "Jump", MWInput::A_Jump }, { "AutoMove", MWInput::A_AutoMove }, { "Rest", MWInput::A_Rest }, { "Journal", MWInput::A_Journal }, { "Run", MWInput::A_Run }, { "CycleSpellLeft", MWInput::A_CycleSpellLeft }, { "CycleSpellRight", MWInput::A_CycleSpellRight }, { "CycleWeaponLeft", MWInput::A_CycleWeaponLeft }, { "CycleWeaponRight", MWInput::A_CycleWeaponRight }, { "AlwaysRun", MWInput::A_AlwaysRun }, { "Sneak", MWInput::A_Sneak }, { "QuickSave", MWInput::A_QuickSave }, { "QuickLoad", MWInput::A_QuickLoad }, { "QuickMenu", MWInput::A_QuickMenu }, { "ToggleWeapon", MWInput::A_ToggleWeapon }, { "ToggleSpell", MWInput::A_ToggleSpell }, { "TogglePOV", MWInput::A_TogglePOV }, { "QuickKey1", MWInput::A_QuickKey1 }, { "QuickKey2", MWInput::A_QuickKey2 }, { "QuickKey3", MWInput::A_QuickKey3 }, { "QuickKey4", MWInput::A_QuickKey4 }, { "QuickKey5", MWInput::A_QuickKey5 }, { "QuickKey6", MWInput::A_QuickKey6 }, { "QuickKey7", MWInput::A_QuickKey7 }, { "QuickKey8", MWInput::A_QuickKey8 }, { "QuickKey9", MWInput::A_QuickKey9 }, { "QuickKey10", MWInput::A_QuickKey10 }, { "QuickKeysMenu", MWInput::A_QuickKeysMenu }, { "ToggleHUD", MWInput::A_ToggleHUD }, { "ToggleDebug", MWInput::A_ToggleDebug }, { "TogglePostProcessorHUD", MWInput::A_TogglePostProcessorHUD }, { "ZoomIn", MWInput::A_ZoomIn }, { "ZoomOut", MWInput::A_ZoomOut }, })); // input.CONTROL_SWITCH is deprecated, remove after releasing 0.49 api["CONTROL_SWITCH"] = LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs({ { "Controls", "playercontrols" }, { "Fighting", "playerfighting" }, { "Jumping", "playerjumping" }, { "Looking", "playerlooking" }, { "Magic", "playermagic" }, { "ViewMode", "playerviewswitch" }, { "VanityMode", "vanitymode" }, })); api["CONTROLLER_BUTTON"] = LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs({ { "A", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A }, { "B", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B }, { "X", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X }, { "Y", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y }, { "Back", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK }, { "Guide", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_GUIDE }, { "Start", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START }, { "LeftStick", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSTICK }, { "RightStick", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSTICK }, { "LeftShoulder", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER }, { "RightShoulder", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER }, { "DPadUp", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP }, { "DPadDown", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN }, { "DPadLeft", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT }, { "DPadRight", SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT }, })); api["CONTROLLER_AXIS"] = LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs({ { "LeftX", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX }, { "LeftY", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY }, { "RightX", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX }, { "RightY", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY }, { "TriggerLeft", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT }, { "TriggerRight", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT }, { "LookUpDown", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX + static_cast(MWInput::A_LookUpDown) }, { "LookLeftRight", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX + static_cast(MWInput::A_LookLeftRight) }, { "MoveForwardBackward", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX + static_cast(MWInput::A_MoveForwardBackward) }, { "MoveLeftRight", SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX + static_cast(MWInput::A_MoveLeftRight) }, })); api["KEY"] = LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs({ { "_0", SDL_SCANCODE_0 }, { "_1", SDL_SCANCODE_1 }, { "_2", SDL_SCANCODE_2 }, { "_3", SDL_SCANCODE_3 }, { "_4", SDL_SCANCODE_4 }, { "_5", SDL_SCANCODE_5 }, { "_6", SDL_SCANCODE_6 }, { "_7", SDL_SCANCODE_7 }, { "_8", SDL_SCANCODE_8 }, { "_9", SDL_SCANCODE_9 }, { "NP_0", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0 }, { "NP_1", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1 }, { "NP_2", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2 }, { "NP_3", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3 }, { "NP_4", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4 }, { "NP_5", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5 }, { "NP_6", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6 }, { "NP_7", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7 }, { "NP_8", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8 }, { "NP_9", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9 }, { "NP_Divide", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE }, { "NP_Enter", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER }, { "NP_Minus", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS }, { "NP_Multiply", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY }, { "NP_Delete", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD }, { "NP_Plus", SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS }, { "F1", SDL_SCANCODE_F1 }, { "F2", SDL_SCANCODE_F2 }, { "F3", SDL_SCANCODE_F3 }, { "F4", SDL_SCANCODE_F4 }, { "F5", SDL_SCANCODE_F5 }, { "F6", SDL_SCANCODE_F6 }, { "F7", SDL_SCANCODE_F7 }, { "F8", SDL_SCANCODE_F8 }, { "F9", SDL_SCANCODE_F9 }, { "F10", SDL_SCANCODE_F10 }, { "F11", SDL_SCANCODE_F11 }, { "F12", SDL_SCANCODE_F12 }, { "A", SDL_SCANCODE_A }, { "B", SDL_SCANCODE_B }, { "C", SDL_SCANCODE_C }, { "D", SDL_SCANCODE_D }, { "E", SDL_SCANCODE_E }, { "F", SDL_SCANCODE_F }, { "G", SDL_SCANCODE_G }, { "H", SDL_SCANCODE_H }, { "I", SDL_SCANCODE_I }, { "J", SDL_SCANCODE_J }, { "K", SDL_SCANCODE_K }, { "L", SDL_SCANCODE_L }, { "M", SDL_SCANCODE_M }, { "N", SDL_SCANCODE_N }, { "O", SDL_SCANCODE_O }, { "P", SDL_SCANCODE_P }, { "Q", SDL_SCANCODE_Q }, { "R", SDL_SCANCODE_R }, { "S", SDL_SCANCODE_S }, { "T", SDL_SCANCODE_T }, { "U", SDL_SCANCODE_U }, { "V", SDL_SCANCODE_V }, { "W", SDL_SCANCODE_W }, { "X", SDL_SCANCODE_X }, { "Y", SDL_SCANCODE_Y }, { "Z", SDL_SCANCODE_Z }, { "LeftArrow", SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT }, { "RightArrow", SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT }, { "UpArrow", SDL_SCANCODE_UP }, { "DownArrow", SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN }, { "LeftAlt", SDL_SCANCODE_LALT }, { "LeftCtrl", SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL }, { "LeftBracket", SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET }, { "LeftSuper", SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI }, { "LeftShift", SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT }, { "RightAlt", SDL_SCANCODE_RALT }, { "RightCtrl", SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL }, { "RightSuper", SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI }, { "RightBracket", SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET }, { "RightShift", SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT }, { "Apostrophe", SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE }, { "BackSlash", SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH }, { "Backspace", SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE }, { "CapsLock", SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK }, { "Comma", SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA }, { "Delete", SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE }, { "End", SDL_SCANCODE_END }, { "Enter", SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN }, { "Equals", SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS }, { "Escape", SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE }, { "Home", SDL_SCANCODE_HOME }, { "Insert", SDL_SCANCODE_INSERT }, { "Minus", SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS }, { "NumLock", SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR }, { "PageDown", SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN }, { "PageUp", SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP }, { "Period", SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD }, { "Pause", SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE }, { "PrintScreen", SDL_SCANCODE_PRINTSCREEN }, { "ScrollLock", SDL_SCANCODE_SCROLLLOCK }, { "Semicolon", SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON }, { "Slash", SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH }, { "Space", SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE }, { "Tab", SDL_SCANCODE_TAB }, })); sol::state_view& lua = context.mLua->sol(); lua["openmw_input"] = LuaUtil::makeReadOnly(api); return lua["openmw_input"]; } }