local testing = require('testing_util') local core = require('openmw.core') local async = require('openmw.async') local util = require('openmw.util') local types = require('openmw.types') local vfs = require('openmw.vfs') local world = require('openmw.world') local I = require('openmw.interfaces') local function testTimers() testing.expectAlmostEqual(core.getGameTimeScale(), 30, 'incorrect getGameTimeScale() result') testing.expectAlmostEqual(core.getSimulationTimeScale(), 1, 'incorrect getSimulationTimeScale result') local startGameTime = core.getGameTime() local startSimulationTime = core.getSimulationTime() local ts1, ts2, th1, th2 local cb = async:registerTimerCallback("tfunc", function(arg) if arg == 'g' then th1 = core.getGameTime() - startGameTime else ts1 = core.getSimulationTime() - startSimulationTime end end) async:newGameTimer(36, cb, 'g') async:newSimulationTimer(0.5, cb, 's') async:newUnsavableGameTimer(72, function() th2 = core.getGameTime() - startGameTime end) async:newUnsavableSimulationTimer(1, function() ts2 = core.getSimulationTime() - startSimulationTime end) while not (ts1 and ts2 and th1 and th2) do coroutine.yield() end testing.expectGreaterOrEqual(th1, 36, 'async:newGameTimer failed') testing.expectGreaterOrEqual(ts1, 0.5, 'async:newSimulationTimer failed') testing.expectGreaterOrEqual(th2, 72, 'async:newUnsavableGameTimer failed') testing.expectGreaterOrEqual(ts2, 1, 'async:newUnsavableSimulationTimer failed') end local function testTeleport() player:teleport('', util.vector3(100, 50, 500), util.transform.rotateZ(math.rad(90))) coroutine.yield() testing.expect(player.cell.isExterior, 'teleport to exterior failed') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.position.x, 100, 1, 'incorrect position after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.position.y, 50, 1, 'incorrect position after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.position.z, 500, 1, 'incorrect position after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.rotation:getYaw(), math.rad(90), 0.05, 'incorrect yaw rotation after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.rotation:getPitch(), math.rad(0), 0.05, 'incorrect pitch rotation after teleporting') local rotationX1, rotationZ1 = player.rotation:getAnglesXZ() testing.expectEqualWithDelta(rotationX1, math.rad(0), 0.05, 'incorrect x rotation from getAnglesXZ after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(rotationZ1, math.rad(90), 0.05, 'incorrect z rotation from getAnglesXZ after teleporting') local rotationZ2, rotationY2, rotationX2 = player.rotation:getAnglesZYX() testing.expectEqualWithDelta(rotationZ2, math.rad(90), 0.05, 'incorrect z rotation from getAnglesZYX after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(rotationY2, math.rad(0), 0.05, 'incorrect y rotation from getAnglesZYX after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(rotationX2, math.rad(0), 0.05, 'incorrect x rotation from getAnglesZYX after teleporting') player:teleport('', player.position, {rotation=util.transform.rotateZ(math.rad(-90)), onGround=true}) coroutine.yield() testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.rotation:getYaw(), math.rad(-90), 0.05, 'options.rotation is not working') testing.expectLessOrEqual(player.position.z, 400, 'options.onGround is not working') player:teleport('', util.vector3(50, -100, 0)) coroutine.yield() testing.expect(player.cell.isExterior, 'teleport to exterior failed') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.position.x, 50, 1, 'incorrect position after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.position.y, -100, 1, 'incorrect position after teleporting') testing.expectEqualWithDelta(player.rotation:getYaw(), math.rad(-90), 0.05, 'teleporting changes rotation') end local function testGetGMST() testing.expectEqual(core.getGMST('non-existed gmst'), nil) testing.expectEqual(core.getGMST('Water_RippleFrameCount'), 4) testing.expectEqual(core.getGMST('Inventory_DirectionalDiffuseR'), 0.5) testing.expectEqual(core.getGMST('Level_Up_Level2'), 'something') end local function testMWScript() local variableStoreCount = 18 local variableStore = world.mwscript.getGlobalVariables(player) testing.expectEqual(variableStoreCount, #variableStore) variableStore.year = 5 testing.expectEqual(5, variableStore.year) variableStore.year = 1 local indexCheck = 0 for index, value in ipairs(variableStore) do testing.expectEqual(variableStore[index], value) indexCheck = indexCheck + 1 end testing.expectEqual(variableStoreCount, indexCheck) indexCheck = 0 for index, value in pairs(variableStore) do testing.expectEqual(variableStore[index], value) indexCheck = indexCheck + 1 end testing.expectEqual(variableStoreCount, indexCheck) end local function testRecordStore(store, storeName, skipPairs) testing.expect(store.records) local firstRecord = store.records[1] if not firstRecord then return end testing.expectEqual(firstRecord.id, store.records[firstRecord.id].id) local status, _ = pcall(function() for index, value in ipairs(store.records) do if value.id == firstRecord.id then testing.expectEqual(index, 1, storeName) break end end end) testing.expectEqual(status, true, storeName) end local function testRecordStores() for key, type in pairs(types) do if type.records then testRecordStore(type, key) end end testRecordStore(core.magic.enchantments, "enchantments") testRecordStore(core.magic.effects, "effects", true) testRecordStore(core.magic.spells, "spells") testRecordStore(core.stats.Attribute, "Attribute") testRecordStore(core.stats.Skill, "Skill") testRecordStore(core.sound, "sound") testRecordStore(core.factions, "factions") testRecordStore(types.NPC.classes, "classes") testRecordStore(types.NPC.races, "races") testRecordStore(types.Player.birthSigns, "birthSigns") end local function testRecordCreation() local newLight = { isCarriable = true, isDynamic = true, isFire =false, isFlicker = false, isFlickerSlow = false, isNegative = false, isOffByDefault = false, isPulse = false, weight = 1, value = 10, duration = 12, radius = 30, color = 5, name = "TestLight", model = "meshes/marker_door.dae" } local draft = types.Light.createRecordDraft(newLight) local record = world.createRecord(draft) for key, value in pairs(newLight) do testing.expectEqual(record[key], value) end end local function testUTF8Chars() testing.expectEqual(utf8.codepoint("😀"), 0x1F600) local chars = {} for codepoint = 0, 0x10FFFF do local char = utf8.char(codepoint) local charSize = string.len(char) testing.expect(not chars[char], nil, "Duplicate UTF-8 character: " .. char) chars[char] = true if codepoint <= 0x7F then testing.expectEqual(charSize, 1) elseif codepoint <= 0x7FF then testing.expectEqual(charSize, 2) elseif codepoint <= 0xFFFF then testing.expectEqual(charSize, 3) elseif codepoint <= 0x10FFFF then testing.expectEqual(charSize, 4) end testing.expectEqual(utf8.codepoint(char), codepoint) testing.expectEqual(utf8.len(char), 1) end end local function testUTF8Strings() local utf8str = "Hello, 你好, 🌎!" local str = "" for utf_char in utf8str:gmatch(utf8.charpattern) do str = str .. utf_char end testing.expectEqual(str, utf8str) testing.expectEqual(utf8.len(utf8str), 13) testing.expectEqual(utf8.offset(utf8str, 9), 11) end local function testMemoryLimit() local ok, err = pcall(function() local t = {} local n = 1 while true do t[n] = n n = n + 1 end end) testing.expectEqual(ok, false, 'Script reaching memory limit should fail') testing.expectEqual(err, 'not enough memory') end local function initPlayer() player:teleport('', util.vector3(4096, 4096, 1745), util.transform.identity) coroutine.yield() end local function testVFS() local file = 'test_vfs_dir/lines.txt' local nosuchfile = 'test_vfs_dir/nosuchfile' testing.expectEqual(vfs.fileExists(file), true, 'lines.txt should exist') testing.expectEqual(vfs.fileExists(nosuchfile), false, 'nosuchfile should not exist') local expectedLines = { '1', '2', '', '4' } local getLine = vfs.lines(file) for _,v in pairs(expectedLines) do testing.expectEqual(getLine(), v) end testing.expectEqual(getLine(), nil, 'All lines should have been read') local ok = pcall(function() vfs.lines(nosuchfile) end) testing.expectEqual(ok, false, 'Should not be able to read lines from nonexistent file') local getPath = vfs.pathsWithPrefix('test_vfs_dir/') testing.expectEqual(getPath(), file) testing.expectEqual(getPath(), nil, 'All paths should have been read') local handle = vfs.open(file) testing.expectEqual(vfs.type(handle), 'file', 'File should be open') testing.expectEqual(handle.fileName, file) local n1, n2, _, l3, l4 = handle:read("*n", "*number", "*l", "*line", "*l") testing.expectEqual(n1, 1) testing.expectEqual(n2, 2) testing.expectEqual(l3, '') testing.expectEqual(l4, '4') testing.expectEqual(handle:seek('set', 0), 0, 'Reading should happen from the start of the file') testing.expectEqual(handle:read("*a"), '1\n2\n\n4') testing.expectEqual(handle:close(), true, 'File should be closeable') testing.expectEqual(vfs.type(handle), 'closed file', 'File should be closed') handle = vfs.open(nosuchfile) testing.expectEqual(handle, nil, 'vfs.open should return nil on nonexistent files') getLine = vfs.open(file):lines() for _,v in pairs(expectedLines) do testing.expectEqual(getLine(), v) end end local function testCommitCrime() initPlayer() local player = world.players[1] testing.expectEqual(player == nil, false, 'A viable player reference should exist to run `testCommitCrime`') testing.expectEqual(I.Crimes == nil, false, 'Crimes interface should be available in global contexts') -- Reset crime level to have a clean slate types.Player.setCrimeLevel(player, 0) testing.expectEqual(I.Crimes.commitCrime(player, { type = types.Player.OFFENSE_TYPE.Theft, victim = player, arg = 100}).wasCrimeSeen, false, "Running the crime with the player as the victim should not result in a seen crime") testing.expectEqual(I.Crimes.commitCrime(player, { type = types.Player.OFFENSE_TYPE.Theft, arg = 50 }).wasCrimeSeen, false, "Running the crime with no victim and a type shouldn't raise errors") testing.expectEqual(I.Crimes.commitCrime(player, { type = types.Player.OFFENSE_TYPE.Murder }).wasCrimeSeen, false, "Running a murder crime should work even without a victim") -- Create a mockup target for crimes local victim = world.createObject(types.NPC.record(player).id) victim:teleport(player.cell, player.position + util.vector3(0, 300, 0)) coroutine.yield() -- Reset crime level for testing with a valid victim types.Player.setCrimeLevel(player, 0) testing.expectEqual(I.Crimes.commitCrime(player, { victim = victim, type = types.Player.OFFENSE_TYPE.Theft, arg = 50 }).wasCrimeSeen, true, "Running a crime with a valid victim should notify them when the player is not sneaking, even if it's not explicitly passed in") testing.expectEqual(types.Player.getCrimeLevel(player), 0, "Crime level should not change if the victim's alarm value is low and there's no other witnesses") end local function testRecordModelProperty() initPlayer() local player = world.players[1] testing.expectEqual(types.NPC.record(player).model, 'meshes/basicplayer.dae') end tests = { {'timers', testTimers}, {'rotating player with controls.yawChange should change rotation', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerYawRotation') end}, {'rotating player with controls.pitchChange should change rotation', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerPitchRotation') end}, {'rotating player with controls.pitchChange and controls.yawChange should change rotation', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerPitchAndYawRotation') end}, {'rotating player should not lead to nan rotation', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerRotation') end}, {'playerForwardRunning', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerForwardRunning') end}, {'playerDiagonalWalking', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerDiagonalWalking') end}, {'findPath', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'findPath') end}, {'findRandomPointAroundCircle', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'findRandomPointAroundCircle') end}, {'castNavigationRay', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'castNavigationRay') end}, {'findNearestNavMeshPosition', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'findNearestNavMeshPosition') end}, {'teleport', testTeleport}, {'getGMST', testGetGMST}, {'recordStores', testRecordStores}, {'recordCreation', testRecordCreation}, {'utf8Chars', testUTF8Chars}, {'utf8Strings', testUTF8Strings}, {'mwscript', testMWScript}, {'testMemoryLimit', testMemoryLimit}, {'playerMemoryLimit', function() initPlayer() testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerMemoryLimit') end}, {'player with equipped weapon on attack should damage health of other actors', function() initPlayer() world.createObject('basic_dagger1h', 1):moveInto(player) testing.runLocalTest(player, 'playerWeaponAttack') end}, {'vfs', testVFS}, {'testCommitCrime', testCommitCrime}, {'recordModelProperty', testRecordModelProperty}, } return { engineHandlers = { onUpdate = testing.testRunner(tests), onPlayerAdded = function(p) player = p end, }, eventHandlers = testing.eventHandlers, }