#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "components/esm/defs.hpp"
#include "components/esm/refid.hpp"

namespace ESM

    class ESMReader;
    class ESMWriter;

     * Region data

    struct Region
        constexpr static RecNameInts sRecordId = REC_REGN;

        /// Return a string descriptor for this record type. Currently used for debugging / error logs only.
        static std::string_view getRecordType() { return "Region"; }

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
        struct WEATstruct
            // These are probabilities that add up to 100
            unsigned char mClear, mCloudy, mFoggy, mOvercast, mRain, mThunder, mAsh, mBlight, mSnow, mBlizzard;
        }; // 10 bytes
#pragma pack(pop)

        // Reference to a sound that is played randomly in this region
        struct SoundRef
            ESM::RefId mSound;
            unsigned char mChance;

        WEATstruct mData;
        int mMapColor; // RGBA

        unsigned int mRecordFlags;
        // sleepList refers to a leveled list of creatures you can meet if
        // you sleep outside in this region.
        RefId mId, mSleepList;
        std::string mName;

        std::vector<SoundRef> mSoundList;

        void load(ESMReader& esm, bool& isDeleted);
        void save(ESMWriter& esm, bool isDeleted = false) const;

        void blank();
        ///< Set record to default state (does not touch the ID/index).