#include "pathfinding.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwphysics/raycasting.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "actorutil.hpp" #include "pathgrid.hpp" namespace { // Chooses a reachable end pathgrid point. start is assumed reachable. std::pair getClosestReachablePoint( const ESM::Pathgrid* grid, const MWMechanics::PathgridGraph* graph, const osg::Vec3f& pos, int start) { assert(grid && !grid->mPoints.empty()); float closestDistanceBetween = std::numeric_limits::max(); float closestDistanceReachable = std::numeric_limits::max(); int closestIndex = 0; int closestReachableIndex = 0; // TODO: if this full scan causes performance problems mapping pathgrid // points to a quadtree may help for (size_t counter = 0; counter < grid->mPoints.size(); counter++) { float potentialDistBetween = MWMechanics::PathFinder::distanceSquared(grid->mPoints[counter], pos); if (potentialDistBetween < closestDistanceReachable) { // found a closer one if (graph->isPointConnected(start, counter)) { closestDistanceReachable = potentialDistBetween; closestReachableIndex = counter; } if (potentialDistBetween < closestDistanceBetween) { closestDistanceBetween = potentialDistBetween; closestIndex = counter; } } } // post-condition: start and endpoint must be connected assert(graph->isPointConnected(start, closestReachableIndex)); // AiWander has logic that depends on whether a path was created, deleting // allowed nodes if not. Hence a path needs to be created even if the start // and the end points are the same. return std::pair(closestReachableIndex, closestReachableIndex == closestIndex); } float sqrDistance(const osg::Vec2f& lhs, const osg::Vec2f& rhs) { return (lhs - rhs).length2(); } float sqrDistanceIgnoreZ(const osg::Vec3f& lhs, const osg::Vec3f& rhs) { return sqrDistance(osg::Vec2f(lhs.x(), lhs.y()), osg::Vec2f(rhs.x(), rhs.y())); } float getPathStepSize(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) { const auto world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const auto realHalfExtents = world->getHalfExtents(actor); return 2 * std::max(realHalfExtents.x(), realHalfExtents.y()); } float getHeight(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) { const auto world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const auto halfExtents = world->getHalfExtents(actor); return 2.0 * halfExtents.z(); } // Returns true if turn in `p2` is less than 10 degrees and all the 3 points are almost on one line. bool isAlmostStraight(const osg::Vec3f& p1, const osg::Vec3f& p2, const osg::Vec3f& p3, float pointTolerance) { osg::Vec3f v1 = p1 - p2; osg::Vec3f v3 = p3 - p2; v1.z() = v3.z() = 0; float dotProduct = v1.x() * v3.x() + v1.y() * v3.y(); float crossProduct = v1.x() * v3.y() - v1.y() * v3.x(); // Check that the angle between v1 and v3 is less or equal than 5 degrees. static const float cos175 = std::cos(osg::PI * (175.0 / 180)); bool checkAngle = dotProduct <= cos175 * v1.length() * v3.length(); // Check that distance from p2 to the line (p1, p3) is less or equal than `pointTolerance`. bool checkDist = std::abs(crossProduct) <= pointTolerance * (p3 - p1).length(); return checkAngle && checkDist; } struct IsValidShortcut { const DetourNavigator::Navigator* mNavigator; const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds mAgentBounds; const DetourNavigator::Flags mFlags; bool operator()(const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end) const { const auto position = DetourNavigator::raycast(*mNavigator, mAgentBounds, start, end, mFlags); return position.has_value() && std::abs((position.value() - start).length2() - (end - start).length2()) <= 1; } }; } namespace MWMechanics { float getPathDistance(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& lhs, const osg::Vec3f& rhs) { if (std::abs(lhs.z() - rhs.z()) > getHeight(actor) || canActorMoveByZAxis(actor)) return distance(lhs, rhs); return distanceIgnoreZ(lhs, rhs); } bool checkWayIsClear(const osg::Vec3f& from, const osg::Vec3f& to, float offsetXY) { osg::Vec3f dir = to - from; dir.z() = 0; dir.normalize(); float verticalOffset = 200; // instead of '200' here we want the height of the actor osg::Vec3f _from = from + dir * offsetXY + osg::Z_AXIS * verticalOffset; // cast up-down ray and find height of hit in world space float h = _from.z() - MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getDistToNearestRayHit( _from, -osg::Z_AXIS, verticalOffset + PATHFIND_Z_REACH + 1); return (std::abs(from.z() - h) <= PATHFIND_Z_REACH); } /* * NOTE: This method may fail to find a path. The caller must check the * result before using it. If there is no path the AI routies need to * implement some other heuristics to reach the target. * * NOTE: It may be desirable to simply go directly to the endPoint if for * example there are no pathgrids in this cell. * * NOTE: startPoint & endPoint are in world coordinates * * Updates mPath using aStarSearch() or ray test (if shortcut allowed). * mPath consists of pathgrid points, except the last element which is * endPoint. This may be useful where the endPoint is not on a pathgrid * point (e.g. combat). However, if the caller has already chosen a * pathgrid point (e.g. wander) then it may be worth while to call * pop_back() to remove the redundant entry. * * NOTE: coordinates must be converted prior to calling getClosestPoint() * * | * | cell * | +-----------+ * | | | * | | | * | | @ | * | i | j | * |<--->|<---->| | * | +-----------+ * | k * |<---------->| world * +----------------------------- * * i = x value of cell itself (multiply by ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE to convert) * j = @.x in local coordinates (i.e. within the cell) * k = @.x in world coordinates */ void PathFinder::buildPathByPathgridImpl(const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const PathgridGraph& pathgridGraph, std::back_insert_iterator> out) { const auto pathgrid = pathgridGraph.getPathgrid(); // Refer to AiWander research topic on openmw forums for some background. // Maybe there is no pathgrid for this cell. Just go to destination and let // physics take care of any blockages. if (!pathgrid || pathgrid->mPoints.empty()) return; // NOTE: getClosestPoint expects local coordinates Misc::CoordinateConverter converter(*mCell->getCell()); // NOTE: It is possible that getClosestPoint returns a pathgrind point index // that is unreachable in some situations. e.g. actor is standing // outside an area enclosed by walls, but there is a pathgrid // point right behind the wall that is closer than any pathgrid // point outside the wall osg::Vec3f startPointInLocalCoords(converter.toLocalVec3(startPoint)); int startNode = getClosestPoint(pathgrid, startPointInLocalCoords); osg::Vec3f endPointInLocalCoords(converter.toLocalVec3(endPoint)); std::pair endNode = getClosestReachablePoint(pathgrid, &pathgridGraph, endPointInLocalCoords, startNode); // if it's shorter for actor to travel from start to end, than to travel from either // start or end to nearest pathgrid point, just travel from start to end. float startToEndLength2 = (endPointInLocalCoords - startPointInLocalCoords).length2(); float endTolastNodeLength2 = distanceSquared(pathgrid->mPoints[endNode.first], endPointInLocalCoords); float startTo1stNodeLength2 = distanceSquared(pathgrid->mPoints[startNode], startPointInLocalCoords); if ((startToEndLength2 < startTo1stNodeLength2) || (startToEndLength2 < endTolastNodeLength2)) { *out++ = endPoint; return; } // AiWander has logic that depends on whether a path was created, // deleting allowed nodes if not. Hence a path needs to be created // even if the start and the end points are the same. // NOTE: aStarSearch will return an empty path if the start and end // nodes are the same if (startNode == endNode.first) { ESM::Pathgrid::Point temp(pathgrid->mPoints[startNode]); converter.toWorld(temp); *out++ = makeOsgVec3(temp); } else { auto path = pathgridGraph.aStarSearch(startNode, endNode.first); // If nearest path node is in opposite direction from second, remove it from path. // Especially useful for wandering actors, if the nearest node is blocked for some reason. if (path.size() > 1) { ESM::Pathgrid::Point secondNode = *(++path.begin()); osg::Vec3f firstNodeVec3f = makeOsgVec3(pathgrid->mPoints[startNode]); osg::Vec3f secondNodeVec3f = makeOsgVec3(secondNode); osg::Vec3f toSecondNodeVec3f = secondNodeVec3f - firstNodeVec3f; osg::Vec3f toStartPointVec3f = startPointInLocalCoords - firstNodeVec3f; if (toSecondNodeVec3f * toStartPointVec3f > 0) { ESM::Pathgrid::Point temp(secondNode); converter.toWorld(temp); // Add Z offset since path node can overlap with other objects. // Also ignore doors in raytesting. const int mask = MWPhysics::CollisionType_World; bool isPathClear = !MWBase::Environment::get() .getWorld() ->getRayCasting() ->castRay(osg::Vec3f(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y(), startPoint.z() + 16), osg::Vec3f(temp.mX, temp.mY, temp.mZ + 16), mask) .mHit; if (isPathClear) path.pop_front(); } } // convert supplied path to world coordinates std::transform(path.begin(), path.end(), out, [&](ESM::Pathgrid::Point& point) { converter.toWorld(point); return makeOsgVec3(point); }); } // If endNode found is NOT the closest PathGrid point to the endPoint, // assume endPoint is not reachable from endNode. In which case, // path ends at endNode. // // So only add the destination (which may be different to the closest // pathgrid point) when endNode was the closest point to endPoint. // // This logic can fail in the opposite situate, e.g. endPoint may // have been reachable but happened to be very close to an // unreachable pathgrid point. // // The AI routines will have to deal with such situations. if (endNode.second) *out++ = endPoint; } float PathFinder::getZAngleToNext(float x, float y) const { // This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking // isPathConstructed that prevents this call if otherwise). if (mPath.empty()) return 0.; const auto& nextPoint = mPath.front(); const float directionX = nextPoint.x() - x; const float directionY = nextPoint.y() - y; return std::atan2(directionX, directionY); } float PathFinder::getXAngleToNext(float x, float y, float z) const { // This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking // isPathConstructed that prevents this call if otherwise). if (mPath.empty()) return 0.; const osg::Vec3f dir = mPath.front() - osg::Vec3f(x, y, z); return getXAngleToDir(dir); } void PathFinder::update(const osg::Vec3f& position, float pointTolerance, float destinationTolerance, UpdateFlags updateFlags, const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds& agentBounds, DetourNavigator::Flags pathFlags) { if (mPath.empty()) return; while (mPath.size() > 1 && sqrDistanceIgnoreZ(mPath.front(), position) < pointTolerance * pointTolerance) mPath.pop_front(); const IsValidShortcut isValidShortcut{ MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getNavigator(), agentBounds, pathFlags }; if ((updateFlags & UpdateFlag_ShortenIfAlmostStraight) != 0) { while (mPath.size() > 2 && isAlmostStraight(mPath[0], mPath[1], mPath[2], pointTolerance) && isValidShortcut(mPath[0], mPath[2])) mPath.erase(mPath.begin() + 1); if (mPath.size() > 1 && isAlmostStraight(position, mPath[0], mPath[1], pointTolerance) && isValidShortcut(position, mPath[1])) mPath.pop_front(); } if ((updateFlags & UpdateFlag_RemoveLoops) != 0 && mPath.size() > 1) { std::size_t begin = 0; for (std::size_t i = 1; i < mPath.size(); ++i) { const float sqrDistance = Misc::getVectorToLine(position, mPath[i - 1], mPath[i]).length2(); if (sqrDistance < pointTolerance * pointTolerance && isValidShortcut(position, mPath[i])) begin = i; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < begin; ++i) mPath.pop_front(); } if (mPath.size() == 1) { float distSqr; if ((updateFlags & UpdateFlag_CanMoveByZ) != 0) distSqr = (mPath.front() - position).length2(); else distSqr = sqrDistanceIgnoreZ(mPath.front(), position); if (distSqr < destinationTolerance * destinationTolerance) mPath.pop_front(); } } void PathFinder::buildStraightPath(const osg::Vec3f& endPoint) { mPath.clear(); mPath.push_back(endPoint); mConstructed = true; } void PathFinder::buildPathByPathgrid(const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, const PathgridGraph& pathgridGraph) { mPath.clear(); mCell = cell; buildPathByPathgridImpl(startPoint, endPoint, pathgridGraph, std::back_inserter(mPath)); mConstructed = !mPath.empty(); } void PathFinder::buildPathByNavMesh(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds& agentBounds, const DetourNavigator::Flags flags, const DetourNavigator::AreaCosts& areaCosts, float endTolerance, PathType pathType) { mPath.clear(); // If it's not possible to build path over navmesh due to disabled navmesh generation fallback to straight path DetourNavigator::Status status = buildPathByNavigatorImpl(actor, startPoint, endPoint, agentBounds, flags, areaCosts, endTolerance, pathType, std::back_inserter(mPath)); if (status != DetourNavigator::Status::Success) mPath.clear(); if (status == DetourNavigator::Status::NavMeshNotFound) mPath.push_back(endPoint); mConstructed = !mPath.empty(); } void PathFinder::buildPath(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, const PathgridGraph& pathgridGraph, const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds& agentBounds, const DetourNavigator::Flags flags, const DetourNavigator::AreaCosts& areaCosts, float endTolerance, PathType pathType) { mPath.clear(); mCell = cell; DetourNavigator::Status status = DetourNavigator::Status::NavMeshNotFound; if (!actor.getClass().isPureWaterCreature(actor) && !actor.getClass().isPureFlyingCreature(actor)) { status = buildPathByNavigatorImpl(actor, startPoint, endPoint, agentBounds, flags, areaCosts, endTolerance, pathType, std::back_inserter(mPath)); if (status != DetourNavigator::Status::Success) mPath.clear(); } if (status != DetourNavigator::Status::NavMeshNotFound && mPath.empty() && (flags & DetourNavigator::Flag_usePathgrid) == 0) { status = buildPathByNavigatorImpl(actor, startPoint, endPoint, agentBounds, flags | DetourNavigator::Flag_usePathgrid, areaCosts, endTolerance, pathType, std::back_inserter(mPath)); if (status != DetourNavigator::Status::Success) mPath.clear(); } if (mPath.empty()) buildPathByPathgridImpl(startPoint, endPoint, pathgridGraph, std::back_inserter(mPath)); if (status == DetourNavigator::Status::NavMeshNotFound && mPath.empty()) mPath.push_back(endPoint); mConstructed = !mPath.empty(); } DetourNavigator::Status PathFinder::buildPathByNavigatorImpl(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds& agentBounds, const DetourNavigator::Flags flags, const DetourNavigator::AreaCosts& areaCosts, float endTolerance, PathType pathType, std::back_insert_iterator> out) { const auto world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const auto stepSize = getPathStepSize(actor); const auto navigator = world->getNavigator(); const auto status = DetourNavigator::findPath( *navigator, agentBounds, stepSize, startPoint, endPoint, flags, areaCosts, endTolerance, out); if (pathType == PathType::Partial && status == DetourNavigator::Status::PartialPath) return DetourNavigator::Status::Success; if (status != DetourNavigator::Status::Success) { Log(Debug::Debug) << "Build path by navigator error: \"" << DetourNavigator::getMessage(status) << "\" for \"" << actor.getClass().getName(actor) << "\" (" << actor.getBase() << ") from " << startPoint << " to " << endPoint << " with flags (" << DetourNavigator::WriteFlags{ flags } << ")"; } return status; } void PathFinder::buildPathByNavMeshToNextPoint(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds& agentBounds, const DetourNavigator::Flags flags, const DetourNavigator::AreaCosts& areaCosts) { if (mPath.empty()) return; const auto stepSize = getPathStepSize(actor); const auto startPoint = actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); if (sqrDistanceIgnoreZ(mPath.front(), startPoint) <= 4 * stepSize * stepSize) return; const auto navigator = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getNavigator(); std::deque prePath; auto prePathInserter = std::back_inserter(prePath); const float endTolerance = 0; const auto status = DetourNavigator::findPath(*navigator, agentBounds, stepSize, startPoint, mPath.front(), flags, areaCosts, endTolerance, prePathInserter); if (status == DetourNavigator::Status::NavMeshNotFound) return; if (status != DetourNavigator::Status::Success) { Log(Debug::Debug) << "Build path by navigator error: \"" << DetourNavigator::getMessage(status) << "\" for \"" << actor.getClass().getName(actor) << "\" (" << actor.getBase() << ") from " << startPoint << " to " << mPath.front() << " with flags (" << DetourNavigator::WriteFlags{ flags } << ")"; return; } while (!prePath.empty() && sqrDistanceIgnoreZ(prePath.front(), startPoint) < stepSize * stepSize) prePath.pop_front(); while (!prePath.empty() && sqrDistanceIgnoreZ(prePath.back(), mPath.front()) < stepSize * stepSize) prePath.pop_back(); std::copy(prePath.rbegin(), prePath.rend(), std::front_inserter(mPath)); } void PathFinder::buildLimitedPath(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, const PathgridGraph& pathgridGraph, const DetourNavigator::AgentBounds& agentBounds, const DetourNavigator::Flags flags, const DetourNavigator::AreaCosts& areaCosts, float endTolerance, PathType pathType) { const auto navigator = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getNavigator(); const auto maxDistance = std::min(navigator->getMaxNavmeshAreaRealRadius(), static_cast(Constants::CellSizeInUnits)); const auto startToEnd = endPoint - startPoint; const auto distance = startToEnd.length(); if (distance <= maxDistance) return buildPath(actor, startPoint, endPoint, cell, pathgridGraph, agentBounds, flags, areaCosts, endTolerance, pathType); const auto end = startPoint + startToEnd * maxDistance / distance; buildPath(actor, startPoint, end, cell, pathgridGraph, agentBounds, flags, areaCosts, endTolerance, pathType); } }