#include "loadclas.hpp" #include #include "components/esm/defs.hpp" #include "esmreader.hpp" #include "esmwriter.hpp" namespace ESM { const std::string_view Class::sGmstSpecializationIds[3] = { "sSpecializationCombat", "sSpecializationMagic", "sSpecializationStealth" }; int& Class::CLDTstruct::getSkill(int index, bool major) { if (index < 0 || index >= 5) throw std::logic_error("skill index out of range"); return mSkills[index][major ? 1 : 0]; } int Class::CLDTstruct::getSkill(int index, bool major) const { if (index < 0 || index >= 5) throw std::logic_error("skill index out of range"); return mSkills[index][major ? 1 : 0]; } void Class::load(ESMReader& esm, bool& isDeleted) { isDeleted = false; mRecordFlags = esm.getRecordFlags(); bool hasName = false; bool hasData = false; while (esm.hasMoreSubs()) { esm.getSubName(); switch (esm.retSubName().toInt()) { case SREC_NAME: mId = esm.getRefId(); hasName = true; break; case fourCC("FNAM"): mName = esm.getHString(); break; case fourCC("CLDT"): esm.getHTSized<60>(mData); if (mData.mIsPlayable > 1) esm.fail("Unknown bool value"); hasData = true; break; case fourCC("DESC"): mDescription = esm.getHString(); break; case SREC_DELE: esm.skipHSub(); isDeleted = true; break; default: esm.fail("Unknown subrecord"); break; } } if (!hasName) esm.fail("Missing NAME subrecord"); if (!hasData && !isDeleted) esm.fail("Missing CLDT subrecord"); } void Class::save(ESMWriter& esm, bool isDeleted) const { esm.writeHNCRefId("NAME", mId); if (isDeleted) { esm.writeHNString("DELE", "", 3); return; } esm.writeHNOCString("FNAM", mName); esm.writeHNT("CLDT", mData, 60); esm.writeHNOString("DESC", mDescription); } void Class::blank() { mRecordFlags = 0; mName.clear(); mDescription.clear(); mData.mAttribute[0] = mData.mAttribute[1] = 0; mData.mSpecialization = 0; mData.mIsPlayable = 0; mData.mServices = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 2; ++i2) mData.mSkills[i][i2] = 0; } }