#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mwgui/debugwindow.hpp" #include "engine.hpp" #include "options.hpp" #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include // makes __argc and __argv available on windows #include extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DWORD AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 0x00000001; #endif #include #if (defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux) || defined(__unix) || defined(__posix)) #include #endif using namespace Fallback; /** * \brief Parses application command line and calls \ref Cfg::ConfigurationManager * to parse configuration files. * * Results are directly written to \ref Engine class. * * \retval true - Everything goes OK * \retval false - Error */ bool parseOptions(int argc, char** argv, OMW::Engine& engine, Files::ConfigurationManager& cfgMgr) { // Create a local alias for brevity namespace bpo = boost::program_options; typedef std::vector StringsVector; bpo::options_description desc = OpenMW::makeOptionsDescription(); bpo::variables_map variables; Files::parseArgs(argc, argv, variables, desc); bpo::notify(variables); if (variables.count("help")) { getRawStdout() << desc << std::endl; return false; } if (variables.count("version")) { getRawStdout() << Version::getOpenmwVersionDescription() << std::endl; return false; } cfgMgr.readConfiguration(variables, desc); setupLogging(cfgMgr.getLogPath(), "OpenMW"); Log(Debug::Info) << Version::getOpenmwVersionDescription(); Settings::Manager::load(cfgMgr); MWGui::DebugWindow::startLogRecording(); engine.setGrabMouse(!variables["no-grab"].as()); // Font encoding settings std::string encoding(variables["encoding"].as()); Log(Debug::Info) << ToUTF8::encodingUsingMessage(encoding); engine.setEncoding(ToUTF8::calculateEncoding(encoding)); Files::PathContainer dataDirs(asPathContainer(variables["data"].as())); Files::PathContainer::value_type local(variables["data-local"] .as() .u8string()); // This call to u8string is redundant, but required to // build on MSVC 14.26 due to implementation bugs. if (!local.empty()) dataDirs.push_back(local); cfgMgr.filterOutNonExistingPaths(dataDirs); engine.setResourceDir(variables["resources"] .as() .u8string()); // This call to u8string is redundant, but required to build on MSVC 14.26 // due to implementation bugs. engine.setDataDirs(dataDirs); // fallback archives StringsVector archives = variables["fallback-archive"].as(); for (StringsVector::const_iterator it = archives.begin(); it != archives.end(); ++it) { engine.addArchive(*it); } StringsVector content = variables["content"].as(); if (content.empty()) { Log(Debug::Error) << "No content file given (esm/esp, nor omwgame/omwaddon). Aborting..."; return false; } std::set contentDedupe; for (const auto& contentFile : content) { if (!contentDedupe.insert(contentFile).second) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Content file specified more than once: " << contentFile << ". Aborting..."; return false; } } for (auto& file : content) { engine.addContentFile(file); } StringsVector groundcover = variables["groundcover"].as(); for (auto& file : groundcover) { engine.addGroundcoverFile(file); } if (variables.count("lua-scripts")) { Log(Debug::Warning) << "Lua scripts have been specified via the old lua-scripts option and will not be loaded. " "Please update them to a version which uses the new omwscripts format."; } // startup-settings engine.setCell(variables["start"].as()); engine.setSkipMenu(variables["skip-menu"].as(), variables["new-game"].as()); if (!variables["skip-menu"].as() && variables["new-game"].as()) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: new-game used without skip-menu -> ignoring it"; // scripts engine.setCompileAll(variables["script-all"].as()); engine.setCompileAllDialogue(variables["script-all-dialogue"].as()); engine.setScriptConsoleMode(variables["script-console"].as()); engine.setStartupScript(variables["script-run"].as()); engine.setWarningsMode(variables["script-warn"].as()); std::vector scriptBlacklist; auto& scriptBlacklistString = variables["script-blacklist"].as(); for (const auto& blacklistString : scriptBlacklistString) { scriptBlacklist.push_back(ESM::RefId::stringRefId(blacklistString)); } engine.setScriptBlacklist(scriptBlacklist); engine.setScriptBlacklistUse(variables["script-blacklist-use"].as()); engine.setSaveGameFile(variables["load-savegame"].as().u8string()); // other settings Fallback::Map::init(variables["fallback"].as().mMap); engine.setSoundUsage(!variables["no-sound"].as()); engine.setActivationDistanceOverride(variables["activate-dist"].as()); engine.setRandomSeed(variables["random-seed"].as()); return true; } namespace { class OSGLogHandler : public osg::NotifyHandler { void notify(osg::NotifySeverity severity, const char* msg) override { // Copy, because osg logging is not thread safe. std::string msgCopy(msg); if (msgCopy.empty()) return; Debug::Level level; switch (severity) { case osg::ALWAYS: case osg::FATAL: level = Debug::Error; break; case osg::WARN: case osg::NOTICE: level = Debug::Warning; break; case osg::INFO: level = Debug::Info; break; case osg::DEBUG_INFO: case osg::DEBUG_FP: default: level = Debug::Debug; } std::string_view s(msgCopy); if (s.size() < 1024) Log(level) << (s.back() == '\n' ? s.substr(0, s.size() - 1) : s); else { while (!s.empty()) { size_t lineSize = 1; while (lineSize < s.size() && s[lineSize - 1] != '\n') lineSize++; Log(level) << s.substr(0, s[lineSize - 1] == '\n' ? lineSize - 1 : lineSize); s = s.substr(lineSize); } } } }; } int runApplication(int argc, char* argv[]) { Platform::init(); #ifdef __APPLE__ setenv("OSG_GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE", "OFF", 0); #endif osg::setNotifyHandler(new OSGLogHandler()); Files::ConfigurationManager cfgMgr; std::unique_ptr engine = std::make_unique(cfgMgr); if (parseOptions(argc, argv, *engine, cfgMgr)) { engine->go(); } return 0; } #ifdef ANDROID extern "C" int SDL_main(int argc, char** argv) #else int main(int argc, char** argv) #endif { return wrapApplication(&runApplication, argc, argv, "OpenMW"); } // Platform specific for Windows when there is no console built into the executable. // Windows will call the WinMain function instead of main in this case, the normal // main function is then called with the __argc and __argv parameters. #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE) int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { return main(__argc, __argv); } #endif