#ifndef MWGUI_WIDGETS_H #define MWGUI_WIDGETS_H #include "../mwmechanics/stat.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace MyGUI { class ImageBox; class ControllerItem; } namespace MWBase { class WindowManager; } /* This file contains various custom widgets used in OpenMW. */ namespace MWGui { namespace Widgets { class MWEffectList; struct SpellEffectParams { SpellEffectParams() : mNoTarget(false) , mIsConstant(false) , mNoMagnitude(false) , mKnown(true) , mEffectID(-1) , mSkill(-1) , mAttribute(-1) , mMagnMin(-1) , mMagnMax(-1) , mRange(-1) , mDuration(-1) , mArea(0) { } bool mNoTarget; // potion effects for example have no target (target is always the player) bool mIsConstant; // constant effect means that duration will not be displayed bool mNoMagnitude; // effect magnitude will not be displayed (e.g ingredients) bool mKnown; // is this effect known to the player? (If not, will display as a question mark instead) // value of -1 here means the effect is unknown to the player short mEffectID; // value of -1 here means there is no skill/attribute signed char mSkill, mAttribute; // value of -1 here means the value is unavailable int mMagnMin, mMagnMax, mRange, mDuration; // value of 0 -> no area effect int mArea; bool operator==(const SpellEffectParams& other) const { if (mEffectID != other.mEffectID) return false; bool involvesAttribute = (mEffectID == 74 // restore attribute || mEffectID == 85 // absorb attribute || mEffectID == 17 // drain attribute || mEffectID == 79 // fortify attribute || mEffectID == 22); // damage attribute bool involvesSkill = (mEffectID == 78 // restore skill || mEffectID == 89 // absorb skill || mEffectID == 21 // drain skill || mEffectID == 83 // fortify skill || mEffectID == 26); // damage skill return ((other.mSkill == mSkill) || !involvesSkill) && ((other.mAttribute == mAttribute) && !involvesAttribute) && (other.mArea == mArea); } }; typedef std::vector SpellEffectList; class MWSkill final : public MyGUI::Widget { MYGUI_RTTI_DERIVED(MWSkill) public: MWSkill(); typedef MWMechanics::Stat SkillValue; void setSkillId(ESM::RefId skillId); void setSkillValue(const SkillValue& value); ESM::RefId getSkillId() const { return mSkillId; } const SkillValue& getSkillValue() const { return mValue; } // Events typedef MyGUI::delegates::MultiDelegate EventHandle_SkillVoid; /** Event : Skill clicked.\n signature : void method(MWSkill* _sender)\n */ EventHandle_SkillVoid eventClicked; protected: virtual ~MWSkill(); void initialiseOverride() override; void onClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); private: void updateWidgets(); ESM::RefId mSkillId; SkillValue mValue; MyGUI::TextBox* mSkillNameWidget; MyGUI::TextBox* mSkillValueWidget; }; typedef MWSkill* MWSkillPtr; class MWAttribute final : public MyGUI::Widget { MYGUI_RTTI_DERIVED(MWAttribute) public: MWAttribute(); typedef MWMechanics::AttributeValue AttributeValue; void setAttributeId(ESM::Attribute::AttributeID attributeId); void setAttributeValue(const AttributeValue& value); ESM::Attribute::AttributeID getAttributeId() const { return mId; } const AttributeValue& getAttributeValue() const { return mValue; } // Events typedef MyGUI::delegates::MultiDelegate EventHandle_AttributeVoid; /** Event : Attribute clicked.\n signature : void method(MWAttribute* _sender)\n */ EventHandle_AttributeVoid eventClicked; protected: ~MWAttribute() override = default; void initialiseOverride() override; void onClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); private: void updateWidgets(); ESM::Attribute::AttributeID mId; AttributeValue mValue; MyGUI::TextBox* mAttributeNameWidget; MyGUI::TextBox* mAttributeValueWidget; }; typedef MWAttribute* MWAttributePtr; /** * @todo remove this class and use MWEffectList instead */ class MWSpellEffect; class MWSpell final : public MyGUI::Widget { MYGUI_RTTI_DERIVED(MWSpell) public: MWSpell(); void setSpellId(const ESM::RefId& id); /** * @param vector to store the created effect widgets * @param parent widget * @param coordinates to use, will be expanded if more space is needed * @param spell category, if this is 0, this means the spell effects are permanent and won't display e.g. * duration * @param various flags, see MWEffectList::EffectFlags */ void createEffectWidgets( std::vector& effects, MyGUI::Widget* creator, MyGUI::IntCoord& coord, int flags); const ESM::RefId& getSpellId() const { return mId; } protected: virtual ~MWSpell(); void initialiseOverride() override; private: void updateWidgets(); ESM::RefId mId; MyGUI::TextBox* mSpellNameWidget; }; typedef MWSpell* MWSpellPtr; class MWEffectList final : public MyGUI::Widget { MYGUI_RTTI_DERIVED(MWEffectList) public: MWEffectList(); enum EffectFlags { EF_NoTarget = 0x01, // potions have no target (target is always the player) EF_Constant = 0x02, // constant effect means that duration will not be displayed EF_NoMagnitude = 0x04 // ingredients have no magnitude }; void setEffectList(const SpellEffectList& list); static SpellEffectList effectListFromESM(const ESM::EffectList* effects); /** * @param vector to store the created effect widgets * @param parent widget * @param coordinates to use, will be expanded if more space is needed * @param center the effect widgets horizontally * @param various flags, see MWEffectList::EffectFlags */ void createEffectWidgets(std::vector& effects, MyGUI::Widget* creator, MyGUI::IntCoord& coord, bool center, int flags); protected: virtual ~MWEffectList(); void initialiseOverride() override; private: void updateWidgets(); SpellEffectList mEffectList; }; typedef MWEffectList* MWEffectListPtr; class MWSpellEffect final : public MyGUI::Widget { MYGUI_RTTI_DERIVED(MWSpellEffect) public: MWSpellEffect(); typedef ESM::ENAMstruct SpellEffectValue; void setSpellEffect(const SpellEffectParams& params); int getRequestedWidth() const { return mRequestedWidth; } protected: virtual ~MWSpellEffect(); void initialiseOverride() override; private: static constexpr int sIconOffset = 24; void updateWidgets(); SpellEffectParams mEffectParams; MyGUI::ImageBox* mImageWidget; MyGUI::TextBox* mTextWidget; int mRequestedWidth; }; typedef MWSpellEffect* MWSpellEffectPtr; class MWDynamicStat final : public MyGUI::Widget { MYGUI_RTTI_DERIVED(MWDynamicStat) public: MWDynamicStat(); void setValue(int value, int max); void setTitle(std::string_view text); int getValue() const { return mValue; } int getMax() const { return mMax; } protected: virtual ~MWDynamicStat(); void initialiseOverride() override; private: int mValue, mMax; MyGUI::TextBox* mTextWidget; MyGUI::ProgressBar* mBarWidget; MyGUI::TextBox* mBarTextWidget; }; typedef MWDynamicStat* MWDynamicStatPtr; } } #endif