#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <string_view>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>

namespace ESM
enum Version
    VER_12 = 0x3f99999a,
    VER_13 = 0x3fa66666

enum RecordFlag
    // This flag exists, but is not used to determine if a record has been deleted while loading
    FLAG_Deleted    = 0x00000020,
    FLAG_Persistent = 0x00000400,
    FLAG_Ignored    = 0x00001000,
    FLAG_Blocked    = 0x00002000

template <std::size_t capacity>
struct FixedString
    static_assert(capacity > 0);

    static constexpr std::size_t sCapacity = capacity;

    char mData[capacity];

    FixedString() = default;

    template <std::size_t size>
    constexpr FixedString(const char (&value)[size]) noexcept
        : mData()
        if constexpr (capacity == sizeof(std::uint32_t))
            static_assert(capacity == size || capacity + 1 == size);
            if constexpr (capacity + 1 == size)
                assert(value[capacity] == '\0');
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
                mData[i] = value[i];
            const std::size_t length = std::min(capacity, size);
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                mData[i] = value[i];
            mData[std::min(capacity - 1, length)] = '\0';

    constexpr explicit FixedString(std::uint32_t value) noexcept
        : mData()
        static_assert(capacity == sizeof(std::uint32_t));
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
            mData[i] = static_cast<char>((value >> (i * std::numeric_limits<std::uint8_t>::digits)) & std::numeric_limits<std::uint8_t>::max());

    template <class T>
    constexpr explicit FixedString(T value) noexcept
        : FixedString(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(value)) {}

    std::string_view toStringView() const noexcept
        return std::string_view(mData, strnlen(mData, capacity));

    std::string toString() const
        return std::string(toStringView());

    std::uint32_t toInt() const noexcept
        static_assert(capacity == sizeof(std::uint32_t));
        std::uint32_t value;
        std::memcpy(&value, mData, capacity);
        return value;

    void clear() noexcept
        std::memset(mData, 0, capacity);

    void assign(std::string_view value) noexcept
        if (value.empty())

        if (value.size() < capacity)
            if constexpr (capacity == sizeof(std::uint32_t))
                std::memset(mData, 0, capacity);
            std::memcpy(mData, value.data(), value.size());
            if constexpr (capacity != sizeof(std::uint32_t))
                mData[value.size()] = '\0';

        std::memcpy(mData, value.data(), capacity);

        if constexpr (capacity != sizeof(std::uint32_t))
            mData[capacity - 1] = '\0';

    FixedString& operator=(std::uint32_t value) noexcept
        static_assert(capacity == sizeof(value));
        std::memcpy(&mData, &value, capacity);
        return *this;

template <std::size_t capacity, class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, char>>>
inline bool operator==(const FixedString<capacity>& lhs, const T* const& rhs) noexcept
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
        if (lhs.mData[i] != rhs[i])
            return false;
        if (lhs.mData[i] == '\0')
            return true;
    return rhs[capacity] == '\0';

template <std::size_t capacity>
inline bool operator==(const FixedString<capacity>& lhs, const std::string& rhs) noexcept
    return lhs == rhs.c_str();

template <std::size_t capacity, std::size_t rhsSize>
inline bool operator==(const FixedString<capacity>& lhs, const char (&rhs)[rhsSize]) noexcept
    return strnlen(rhs, rhsSize) == strnlen(lhs.mData, capacity)
        && std::strncmp(lhs.mData, rhs, capacity) == 0;

inline bool operator==(const FixedString<4>& lhs, std::uint32_t rhs) noexcept
    return lhs.toInt() == rhs;

inline bool operator==(const FixedString<4>& lhs, const FixedString<4>& rhs) noexcept
    return lhs.toInt() == rhs.toInt();

template <std::size_t capacity, class Rhs>
inline bool operator!=(const FixedString<capacity>& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) noexcept
    return !(lhs == rhs);

using NAME = FixedString<4>;
using NAME32 = FixedString<32>;
using NAME64 = FixedString<64>;

/* This struct defines a file 'context' which can be saved and later
   restored by an ESMReader instance. It will save the position within
   a file, and when restored will let you read from that position as
   if you never left it.
struct ESM_Context
  std::string filename;
  uint32_t leftRec, leftSub;
  size_t leftFile;
  NAME recName, subName;
  // When working with multiple esX files, we will generate lists of all files that
  //  actually contribute to a specific cell. Therefore, we need to store the index
  //  of the file belonging to this contest. See CellStore::(list/load)refs for details.
  int index;
  std::vector<int> parentFileIndices;

  // True if subName has been read but not used.
  bool subCached;

  // File position. Only used for stored contexts, not regularly
  // updated within the reader itself.
  size_t filePos;

