#include "formatting.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwscript/interpretercontext.hpp" namespace MWGui::Formatting { /* BookTextParser */ BookTextParser::BookTextParser(const std::string& text) : mIndex(0) , mText(text) , mIgnoreNewlineTags(true) , mIgnoreLineEndings(true) , mClosingTag(false) { MWScript::InterpreterContext interpreterContext( nullptr, MWWorld::Ptr()); // empty arguments, because there is no locals or actor mText = Interpreter::fixDefinesBook(mText, interpreterContext); Misc::StringUtils::replaceAll(mText, "\r", ""); // vanilla game does not show any text after the last EOL tag. const std::string lowerText = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(mText); size_t brIndex = lowerText.rfind("
"); size_t pIndex = lowerText.rfind("

"); mPlainTextEnd = 0; if (brIndex != pIndex) { if (brIndex != std::string::npos && pIndex != std::string::npos) mPlainTextEnd = std::max(brIndex, pIndex); else if (brIndex != std::string::npos) mPlainTextEnd = brIndex; else mPlainTextEnd = pIndex; } registerTag("br", Event_BrTag); registerTag("p", Event_PTag); registerTag("img", Event_ImgTag); registerTag("div", Event_DivTag); registerTag("font", Event_FontTag); } void BookTextParser::registerTag(const std::string& tag, BookTextParser::Events type) { mTagTypes[tag] = type; } std::string BookTextParser::getReadyText() const { return mReadyText; } BookTextParser::Events BookTextParser::next() { while (mIndex < mText.size()) { char ch = mText[mIndex]; if (ch == '<') { const size_t tagStart = mIndex + 1; const size_t tagEnd = mText.find('>', tagStart); if (tagEnd == std::string::npos) throw std::runtime_error("BookTextParser Error: Tag is not terminated"); parseTag(mText.substr(tagStart, tagEnd - tagStart)); mIndex = tagEnd; if (mTagTypes.find(mTag) != mTagTypes.end()) { Events type = mTagTypes.at(mTag); if (type == Event_BrTag || type == Event_PTag) { if (!mIgnoreNewlineTags) { if (type == Event_BrTag) mBuffer.push_back('\n'); else { mBuffer.append("\n\n"); } } mIgnoreLineEndings = true; } else flushBuffer(); if (type == Event_ImgTag) { mIgnoreNewlineTags = false; } ++mIndex; return type; } } else { if (!mIgnoreLineEndings || ch != '\n') { if (mIndex < mPlainTextEnd) mBuffer.push_back(ch); mIgnoreLineEndings = false; mIgnoreNewlineTags = false; } } ++mIndex; } flushBuffer(); return Event_EOF; } void BookTextParser::flushBuffer() { mReadyText = mBuffer; mBuffer.clear(); } const BookTextParser::Attributes& BookTextParser::getAttributes() const { return mAttributes; } bool BookTextParser::isClosingTag() const { return mClosingTag; } void BookTextParser::parseTag(std::string tag) { size_t tagNameEndPos = tag.find(' '); mAttributes.clear(); mTag = tag.substr(0, tagNameEndPos); Misc::StringUtils::lowerCaseInPlace(mTag); if (mTag.empty()) return; mClosingTag = (mTag[0] == '/'); if (mClosingTag) { mTag.erase(mTag.begin()); return; } if (tagNameEndPos == std::string::npos) return; tag.erase(0, tagNameEndPos + 1); while (!tag.empty()) { size_t sepPos = tag.find('='); if (sepPos == std::string::npos) return; std::string key = tag.substr(0, sepPos); Misc::StringUtils::lowerCaseInPlace(key); tag.erase(0, sepPos + 1); std::string value; if (tag.empty()) return; if (tag[0] == '"') { size_t quoteEndPos = tag.find('"', 1); if (quoteEndPos == std::string::npos) throw std::runtime_error("BookTextParser Error: Missing end quote in tag"); value = tag.substr(1, quoteEndPos - 1); tag.erase(0, quoteEndPos + 2); } else { size_t valEndPos = tag.find(' '); if (valEndPos == std::string::npos) { value = tag; tag.erase(); } else { value = tag.substr(0, valEndPos); tag.erase(0, valEndPos + 1); } } mAttributes[key] = value; } } /* BookFormatter */ Paginator::Pages BookFormatter::markupToWidget( MyGUI::Widget* parent, const std::string& markup, const int pageWidth, const int pageHeight) { Paginator pag(pageWidth, pageHeight); while (parent->getChildCount()) { MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().destroyWidget(parent->getChildAt(0)); } mTextStyle = TextStyle(); mBlockStyle = BlockStyle(); MyGUI::Widget* paper = parent->createWidget("Widget", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, pag.getPageWidth(), pag.getPageHeight()), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top); paper->setNeedMouseFocus(false); BookTextParser parser(markup); bool brBeforeLastTag = false; bool isPrevImg = false; for (;;) { BookTextParser::Events event = parser.next(); if (event == BookTextParser::Event_BrTag || event == BookTextParser::Event_PTag) continue; std::string plainText = parser.getReadyText(); // for cases when linebreaks are used to cause a shift to the next page // if the split text block ends in an empty line, proceeding text block(s) should have leading empty lines // removed if (pag.getIgnoreLeadingEmptyLines()) { while (!plainText.empty()) { if (plainText[0] == '\n') plainText.erase(plainText.begin()); else { pag.setIgnoreLeadingEmptyLines(false); break; } } } if (plainText.empty()) brBeforeLastTag = true; else { // Each block of text (between two tags / boundary and tag) will be displayed in a separate editbox // widget, which means an additional linebreak will be created between them. ^ This is not what vanilla // MW assumes, so we must deal with line breaks around tags appropriately. bool brAtStart = (plainText[0] == '\n'); bool brAtEnd = (plainText[plainText.size() - 1] == '\n'); if (brAtStart && !brBeforeLastTag && !isPrevImg) plainText.erase(plainText.begin()); if (plainText.size() && brAtEnd) plainText.erase(plainText.end() - 1); if (!plainText.empty() || brBeforeLastTag || isPrevImg) { TextElement elem(paper, pag, mBlockStyle, mTextStyle, plainText); elem.paginate(); } brBeforeLastTag = brAtEnd; } if (event == BookTextParser::Event_EOF) break; isPrevImg = (event == BookTextParser::Event_ImgTag); switch (event) { case BookTextParser::Event_ImgTag: { const BookTextParser::Attributes& attr = parser.getAttributes(); if (attr.find("src") == attr.end() || attr.find("width") == attr.end() || attr.find("height") == attr.end()) continue; std::string src = attr.at("src"); int width = MyGUI::utility::parseInt(attr.at("width")); int height = MyGUI::utility::parseInt(attr.at("height")); auto vfs = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS(); std::string correctedSrc = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctBookartPath(src, width, height, vfs); bool exists = vfs->exists(correctedSrc); if (!exists) { Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: Could not find \"" << src << "\" referenced by an tag."; break; } pag.setIgnoreLeadingEmptyLines(false); ImageElement elem(paper, pag, mBlockStyle, correctedSrc, width, height); elem.paginate(); break; } case BookTextParser::Event_FontTag: if (parser.isClosingTag()) resetFontProperties(); else handleFont(parser.getAttributes()); break; case BookTextParser::Event_DivTag: handleDiv(parser.getAttributes()); break; default: break; } } // insert last page if (pag.getStartTop() != pag.getCurrentTop()) pag << Paginator::Page(pag.getStartTop(), pag.getStartTop() + pag.getPageHeight()); paper->setSize(paper->getWidth(), pag.getCurrentTop()); return pag.getPages(); } Paginator::Pages BookFormatter::markupToWidget(MyGUI::Widget* parent, const std::string& markup) { return markupToWidget(parent, markup, parent->getWidth(), parent->getHeight()); } void BookFormatter::resetFontProperties() { mTextStyle = TextStyle(); } void BookFormatter::handleDiv(const BookTextParser::Attributes& attr) { if (attr.find("align") == attr.end()) return; std::string align = attr.at("align"); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(align, "center")) mBlockStyle.mAlign = MyGUI::Align::HCenter; else if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(align, "left")) mBlockStyle.mAlign = MyGUI::Align::Left; else if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(align, "right")) mBlockStyle.mAlign = MyGUI::Align::Right; } void BookFormatter::handleFont(const BookTextParser::Attributes& attr) { if (attr.find("color") != attr.end()) { unsigned int color; std::stringstream ss; ss << attr.at("color"); ss >> std::hex >> color; mTextStyle.mColour = MyGUI::Colour((color >> 16 & 0xFF) / 255.f, (color >> 8 & 0xFF) / 255.f, (color & 0xFF) / 255.f); } if (attr.find("face") != attr.end()) { std::string face = attr.at("face"); std::string name = Gui::FontLoader::getFontForFace(face); mTextStyle.mFont = "Journalbook " + name; } if (attr.find("size") != attr.end()) { /// \todo } } /* GraphicElement */ GraphicElement::GraphicElement(MyGUI::Widget* parent, Paginator& pag, const BlockStyle& blockStyle) : mParent(parent) , mPaginator(pag) , mBlockStyle(blockStyle) { } void GraphicElement::paginate() { int newTop = mPaginator.getCurrentTop() + getHeight(); while (newTop - mPaginator.getStartTop() > mPaginator.getPageHeight()) { int newStartTop = pageSplit(); mPaginator << Paginator::Page(mPaginator.getStartTop(), newStartTop); mPaginator.setStartTop(newStartTop); } mPaginator.setCurrentTop(newTop); } int GraphicElement::pageSplit() { return mPaginator.getStartTop() + mPaginator.getPageHeight(); } /* TextElement */ TextElement::TextElement(MyGUI::Widget* parent, Paginator& pag, const BlockStyle& blockStyle, const TextStyle& textStyle, const std::string& text) : GraphicElement(parent, pag, blockStyle) , mTextStyle(textStyle) { Gui::EditBox* box = parent->createWidget("NormalText", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, pag.getCurrentTop(), pag.getPageWidth(), 0), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top, parent->getName() + MyGUI::utility::toString(parent->getChildCount())); box->setEditStatic(true); box->setEditMultiLine(true); box->setEditWordWrap(true); box->setNeedMouseFocus(false); box->setNeedKeyFocus(false); box->setMaxTextLength(text.size()); box->setTextAlign(mBlockStyle.mAlign); box->setTextColour(mTextStyle.mColour); box->setFontName(mTextStyle.mFont); box->setCaption(MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(text)); box->setSize(box->getSize().width, box->getTextSize().height); mEditBox = box; } int TextElement::getHeight() { return mEditBox->getTextSize().height; } int TextElement::pageSplit() { // split lines const int lineHeight = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getFontHeight(); unsigned int lastLine = (mPaginator.getStartTop() + mPaginator.getPageHeight() - mPaginator.getCurrentTop()); if (lineHeight > 0) lastLine /= lineHeight; int ret = mPaginator.getCurrentTop() + lastLine * lineHeight; // first empty lines that would go to the next page should be ignored mPaginator.setIgnoreLeadingEmptyLines(true); const MyGUI::VectorLineInfo& lines = mEditBox->getSubWidgetText()->castType()->getLineInfo(); for (unsigned int i = lastLine; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (lines[i].width == 0) ret += lineHeight; else { mPaginator.setIgnoreLeadingEmptyLines(false); break; } } return ret; } /* ImageElement */ ImageElement::ImageElement(MyGUI::Widget* parent, Paginator& pag, const BlockStyle& blockStyle, const std::string& src, int width, int height) : GraphicElement(parent, pag, blockStyle) , mImageHeight(height) { int left = 0; if (mBlockStyle.mAlign.isHCenter()) left += (pag.getPageWidth() - width) / 2; else if (mBlockStyle.mAlign.isLeft()) left = 0; else if (mBlockStyle.mAlign.isRight()) left += pag.getPageWidth() - width; mImageBox = parent->createWidget("ImageBox", MyGUI::IntCoord(left, pag.getCurrentTop(), width, mImageHeight), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top, parent->getName() + MyGUI::utility::toString(parent->getChildCount())); mImageBox->setImageTexture(src); mImageBox->setProperty("NeedMouse", "false"); } int ImageElement::getHeight() { return mImageHeight; } int ImageElement::pageSplit() { // if the image is larger than the page, fall back to the default pageSplit implementation if (mImageHeight > mPaginator.getPageHeight()) return GraphicElement::pageSplit(); return mPaginator.getCurrentTop(); } }