// EGL does not work reliably for feature detection. // Instead, we initialize gl4es manually. #ifdef OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT #include "gl4es_init.h" // For glHint #include <GL/gl.h> extern "C" { #include <gl4es/gl4eshint.h> #include <gl4es/gl4esinit.h> static SDL_Window* gWindow; void openmw_gl4es_GetMainFBSize(int* width, int* height) { SDL_GetWindowSize(gWindow, width, height); } void openmw_gl4es_init(SDL_Window* window) { gWindow = window; set_getprocaddress(SDL_GL_GetProcAddress); set_getmainfbsize(openmw_gl4es_GetMainFBSize); initialize_gl4es(); // merge glBegin/glEnd in beams and console glHint(GL_BEGINEND_HINT_GL4ES, 1); // dxt unpacked to 16-bit looks ugly glHint(GL_AVOID16BITS_HINT_GL4ES, 1); } } // extern "C" #endif // OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT