#include "luabindings.hpp" #include #include "../mwworld/action.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/containerstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp" #include "eventqueue.hpp" #include "luamanagerimp.hpp" #include "types/types.hpp" namespace sol { template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type {}; template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type {}; template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type {}; template <> struct is_automagical : std::false_type {}; template <> struct is_automagical> : std::false_type {}; template <> struct is_automagical> : std::false_type {}; } namespace MWLua { namespace { class TeleportAction final : public LuaManager::Action { public: TeleportAction(LuaUtil::LuaState* state, ObjectId object, std::string cell, const osg::Vec3f& pos, const osg::Vec3f& rot) : Action(state), mObject(object), mCell(std::move(cell)), mPos(pos), mRot(rot) {} void apply(WorldView& worldView) const override { MWWorld::CellStore* cell = worldView.findCell(mCell, mPos); if (!cell) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("cell not found: '") + mCell + "'"); MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); MWWorld::Ptr obj = worldView.getObjectRegistry()->getPtr(mObject, false); const MWWorld::Class& cls = obj.getClass(); bool isPlayer = obj == world->getPlayerPtr(); if (cls.isActor()) cls.getCreatureStats(obj).land(isPlayer); if (isPlayer) { ESM::Position esmPos; static_assert(sizeof(esmPos) == sizeof(osg::Vec3f) * 2); std::memcpy(esmPos.pos, &mPos, sizeof(osg::Vec3f)); std::memcpy(esmPos.rot, &mRot, sizeof(osg::Vec3f)); world->getPlayer().setTeleported(true); if (cell->isExterior()) world->changeToExteriorCell(esmPos, true); else world->changeToInteriorCell(mCell, esmPos, true); } else { MWWorld::Ptr newObj = world->moveObject(obj, cell, mPos); world->rotateObject(newObj, mRot); } } std::string toString() const override { return "TeleportAction"; } private: ObjectId mObject; std::string mCell; osg::Vec3f mPos; osg::Vec3f mRot; }; class ActivateAction final : public LuaManager::Action { public: ActivateAction(LuaUtil::LuaState* state, ObjectId object, ObjectId actor) : Action(state), mObject(object), mActor(actor) {} void apply(WorldView& worldView) const override { MWWorld::Ptr object = worldView.getObjectRegistry()->getPtr(mObject, true); if (object.isEmpty()) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Object not found: " + idToString(mObject))); MWWorld::Ptr actor = worldView.getObjectRegistry()->getPtr(mActor, true); if (actor.isEmpty()) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Actor not found: " + idToString(mActor))); if (object.getRefData().activate()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getLuaManager()->objectActivated(object, actor); std::unique_ptr action = object.getClass().activate(object, actor); action->execute(actor); } } std::string toString() const override { return std::string("ActivateAction object=") + idToString(mObject) + std::string(" actor=") + idToString(mActor); } private: ObjectId mObject; ObjectId mActor; }; template using Cell = std::conditional_t, LCell, GCell>; template void registerObjectList(const std::string& prefix, const Context& context) { using ListT = ObjectList; sol::state& lua = context.mLua->sol(); ObjectRegistry* registry = context.mWorldView->getObjectRegistry(); sol::usertype listT = lua.new_usertype(prefix + "ObjectList"); listT[sol::meta_function::to_string] = [](const ListT& list) { return "{" + std::to_string(list.mIds->size()) + " objects}"; }; listT[sol::meta_function::length] = [](const ListT& list) { return list.mIds->size(); }; listT[sol::meta_function::index] = [registry](const ListT& list, size_t index) { if (index > 0 && index <= list.mIds->size()) return ObjectT((*list.mIds)[index - 1], registry); else throw std::runtime_error("Index out of range"); }; listT[sol::meta_function::pairs] = lua["ipairsForArray"].template get(); listT[sol::meta_function::ipairs] = lua["ipairsForArray"].template get(); } template void addBasicBindings(sol::usertype& objectT, const Context& context) { objectT["isValid"] = [](const ObjectT& o) { return o.isValid(); }; objectT["recordId"] = sol::readonly_property([](const ObjectT& o) -> std::string { return o.ptr().getCellRef().getRefId(); }); objectT["cell"] = sol::readonly_property([](const ObjectT& o) -> sol::optional> { const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = o.ptr(); if (ptr.isInCell()) return Cell{ptr.getCell()}; else return sol::nullopt; }); objectT["position"] = sol::readonly_property([](const ObjectT& o) -> osg::Vec3f { return o.ptr().getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); }); objectT["rotation"] = sol::readonly_property([](const ObjectT& o) -> osg::Vec3f { return o.ptr().getRefData().getPosition().asRotationVec3(); }); objectT["type"] = sol::readonly_property([types=getTypeToPackageTable(context.mLua->sol())](const ObjectT& o) mutable { return types[getLiveCellRefType(o.ptr().mRef)]; }); objectT["count"] = sol::readonly_property([](const ObjectT& o) { return o.ptr().getRefData().getCount(); }); objectT[sol::meta_function::equal_to] = [](const ObjectT& a, const ObjectT& b) { return a.id() == b.id(); }; objectT[sol::meta_function::to_string] = &ObjectT::toString; objectT["sendEvent"] = [context](const ObjectT& dest, std::string eventName, const sol::object& eventData) { context.mLocalEventQueue->push_back({dest.id(), std::move(eventName), LuaUtil::serialize(eventData, context.mSerializer)}); }; objectT["activateBy"] = [context](const ObjectT& o, const ObjectT& actor) { uint32_t esmRecordType = actor.ptr().getType(); if (esmRecordType != ESM::REC_CREA && esmRecordType != ESM::REC_NPC_) throw std::runtime_error("The argument of `activateBy` must be an actor who activates the object. Got: " + ptrToString(actor.ptr())); context.mLuaManager->addAction(std::make_unique(context.mLua, o.id(), actor.id())); }; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // Only for global scripts objectT["addScript"] = [lua=context.mLua, luaManager=context.mLuaManager](const GObject& object, std::string_view path) { const LuaUtil::ScriptsConfiguration& cfg = lua->getConfiguration(); std::optional scriptId = cfg.findId(path); if (!scriptId) throw std::runtime_error("Unknown script: " + std::string(path)); if (!(cfg[*scriptId].mFlags & ESM::LuaScriptCfg::sCustom)) throw std::runtime_error("Script without CUSTOM tag can not be added dynamically: " + std::string(path)); if (object.ptr().getType() == ESM::REC_STAT) throw std::runtime_error("Attaching scripts to Static is not allowed: " + std::string(path)); luaManager->addCustomLocalScript(object.ptr(), *scriptId); }; objectT["hasScript"] = [lua=context.mLua](const GObject& object, std::string_view path) { const LuaUtil::ScriptsConfiguration& cfg = lua->getConfiguration(); std::optional scriptId = cfg.findId(path); if (!scriptId) return false; MWWorld::Ptr ptr = object.ptr(); LocalScripts* localScripts = ptr.getRefData().getLuaScripts(); if (localScripts) return localScripts->hasScript(*scriptId); else return false; }; objectT["removeScript"] = [lua=context.mLua](const GObject& object, std::string_view path) { const LuaUtil::ScriptsConfiguration& cfg = lua->getConfiguration(); std::optional scriptId = cfg.findId(path); if (!scriptId) throw std::runtime_error("Unknown script: " + std::string(path)); MWWorld::Ptr ptr = object.ptr(); LocalScripts* localScripts = ptr.getRefData().getLuaScripts(); if (!localScripts || !localScripts->hasScript(*scriptId)) throw std::runtime_error("There is no script " + std::string(path) + " on " + ptrToString(ptr)); if (localScripts->getAutoStartConf().count(*scriptId) > 0) throw std::runtime_error("Autostarted script can not be removed: " + std::string(path)); localScripts->removeScript(*scriptId); }; objectT["teleport"] = [context](const GObject& object, std::string_view cell, const osg::Vec3f& pos, const sol::optional& optRot) { MWWorld::Ptr ptr = object.ptr(); osg::Vec3f rot = optRot ? *optRot : ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asRotationVec3(); auto action = std::make_unique(context.mLua, object.id(), std::string(cell), pos, rot); if (ptr == MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr()) context.mLuaManager->addTeleportPlayerAction(std::move(action)); else context.mLuaManager->addAction(std::move(action)); }; } } template void addInventoryBindings(sol::usertype& objectT, const std::string& prefix, const Context& context) { using InventoryT = Inventory; sol::usertype inventoryT = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype(prefix + "Inventory"); inventoryT[sol::meta_function::to_string] = [](const InventoryT& inv) { return "Inventory[" + inv.mObj.toString() + "]"; }; inventoryT["getAll"] = [worldView=context.mWorldView, ids=getPackageToTypeTable(context.mLua->sol())]( const InventoryT& inventory, sol::optional type) { int mask = -1; sol::optional typeId = sol::nullopt; if (type.has_value()) typeId = ids[*type]; else mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_All; if (typeId.has_value()) { switch (*typeId) { case ESM::REC_ALCH: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Potion; break; case ESM::REC_ARMO: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Armor; break; case ESM::REC_BOOK: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Book; break; case ESM::REC_CLOT: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Clothing; break; case ESM::REC_INGR: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Ingredient; break; case ESM::REC_LIGH: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Light; break; case ESM::REC_MISC: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Miscellaneous; break; case ESM::REC_WEAP: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Weapon; break; case ESM::REC_APPA: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Apparatus; break; case ESM::REC_LOCK: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Lockpick; break; case ESM::REC_PROB: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Probe; break; case ESM::REC_REPA: mask = MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Repair; break; default:; } } if (mask == -1) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Incorrect type argument in inventory:getAll: " + LuaUtil::toString(*type))); const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = inventory.mObj.ptr(); MWWorld::ContainerStore& store = ptr.getClass().getContainerStore(ptr); ObjectIdList list = std::make_shared>(); auto it = store.begin(mask); while (it.getType() != -1) { const MWWorld::Ptr& item = *(it++); worldView->getObjectRegistry()->registerPtr(item); list->push_back(getId(item)); } return ObjectList{list}; }; inventoryT["countOf"] = [](const InventoryT& inventory, const std::string& recordId) { const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = inventory.mObj.ptr(); MWWorld::ContainerStore& store = ptr.getClass().getContainerStore(ptr); return store.count(recordId); }; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // Only for global scripts // TODO // obj.inventory:drop(obj2, [count]) // obj.inventory:drop(recordId, [count]) // obj.inventory:addNew(recordId, [count]) // obj.inventory:remove(obj/recordId, [count]) /*objectT["moveInto"] = [](const GObject& obj, const InventoryT& inventory) {}; inventoryT["drop"] = [](const InventoryT& inventory) {}; inventoryT["addNew"] = [](const InventoryT& inventory) {}; inventoryT["remove"] = [](const InventoryT& inventory) {};*/ } } template void initObjectBindings(const std::string& prefix, const Context& context) { sol::usertype objectT = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype( prefix + "Object", sol::base_classes, sol::bases()); addBasicBindings(objectT, context); addInventoryBindings(objectT, prefix, context); registerObjectList(prefix, context); } } // namespace void initObjectBindingsForLocalScripts(const Context& context) { initObjectBindings("L", context); } void initObjectBindingsForGlobalScripts(const Context& context) { initObjectBindings("G", context); } }