#include <OgreResource.h>
#include <OgreResourceManager.h>
#include <btBulletCollisionCommon.h>
#include <OgreVector3.h>

namespace OEngine {
namespace Physic

*Define a new resource which describe a Shape usable by bullet.See BulletShapeManager for how to get/use them.
class BulletShape : public Ogre::Resource
    Ogre::String mString;

    void loadImpl();
    void unloadImpl();
    size_t calculateSize() const;

    void deleteShape(btCollisionShape* shape);


    BulletShape(Ogre::ResourceManager *creator, const Ogre::String &name,
        Ogre::ResourceHandle handle, const Ogre::String &group, bool isManual = false,
        Ogre::ManualResourceLoader *loader = 0);

    virtual ~BulletShape();

    btCollisionShape* mCollisionShape;
    btCollisionShape* mRaycastingShape;

    // Whether or not a NiRootCollisionNode was present in the .nif. If there is none, the collision behaviour
    // depends on object type, so we need to expose this variable.
    bool mHasCollisionNode;

    Ogre::Vector3 mBoxTranslation;
    Ogre::Quaternion mBoxRotation;
    //this flag indicate if the shape is used for collision or if it's for raycasting only.
    bool mCollide;


#if (OGRE_VERSION < ((1 << 16) | (9 << 8) | 0))
class BulletShapePtr : public Ogre::SharedPtr<BulletShape>
    BulletShapePtr() : Ogre::SharedPtr<BulletShape>() {}
    explicit BulletShapePtr(BulletShape *rep) : Ogre::SharedPtr<BulletShape>(rep) {}
    BulletShapePtr(const BulletShapePtr &r) : Ogre::SharedPtr<BulletShape>(r) {}
    BulletShapePtr(const Ogre::ResourcePtr &r) : Ogre::SharedPtr<BulletShape>()
        if( r.isNull() )
        // lock & copy other mutex pointer
            pRep = static_cast<BulletShape*>(r.getPointer());
        pUseCount = r.useCountPointer();
        useFreeMethod = r.freeMethod();
        if (pUseCount)

    /// Operator used to convert a ResourcePtr to a BulletShapePtr
    BulletShapePtr& operator=(const Ogre::ResourcePtr& r)
        if(pRep == static_cast<BulletShape*>(r.getPointer()))
            return *this;
        if( r.isNull() )
            return *this; // resource ptr is null, so the call to release above has done all we need to do.
        // lock & copy other mutex pointer
            pRep = static_cast<BulletShape*>(r.getPointer());
        pUseCount = r.useCountPointer();
        useFreeMethod = r.freeMethod();
        if (pUseCount)
        return *this;
typedef Ogre::SharedPtr<BulletShape> BulletShapePtr;

*Hold any BulletShape that was created by the ManualBulletShapeLoader.
*To get a bulletShape, you must load it first.
*First, create a manualBulletShapeLoader. Then call ManualBulletShapeManager->load(). This create an "empty" resource.
*Then use BulletShapeManager->load(). This will fill the resource with the required info.
*To get the resource,use BulletShapeManager::getByName.
*When you use the resource no more, just use BulletShapeManager->unload(). It won't completly delete the resource, but it will
*"empty" it.This allow a better management of memory: when you are leaving a cell, just unload every useless shape.
*Alternatively, you can call BulletShape->load() in order to actually load the resource.
*When you are finished with it, just call BulletShape->unload().
*IMO: prefere the first methode, i am not completly sure about the 2nd.
*Important Note: i have no idea of what happen if you try to load two time the same resource without unloading.
*It won't crash, but it might lead to memory leaks(I don't know how Ogre handle this). So don't do it!
class BulletShapeManager : public Ogre::ResourceManager

    // must implement this from ResourceManager's interface
    Ogre::Resource *createImpl(const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::ResourceHandle handle,
        const Ogre::String &group, bool isManual, Ogre::ManualResourceLoader *loader,
        const Ogre::NameValuePairList *createParams);

    static BulletShapeManager *sThis;

    /** \brief Explicit private copy constructor. This is a forbidden operation.*/
    BulletShapeManager(const BulletShapeManager &);

    /** \brief Private operator= . This is a forbidden operation. */
    BulletShapeManager& operator=(const BulletShapeManager &);


    virtual ~BulletShapeManager();

#if (OGRE_VERSION >= ((1 << 16) | (9 << 8) | 0))
    /// Get a resource by name
    /// @see ResourceManager::getByName
    BulletShapePtr getByName(const Ogre::String& name, const Ogre::String& groupName = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);

    /// Create a new shape
    /// @see ResourceManager::createResource
    BulletShapePtr create (const Ogre::String& name, const Ogre::String& group,
                        bool isManual = false, Ogre::ManualResourceLoader* loader = 0,
                        const Ogre::NameValuePairList* createParams = 0);

    virtual BulletShapePtr load(const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::String &group);

    static BulletShapeManager &getSingleton();
    static BulletShapeManager *getSingletonPtr();

class BulletShapeLoader : public Ogre::ManualResourceLoader

    virtual ~BulletShapeLoader() {}

    virtual void loadResource(Ogre::Resource *resource);

    virtual void load(const std::string &name,const std::string &group);

