------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- `openmw.camera` controls camera. -- Can be used only by player scripts. -- @module camera -- @usage local camera = require('openmw.camera') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @type MODE Camera modes. -- @field #number Static Camera doesn't track player; player inputs doesn't affect camera; use `setStaticPosition` to move the camera. -- @field #number FirstPerson First person mode. -- @field #number ThirdPerson Third person mode; player character turns to the view direction. -- @field #number Vanity Similar to Preview; camera slowly moves around the player. -- @field #number Preview Third person mode, but player character doesn't turn to the view direction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Camera modes. -- @field [parent=#camera] #MODE MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return the current @{openmw.camera#MODE}. -- @function [parent=#camera] getMode -- @return #MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return the mode the camera will switch to after the end of the current animation. Can be nil. -- @function [parent=#camera] getQueuedMode -- @return #MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Change @{openmw.camera#MODE}; if the second (optional, true by default) argument is set to false, the switching can be delayed (see `getQueuedMode`). -- @function [parent=#camera] setMode -- @param #MODE mode -- @param #boolean force ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If set to true then after switching from Preview to ThirdPerson the player character turns to the camera view direction. Otherwise the camera turns to the character view direction. -- @function [parent=#camera] allowCharacterDeferredRotation -- @param #boolean boolValue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show/hide crosshair. -- @function [parent=#camera] showCrosshair -- @param #boolean boolValue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Current position of the tracked object (the characters head if there is no animation). -- @function [parent=#camera] getTrackedPosition -- @return openmw.util#Vector3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Current position of the camera. -- @function [parent=#camera] getPosition -- @return openmw.util#Vector3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Camera pitch angle (radians) without taking extraPitch into account. -- Full pitch is `getPitch()+getExtraPitch()`. -- @function [parent=#camera] getPitch -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Force the pitch angle to the given value (radians); player input on this axis is ignored in this frame. -- @function [parent=#camera] setPitch -- @param #number value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Camera yaw angle (radians) without taking extraYaw into account. -- Full yaw is `getYaw()+getExtraYaw()`. -- @function [parent=#camera] getYaw -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Force the yaw angle to the given value (radians); player input on this axis is ignored in this frame. -- @function [parent=#camera] setYaw -- @param #number value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get camera roll angle (radians). -- @function [parent=#camera] getRoll -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set camera roll angle (radians). -- @function [parent=#camera] setRoll -- @param #number value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional summand for the pitch angle that is not affected by player input. -- Full pitch is `getPitch()+getExtraPitch()`. -- @function [parent=#camera] getExtraPitch -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional summand for the pitch angle; useful for camera shaking effects. -- Setting extra pitch doesn't block player input. -- Full pitch is `getPitch()+getExtraPitch()`. -- @function [parent=#camera] setExtraPitch -- @param #number value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional summand for the yaw angle that is not affected by player input. -- Full yaw is `getYaw()+getExtraYaw()`. -- @function [parent=#camera] getExtraYaw -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional summand for the yaw angle; useful for camera shaking effects. -- Setting extra pitch doesn't block player input. -- Full yaw is `getYaw()+getExtraYaw()`. -- @function [parent=#camera] setExtraYaw -- @param #number value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set camera position; can be used only if camera is in Static mode. -- @function [parent=#camera] setStaticPosition -- @param openmw.util#Vector3 pos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The offset between the characters head and the camera in first person mode (3d vector). -- @function [parent=#camera] getFirstPersonOffset -- @return openmw.util#Vector3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the offset between the characters head and the camera in first person mode (3d vector). -- @function [parent=#camera] setFirstPersonOffset -- @param openmw.util#Vector3 offset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Preferred offset between tracked position (see `getTrackedPosition`) and the camera focal point (the center of the screen) in third person mode. -- See `setFocalPreferredOffset`. -- @function [parent=#camera] getFocalPreferredOffset -- @return openmw.util#Vector2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set preferred offset between tracked position (see `getTrackedPosition`) and the camera focal point (the center of the screen) in third person mode. -- The offset is a 2d vector (X, Y) where X is horizontal (to the right from the character) and Y component is vertical (upward). -- The real offset can differ from the preferred one during smooth transition of if blocked by an obstacle. -- Smooth transition happens by default every time when the preferred offset was changed. Use `instantTransition()` to skip the current transition. -- @function [parent=#camera] setFocalPreferredOffset -- @param openmw.util#Vector2 offset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The actual distance between the camera and the character in third person mode; can differ from the preferred one if there is an obstacle. -- @function [parent=#camera] getThirdPersonDistance -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set preferred distance between the camera and the character in third person mode. -- @function [parent=#camera] setPreferredThirdPersonDistance -- @param #number distance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The current speed coefficient of focal point (the center of the screen in third person mode) smooth transition. -- @function [parent=#camera] getFocalTransitionSpeed -- @return #number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the speed coefficient of focal point (the center of the screen in third person mode) smooth transition. -- Smooth transition happens by default every time when the preferred offset was changed. Use `instantTransition()` to skip the current transition. -- @function [parent=#camera] setFocalTransitionSpeed -- Set the speed coefficient -- @param #number speed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Make instant the current transition of camera focal point and the current deferred rotation (see `allowCharacterDeferredRotation`). -- @function [parent=#camera] instantTransition return nil