#include "spells.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "actorutil.hpp" #include "creaturestats.hpp" #include "magiceffects.hpp" #include "stat.hpp" namespace MWMechanics { Spells::Spells() { } Spells::Spells(const Spells& spells) : mSpellList(spells.mSpellList), mSpells(spells.mSpells), mSelectedSpell(spells.mSelectedSpell), mUsedPowers(spells.mUsedPowers) { if(mSpellList) mSpellList->addListener(this); } Spells::Spells(Spells&& spells) : mSpellList(std::move(spells.mSpellList)), mSpells(std::move(spells.mSpells)), mSelectedSpell(std::move(spells.mSelectedSpell)), mUsedPowers(std::move(spells.mUsedPowers)) { if (mSpellList) mSpellList->updateListener(&spells, this); } std::vector::const_iterator Spells::begin() const { return mSpells.begin(); } std::vector::const_iterator Spells::end() const { return mSpells.end(); } bool Spells::hasSpell(std::string_view spell) const { return hasSpell(SpellList::getSpell(spell)); } bool Spells::hasSpell(const ESM::Spell *spell) const { return std::find(mSpells.begin(), mSpells.end(), spell) != mSpells.end(); } void Spells::add (const ESM::Spell* spell) { mSpellList->add(spell); } void Spells::add(std::string_view spellId) { add(SpellList::getSpell(spellId)); } void Spells::addSpell(const ESM::Spell* spell) { if (!hasSpell(spell)) mSpells.emplace_back(spell); } void Spells::remove(std::string_view spellId) { const auto spell = SpellList::getSpell(spellId); removeSpell(spell); mSpellList->remove(spell); if (spellId==mSelectedSpell) mSelectedSpell.clear(); } void Spells::removeSpell(const ESM::Spell* spell) { const auto it = std::find(mSpells.begin(), mSpells.end(), spell); if(it != mSpells.end()) mSpells.erase(it); } void Spells::removeAllSpells() { mSpells.clear(); } void Spells::clear(bool modifyBase) { removeAllSpells(); if(modifyBase) mSpellList->clear(); } void Spells::setSelectedSpell (const std::string& spellId) { mSelectedSpell = spellId; } const std::string Spells::getSelectedSpell() const { return mSelectedSpell; } bool Spells::hasSpellType(const ESM::Spell::SpellType type) const { auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(mSpells), std::end(mSpells), [=](const ESM::Spell* spell) { return spell->mData.mType == type; }); return it != std::end(mSpells); } bool Spells::hasCommonDisease() const { return hasSpellType(ESM::Spell::ST_Disease); } bool Spells::hasBlightDisease() const { return hasSpellType(ESM::Spell::ST_Blight); } void Spells::purge(const SpellFilter& filter) { std::vector purged; for (auto iter = mSpells.begin(); iter!=mSpells.end();) { const ESM::Spell *spell = *iter; if (filter(spell)) { iter = mSpells.erase(iter); purged.push_back(spell->mId); } else ++iter; } if(!purged.empty()) mSpellList->removeAll(purged); } void Spells::purgeCommonDisease() { purge([](auto spell) { return spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Disease; }); } void Spells::purgeBlightDisease() { purge([](auto spell) { return spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Blight && !hasCorprusEffect(spell); }); } void Spells::purgeCorprusDisease() { purge(&hasCorprusEffect); } void Spells::purgeCurses() { purge([](auto spell) { return spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Curse; }); } bool Spells::hasCorprusEffect(const ESM::Spell *spell) { for (const auto& effectIt : spell->mEffects.mList) { if (effectIt.mEffectID == ESM::MagicEffect::Corprus) { return true; } } return false; } bool Spells::canUsePower(const ESM::Spell* spell) const { const auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(mUsedPowers), std::end(mUsedPowers), [&](auto& pair) { return pair.first == spell; }); return it == mUsedPowers.end() || it->second + 24 <= MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeStamp(); } void Spells::usePower(const ESM::Spell* spell) { // Updates or inserts a new entry with the current timestamp. const auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(mUsedPowers), std::end(mUsedPowers), [&](auto& pair) { return pair.first == spell; }); const auto timestamp = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeStamp(); if (it == mUsedPowers.end()) mUsedPowers.emplace_back(spell, timestamp); else it->second = timestamp; } void Spells::readState(const ESM::SpellState &state, CreatureStats* creatureStats) { const auto& baseSpells = mSpellList->getSpells(); for (const std::string& id : state.mSpells) { // Discard spells that are no longer available due to changed content files const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(id); if (spell) { addSpell(spell); if (id == state.mSelectedSpell) mSelectedSpell = id; } } // Add spells from the base record for(const std::string& id : baseSpells) { const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(id); if(spell) addSpell(spell); } for (std::map::const_iterator it = state.mUsedPowers.begin(); it != state.mUsedPowers.end(); ++it) { const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(it->first); if (!spell) continue; mUsedPowers.emplace_back(spell, MWWorld::TimeStamp(it->second)); } // Permanent effects are used only to keep the custom magnitude of corprus spells effects (after cure too), and only in old saves. Convert data to the new approach. for (std::map >::const_iterator it = state.mPermanentSpellEffects.begin(); it != state.mPermanentSpellEffects.end(); ++it) { const ESM::Spell * spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(it->first); if (!spell) continue; // Import data only for player, other actors should not suffer from corprus worsening. MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayer(); if (creatureStats->getActorId() != player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getActorId()) return; // Note: if target actor has the Restore attirbute effects, stats will be restored. for (std::vector::const_iterator effectIt = it->second.begin(); effectIt != it->second.end(); ++effectIt) { // Applied corprus effects are already in loaded stats modifiers if (effectIt->mId == ESM::MagicEffect::FortifyAttribute) { AttributeValue attr = creatureStats->getAttribute(effectIt->mArg); attr.setModifier(attr.getModifier() - effectIt->mMagnitude); attr.damage(-effectIt->mMagnitude); creatureStats->setAttribute(effectIt->mArg, attr); } else if (effectIt->mId == ESM::MagicEffect::DrainAttribute) { AttributeValue attr = creatureStats->getAttribute(effectIt->mArg); attr.setModifier(attr.getModifier() + effectIt->mMagnitude); attr.damage(effectIt->mMagnitude); creatureStats->setAttribute(effectIt->mArg, attr); } } } } void Spells::writeState(ESM::SpellState &state) const { const auto& baseSpells = mSpellList->getSpells(); for (const auto spell : mSpells) { // Don't save spells and powers stored in the base record if((spell->mData.mType != ESM::Spell::ST_Spell && spell->mData.mType != ESM::Spell::ST_Power) || std::find(baseSpells.begin(), baseSpells.end(), spell->mId) == baseSpells.end()) { state.mSpells.emplace_back(spell->mId); } } state.mSelectedSpell = mSelectedSpell; for (const auto& it : mUsedPowers) state.mUsedPowers[it.first->mId] = it.second.toEsm(); } bool Spells::setSpells(const std::string& actorId) { bool result; std::tie(mSpellList, result) = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().getSpellList(actorId); mSpellList->addListener(this); addAllToInstance(mSpellList->getSpells()); return result; } void Spells::addAllToInstance(const std::vector& spells) { for(const std::string& id : spells) { const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(id); if(spell) addSpell(spell); else Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: ignoring nonexistent spell '" << id << "'"; } } Spells::~Spells() { if(mSpellList) mSpellList->removeListener(this); } }