#include "console.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwscript/extensions.hpp" #include "../mwscript/interpretercontext.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/luamanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/scriptmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" namespace MWGui { class ConsoleInterpreterContext : public MWScript::InterpreterContext { Console& mConsole; public: ConsoleInterpreterContext(Console& console, MWWorld::Ptr reference); void report(const std::string& message) override; }; ConsoleInterpreterContext::ConsoleInterpreterContext(Console& console, MWWorld::Ptr reference) : MWScript::InterpreterContext(reference.isEmpty() ? nullptr : &reference.getRefData().getLocals(), reference) , mConsole(console) { } void ConsoleInterpreterContext::report(const std::string& message) { mConsole.printOK(message); } bool Console::compile(const std::string& cmd, Compiler::Output& output) { try { ErrorHandler::reset(); std::istringstream input(cmd + '\n'); Compiler::Scanner scanner(*this, input, mCompilerContext.getExtensions()); Compiler::LineParser parser( *this, mCompilerContext, output.getLocals(), output.getLiterals(), output.getCode(), true); scanner.scan(parser); return isGood(); } catch (const Compiler::SourceException&) { // error has already been reported via error handler } catch (const std::exception& error) { printError(std::string("Error: ") + error.what()); } return false; } void Console::report(const std::string& message, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Type type) { std::ostringstream error; error << "column " << loc.mColumn << " (" << loc.mLiteral << "):"; printError(error.str()); printError((type == ErrorMessage ? "error: " : "warning: ") + message); } void Console::report(const std::string& message, Type type) { printError((type == ErrorMessage ? "error: " : "warning: ") + message); } void Console::listNames() { if (mNames.empty()) { // keywords std::istringstream input; Compiler::Scanner scanner(*this, input, mCompilerContext.getExtensions()); scanner.listKeywords(mNames); // identifier const MWWorld::ESMStore& esmStore = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); std::vector ids; for (const auto* store : esmStore) { store->listIdentifier(ids); for (auto id : ids) { if (id.is()) mNames.push_back(id.getRefIdString()); } ids.clear(); } // exterior cell names and editor IDs aren't technically identifiers, // but since the COC function accepts them, we should list them too for (auto it = esmStore.get().extBegin(); it != esmStore.get().extEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->mName.empty()) mNames.push_back(it->mName); } for (const auto& cell : esmStore.get()) { if (!cell.mEditorId.empty()) mNames.push_back(cell.mEditorId); } // sort std::sort(mNames.begin(), mNames.end()); // remove duplicates mNames.erase(std::unique(mNames.begin(), mNames.end()), mNames.end()); } } Console::Console(int w, int h, bool consoleOnlyScripts, Files::ConfigurationManager& cfgMgr) : WindowBase("openmw_console.layout") , mCaseSensitiveSearch(false) , mRegExSearch(false) , mCompilerContext(MWScript::CompilerContext::Type_Console) , mConsoleOnlyScripts(consoleOnlyScripts) , mCfgMgr(cfgMgr) { setCoord(10, 10, w - 10, h / 2); getWidget(mCommandLine, "edit_Command"); getWidget(mHistory, "list_History"); getWidget(mSearchTerm, "edit_SearchTerm"); getWidget(mNextButton, "button_Next"); getWidget(mPreviousButton, "button_Previous"); getWidget(mCaseSensitiveToggleButton, "button_CaseSensitive"); getWidget(mRegExSearchToggleButton, "button_RegExSearch"); // Set up the command line box mCommandLine->eventEditSelectAccept += newDelegate(this, &Console::acceptCommand); mCommandLine->eventKeyButtonPressed += newDelegate(this, &Console::commandBoxKeyPress); // Set up the search term box mSearchTerm->eventEditSelectAccept += newDelegate(this, &Console::acceptSearchTerm); mNextButton->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &Console::findNextOccurrence); mPreviousButton->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &Console::findPreviousOccurrence); mCaseSensitiveToggleButton->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &Console::toggleCaseSensitiveSearch); mRegExSearchToggleButton->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &Console::toggleRegExSearch); // Set up the log window mHistory->setOverflowToTheLeft(true); // compiler Compiler::registerExtensions(mExtensions, mConsoleOnlyScripts); mCompilerContext.setExtensions(&mExtensions); // command history file initConsoleHistory(); } Console::~Console() { if (mCommandHistoryFile && mCommandHistoryFile.is_open()) mCommandHistoryFile.close(); } void Console::onOpen() { // Give keyboard focus to the combo box whenever the console is // turned on and place it over other widgets MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(mCommandLine); MyGUI::LayerManager::getInstance().upLayerItem(mMainWidget); } void Console::print(const std::string& msg, std::string_view color) { mHistory->addText(std::string(color) + MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(msg)); } void Console::printOK(const std::string& msg) { print(msg + "\n", MWBase::WindowManager::sConsoleColor_Success); } void Console::printError(const std::string& msg) { print(msg + "\n", MWBase::WindowManager::sConsoleColor_Error); } void Console::execute(const std::string& command) { // Log the command if (mConsoleMode.empty()) print("> " + command + "\n"); else print(mConsoleMode + " " + command + "\n"); if (!mConsoleMode.empty() || (command.size() >= 3 && std::string_view(command).substr(0, 3) == "lua")) { MWBase::Environment::get().getLuaManager()->handleConsoleCommand(mConsoleMode, command, mPtr); return; } Compiler::Locals locals; if (!mPtr.isEmpty()) { const ESM::RefId& script = mPtr.getClass().getScript(mPtr); if (!script.empty()) locals = MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getLocals(script); } Compiler::Output output(locals); if (compile(command + "\n", output)) { try { ConsoleInterpreterContext interpreterContext(*this, mPtr); Interpreter::Interpreter interpreter; MWScript::installOpcodes(interpreter, mConsoleOnlyScripts); const Interpreter::Program program = output.getProgram(); interpreter.run(program, interpreterContext); } catch (const std::exception& error) { printError(std::string("Error: ") + error.what()); } } } void Console::executeFile(const std::filesystem::path& path) { std::ifstream stream(path); if (!stream.is_open()) { printError("Failed to open script file \"" + Files::pathToUnicodeString(path) + "\": " + std::generic_category().message(errno)); return; } std::string line; while (std::getline(stream, line)) execute(line); } void Console::clear() { resetReference(); } bool isWhitespace(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; } void Console::commandBoxKeyPress(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::KeyCode key, MyGUI::Char _char) { if (MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().isControlPressed()) { if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::W) { const auto& caption = mCommandLine->getCaption(); if (caption.empty()) return; size_t max = mCommandLine->getTextCursor(); while (max > 0 && (isWhitespace(caption[max - 1]) || caption[max - 1] == '>')) max--; while (max > 0 && !isWhitespace(caption[max - 1]) && caption[max - 1] != '>') max--; size_t length = mCommandLine->getTextCursor() - max; if (length > 0) { auto text = caption; text.erase(max, length); mCommandLine->setCaption(text); mCommandLine->setTextCursor(max); } } else if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::U) { if (mCommandLine->getTextCursor() > 0) { auto text = mCommandLine->getCaption(); text.erase(0, mCommandLine->getTextCursor()); mCommandLine->setCaption(text); mCommandLine->setTextCursor(0); } } } else if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::Tab && mConsoleMode.empty()) { std::vector matches; listNames(); std::string oldCaption = mCommandLine->getCaption(); std::string newCaption = complete(mCommandLine->getOnlyText(), matches); mCommandLine->setCaption(newCaption); // List candidates if repeatedly pressing tab if (oldCaption == newCaption && !matches.empty()) { int i = 0; printOK({}); for (std::string& match : matches) { if (i == 50) break; printOK(match); i++; } } } if (mCommandHistory.empty()) return; // Traverse history with up and down arrows if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowUp) { // If the user was editing a string, store it for later if (mCurrent == mCommandHistory.end()) mEditString = mCommandLine->getOnlyText(); if (mCurrent != mCommandHistory.begin()) { --mCurrent; mCommandLine->setCaption(*mCurrent); } } else if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowDown) { if (mCurrent != mCommandHistory.end()) { ++mCurrent; if (mCurrent != mCommandHistory.end()) mCommandLine->setCaption(*mCurrent); else // Restore the edit string mCommandLine->setCaption(mEditString); } } } void Console::acceptCommand(MyGUI::EditBox* _sender) { const std::string& cm = mCommandLine->getOnlyText(); if (cm.empty()) return; // Add the command to the history, and set the current pointer to // the end of the list if (mCommandHistory.empty() || mCommandHistory.back() != cm) { mCommandHistory.push_back(cm); if (mCommandHistoryFile && mCommandHistoryFile.good()) mCommandHistoryFile << cm << std::endl; } mCurrent = mCommandHistory.end(); mEditString.clear(); mHistory->setTextCursor(mHistory->getTextLength()); // Reset the command line before the command execution. // It prevents the re-triggering of the acceptCommand() event for the same command // during the actual command execution mCommandLine->setCaption({}); execute(cm); } void Console::toggleCaseSensitiveSearch(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mCaseSensitiveSearch = !mCaseSensitiveSearch; // Reset console search highlight position search parameters have changed mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = std::string::npos; // Adjust color to reflect toggled status const TextColours& textColours{ MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getTextColours() }; mCaseSensitiveToggleButton->setTextColour(mCaseSensitiveSearch ? textColours.link : textColours.normal); } void Console::toggleRegExSearch(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mRegExSearch = !mRegExSearch; // Reset console search highlight position search parameters have changed mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = std::string::npos; // Adjust color to reflect toggled status const TextColours& textColours{ MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getTextColours() }; mRegExSearchToggleButton->setTextColour(mRegExSearch ? textColours.link : textColours.normal); // RegEx searches are always case sensitive mCaseSensitiveSearch = mRegExSearch; // Dim case sensitive and set disabled if regex search toggled on, restore when toggled off mCaseSensitiveToggleButton->setTextColour(mCaseSensitiveSearch ? textColours.linkPressed : textColours.normal); mCaseSensitiveToggleButton->setEnabled(!mRegExSearch); } void Console::acceptSearchTerm(MyGUI::EditBox* _sender) { const std::string& searchTerm = mSearchTerm->getOnlyText(); if (searchTerm.empty()) { return; } std::string newSearchTerm = mCaseSensitiveSearch ? searchTerm : Utf8Stream::lowerCaseUtf8(searchTerm); // If new search term reset position, otherwise continue from current position if (newSearchTerm != mCurrentSearchTerm) { mCurrentSearchTerm = newSearchTerm; mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = std::string::npos; } findNextOccurrence(nullptr); } enum class Console::SearchDirection { Forward, Reverse }; void Console::findNextOccurrence(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { findOccurrence(SearchDirection::Forward); } void Console::findPreviousOccurrence(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { findOccurrence(SearchDirection::Reverse); } void Console::findOccurrence(const SearchDirection direction) { if (mCurrentSearchTerm.empty()) { return; } const auto historyText{ mCaseSensitiveSearch ? mHistory->getOnlyText().asUTF8() : Utf8Stream::lowerCaseUtf8(mHistory->getOnlyText().asUTF8()) }; // Setup default search range size_t firstIndex{ 0 }; size_t lastIndex{ historyText.length() }; // If search is not the first adjust the range based on the direction and previous occurrence. if (mCurrentOccurrenceIndex != std::string::npos) { if (direction == SearchDirection::Forward && mCurrentOccurrenceIndex > 1) { firstIndex = mCurrentOccurrenceIndex + mCurrentOccurrenceLength; } else if (direction == SearchDirection::Reverse && (historyText.length() - mCurrentOccurrenceIndex) > mCurrentOccurrenceLength) { lastIndex = mCurrentOccurrenceIndex - 1; } } findInHistoryText(historyText, direction, firstIndex, lastIndex); // If the last search did not find anything AND... if (mCurrentOccurrenceIndex == std::string::npos) { if (direction == SearchDirection::Forward && firstIndex != 0) { // ... We didn't start at the beginning, we apply the search to the other half of the text. findInHistoryText(historyText, direction, 0, firstIndex); } else if (direction == SearchDirection::Reverse && lastIndex != historyText.length()) { // ... We didn't search to the end, we apply the search to the other half of the text. findInHistoryText(historyText, direction, lastIndex, historyText.length()); } } // Only scroll & select if we actually found something if (mCurrentOccurrenceIndex != std::string::npos) { markOccurrence(mCurrentOccurrenceIndex, mCurrentOccurrenceLength); } else { markOccurrence(0, 0); } } void Console::findInHistoryText(const std::string& historyText, const SearchDirection direction, const size_t firstIndex, const size_t lastIndex) { if (mRegExSearch) { findWithRegex(historyText, direction, firstIndex, lastIndex); } else { findWithStringSearch(historyText, direction, firstIndex, lastIndex); } } void Console::findWithRegex(const std::string& historyText, const SearchDirection direction, const size_t firstIndex, const size_t lastIndex) { // Search text for regex match in given interval const std::regex pattern{ mCurrentSearchTerm }; std::sregex_iterator match{ (historyText.cbegin() + firstIndex), (historyText.cbegin() + lastIndex), pattern }; const std::sregex_iterator end{}; // If reverse search get last result in interval if (direction == SearchDirection::Reverse) { std::sregex_iterator lastMatch{ end }; while (match != end) { lastMatch = match; ++match; } match = lastMatch; } // If regex match is found in text, set new current occurrence values if (match != end) { mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = match->position() + firstIndex; mCurrentOccurrenceLength = match->length(); } else { mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = std::string::npos; mCurrentOccurrenceLength = 0; } } void Console::findWithStringSearch(const std::string& historyText, const SearchDirection direction, const size_t firstIndex, const size_t lastIndex) { // Search in given text interval for search term const size_t substringLength{ (lastIndex - firstIndex) + 1 }; const std::string_view historyTextView((historyText.c_str() + firstIndex), substringLength); if (direction == SearchDirection::Forward) { mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = historyTextView.find(mCurrentSearchTerm); } else { mCurrentOccurrenceIndex = historyTextView.rfind(mCurrentSearchTerm); } // If search term is found in text, set new current occurrence values if (mCurrentOccurrenceIndex != std::string::npos) { mCurrentOccurrenceIndex += firstIndex; mCurrentOccurrenceLength = mCurrentSearchTerm.length(); } else { mCurrentOccurrenceLength = 0; } } void Console::markOccurrence(const size_t textPosition, const size_t length) { if (textPosition == 0 && length == 0) { mHistory->setTextSelection(0, 0); mHistory->setVScrollPosition(mHistory->getVScrollRange()); return; } const auto historyText = mHistory->getOnlyText(); const size_t upperLimit = std::min(historyText.length(), textPosition); // Since MyGUI::EditBox.setVScrollPosition() works on pixels instead of text positions // we need to calculate the actual pixel position by counting lines. size_t lineNumber = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < upperLimit; i++) { if (historyText[i] == '\n') { lineNumber++; } } // Make some space before the actual result if (lineNumber >= 2) { lineNumber -= 2; } mHistory->setTextSelection(textPosition, textPosition + length); mHistory->setVScrollPosition(mHistory->getFontHeight() * lineNumber); } std::string Console::complete(std::string input, std::vector& matches) { std::string output = input; std::string tmp = input; bool has_front_quote = false; /* Does the input string contain things that don't have to be completed? If yes erase them. */ /* Erase a possible call to an explicit reference. */ size_t explicitPos = tmp.find("->"); if (explicitPos != std::string::npos) { tmp.erase(0, explicitPos + 2); } /* Are there quotation marks? */ if (tmp.find('"') != std::string::npos) { int numquotes = 0; for (std::string::iterator it = tmp.begin(); it < tmp.end(); ++it) { if (*it == '"') numquotes++; } /* Is it terminated?*/ if (numquotes % 2) { tmp.erase(0, tmp.rfind('"') + 1); has_front_quote = true; } else { size_t pos; if ((((pos = tmp.rfind(' ')) != std::string::npos)) && (pos > tmp.rfind('"'))) { tmp.erase(0, tmp.rfind(' ') + 1); } else { tmp.clear(); } has_front_quote = false; } } /* No quotation marks. Are there spaces?*/ else { size_t rpos; if ((rpos = tmp.rfind(' ')) != std::string::npos) { if (rpos == 0) { tmp.clear(); } else { tmp.erase(0, rpos + 1); } } } /* Erase the input from the output string so we can easily append the completed form later. */ output.erase(output.end() - tmp.length(), output.end()); /* Is there still something in the input string? If not just display all commands and return the unchanged * input. */ if (tmp.length() == 0) { matches = mNames; return input; } /* Iterate through the vector. */ for (std::string& name : mNames) { bool string_different = false; /* Is the string shorter than the input string? If yes skip it. */ if (name.length() < tmp.length()) continue; /* Is the beginning of the string different from the input string? If yes skip it. */ for (std::string::iterator iter = tmp.begin(), iter2 = name.begin(); iter < tmp.end(); ++iter, ++iter2) { if (Misc::StringUtils::toLower(*iter) != Misc::StringUtils::toLower(*iter2)) { string_different = true; break; } } if (string_different) continue; /* The beginning of the string matches the input string, save it for the next test. */ matches.push_back(name); } /* There are no matches. Return the unchanged input. */ if (matches.empty()) { return input; } /* Only one match. We're done. */ if (matches.size() == 1) { /* Adding quotation marks when the input string started with a quotation mark or has spaces in it*/ if ((matches.front().find(' ') != std::string::npos)) { if (!has_front_quote) output += '"'; return output.append(matches.front() + std::string("\" ")); } else if (has_front_quote) { return output.append(matches.front() + std::string("\" ")); } else { return output.append(matches.front() + std::string(" ")); } } /* Check if all matching strings match further than input. If yes complete to this match. */ int i = tmp.length(); for (std::string::iterator iter = matches.front().begin() + tmp.length(); iter < matches.front().end(); ++iter, ++i) { for (std::string& match : matches) { if (Misc::StringUtils::toLower(match[i]) != Misc::StringUtils::toLower(*iter)) { /* Append the longest match to the end of the output string*/ output.append(matches.front().substr(0, i)); return output; } } } /* All keywords match with the shortest. Append it to the output string and return it. */ return output.append(matches.front()); } void Console::onResChange(int width, int height) { setCoord(10, 10, width - 10, height / 2); } void Console::updateSelectedObjectPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& currentPtr, const MWWorld::Ptr& newPtr) { if (mPtr == currentPtr) mPtr = newPtr; } void Console::setSelectedObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& object) { if (!object.isEmpty()) { if (object == mPtr) mPtr = MWWorld::Ptr(); else mPtr = object; // User clicked on an object. Restore focus to the console command line. MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(mCommandLine); } else mPtr = MWWorld::Ptr(); updateConsoleTitle(); } void Console::updateConsoleTitle() { std::string title = "#{OMWEngine:ConsoleWindow}"; if (!mConsoleMode.empty()) title = mConsoleMode + " " + title; if (!mPtr.isEmpty()) title.append(" (" + mPtr.getCellRef().getRefId().toDebugString() + ")"); setTitle(title); } void Console::setConsoleMode(std::string_view mode) { mConsoleMode = std::string(mode); updateConsoleTitle(); } void Console::onReferenceUnavailable() { setSelectedObject(MWWorld::Ptr()); } void Console::resetReference() { ReferenceInterface::resetReference(); setSelectedObject(MWWorld::Ptr()); } void Console::initConsoleHistory() { const auto filePath = mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath() / "console_history.txt"; const size_t retrievalLimit = Settings::general().mConsoleHistoryBufferSize; // Read the previous session's commands from the file if (retrievalLimit > 0) { std::ifstream historyFile(filePath); std::string line; while (std::getline(historyFile, line)) { // Truncate the list if it exceeds the retrieval limit if (mCommandHistory.size() >= retrievalLimit) mCommandHistory.pop_front(); mCommandHistory.push_back(line); } historyFile.close(); } mCurrent = mCommandHistory.end(); try { mCommandHistoryFile.exceptions(std::fstream::failbit | std::fstream::badbit); mCommandHistoryFile.open(filePath, std::ios_base::trunc); // Update the history file for (const auto& histObj : mCommandHistory) mCommandHistoryFile << histObj << std::endl; mCommandHistoryFile.close(); mCommandHistoryFile.open(filePath, std::ios_base::app); } catch (const std::ios_base::failure& e) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Failed to write to console history file " << filePath << " : " << e.what() << " : " << std::generic_category().message(errno); } } }