#include "soundmanagerimp.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/statemanager.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp" #include "sound_output.hpp" #include "sound_buffer.hpp" #include "sound_decoder.hpp" #include "sound.hpp" #include "openal_output.hpp" #define SOUND_OUT "OpenAL" #include "ffmpeg_decoder.hpp" #ifndef SOUND_IN #define SOUND_IN "FFmpeg" #endif namespace { const int sLoudnessFPS = 20; // loudness values per second of audio } namespace MWSound { SoundManager::SoundManager(const VFS::Manager* vfs, bool useSound) : mVFS(vfs) , mOutput(new DEFAULT_OUTPUT(*this)) , mMasterVolume(1.0f) , mSFXVolume(1.0f) , mMusicVolume(1.0f) , mVoiceVolume(1.0f) , mFootstepsVolume(1.0f) , mBufferCacheSize(0) , mListenerUnderwater(false) , mListenerPos(0,0,0) , mListenerDir(1,0,0) , mListenerUp(0,0,1) , mPausedSoundTypes(0) { if(!useSound) return; mMasterVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("master volume", "Sound"); mMasterVolume = std::min(std::max(mMasterVolume, 0.0f), 1.0f); mSFXVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("sfx volume", "Sound"); mSFXVolume = std::min(std::max(mSFXVolume, 0.0f), 1.0f); mMusicVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("music volume", "Sound"); mMusicVolume = std::min(std::max(mMusicVolume, 0.0f), 1.0f); mVoiceVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("voice volume", "Sound"); mVoiceVolume = std::min(std::max(mVoiceVolume, 0.0f), 1.0f); mFootstepsVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("footsteps volume", "Sound"); mFootstepsVolume = std::min(std::max(mFootstepsVolume, 0.0f), 1.0f); std::cout << "Sound output: " << SOUND_OUT << std::endl; std::cout << "Sound decoder: " << SOUND_IN << std::endl; try { std::vector names = mOutput->enumerate(); std::cout <<"Enumerated output devices:"<< std::endl; for(size_t i = 0;i < names.size();i++) std::cout <<" "<init(devname); } catch(std::exception &e) { if(devname.empty()) throw; std::cerr <<"Failed to open device \""<init(); Settings::Manager::setString("device", "Sound", ""); } } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound init failed: "<isInitialized()) { SoundBufferList::iterator sfxiter = mSoundBuffers.begin(); for(;sfxiter != mSoundBuffers.end();++sfxiter) { if(sfxiter->mHandle) mOutput->unloadSound(sfxiter->mHandle); sfxiter->mHandle = 0; } mUnusedBuffers.clear(); } mOutput.reset(); } // Return a new decoder instance, used as needed by the output implementations DecoderPtr SoundManager::getDecoder() { return DecoderPtr(new DEFAULT_DECODER (mVFS)); } void SoundManager::insertSound(const std::string &soundId, const ESM::Sound *sound) { BufferKeyList::iterator bufkey = std::lower_bound(mBufferKeys.begin(), mBufferKeys.end(), soundId); if(bufkey != mBufferKeys.end() && *bufkey == soundId) { std::cerr<< "Duplicate sound record \""<getStore().get().find("fAudioDefaultMinDistance")->getFloat(); static const float fAudioDefaultMaxDistance = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioDefaultMaxDistance")->getFloat(); static const float fAudioMinDistanceMult = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioMinDistanceMult")->getFloat(); static const float fAudioMaxDistanceMult = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioMaxDistanceMult")->getFloat(); float volume, min, max; volume = static_cast(pow(10.0, (sound->mData.mVolume / 255.0*3348.0 - 3348.0) / 2000.0)); if(sound->mData.mMinRange == 0 && sound->mData.mMaxRange == 0) { min = fAudioDefaultMinDistance; max = fAudioDefaultMaxDistance; } else { min = sound->mData.mMinRange; max = sound->mData.mMaxRange; } min *= fAudioMinDistanceMult; max *= fAudioMaxDistanceMult; min = std::max(min, 1.0f); max = std::max(min, max); Sound_Buffer *sfx; bufkey = mBufferKeys.insert(bufkey, soundId); try { BufferKeyList::difference_type id; id = std::distance(mBufferKeys.begin(), bufkey); mSoundBuffers.insert(mSoundBuffers.begin()+id, Sound_Buffer("Sound/"+sound->mSound, volume, min, max) ); sfx = &mSoundBuffers[id]; } catch(...) { mBufferKeys.erase(bufkey); throw; } mVFS->normalizeFilename(sfx->mResourceName); } size_t SoundManager::lookupId(const std::string &soundId) { BufferKeyList::iterator bufkey = std::lower_bound(mBufferKeys.begin(), mBufferKeys.end(), soundId); if(bufkey != mBufferKeys.end() && *bufkey == soundId) return std::distance(mBufferKeys.begin(), bufkey); if(mBufferKeys.empty()) { MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); MWWorld::Store::iterator iter = world->getStore().get().begin(); MWWorld::Store::iterator end = world->getStore().get().end(); size_t storesize = world->getStore().get().getSize(); mBufferKeys.reserve(storesize); mSoundBuffers.reserve(storesize); for(;iter != end;++iter) insertSound(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(iter->mId), &*iter); bufkey = std::lower_bound(mBufferKeys.begin(), mBufferKeys.end(), soundId); if(bufkey != mBufferKeys.end() && *bufkey == soundId) return std::distance(mBufferKeys.begin(), bufkey); } throw std::runtime_error("Sound "+soundId+" not found"); } size_t SoundManager::lookupId(const std::string& soundId) const { BufferKeyList::const_iterator bufkey = std::lower_bound(mBufferKeys.begin(), mBufferKeys.end(), soundId); if(bufkey != mBufferKeys.end() && *bufkey == soundId) return std::distance(mBufferKeys.begin(), bufkey); throw std::runtime_error("Sound "+soundId+" not found"); } // Lookup a sfxid for its sound data (resource name, local volume, // minRange, and maxRange). Sound_Buffer *SoundManager::lookup(size_t sfxid) { Sound_Buffer *sfx = &mSoundBuffers[sfxid]; if(!sfx->mHandle) { sfx->mHandle = mOutput->loadSound(sfx->mResourceName); mBufferCacheSize += mOutput->getSoundDataSize(sfx->mHandle); // NOTE: Max sound buffer cache size is 15MB. Make configurable? while(mBufferCacheSize > 15*1024*1024) { if(mUnusedBuffers.empty()) { std::cerr<< "No unused sound buffers to free, using "<getSoundDataSize(unused->mHandle); mOutput->unloadSound(unused->mHandle); mUnusedBuffers.erase(iter); } mUnusedBuffers.insert(sfxid); } return sfx; } // Lookup a soundid for its sound data (resource name, local volume, // minRange, and maxRange). Sound_Buffer *SoundManager::lookup(const std::string &soundId) { return lookup(lookupId(soundId)); } DecoderPtr SoundManager::loadVoice(const std::string &voicefile) { NameLoudnessMap::iterator lipiter = mVoiceLipBuffers.find(voicefile); if(lipiter != mVoiceLipBuffers.end()) { DecoderPtr decoder = getDecoder(); // Workaround: Bethesda at some point converted some of the files to mp3, but the references were kept as .wav. if(decoder->mResourceMgr->exists(voicefile)) decoder->open(voicefile); else { std::string file = voicefile; std::string::size_type pos = file.rfind('.'); if(pos != std::string::npos) file = file.substr(0, pos)+".mp3"; decoder->open(file); } return decoder; } DecoderPtr decoder = getDecoder(); // Workaround: Bethesda at some point converted some of the files to mp3, but the references were kept as .wav. if(decoder->mResourceMgr->exists(voicefile)) decoder->open(voicefile); else { std::string file = voicefile; std::string::size_type pos = file.rfind('.'); if(pos != std::string::npos) file = file.substr(0, pos)+".mp3"; decoder->open(file); } ChannelConfig chans; SampleType type; int srate; decoder->getInfo(&srate, &chans, &type); std::vector data; decoder->readAll(data); Sound_Loudness loudness; loudness.analyzeLoudness(data, srate, chans, type, static_cast(sLoudnessFPS)); mVoiceLipBuffers.insert(std::make_pair(voicefile, loudness)); decoder->rewind(); return decoder; } // Gets the combined volume settings for the given sound type float SoundManager::volumeFromType(PlayType type) const { float volume = mMasterVolume; switch(type) { case Play_TypeSfx: volume *= mSFXVolume; break; case Play_TypeVoice: volume *= mVoiceVolume; break; case Play_TypeFoot: volume *= mFootstepsVolume; break; case Play_TypeMusic: volume *= mMusicVolume; break; case Play_TypeMask: break; default: break; } return volume; } void SoundManager::stopMusic() { if(mMusic) mMusic->stop(); mMusic.reset(); } void SoundManager::streamMusicFull(const std::string& filename) { if(!mOutput->isInitialized()) return; std::cout <<"Playing "<open(filename); mMusic = mOutput->streamSound(decoder, volumeFromType(Play_TypeMusic), 1.0f, Play_NoEnv|Play_TypeMusic); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Music Error: " << e.what() << "\n"; } } void SoundManager::streamMusic(const std::string& filename) { streamMusicFull("Music/"+filename); } void SoundManager::startRandomTitle() { std::vector filelist; if (mMusicFiles.find(mCurrentPlaylist) == mMusicFiles.end()) { const std::map& index = mVFS->getIndex(); std::string pattern = "Music/" + mCurrentPlaylist; mVFS->normalizeFilename(pattern); std::map::const_iterator found = index.lower_bound(pattern); while (found != index.end()) { if (found->first.size() >= pattern.size() && found->first.substr(0, pattern.size()) == pattern) filelist.push_back(found->first); else break; ++found; } mMusicFiles[mCurrentPlaylist] = filelist; } else filelist = mMusicFiles[mCurrentPlaylist]; if(!filelist.size()) return; int i = Misc::Rng::rollDice(filelist.size()); // Don't play the same music track twice in a row if (filelist[i] == mLastPlayedMusic) { i = (i+1) % filelist.size(); } streamMusicFull(filelist[i]); } bool SoundManager::isMusicPlaying() { return mMusic && mMusic->isPlaying(); } void SoundManager::playPlaylist(const std::string &playlist) { mCurrentPlaylist = playlist; startRandomTitle(); } void SoundManager::say(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string &filename) { if(!mOutput->isInitialized()) return; try { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); static const float fAudioMinDistanceMult = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioMinDistanceMult")->getFloat(); static const float fAudioMaxDistanceMult = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioMaxDistanceMult")->getFloat(); static const float fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance")->getFloat(); static const float fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance = world->getStore().get().find("fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance")->getFloat(); static float minDistance = std::max(fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance * fAudioMinDistanceMult, 1.0f); static float maxDistance = std::max(fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance * fAudioMaxDistanceMult, minDistance); std::string voicefile = "sound/"+Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(filename); float basevol = volumeFromType(Play_TypeVoice); const ESM::Position &pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); const osg::Vec3f objpos(pos.asVec3()); DecoderPtr decoder = loadVoice(voicefile); MWBase::SoundPtr sound = mOutput->streamSound3D(decoder, objpos, 1.0f, basevol, 1.0f, minDistance, maxDistance, Play_Normal|Play_TypeVoice ); mActiveSaySounds[ptr] = std::make_pair(sound, voicefile); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<second.first; NameLoudnessMap::const_iterator lipiter = mVoiceLipBuffers.find(snditer->second.second); if(lipiter != mVoiceLipBuffers.end()) { float sec = sound->getTimeOffset(); if(sound->isPlaying()) return lipiter->second.getLoudnessAtTime(sec); } } return 0.0f; } void SoundManager::say(const std::string& filename) { if(!mOutput->isInitialized()) return; try { std::string voicefile = "sound/"+Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(filename); float basevol = volumeFromType(Play_TypeVoice); DecoderPtr decoder = loadVoice(voicefile); MWBase::SoundPtr sound = mOutput->streamSound(decoder, basevol, 1.0f, Play_Normal|Play_TypeVoice ); mActiveSaySounds[MWWorld::Ptr()] = std::make_pair(sound, voicefile); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<second.first->isPlaying()) return false; } return true; } void SoundManager::stopSay(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { SaySoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSaySounds.find(ptr); if(snditer != mActiveSaySounds.end()) { snditer->second.first->stop(); mActiveSaySounds.erase(snditer); } } MWBase::SoundPtr SoundManager::playTrack(const DecoderPtr& decoder, PlayType type) { MWBase::SoundPtr track; if(!mOutput->isInitialized()) return track; try { track = mOutput->streamSound(decoder, volumeFromType(type), 1.0f, Play_NoEnv|type); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<isInitialized()) return sound; try { size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); Sound_Buffer *sfx = lookup(sfxid); float basevol = volumeFromType(type); sound = mOutput->playSound(sfx->mHandle, volume * sfx->mVolume, basevol, pitch, mode|type, offset ); if(sfx->mReferences++ == 0) mUnusedBuffers.erase(sfxid); mActiveSounds[MWWorld::Ptr()].push_back(std::make_pair(sound, sfxid)); } catch(std::exception&) { //std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<isInitialized()) return sound; try { // Look up the sound in the ESM data size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); Sound_Buffer *sfx = lookup(sfxid); float basevol = volumeFromType(type); const ESM::Position &pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); const osg::Vec3f objpos(pos.asVec3()); if((mode&Play_RemoveAtDistance) && (mListenerPos-objpos).length2() > 2000*2000) return MWBase::SoundPtr(); sound = mOutput->playSound3D(sfx->mHandle, objpos, volume * sfx->mVolume, basevol, pitch, sfx->mMinDist, sfx->mMaxDist, mode|type, offset ); if(sfx->mReferences++ == 0) mUnusedBuffers.erase(sfxid); if((mode&Play_NoTrack)) mActiveSounds[MWWorld::Ptr()].push_back(std::make_pair(sound, sfxid)); else mActiveSounds[ptr].push_back(std::make_pair(sound, sfxid)); } catch(std::exception&) { //std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<isInitialized()) return sound; try { // Look up the sound in the ESM data size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); Sound_Buffer *sfx = lookup(sfxid); float basevol = volumeFromType(type); sound = mOutput->playSound3D(sfx->mHandle, initialPos, volume * sfx->mVolume, basevol, pitch, sfx->mMinDist, sfx->mMaxDist, mode|type, offset ); if(sfx->mReferences++ == 0) mUnusedBuffers.erase(sfxid); mActiveSounds[MWWorld::Ptr()].push_back(std::make_pair(sound, sfxid)); } catch(std::exception &) { //std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<stop(); } void SoundManager::stopSound3D(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string& soundId) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(ptr); if(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) { if(sndidx->second != sfxid) continue; sndidx->first->stop(); return; } } } void SoundManager::stopSound3D(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(ptr); if(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) sndidx->first->stop(); } } void SoundManager::stopSound(const MWWorld::CellStore *cell) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin(); while(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { if(snditer->first != MWWorld::Ptr() && snditer->first != MWMechanics::getPlayer() && snditer->first.getCell() == cell) { SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) sndidx->first->stop(); } ++snditer; } SaySoundMap::iterator sayiter = mActiveSaySounds.begin(); while(sayiter != mActiveSaySounds.end()) { if(sayiter->first != MWWorld::Ptr() && sayiter->first != MWMechanics::getPlayer() && sayiter->first.getCell() == cell) { sayiter->second.first->stop(); } ++sayiter; } } void SoundManager::stopSound(const std::string& soundId) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(MWWorld::Ptr()); if(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) { if(sndidx->second == sfxid) sndidx->first->stop(); } } } void SoundManager::fadeOutSound3D(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string& soundId, float duration) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(ptr); if(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) { if(sndidx->second == sfxid) sndidx->first->setFadeout(duration); } } } bool SoundManager::getSoundPlaying(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string& soundId) const { SoundMap::const_iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(ptr); if(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { size_t sfxid = lookupId(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(soundId)); SoundIndexPairList::const_iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) { if(sndidx->second == sfxid && sndidx->first->isPlaying()) return true; } } return false; } void SoundManager::pauseSounds(int types) { if(mOutput->isInitialized()) { types &= Play_TypeMask; mOutput->pauseSounds(types); mPausedSoundTypes |= types; } } void SoundManager::resumeSounds(int types) { if(mOutput->isInitialized()) { types &= types&Play_TypeMask&mPausedSoundTypes; mOutput->resumeSounds(types); mPausedSoundTypes &= ~types; } } void SoundManager::updateRegionSound(float duration) { static float sTimeToNextEnvSound = 0.0f; static int total = 0; static std::string regionName = ""; static float sTimePassed = 0.0; MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr(); const ESM::Cell *cell = player.getCell()->getCell(); sTimePassed += duration; if(!cell->isExterior() || sTimePassed < sTimeToNextEnvSound) return; float a = Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability(); // NOTE: We should use the "Minimum Time Between Environmental Sounds" and // "Maximum Time Between Environmental Sounds" fallback settings here. sTimeToNextEnvSound = 5.0f*a + 15.0f*(1.0f-a); sTimePassed = 0; if(regionName != cell->mRegion) { regionName = cell->mRegion; total = 0; } const ESM::Region *regn = world->getStore().get().search(regionName); if(regn == NULL) return; std::vector::const_iterator soundIter; if(total == 0) { soundIter = regn->mSoundList.begin(); while(soundIter != regn->mSoundList.end()) { total += (int)soundIter->mChance; ++soundIter; } if(total == 0) return; } int r = Misc::Rng::rollDice(total); int pos = 0; soundIter = regn->mSoundList.begin(); while(soundIter != regn->mSoundList.end()) { if(r - pos < soundIter->mChance) { playSound(soundIter->mSound.toString(), 1.0f, 1.0f); break; } pos += soundIter->mChance; ++soundIter; } } void SoundManager::updateSounds(float duration) { static float timePassed = 0.0; timePassed += duration; if(timePassed < (1.0f/30.0f)) return; duration = timePassed; timePassed = 0.0f; // Make sure music is still playing if(!isMusicPlaying()) startRandomTitle(); Environment env = Env_Normal; if (mListenerUnderwater) env = Env_Underwater; else if(mUnderwaterSound) { mUnderwaterSound->stop(); mUnderwaterSound.reset(); } mOutput->updateListener( mListenerPos, mListenerDir, mListenerUp, env ); if(mListenerUnderwater) { // Play underwater sound (after updating listener) if(!(mUnderwaterSound && mUnderwaterSound->isPlaying())) mUnderwaterSound = playSound("Underwater", 1.0f, 1.0f, Play_TypeSfx, Play_LoopNoEnv); } // Check if any sounds are finished playing, and trash them SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin(); while(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); while(sndidx != snditer->second.end()) { if(!updateSound(sndidx->first, snditer->first, duration)) { Sound_Buffer *sfx = &mSoundBuffers[sndidx->second]; if(sfx->mReferences-- == 1) mUnusedBuffers.insert(sndidx->second); sndidx = snditer->second.erase(sndidx); } else ++sndidx; } if(snditer->second.empty()) mActiveSounds.erase(snditer++); else ++snditer; } SaySoundMap::iterator sayiter = mActiveSaySounds.begin(); while(sayiter != mActiveSaySounds.end()) { if(!updateSound(sayiter->second.first, sayiter->first, duration)) mActiveSaySounds.erase(sayiter++); else ++sayiter; } } bool SoundManager::updateSound(MWBase::SoundPtr sound, const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration) { if(!ptr.isEmpty()) { const ESM::Position &pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); const osg::Vec3f objpos(pos.asVec3()); sound->setPosition(objpos); if((sound->mFlags&Play_RemoveAtDistance)) { osg::Vec3f diff = mListenerPos - ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); if(diff.length2() > 2000*2000) sound->stop(); } } if(!sound->isPlaying()) return false; // Update fade out if(sound->mFadeOutTime > 0.0f) { float soundDuration = duration; if(soundDuration > sound->mFadeOutTime) soundDuration = sound->mFadeOutTime; sound->setVolume(sound->mVolume - soundDuration/sound->mFadeOutTime*sound->mVolume); sound->mFadeOutTime -= soundDuration; } sound->update(); return true; } void SoundManager::update(float duration) { if(!mOutput->isInitialized()) return; if (MWBase::Environment::get().getStateManager()->getState()!= MWBase::StateManager::State_NoGame) { updateSounds(duration); updateRegionSound(duration); } } void SoundManager::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings) { mMasterVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("master volume", "Sound"); mMusicVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("music volume", "Sound"); mSFXVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("sfx volume", "Sound"); mFootstepsVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("footsteps volume", "Sound"); mVoiceVolume = Settings::Manager::getFloat("voice volume", "Sound"); SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin(); for(;snditer != mActiveSounds.end();++snditer) { SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) { MWBase::SoundPtr sound = sndidx->first; sound->mBaseVolume = volumeFromType(sound->getPlayType()); sound->update(); } } SaySoundMap::iterator sayiter = mActiveSaySounds.begin(); for(;sayiter != mActiveSaySounds.end();++sayiter) { MWBase::SoundPtr sound = sayiter->second.first; sound->mBaseVolume = volumeFromType(sound->getPlayType()); sound->update(); } if(mMusic) { mMusic->mBaseVolume = volumeFromType(mMusic->getPlayType()); mMusic->update(); } } void SoundManager::setListenerPosDir(const osg::Vec3f &pos, const osg::Vec3f &dir, const osg::Vec3f &up) { mListenerPos = pos; mListenerDir = dir; mListenerUp = up; MWWorld::Ptr player = MWMechanics::getPlayer(); const MWWorld::CellStore *cell = player.getCell(); mListenerUnderwater = ((cell->getCell()->mData.mFlags&ESM::Cell::HasWater) && mListenerPos.z() < cell->getWaterLevel()); } void SoundManager::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &old, const MWWorld::Ptr &updated) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(old); if(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { SoundIndexPairList sndlist = snditer->second; mActiveSounds.erase(snditer); mActiveSounds[updated] = sndlist; } SaySoundMap::iterator sayiter = mActiveSaySounds.find(old); if(sayiter != mActiveSaySounds.end()) { SoundNamePair sndlist = sayiter->second; mActiveSaySounds.erase(sayiter); mActiveSaySounds[updated] = sndlist; } } // Default readAll implementation, for decoders that can't do anything // better void Sound_Decoder::readAll(std::vector &output) { size_t total = output.size(); size_t got; output.resize(total+32768); while((got=read(&output[total], output.size()-total)) > 0) { total += got; output.resize(total*2); } output.resize(total); } const char *getSampleTypeName(SampleType type) { switch(type) { case SampleType_UInt8: return "U8"; case SampleType_Int16: return "S16"; case SampleType_Float32: return "Float32"; } return "(unknown sample type)"; } const char *getChannelConfigName(ChannelConfig config) { switch(config) { case ChannelConfig_Mono: return "Mono"; case ChannelConfig_Stereo: return "Stereo"; case ChannelConfig_Quad: return "Quad"; case ChannelConfig_5point1: return "5.1 Surround"; case ChannelConfig_7point1: return "7.1 Surround"; } return "(unknown channel config)"; } size_t framesToBytes(size_t frames, ChannelConfig config, SampleType type) { switch(config) { case ChannelConfig_Mono: frames *= 1; break; case ChannelConfig_Stereo: frames *= 2; break; case ChannelConfig_Quad: frames *= 4; break; case ChannelConfig_5point1: frames *= 6; break; case ChannelConfig_7point1: frames *= 8; break; } switch(type) { case SampleType_UInt8: frames *= 1; break; case SampleType_Int16: frames *= 2; break; case SampleType_Float32: frames *= 4; break; } return frames; } size_t bytesToFrames(size_t bytes, ChannelConfig config, SampleType type) { return bytes / framesToBytes(1, config, type); } void SoundManager::clear() { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin(); for(;snditer != mActiveSounds.end();++snditer) { SoundIndexPairList::iterator sndidx = snditer->second.begin(); for(;sndidx != snditer->second.end();++sndidx) { sndidx->first->stop(); Sound_Buffer *sfx = &mSoundBuffers[sndidx->second]; if(sfx->mReferences-- == 1) mUnusedBuffers.insert(sndidx->second); } } mActiveSounds.clear(); SaySoundMap::iterator sayiter = mActiveSaySounds.begin(); for(;sayiter != mActiveSaySounds.end();++sayiter) sayiter->second.first->stop(); mActiveSaySounds.clear(); mUnderwaterSound.reset(); stopMusic(); } }