# Post-processing HUD Abovewater: "Abovewater" ActiveShaders: "Active Shaders" Author: "Author" Description: "Description" InactiveShaders: "Inactive Shaders" InExteriors: "Exteriors" InInteriors: "Interiors" KeyboardControls: | Keyboard controls: Shift+Right-Arrow > Activate shader Shift+Left-Arrow > Deactive shader Shift+Up-Arrow > Move shader up Shift+Down-Arrow > Move shader down PostProcessHUD: "Postprocess HUD" ResetShader: "Reset shader to default state" ShaderLocked: "Locked" ShaderLockedDescription: "Cannot be toggled or moved, controlled by external Lua script" ShaderResetUniform: "r" Underwater: "Underwater" Version: "Version" # Built-in post-processing shaders AdjustmentsDescription: "Colour adjustments." BloomDescription: "Bloom shader performing its calculations in (approximately) linear light." DebugDescription: "Debug shader." DebugHeaderDepth: "Depth Buffer" DebugHeaderNormals: "Normals" DisplayDepthFactorName: "Depth colour factor" DisplayDepthFactorDescription: "Determines correlation between pixel depth value and its output colour. High values lead to brighter image." DisplayDepthName: "Visualize depth buffer" DisplayNormalsName: "Visualize pass normals" ContrastLevelDescription: "Constrast level." ContrastLevelName: "Constrast" GammaLevelDescription: "Gamma level." GammaLevelName: "Gamma" StrengthLevelName: "Strength" StrengthLevelDescription: "Strength of the effect." RadiusLevelName: "Radius" RadiusLevelDescription: "Radius of the effect." SkyFactorLevelName: "Sky Factor" SkyFactorLevelDescription: "Multiplication factor for light coming directly from the sky." BloomClampLevelName: "Clamp Level" BloomClampLevelDescription: "Clamp bloom pixels brighter than this value when mixing bloom into scene." BloomThresholdLevelName: "Threshold" BloomThresholdLevelDescription: "Ignore pixels with brightnesses below this value when calculating blur. Doesn't affect the sky."