#ifndef DATADISPLAYDELEGATE_HPP #define DATADISPLAYDELEGATE_HPP #include "enumdelegate.hpp" #include #include #include #include class QModelIndex; class QObject; class QPainter; class QPixmap; namespace CSMDoc { class Document; } namespace CSMWorld { class CommandDispatcher; } namespace CSMPrefs { class Setting; } namespace CSVWorld { class CommandDelegate; struct Icon { int mValue; QIcon mIcon; QString mName; }; class DataDisplayDelegate : public EnumDelegate { Q_OBJECT public: typedef std::vector IconList; typedef std::vector> ValueList; protected: enum DisplayMode { Mode_TextOnly, Mode_IconOnly, Mode_IconAndText }; DisplayMode mDisplayMode; IconList mIcons; private: std::vector> mPixmaps; QSize mIconSize; int mHorizontalMargin; int mTextLeftOffset; QColor mPixmapsColor; qreal mUiScale; std::string mSettingKey; public: DataDisplayDelegate(const ValueList& values, const IconList& icons, CSMWorld::CommandDispatcher* dispatcher, CSMDoc::Document& document, const std::string& pageName, const std::string& settingName, QObject* parent); ~DataDisplayDelegate() = default; void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const override; QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const override; /// pass a QSize defining height / width of icon. Default is QSize (16,16). void setIconSize(const QSize& icon); /// offset the horizontal position of the text from the right edge of the icon. Default is 8 pixels. void setTextLeftOffset(int offset); bool eventFilter(QObject* target, QEvent* event) override; private: /// update the display mode based on a passed string void updateDisplayMode(const std::string&); /// custom paint function for painting the icon. Mode_IconAndText and Mode_Icon only. void paintIcon(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, int i) const; /// rebuild the list of pixmaps from the provided icons (called when icon size is changed) void buildPixmaps(); void settingChanged(const CSMPrefs::Setting* setting) override; }; class DataDisplayDelegateFactory : public EnumDelegateFactory { protected: DataDisplayDelegate::IconList mIcons; public: CommandDelegate* makeDelegate( CSMWorld::CommandDispatcher* dispatcher, CSMDoc::Document& document, QObject* parent) const override; ///< The ownership of the returned CommandDelegate is transferred to the caller. protected: void add(int enumValue, const QString& enumName, const QString& iconFilename); }; } #endif // DATADISPLAYDELEGATE_HPP