#ifndef GAME_MWBASE_WINDOWMANAGER_H #define GAME_MWBASE_WINDOWMANAGER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwgui/mode.hpp" #include namespace Loading { class Listener; } namespace Translation { class Storage; } namespace MyGUI { class Gui; class Widget; class UString; } namespace ESM { class ESMReader; class ESMWriter; struct CellId; } namespace MWMechanics { class AttributeValue; template class DynamicStat; class SkillValue; } namespace MWWorld { class CellStore; class Ptr; } namespace MWGui { class Layout; class Console; class SpellWindow; class TradeWindow; class TravelWindow; class SpellBuyingWindow; class ConfirmationDialog; class CountDialog; class ScrollWindow; class BookWindow; class InventoryWindow; class ContainerWindow; class DialogueWindow; class WindowModal; class JailScreen; class MessageBox; class PostProcessorHud; enum ShowInDialogueMode { ShowInDialogueMode_IfPossible, ShowInDialogueMode_Only, ShowInDialogueMode_Never }; struct TextColours; } namespace SFO { class CursorManager; } namespace MWBase { /// \brief Interface for widnow manager (implemented in MWGui) class WindowManager : public SDLUtil::WindowListener { WindowManager (const WindowManager&); ///< not implemented WindowManager& operator= (const WindowManager&); ///< not implemented public: typedef std::vector SkillList; WindowManager() {} virtual ~WindowManager() {} /// @note This method will block until the video finishes playing /// (and will continually update the window while doing so) virtual void playVideo(const std::string& name, bool allowSkipping) = 0; virtual void setNewGame(bool newgame) = 0; virtual void pushGuiMode (MWGui::GuiMode mode, const MWWorld::Ptr& arg) = 0; virtual void pushGuiMode (MWGui::GuiMode mode) = 0; virtual void popGuiMode(bool noSound=false) = 0; virtual void removeGuiMode (MWGui::GuiMode mode, bool noSound=false) = 0; ///< can be anywhere in the stack virtual void goToJail(int days) = 0; virtual void updatePlayer() = 0; virtual MWGui::GuiMode getMode() const = 0; virtual bool containsMode(MWGui::GuiMode) const = 0; virtual bool isGuiMode() const = 0; virtual bool isConsoleMode() const = 0; virtual void toggleVisible (MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0; virtual void forceHide(MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0; virtual void unsetForceHide(MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0; /// Disallow all inventory mode windows virtual void disallowAll() = 0; /// Allow one or more windows virtual void allow (MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0; virtual bool isAllowed (MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) const = 0; /// \todo investigate, if we really need to expose every single lousy UI element to the outside world virtual MWGui::InventoryWindow* getInventoryWindow() = 0; virtual MWGui::CountDialog* getCountDialog() = 0; virtual MWGui::ConfirmationDialog* getConfirmationDialog() = 0; virtual MWGui::TradeWindow* getTradeWindow() = 0; virtual const std::vector getActiveMessageBoxes() = 0; virtual MWGui::PostProcessorHud* getPostProcessorHud() = 0; /// Make the player use an item, while updating GUI state accordingly virtual void useItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& item, bool force=false) = 0; virtual void updateSpellWindow() = 0; virtual void setConsoleSelectedObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& object) = 0; virtual void setConsoleMode(const std::string& mode) = 0; static constexpr std::string_view sConsoleColor_Default = "#FFFFFF"; static constexpr std::string_view sConsoleColor_Error = "#FF2222"; static constexpr std::string_view sConsoleColor_Success = "#FF00FF"; static constexpr std::string_view sConsoleColor_Info = "#AAAAAA"; virtual void printToConsole(const std::string& msg, std::string_view color) = 0; /// Set time left for the player to start drowning (update the drowning bar) /// @param time time left to start drowning /// @param maxTime how long we can be underwater (in total) until drowning starts virtual void setDrowningTimeLeft (float time, float maxTime) = 0; virtual void changeCell(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell) = 0; ///< change the active cell virtual void setFocusObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& focus) = 0; virtual void setFocusObjectScreenCoords(float min_x, float min_y, float max_x, float max_y) = 0; virtual void setCursorVisible(bool visible) = 0; virtual void setCursorActive(bool active) = 0; virtual void getMousePosition(int &x, int &y) = 0; virtual void getMousePosition(float &x, float &y) = 0; virtual void setDragDrop(bool dragDrop) = 0; virtual bool getWorldMouseOver() = 0; virtual float getScalingFactor() const = 0; virtual bool toggleFogOfWar() = 0; virtual bool toggleFullHelp() = 0; ///< show extra info in item tooltips (owner, script) virtual bool getFullHelp() const = 0; virtual void setActiveMap(int x, int y, bool interior) = 0; ///< set the indices of the map texture that should be used /// sets the visibility of the drowning bar virtual void setDrowningBarVisibility(bool visible) = 0; /// sets the visibility of the hud health/magicka/stamina bars virtual void setHMSVisibility(bool visible) = 0; /// sets the visibility of the hud minimap virtual void setMinimapVisibility(bool visible) = 0; virtual void setWeaponVisibility(bool visible) = 0; virtual void setSpellVisibility(bool visible) = 0; virtual void setSneakVisibility(bool visible) = 0; /// activate selected quick key virtual void activateQuickKey (int index) = 0; /// update activated quick key state (if action executing was delayed for some reason) virtual void updateActivatedQuickKey () = 0; virtual std::string getSelectedSpell() = 0; virtual void setSelectedSpell(const std::string& spellId, int successChancePercent) = 0; virtual void setSelectedEnchantItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& item) = 0; virtual const MWWorld::Ptr& getSelectedEnchantItem() const = 0; virtual void setSelectedWeapon(const MWWorld::Ptr& item) = 0; virtual const MWWorld::Ptr& getSelectedWeapon() const = 0; virtual int getFontHeight() const = 0; virtual void unsetSelectedSpell() = 0; virtual void unsetSelectedWeapon() = 0; virtual void showCrosshair(bool show) = 0; virtual bool getSubtitlesEnabled() = 0; virtual bool toggleHud() = 0; virtual void disallowMouse() = 0; virtual void allowMouse() = 0; virtual void notifyInputActionBound() = 0; virtual void addVisitedLocation(const std::string& name, int x, int y) = 0; /// Hides dialog and schedules dialog to be deleted. virtual void removeDialog(MWGui::Layout* dialog) = 0; ///Gracefully attempts to exit the topmost GUI mode /** No guarantee of actually closing the window **/ virtual void exitCurrentGuiMode() = 0; virtual void messageBox (const std::string& message, enum MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode showInDialogueMode = MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode_IfPossible) = 0; /// Puts message into a queue to show on the next update. Thread safe alternative for messageBox. virtual void scheduleMessageBox(std::string message, enum MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode showInDialogueMode = MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode_IfPossible) = 0; virtual void staticMessageBox(const std::string& message) = 0; virtual void removeStaticMessageBox() = 0; virtual void interactiveMessageBox (const std::string& message, const std::vector& buttons = std::vector(), bool block=false) = 0; /// returns the index of the pressed button or -1 if no button was pressed (->MessageBoxmanager->InteractiveMessageBox) virtual int readPressedButton() = 0; virtual void updateConsoleObjectPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& currentPtr, const MWWorld::Ptr& newPtr) = 0; /** * Fetches a GMST string from the store, if there is no setting with the given * ID or it is not a string the default string is returned. * * @param id Identifier for the GMST setting, e.g. "aName" * @param default Default value if the GMST setting cannot be used. */ virtual std::string getGameSettingString(const std::string &id, const std::string &default_) = 0; virtual void processChangedSettings(const std::set< std::pair >& changed) = 0; virtual void executeInConsole (const std::string& path) = 0; virtual void enableRest() = 0; virtual bool getRestEnabled() = 0; virtual bool getJournalAllowed() = 0; virtual bool getPlayerSleeping() = 0; virtual void wakeUpPlayer() = 0; virtual void showSoulgemDialog (MWWorld::Ptr item) = 0; virtual void changePointer (const std::string& name) = 0; virtual void setEnemy (const MWWorld::Ptr& enemy) = 0; virtual int getMessagesCount() const = 0; virtual const Translation::Storage& getTranslationDataStorage() const = 0; /// Warning: do not use MyGUI::InputManager::setKeyFocusWidget directly. Instead use this. virtual void setKeyFocusWidget (MyGUI::Widget* widget) = 0; virtual Loading::Listener* getLoadingScreen() = 0; /// Should the cursor be visible? virtual bool getCursorVisible() = 0; /// Clear all savegame-specific data virtual void clear() = 0; virtual void write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) = 0; virtual void readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type) = 0; virtual int countSavedGameRecords() const = 0; /// Does the current stack of GUI-windows permit saving? virtual bool isSavingAllowed() const = 0; /// Send exit command to active Modal window virtual void exitCurrentModal() = 0; /// Sets the current Modal /** Used to send exit command to active Modal when Esc is pressed **/ virtual void addCurrentModal(MWGui::WindowModal* input) = 0; /// Removes the top Modal /** Used when one Modal adds another Modal \param input Pointer to the current modal, to ensure proper modal is removed **/ virtual void removeCurrentModal(MWGui::WindowModal* input) = 0; virtual void pinWindow (MWGui::GuiWindow window) = 0; virtual void toggleMaximized(MWGui::Layout *layout) = 0; /// Fade the screen in, over \a time seconds virtual void fadeScreenIn(const float time, bool clearQueue=true, float delay=0.f) = 0; /// Fade the screen out to black, over \a time seconds virtual void fadeScreenOut(const float time, bool clearQueue=true, float delay=0.f) = 0; /// Fade the screen to a specified percentage of black, over \a time seconds virtual void fadeScreenTo(const int percent, const float time, bool clearQueue=true, float delay=0.f) = 0; /// Darken the screen to a specified percentage virtual void setBlindness(const int percent) = 0; virtual void activateHitOverlay(bool interrupt=true) = 0; virtual void setWerewolfOverlay(bool set) = 0; virtual void toggleConsole() = 0; virtual void toggleDebugWindow() = 0; virtual void togglePostProcessorHud() = 0; /// Cycle to next or previous spell virtual void cycleSpell(bool next) = 0; /// Cycle to next or previous weapon virtual void cycleWeapon(bool next) = 0; virtual void playSound(const std::string& soundId, float volume = 1.f, float pitch = 1.f) = 0; // In WindowManager for now since there isn't a VFS singleton virtual std::string correctIconPath(const std::string& path) = 0; virtual std::string correctBookartPath(const std::string& path, int width, int height, bool* exists = nullptr) = 0; virtual std::string correctTexturePath(const std::string& path) = 0; virtual bool textureExists(const std::string& path) = 0; virtual void addCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) = 0; virtual void removeCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) = 0; virtual void writeFog(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) = 0; virtual const MWGui::TextColours& getTextColours() = 0; virtual bool injectKeyPress(MyGUI::KeyCode key, unsigned int text, bool repeat) = 0; virtual bool injectKeyRelease(MyGUI::KeyCode key) = 0; void windowVisibilityChange(bool visible) override = 0; void windowResized(int x, int y) override = 0; void windowClosed() override = 0; virtual bool isWindowVisible() = 0; virtual void watchActor(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) = 0; virtual MWWorld::Ptr getWatchedActor() const = 0; virtual const std::string& getVersionDescription() const = 0; virtual void onDeleteCustomData(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) = 0; virtual void forceLootMode(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) = 0; virtual void asyncPrepareSaveMap() = 0; /// Sets the cull masks for all applicable views virtual void setCullMask(uint32_t mask) = 0; /// Same as viewer->getCamera()->getCullMask(), provided for consistency. virtual uint32_t getCullMask() = 0; }; } #endif