#include "referenceablecheck.hpp" #include <components/misc/stringops.hpp> #include "../world/record.hpp" #include "../world/universalid.hpp" CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::ReferenceableCheckStage( const CSMWorld::RefIdData& referenceable, const CSMWorld::IdCollection<ESM::Race >& races, const CSMWorld::IdCollection<ESM::Class>& classes, const CSMWorld::IdCollection<ESM::Faction>& faction, const CSMWorld::IdCollection<ESM::Script>& scripts) : mReferencables(referenceable), mRaces(races), mClasses(classes), mFactions(faction), mScripts(scripts), mPlayerPresent(false) { } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::perform (int stage, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { //Checks for books, than, when stage is above mBooksSize goes to other checks, with (stage - PrevSum) as stage. const int bookSize(mReferencables.getBooks().getSize()); if (stage < bookSize) { bookCheck(stage, mReferencables.getBooks(), messages); return; } stage -= bookSize; const int activatorSize(mReferencables.getActivators().getSize()); if (stage < activatorSize) { activatorCheck(stage, mReferencables.getActivators(), messages); return; } stage -= activatorSize; const int potionSize(mReferencables.getPotions().getSize()); if (stage < potionSize) { potionCheck(stage, mReferencables.getPotions(), messages); return; } stage -= potionSize; const int apparatusSize(mReferencables.getApparati().getSize()); if (stage < apparatusSize) { apparatusCheck(stage, mReferencables.getApparati(), messages); return; } stage -= apparatusSize; const int armorSize(mReferencables.getArmors().getSize()); if (stage < armorSize) { armorCheck(stage, mReferencables.getArmors(), messages); return; } stage -= armorSize; const int clothingSize(mReferencables.getClothing().getSize()); if (stage < clothingSize) { clothingCheck(stage, mReferencables.getClothing(), messages); return; } stage -= clothingSize; const int containerSize(mReferencables.getContainers().getSize()); if (stage < containerSize) { containerCheck(stage, mReferencables.getContainers(), messages); return; } stage -= containerSize; const int doorSize(mReferencables.getDoors().getSize()); if (stage < doorSize) { doorCheck(stage, mReferencables.getDoors(), messages); return; } stage -= doorSize; const int ingredientSize(mReferencables.getIngredients().getSize()); if (stage < ingredientSize) { ingredientCheck(stage, mReferencables.getIngredients(), messages); return; } stage -= ingredientSize; const int creatureLevListSize(mReferencables.getCreatureLevelledLists().getSize()); if (stage < creatureLevListSize) { creaturesLevListCheck(stage, mReferencables.getCreatureLevelledLists(), messages); return; } stage -= creatureLevListSize; const int itemLevelledListSize(mReferencables.getItemLevelledList().getSize()); if (stage < itemLevelledListSize) { itemLevelledListCheck(stage, mReferencables.getItemLevelledList(), messages); return; } stage -= itemLevelledListSize; const int lightSize(mReferencables.getLights().getSize()); if (stage < lightSize) { lightCheck(stage, mReferencables.getLights(), messages); return; } stage -= lightSize; const int lockpickSize(mReferencables.getLocpicks().getSize()); if (stage < lockpickSize) { lockpickCheck(stage, mReferencables.getLocpicks(), messages); return; } stage -= lockpickSize; const int miscSize(mReferencables.getMiscellaneous().getSize()); if (stage < miscSize) { miscCheck(stage, mReferencables.getMiscellaneous(), messages); return; } stage -= miscSize; const int npcSize(mReferencables.getNPCs().getSize()); if (stage < npcSize) { npcCheck(stage, mReferencables.getNPCs(), messages); return; } stage -= npcSize; const int weaponSize(mReferencables.getWeapons().getSize()); if (stage < weaponSize) { weaponCheck(stage, mReferencables.getWeapons(), messages); return; } stage -= weaponSize; const int probeSize(mReferencables.getProbes().getSize()); if (stage < probeSize) { probeCheck(stage, mReferencables.getProbes(), messages); return; } stage -= probeSize; const int repairSize(mReferencables.getRepairs().getSize()); if (stage < repairSize) { repairCheck(stage, mReferencables.getRepairs(), messages); return; } stage -= repairSize; const int staticSize(mReferencables.getStatics().getSize()); if (stage < staticSize) { staticCheck(stage, mReferencables.getStatics(), messages); return; } stage -= staticSize; const int creatureSize(mReferencables.getCreatures().getSize()); if (stage < creatureSize) { creatureCheck(stage, mReferencables.getCreatures(), messages); return; } // if we come that far, we are about to perform our last, final check. finalCheck(messages); return; } int CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::setup() { mPlayerPresent = false; return mReferencables.getSize() + 1; } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::bookCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Book >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Book& book = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Book>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Book, book.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Book>(book, messages, id.toString(), true); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Book>(book, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::activatorCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Activator >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Activator& activator = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Activator>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Activator, activator.mId); //Checking for model, IIRC all activators should have a model if (activator.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, activator.mId + " has no model")); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Activator>(activator, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::potionCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Potion >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Potion& potion = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Potion>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Potion, potion.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Potion>(potion, messages, id.toString()); //IIRC potion can have empty effects list just fine. // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Potion>(potion, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::apparatusCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Apparatus >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Apparatus& apparatus = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Apparatus>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Apparatus, apparatus.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Apparatus>(apparatus, messages, id.toString()); toolCheck<ESM::Apparatus>(apparatus, messages, id.toString()); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Apparatus>(apparatus, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::armorCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Armor >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Armor& armor = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Armor>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Armor, armor.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Armor>(armor, messages, id.toString(), true); //checking for armor class, armor should have poistive armor class, but 0 is considered legal if (armor.mData.mArmor < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, armor.mId + " has negative armor class")); //checking for health. Only positive numbers are allowed, or 0 is illegal if (armor.mData.mHealth <= 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, armor.mId + " has non positive health")); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Armor>(armor, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::clothingCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Clothing >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Clothing& clothing = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Clothing>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Clothing, clothing.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Clothing>(clothing, messages, id.toString(), true); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Clothing>(clothing, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::containerCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Container >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Container& container = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Container>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Container, container.mId); //Checking for model, IIRC all containers should have a model if (container.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, container.mId + " has no model")); //Checking for capacity (weight) if (container.mWeight < 0) //0 is allowed messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, container.mId + " has negative weight (capacity)")); //checking for name if (container.mName.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, container.mId + " has an empty name")); //checking contained items inventoryListCheck(container.mInventory.mList, messages, id.toString()); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Container>(container, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::creatureCheck ( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Creature >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::Creature& creature = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Creature>&>(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Creature, creature.mId); if (creature.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has no model")); if (creature.mName.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has an empty name")); //stats checks if (creature.mData.mLevel < 1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has non-postive level")); if (creature.mData.mStrength < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative strength")); if (creature.mData.mIntelligence < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative intelligence")); if (creature.mData.mWillpower < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative willpower")); if (creature.mData.mAgility < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative agility")); if (creature.mData.mSpeed < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative speed")); if (creature.mData.mEndurance < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative endurance")); if (creature.mData.mPersonality < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative personality")); if (creature.mData.mLuck < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative luck")); if (creature.mData.mHealth < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative health")); if (creature.mData.mSoul < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative soul value")); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (creature.mData.mAttack[i] < 0) { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative attack strength")); break; } } //TODO, find meaning of other values if (creature.mData.mGold < 0) //It seems that this is for gold in merchant creatures messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has negative gold ")); if (creature.mScale == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, creature.mId + " has zero scale value")); // Check inventory inventoryListCheck(creature.mInventory.mList, messages, id.toString()); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Creature>(creature, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::doorCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Door >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::Door& door = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Door>&>(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Door, door.mId); //usual, name or model if (door.mName.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, door.mId + " has an empty name")); if (door.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, door.mId + " has no model")); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Door>(door, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::ingredientCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Ingredient >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Ingredient& ingredient = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Ingredient>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Ingredient, ingredient.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Ingredient>(ingredient, messages, id.toString()); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Ingredient>(ingredient, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::creaturesLevListCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::CreatureLevList >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::CreatureLevList& CreatureLevList = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::CreatureLevList>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_CreatureLevelledList, CreatureLevList.mId); //CreatureLevList but Type_CreatureLevelledList :/ listCheck<ESM::CreatureLevList>(CreatureLevList, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::itemLevelledListCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::ItemLevList >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::ItemLevList& ItemLevList = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::ItemLevList>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_ItemLevelledList, ItemLevList.mId); listCheck<ESM::ItemLevList>(ItemLevList, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::lightCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Light >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::Light& light = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Light>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Light, light.mId); if (light.mData.mRadius < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, light.mId + " has negative light radius")); if (light.mData.mFlags & ESM::Light::Carry) { inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Light>(light, messages, id.toString()); if (light.mData.mTime == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, light.mId + " has zero duration")); } // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Light>(light, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::lockpickCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Lockpick >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Lockpick& lockpick = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Lockpick>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Lockpick, lockpick.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Lockpick>(lockpick, messages, id.toString()); toolCheck<ESM::Lockpick>(lockpick, messages, id.toString(), true); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Lockpick>(lockpick, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::miscCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Miscellaneous >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Miscellaneous& miscellaneous = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Miscellaneous>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Miscellaneous, miscellaneous.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Miscellaneous>(miscellaneous, messages, id.toString()); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Miscellaneous>(miscellaneous, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::npcCheck ( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::NPC >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::NPC& npc = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::NPC>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Npc, npc.mId); short level(npc.mNpdt52.mLevel); char disposition(npc.mNpdt52.mDisposition); char reputation(npc.mNpdt52.mReputation); char rank(npc.mNpdt52.mRank); //Don't know what unknown is for int gold(npc.mNpdt52.mGold); //Detect if player is present if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(npc.mId, "player")) //Happy now, scrawl? mPlayerPresent = true; if (npc.mNpdtType == ESM::NPC::NPC_WITH_AUTOCALCULATED_STATS) //12 = autocalculated { if ((npc.mFlags & ESM::NPC::Autocalc) == 0) //0x0010 = autocalculated flag { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " mNpdtType or flags mismatch!")); //should not happend? return; } level = npc.mNpdt12.mLevel; disposition = npc.mNpdt12.mDisposition; reputation = npc.mNpdt12.mReputation; rank = npc.mNpdt12.mRank; gold = npc.mNpdt12.mGold; } else { if (npc.mNpdt52.mAgility == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " agility has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mEndurance == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " endurance has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mIntelligence == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " intelligence has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mLuck == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " luck has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mPersonality == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " personality has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mStrength == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " strength has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mSpeed == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " speed has zero value")); if (npc.mNpdt52.mWillpower == 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " willpower has zero value")); } if (level < 1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " level is non positive")); if (gold < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " gold has negative value")); if (npc.mName.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has any empty name")); if (npc.mClass.empty()) { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has any empty class")); } else if (mClasses.searchId (npc.mClass) == -1) { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has invalid class")); } if (npc.mRace.empty()) { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has any empty race")); } else if (mRaces.searchId (npc.mRace) == -1) { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has invalid race")); } if (disposition < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has negative disposition")); if (reputation < 0) //It seems that no character in Morrowind.esm have negative reputation. I'm assuming that negative reputation is invalid { messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has negative reputation")); } if (!npc.mFaction.empty()) { if (rank < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has negative rank")); if (mFactions.searchId(npc.mFaction) == -1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has invalid faction")); } if (npc.mHead.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has no head")); if (npc.mHair.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, npc.mId + " has no hair")); //TODO: reputation, Disposition, rank, everything else // Check inventory inventoryListCheck(npc.mInventory.mList, messages, id.toString()); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::NPC>(npc, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::weaponCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Weapon >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord (stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::Weapon& weapon = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Weapon>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Weapon, weapon.mId); //TODO, It seems that this stuff for spellcasting is obligatory and In fact We should check if records are present if ( //THOSE ARE HARDCODED! !(weapon.mId == "VFX_Hands" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Absorb" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Reflect" || weapon.mId == "VFX_DefaultBolt" || //TODO I don't know how to get full list of effects :/ //DANGER!, ACHTUNG! FIXME! The following is the list of the magical bolts, valid for Morrowind.esm. However those are not hardcoded. weapon.mId == "magic_bolt" || weapon.mId == "shock_bolt" || weapon.mId == "shield_bolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_DestructBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_PoisonBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_RestoreBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_AlterationBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_ConjureBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_FrostBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_MysticismBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_IllusionBolt" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple2" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple3" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple4" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple5" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple6" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple7" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple8" || weapon.mId == "VFX_Multiple9")) { inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Weapon>(weapon, messages, id.toString(), true); if (!(weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow || weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow || weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown || weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Arrow || weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Bolt)) { if (weapon.mData.mSlash[0] > weapon.mData.mSlash[1]) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, weapon.mId + " has minimum slash damage higher than maximum")); if (weapon.mData.mThrust[0] > weapon.mData.mThrust[1]) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, weapon.mId + " has minimum thrust damage higher than maximum")); } if (weapon.mData.mChop[0] > weapon.mData.mChop[1]) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, weapon.mId + " has minimum chop damage higher than maximum")); if (!(weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Arrow || weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Bolt || weapon.mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown)) { //checking of health if (weapon.mData.mHealth <= 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, weapon.mId + " has non-positivie health")); if (weapon.mData.mReach < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, weapon.mId + " has negative reach")); } } // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Weapon>(weapon, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::probeCheck( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Probe >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord(stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) { return; } const ESM::Probe& probe = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Probe>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Probe, probe.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Probe>(probe, messages, id.toString()); toolCheck<ESM::Probe>(probe, messages, id.toString(), true); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Probe>(probe, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::repairCheck ( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Repair >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord (stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::Repair& repair = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Repair>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Repair, repair.mId); inventoryItemCheck<ESM::Repair> (repair, messages, id.toString()); toolCheck<ESM::Repair> (repair, messages, id.toString(), true); // Check that mentioned scripts exist scriptCheck<ESM::Repair>(repair, messages, id.toString()); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::staticCheck ( int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Static >& records, CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { const CSMWorld::RecordBase& baseRecord = records.getRecord (stage); if (baseRecord.isDeleted()) return; const ESM::Static& staticElement = (dynamic_cast<const CSMWorld::Record<ESM::Static>& >(baseRecord)).get(); CSMWorld::UniversalId id (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Static, staticElement.mId); if (staticElement.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, staticElement.mId + " has no model")); } //final check void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::finalCheck (CSMDoc::Messages& messages) { if (!mPlayerPresent) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Referenceables, "There is no player record")); } void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::inventoryListCheck( const std::vector<ESM::ContItem>& itemList, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < itemList.size(); ++i) { std::string itemName = itemList[i].mItem.toString(); CSMWorld::RefIdData::LocalIndex localIndex = mReferencables.searchId(itemName); if (localIndex.first == -1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (id, id + " contains non-existing item (" + itemName + ")")); else { // Needs to accomodate Containers, Creatures, and NPCs switch (localIndex.second) { case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Potion: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Apparatus: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Armor: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Book: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Clothing: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Ingredient: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Light: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Lockpick: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Miscellaneous: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Probe: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Repair: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Weapon: case CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_ItemLevelledList: break; default: messages.push_back (std::make_pair(id, id + " contains item of invalid type (" + itemName + ")")); } } } } //Templates begins here template<typename Item> void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::inventoryItemCheck ( const Item& someItem, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& someID, bool enchantable) { if (someItem.mName.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has an empty name")); //Checking for weight if (someItem.mData.mWeight < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has negative weight")); //Checking for value if (someItem.mData.mValue < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has negative value")); //checking for model if (someItem.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has no model")); //checking for icon if (someItem.mIcon.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has no icon")); if (enchantable && someItem.mData.mEnchant < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has negative enchantment")); } template<typename Item> void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::inventoryItemCheck ( const Item& someItem, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& someID) { if (someItem.mName.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has an empty name")); //Checking for weight if (someItem.mData.mWeight < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has negative weight")); //Checking for value if (someItem.mData.mValue < 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has negative value")); //checking for model if (someItem.mModel.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has no model")); //checking for icon if (someItem.mIcon.empty()) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someItem.mId + " has no icon")); } template<typename Tool> void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::toolCheck ( const Tool& someTool, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& someID, bool canBeBroken) { if (someTool.mData.mQuality <= 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someTool.mId + " has non-positive quality")); if (canBeBroken && someTool.mData.mUses<=0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someTool.mId + " has non-positive uses count")); } template<typename Tool> void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::toolCheck ( const Tool& someTool, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& someID) { if (someTool.mData.mQuality <= 0) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someTool.mId + " has non-positive quality")); } template<typename List> void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::listCheck ( const List& someList, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& someID) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < someList.mList.size(); ++i) { if (mReferencables.searchId(someList.mList[i].mId).first == -1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someList.mId + " contains item without referencable")); if (someList.mList[i].mLevel < 1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someList.mId + " contains item with non-positive level")); } } template<typename Tool> void CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::scriptCheck ( const Tool& someTool, CSMDoc::Messages& messages, const std::string& someID) { if (!someTool.mScript.empty()) { if (mScripts.searchId(someTool.mScript) == -1) messages.push_back (std::make_pair (someID, someTool.mId + " refers to an unknown script \""+someTool.mScript+"\"")); } }