#ifndef GAME_SOUND_GUIMANAGER_H #define GAME_SOUND_GUIMANAGER_H namespace MWGui { class GuiManager { public: void showBirthDialogue(); ///< Birthsign (part of the character generation process) void showClassDialogue(); ///< Class selection (part of the character generation process) void showNameDialogue(); ///< Enter character name (part of the character generation process) void showRaceDialogue(); ///< Race selection (part of the character generation process) void showReviewDialogue(); ///< Character generation review (final part of the character generation process) void enableInventoryWindow(); ///< Initially disabled. void enableMagicWindow(); ///< Initially disabled. void enableMapWindow(); ///< Initially disabled. void enableStatsMenu(); ///< Initially disabled. void enableLevelUpDialogue(); ///< Rest/Level-up. Initially disabled. void showRestDialogue(); ///< Rest dialogue: ask player how many hours he wants to sleep. bool isGuiActive() const; ///< Any non-HUD GUI element active (dialogues and windows)? }; } #endif