namespace ESM
    template <typename T>
    struct StatState;

namespace MWMechanics
    template <typename T>
    class Stat
        T mBase;
        T mModifier;

        typedef T Type;

        Stat(T base, T modified);

        const T& getBase() const { return mBase; }

        T getModified(bool capped = true) const;
        T getModifier() const { return mModifier; }

        void setBase(const T& value) { mBase = value; }

        void setModifier(const T& modifier) { mModifier = modifier; }

        void writeState(ESM::StatState<T>& state) const;
        void readState(const ESM::StatState<T>& state);

    template <typename T>
    inline bool operator==(const Stat<T>& left, const Stat<T>& right)
        return left.getBase() == right.getBase() && left.getModifier() == right.getModifier();

    template <typename T>
    inline bool operator!=(const Stat<T>& left, const Stat<T>& right)
        return !(left == right);

    template <typename T>
    class DynamicStat
        Stat<T> mStatic;
        T mCurrent;

        typedef T Type;

        DynamicStat(T base);
        DynamicStat(T base, T modified, T current);
        DynamicStat(const Stat<T>& stat, T current);

        const T& getBase() const { return mStatic.getBase(); }
        T getModified(bool capped = true) const { return mStatic.getModified(capped); }
        const T& getCurrent() const { return mCurrent; }
        T getRatio(bool nanIsZero = true) const;

        /// Set base and adjust current accordingly.
        void setBase(const T& value) { mStatic.setBase(value); }

        void setCurrent(const T& value, bool allowDecreaseBelowZero = false, bool allowIncreaseAboveModified = false);

        T getModifier() const { return mStatic.getModifier(); }
        void setModifier(T value) { mStatic.setModifier(value); }

        void writeState(ESM::StatState<T>& state) const;
        void readState(const ESM::StatState<T>& state);

    template <typename T>
    inline bool operator==(const DynamicStat<T>& left, const DynamicStat<T>& right)
        return left.getBase() == right.getBase() && left.getModifier() == right.getModifier()
            && left.getCurrent() == right.getCurrent();

    template <typename T>
    inline bool operator!=(const DynamicStat<T>& left, const DynamicStat<T>& right)
        return !(left == right);

    class AttributeValue
        float mBase;
        float mModifier;
        float mDamage; // needs to be float to allow continuous damage


        float getModified() const;
        float getBase() const;
        float getModifier() const;

        void setBase(float base, bool clearModifier = false);

        void setModifier(float mod);

        // Maximum attribute damage is limited to the modified value.
        // Note: MW applies damage directly to mModified, however it does track how much
        // a damaged attribute that has been fortified beyond its base can be restored.
        // Getting rid of mDamage would require calculating its value by ignoring active effects when restoring
        void damage(float damage);
        void restore(float amount);

        float getDamage() const;

        void writeState(ESM::StatState<float>& state) const;
        void readState(const ESM::StatState<float>& state);

    class SkillValue : public AttributeValue
        float mProgress;

        float getProgress() const;
        void setProgress(float progress);

        void writeState(ESM::StatState<float>& state) const;
        void readState(const ESM::StatState<float>& state);

    inline bool operator==(const AttributeValue& left, const AttributeValue& right)
        return left.getBase() == right.getBase() && left.getModifier() == right.getModifier()
            && left.getDamage() == right.getDamage();
    inline bool operator!=(const AttributeValue& left, const AttributeValue& right)
        return !(left == right);

    inline bool operator==(const SkillValue& left, const SkillValue& right)
        return left.getBase() == right.getBase() && left.getModifier() == right.getModifier()
            && left.getDamage() == right.getDamage() && left.getProgress() == right.getProgress();
    inline bool operator!=(const SkillValue& left, const SkillValue& right)
        return !(left == right);
