#include "esm4npc.hpp" #include <components/esm4/loadarmo.hpp> #include <components/esm4/loadclot.hpp> #include <components/esm4/loadlvli.hpp> #include <components/esm4/loadlvln.hpp> #include <components/esm4/loadnpc.hpp> #include <components/esm4/loadotft.hpp> #include <components/esm4/loadrace.hpp> #include <components/misc/resourcehelpers.hpp> #include "../mwworld/customdata.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "esm4base.hpp" namespace MWClass { template <class LevelledRecord, class TargetRecord> static std::vector<const TargetRecord*> withBaseTemplates( const TargetRecord* rec, int level = MWClass::ESM4Impl::sDefaultLevel) { std::vector<const TargetRecord*> res{ rec }; while (true) { const TargetRecord* newRec = MWClass::ESM4Impl::resolveLevelled<ESM4::LevelledNpc, ESM4::Npc>(rec->mBaseTemplate, level); if (!newRec || newRec == rec) return res; res.push_back(rec = newRec); } } static const ESM4::Npc* chooseTemplate(const std::vector<const ESM4::Npc*>& recs, uint16_t flag) { for (const auto* rec : recs) { if (rec->mIsTES4) return rec; else if (rec->mIsFONV) { // TODO: FO3 should use this branch as well. But it is not clear how to distinguish FO3 from // TES5. Currently FO3 uses wrong template flags that can lead to "ESM4 NPC traits not found" // exception the NPC will not be added to the scene. But in any way it shouldn't cause a crash. if (!(rec->mBaseConfig.fo3.templateFlags & flag)) return rec; } else if (rec->mIsFO4) { if (!(rec->mBaseConfig.fo4.templateFlags & flag)) return rec; } else if (!(rec->mBaseConfig.tes5.templateFlags & flag)) return rec; } return nullptr; } class ESM4NpcCustomData : public MWWorld::TypedCustomData<ESM4NpcCustomData> { public: const ESM4::Npc* mTraits; const ESM4::Npc* mBaseData; const ESM4::Race* mRace; bool mIsFemale; // TODO: Use InventoryStore instead (currently doesn't support ESM4 objects) std::vector<const ESM4::Armor*> mEquippedArmor; std::vector<const ESM4::Clothing*> mEquippedClothing; ESM4NpcCustomData& asESM4NpcCustomData() override { return *this; } const ESM4NpcCustomData& asESM4NpcCustomData() const override { return *this; } }; ESM4NpcCustomData& ESM4Npc::getCustomData(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) { // Note: the argument is ConstPtr because this function is used in `getModel` and `getName` // which are virtual and work with ConstPtr. `getModel` and `getName` use custom data // because they require a lot of work including levelled records resolving and it would be // stupid to not to cache the results. Maybe we should stop using ConstPtr at all // to avoid such workarounds. MWWorld::RefData& refData = const_cast<MWWorld::RefData&>(ptr.getRefData()); if (auto* data = refData.getCustomData()) return data->asESM4NpcCustomData(); auto data = std::make_unique<ESM4NpcCustomData>(); const MWWorld::ESMStore* store = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const ESM4::Npc* const base = ptr.get<ESM4::Npc>()->mBase; auto npcRecs = withBaseTemplates<ESM4::LevelledNpc, ESM4::Npc>(base); data->mTraits = chooseTemplate(npcRecs, ESM4::Npc::Template_UseTraits); if (data->mTraits == nullptr) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Traits are not found for ESM4 NPC base record: \"" << base->mEditorId << "\" (" << ESM::RefId(base->mId) << ")"; data->mBaseData = chooseTemplate(npcRecs, ESM4::Npc::Template_UseBaseData); if (data->mBaseData == nullptr) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Base data is not found for ESM4 NPC base record: \"" << base->mEditorId << "\" (" << ESM::RefId(base->mId) << ")"; if (data->mTraits != nullptr) { data->mRace = store->get<ESM4::Race>().find(data->mTraits->mRace); if (data->mTraits->mIsTES4) data->mIsFemale = data->mTraits->mBaseConfig.tes4.flags & ESM4::Npc::TES4_Female; else if (data->mTraits->mIsFONV) data->mIsFemale = data->mTraits->mBaseConfig.fo3.flags & ESM4::Npc::FO3_Female; else if (data->mTraits->mIsFO4) data->mIsFemale = data->mTraits->mBaseConfig.fo4.flags & ESM4::Npc::TES5_Female; // FO4 flags are the same as TES5 else data->mIsFemale = data->mTraits->mBaseConfig.tes5.flags & ESM4::Npc::TES5_Female; } if (auto inv = chooseTemplate(npcRecs, ESM4::Npc::Template_UseInventory)) { for (const ESM4::InventoryItem& item : inv->mInventory) { if (auto* armor = ESM4Impl::resolveLevelled<ESM4::LevelledItem, ESM4::Armor>(ESM::FormId::fromUint32(item.item))) data->mEquippedArmor.push_back(armor); else if (data->mTraits != nullptr && data->mTraits->mIsTES4) { const auto* clothing = ESM4Impl::resolveLevelled<ESM4::LevelledItem, ESM4::Clothing>( ESM::FormId::fromUint32(item.item)); if (clothing) data->mEquippedClothing.push_back(clothing); } } if (!inv->mDefaultOutfit.isZeroOrUnset()) { if (const ESM4::Outfit* outfit = store->get<ESM4::Outfit>().search(inv->mDefaultOutfit)) { for (ESM::FormId itemId : outfit->mInventory) if (auto* armor = ESM4Impl::resolveLevelled<ESM4::LevelledItem, ESM4::Armor>(itemId)) data->mEquippedArmor.push_back(armor); } else Log(Debug::Error) << "Outfit not found: " << ESM::RefId(inv->mDefaultOutfit); } } ESM4NpcCustomData& res = *data; refData.setCustomData(std::move(data)); return res; } const std::vector<const ESM4::Armor*>& ESM4Npc::getEquippedArmor(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { return getCustomData(ptr).mEquippedArmor; } const std::vector<const ESM4::Clothing*>& ESM4Npc::getEquippedClothing(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { return getCustomData(ptr).mEquippedClothing; } const ESM4::Npc* ESM4Npc::getTraitsRecord(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { return getCustomData(ptr).mTraits; } const ESM4::Race* ESM4Npc::getRace(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { return getCustomData(ptr).mRace; } bool ESM4Npc::isFemale(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { return getCustomData(ptr).mIsFemale; } std::string_view ESM4Npc::getModel(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { const ESM4NpcCustomData& data = getCustomData(ptr); if (data.mTraits == nullptr) return {}; if (data.mTraits->mIsTES4) return data.mTraits->mModel; return data.mIsFemale ? data.mRace->mModelFemale : data.mRace->mModelMale; } std::string_view ESM4Npc::getName(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { const ESM4::Npc* const baseData = getCustomData(ptr).mBaseData; if (baseData == nullptr) return {}; return baseData->mFullName; } }