#include "scripthighlighter.hpp" #include <sstream> #include <components/compiler/scanner.hpp> bool CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseInt (int value, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Compiler::Scanner& scanner) { highlight (loc, Type_Int); return true; } bool CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseFloat (float value, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Compiler::Scanner& scanner) { highlight (loc, Type_Float); return true; } bool CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseName (const std::string& name, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Compiler::Scanner& scanner) { highlight (loc, Type_Name); return true; } bool CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseKeyword (int keyword, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Compiler::Scanner& scanner) { highlight (loc, Type_Keyword); return true; } bool CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseSpecial (int code, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Compiler::Scanner& scanner) { highlight (loc, Type_Special); return true; } bool CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseComment (const std::string& comment, const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Compiler::Scanner& scanner) { highlight (loc, Type_Comment); return true; } void CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::parseEOF (Compiler::Scanner& scanner) {} void CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::highlight (const Compiler::TokenLoc& loc, Type type) { int length = static_cast<int> (loc.mLiteral.size()); int index = loc.mColumn; // compensate for bug in Compiler::Scanner (position of token is the character after the token) index -= length; setFormat (index, length, mScheme[type]); } CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::ScriptHighlighter (QTextDocument *parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter (parent), Compiler::Parser (mErrorHandler, mContext) { /// \ŧodo replace this with user settings { QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground (Qt::darkMagenta); mScheme.insert (std::make_pair (Type_Int, format)); } { QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground (Qt::magenta); mScheme.insert (std::make_pair (Type_Float, format)); } { QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground (Qt::gray); mScheme.insert (std::make_pair (Type_Name, format)); } { QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground (Qt::red); mScheme.insert (std::make_pair (Type_Keyword, format)); } { QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground (Qt::darkYellow); mScheme.insert (std::make_pair (Type_Special, format)); } { QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground (Qt::green); mScheme.insert (std::make_pair (Type_Comment, format)); } } void CSVWorld::ScriptHighlighter::highlightBlock (const QString& text) { std::istringstream stream (text.toUtf8().constData()); Compiler::Scanner scanner (mErrorHandler, stream, mContext.getExtensions()); try { scanner.scan (*this); } catch (...) {} // ignore syntax errors }