#include "tooltips.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/spellutil.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "inventorywindow.hpp" #include "mapwindow.hpp" #include "itemmodel.hpp" namespace MWGui { std::string ToolTips::sSchoolNames[] = { "#{sSchoolAlteration}", "#{sSchoolConjuration}", "#{sSchoolDestruction}", "#{sSchoolIllusion}", "#{sSchoolMysticism}", "#{sSchoolRestoration}" }; ToolTips::ToolTips() : Layout("openmw_tooltips.layout") , mFocusToolTipX(0.0) , mFocusToolTipY(0.0) , mHorizontalScrollIndex(0) , mDelay(0.0) , mRemainingDelay(0.0) , mLastMouseX(0) , mLastMouseY(0) , mEnabled(true) , mFullHelp(false) , mShowOwned(0) , mFrameDuration(0.f) { getWidget(mDynamicToolTipBox, "DynamicToolTipBox"); mDynamicToolTipBox->setVisible(false); // turn off mouse focus so that getMouseFocusWidget returns the correct widget, // even if the mouse is over the tooltip mDynamicToolTipBox->setNeedMouseFocus(false); mMainWidget->setNeedMouseFocus(false); mDelay = Settings::Manager::getFloat("tooltip delay", "GUI"); mRemainingDelay = mDelay; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMainWidget->getChildCount(); ++i) { mMainWidget->getChildAt(i)->setVisible(false); } mShowOwned = Settings::Manager::getInt("show owned", "Game"); } void ToolTips::setEnabled(bool enabled) { mEnabled = enabled; } void ToolTips::onFrame(float frameDuration) { mFrameDuration = frameDuration; } void ToolTips::update(float frameDuration) { while (mDynamicToolTipBox->getChildCount()) { MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().destroyWidget(mDynamicToolTipBox->getChildAt(0)); } // start by hiding everything for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMainWidget->getChildCount(); ++i) { mMainWidget->getChildAt(i)->setVisible(false); } const MyGUI::IntSize& viewSize = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize(); if (!mEnabled) { return; } MWBase::WindowManager* winMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager(); bool guiMode = winMgr->isGuiMode(); if (guiMode) { if (!winMgr->getCursorVisible()) return; const MyGUI::IntPoint& mousePos = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition(); if (winMgr->getWorldMouseOver() && (winMgr->isConsoleMode() || (winMgr->getMode() == GM_Container) || (winMgr->getMode() == GM_Inventory))) { if (mFocusObject.isEmpty()) return; const MWWorld::Class& objectclass = mFocusObject.getClass(); MyGUI::IntSize tooltipSize; if (!objectclass.hasToolTip(mFocusObject) && winMgr->isConsoleMode()) { setCoord(0, 0, 300, 300); mDynamicToolTipBox->setVisible(true); ToolTipInfo info; info.caption = mFocusObject.getClass().getName(mFocusObject); if (info.caption.empty()) info.caption = mFocusObject.getCellRef().getRefId().toDebugString(); info.icon.clear(); tooltipSize = createToolTip(info, checkOwned()); } else tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(mFocusObject.getRefData().getCount(), true); MyGUI::IntPoint tooltipPosition = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition(); position(tooltipPosition, tooltipSize, viewSize); setCoord(tooltipPosition.left, tooltipPosition.top, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height); } else { if (mousePos.left == mLastMouseX && mousePos.top == mLastMouseY) { mRemainingDelay -= frameDuration; } else { mHorizontalScrollIndex = 0; mRemainingDelay = mDelay; } mLastMouseX = mousePos.left; mLastMouseY = mousePos.top; if (mRemainingDelay > 0) return; MyGUI::Widget* focus = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMouseFocusWidget(); if (focus == nullptr) return; MyGUI::IntSize tooltipSize; // try to go 1 level up until there is a widget that has tooltip // this is necessary because some skin elements are actually separate widgets while (!focus->isUserString("ToolTipType")) { focus = focus->getParent(); if (!focus) return; } std::string_view type = focus->getUserString("ToolTipType"); if (type.empty()) { return; } // special handling for markers on the local map: the tooltip should only be visible // if the marker is not hidden due to the fog of war. if (type == "MapMarker") { LocalMapBase::MarkerUserData data = *focus->getUserData(); if (!data.isPositionExplored()) return; ToolTipInfo info; info.text = data.caption; info.notes = data.notes; tooltipSize = createToolTip(info); } else if (type == "ItemPtr") { mFocusObject = *focus->getUserData(); if (mFocusObject.isEmpty()) return; tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(mFocusObject.getRefData().getCount(), false, checkOwned()); } else if (type == "ItemModelIndex") { std::pair pair = *focus->getUserData>(); mFocusObject = pair.second->getItem(pair.first).mBase; bool isAllowedToUse = pair.second->allowedToUseItems(); tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(pair.second->getItem(pair.first).mCount, false, !isAllowedToUse); } else if (type == "ToolTipInfo") { tooltipSize = createToolTip(*focus->getUserData()); } else if (type == "AvatarItemSelection") { MyGUI::IntCoord avatarPos = focus->getAbsoluteCoord(); MyGUI::IntPoint relMousePos = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition() - MyGUI::IntPoint(avatarPos.left, avatarPos.top); MWWorld::Ptr item = winMgr->getInventoryWindow()->getAvatarSelectedItem(relMousePos.left, relMousePos.top); mFocusObject = item; if (!mFocusObject.isEmpty()) tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(mFocusObject.getRefData().getCount(), false); } else if (type == "Spell") { ToolTipInfo info; const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find( ESM::RefId::deserialize(focus->getUserString("Spell"))); info.caption = spell->mName; Widgets::SpellEffectList effects; for (const ESM::ENAMstruct& spellEffect : spell->mEffects.mList) { Widgets::SpellEffectParams params; params.mEffectID = spellEffect.mEffectID; params.mSkill = spellEffect.mSkill; params.mAttribute = spellEffect.mAttribute; params.mDuration = spellEffect.mDuration; params.mMagnMin = spellEffect.mMagnMin; params.mMagnMax = spellEffect.mMagnMax; params.mRange = spellEffect.mRange; params.mArea = spellEffect.mArea; params.mIsConstant = (spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Ability); params.mNoTarget = false; effects.push_back(params); } if (MWMechanics::spellIncreasesSkill( spell)) // display school of spells that contribute to skill progress { MWWorld::Ptr player = MWMechanics::getPlayer(); int school = MWMechanics::getSpellSchool(spell, player); info.text = "#{sSchool}: " + sSchoolNames[school]; } const std::string& cost = focus->getUserString("SpellCost"); if (!cost.empty() && cost != "0") info.text += MWGui::ToolTips::getValueString(MWMechanics::calcSpellCost(*spell), "#{sCastCost}"); info.effects = effects; tooltipSize = createToolTip(info); } else if (type == "Layout") { // tooltip defined in the layout MyGUI::Widget* tooltip; getWidget(tooltip, focus->getUserString("ToolTipLayout")); tooltip->setVisible(true); const auto& userStrings = focus->getUserStrings(); for (auto& userStringPair : userStrings) { size_t underscorePos = userStringPair.first.find('_'); if (underscorePos == std::string::npos) continue; std::string key = userStringPair.first.substr(0, underscorePos); std::string_view first = userStringPair.first; std::string_view widgetName = first.substr(underscorePos + 1); type = "Property"; size_t caretPos = key.find('^'); if (caretPos != std::string::npos) { type = first.substr(0, caretPos); key.erase(key.begin(), key.begin() + caretPos + 1); } MyGUI::Widget* w; getWidget(w, widgetName); if (type == "Property") w->setProperty(key, userStringPair.second); else if (type == "UserData") w->setUserString(key, userStringPair.second); } tooltipSize = tooltip->getSize(); tooltip->setCoord(0, 0, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height); } else throw std::runtime_error("unknown tooltip type"); MyGUI::IntPoint tooltipPosition = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition(); position(tooltipPosition, tooltipSize, viewSize); setCoord(tooltipPosition.left, tooltipPosition.top, tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height); } } else { if (!mFocusObject.isEmpty()) { MyGUI::IntSize tooltipSize = getToolTipViaPtr(mFocusObject.getRefData().getCount(), true, checkOwned()); setCoord(viewSize.width / 2 - tooltipSize.width / 2, std::max(0, int(mFocusToolTipY * viewSize.height - tooltipSize.height)), tooltipSize.width, tooltipSize.height); mDynamicToolTipBox->setVisible(true); } } } void ToolTips::position(MyGUI::IntPoint& position, MyGUI::IntSize size, MyGUI::IntSize viewportSize) { position += MyGUI::IntPoint(0, 32) - MyGUI::IntPoint(static_cast(MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition().left / float(viewportSize.width) * size.width), 0); if ((position.left + size.width) > viewportSize.width) { position.left = viewportSize.width - size.width; } if ((position.top + size.height) > viewportSize.height) { position.top = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition().top - size.height - 8; } } void ToolTips::clear() { mFocusObject = MWWorld::Ptr(); while (mDynamicToolTipBox->getChildCount()) { MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().destroyWidget(mDynamicToolTipBox->getChildAt(0)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMainWidget->getChildCount(); ++i) { mMainWidget->getChildAt(i)->setVisible(false); } } void ToolTips::setFocusObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& focus) { mFocusObject = focus; update(mFrameDuration); } MyGUI::IntSize ToolTips::getToolTipViaPtr(int count, bool image, bool isOwned) { // this the maximum width of the tooltip before it starts word-wrapping setCoord(0, 0, 300, 300); MyGUI::IntSize tooltipSize; const MWWorld::Class& object = mFocusObject.getClass(); if (!object.hasToolTip(mFocusObject)) { mDynamicToolTipBox->setVisible(false); } else { mDynamicToolTipBox->setVisible(true); ToolTipInfo info = object.getToolTipInfo(mFocusObject, count); if (!image) info.icon.clear(); tooltipSize = createToolTip(info, isOwned); } return tooltipSize; } bool ToolTips::checkOwned() { if (mFocusObject.isEmpty()) return false; MWWorld::Ptr ptr = MWMechanics::getPlayer(); MWWorld::Ptr victim; MWBase::MechanicsManager* mm = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager(); return !mm->isAllowedToUse(ptr, mFocusObject, victim); } MyGUI::IntSize ToolTips::createToolTip(const MWGui::ToolTipInfo& info, bool isOwned) { mDynamicToolTipBox->setVisible(true); if ((mShowOwned == 1 || mShowOwned == 3) && isOwned) mDynamicToolTipBox->changeWidgetSkin(MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode() ? "HUD_Box_NoTransp_Owned" : "HUD_Box_Owned"); else mDynamicToolTipBox->changeWidgetSkin( MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode() ? "HUD_Box_NoTransp" : "HUD_Box"); const std::string& caption = info.caption; const std::string& image = info.icon; int imageSize = (!image.empty()) ? info.imageSize : 0; std::string text = info.text; // remove the first newline (easier this way) if (text.size() > 0 && text[0] == '\n') text.erase(0, 1); const ESM::Enchantment* enchant = nullptr; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); if (!info.enchant.empty()) { enchant = store.get().search(info.enchant); if (enchant) { if (enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::CastOnce) text += "\n#{sItemCastOnce}"; else if (enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes) text += "\n#{sItemCastWhenStrikes}"; else if (enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenUsed) text += "\n#{sItemCastWhenUsed}"; else if (enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::ConstantEffect) text += "\n#{sItemCastConstant}"; } } // this the maximum width of the tooltip before it starts word-wrapping setCoord(0, 0, 300, 300); const MyGUI::IntPoint padding(8, 8); const int imageCaptionHPadding = !caption.empty() ? 8 : 0; const int imageCaptionVPadding = !caption.empty() ? 4 : 0; const int maximumWidth = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize().width - imageCaptionHPadding * 2; const std::string realImage = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctIconPath(image, MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS()); Gui::EditBox* captionWidget = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget( "NormalText", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, 300, 300), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top, "ToolTipCaption"); captionWidget->setEditStatic(true); captionWidget->setNeedKeyFocus(false); captionWidget->setCaptionWithReplacing(caption); MyGUI::IntSize captionSize = captionWidget->getTextSize(); int captionHeight = std::max(!caption.empty() ? captionSize.height : 0, imageSize); Gui::EditBox* textWidget = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget("SandText", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, captionHeight + imageCaptionVPadding, 300, 300 - captionHeight - imageCaptionVPadding), MyGUI::Align::Stretch, "ToolTipText"); textWidget->setEditStatic(true); textWidget->setEditMultiLine(true); textWidget->setEditWordWrap(info.wordWrap); textWidget->setCaptionWithReplacing(text); textWidget->setTextAlign(MyGUI::Align::HCenter | MyGUI::Align::Top); textWidget->setNeedKeyFocus(false); MyGUI::IntSize textSize = textWidget->getTextSize(); captionSize += MyGUI::IntSize(imageSize, 0); // adjust for image MyGUI::IntSize totalSize = MyGUI::IntSize( std::min(std::max(textSize.width, captionSize.width + ((!image.empty()) ? imageCaptionHPadding : 0)), maximumWidth), (!text.empty() ? textSize.height + imageCaptionVPadding : 0) + captionHeight); for (const std::string& note : info.notes) { MyGUI::ImageBox* icon = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget("MarkerButton", MyGUI::IntCoord(padding.left, totalSize.height + padding.top, 8, 8), MyGUI::Align::Default); icon->setColour(MyGUI::Colour(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.3f)); Gui::EditBox* edit = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget("SandText", MyGUI::IntCoord(padding.left + 8 + 4, totalSize.height + padding.top, 300 - padding.left - 8 - 4, 300 - totalSize.height), MyGUI::Align::Default); edit->setEditMultiLine(true); edit->setEditWordWrap(true); edit->setCaption(note); edit->setSize(edit->getWidth(), edit->getTextSize().height); icon->setPosition(icon->getLeft(), (edit->getTop() + edit->getBottom()) / 2 - icon->getHeight() / 2); totalSize.height += std::max(edit->getHeight(), icon->getHeight()); totalSize.width = std::max(totalSize.width, edit->getWidth() + 8 + 4); } if (!info.effects.empty()) { MyGUI::Widget* effectArea = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget({}, MyGUI::IntCoord(padding.left, totalSize.height, 300 - padding.left, 300 - totalSize.height), MyGUI::Align::Stretch); MyGUI::IntCoord coord(0, 6, totalSize.width, 24); Widgets::MWEffectListPtr effectsWidget = effectArea->createWidget("MW_StatName", coord, MyGUI::Align::Default); effectsWidget->setEffectList(info.effects); std::vector effectItems; int flag = info.isPotion ? Widgets::MWEffectList::EF_NoTarget : 0; flag |= info.isIngredient ? Widgets::MWEffectList::EF_NoMagnitude : 0; flag |= info.isIngredient ? Widgets::MWEffectList::EF_Constant : 0; effectsWidget->createEffectWidgets( effectItems, effectArea, coord, info.isPotion || info.isIngredient, flag); totalSize.height += coord.top - 6; totalSize.width = std::max(totalSize.width, coord.width); } if (enchant) { MyGUI::Widget* enchantArea = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget({}, MyGUI::IntCoord(padding.left, totalSize.height, 300 - padding.left, 300 - totalSize.height), MyGUI::Align::Stretch); MyGUI::IntCoord coord(0, 6, totalSize.width, 24); Widgets::MWEffectListPtr enchantWidget = enchantArea->createWidget("MW_StatName", coord, MyGUI::Align::Default); enchantWidget->setEffectList(Widgets::MWEffectList::effectListFromESM(&enchant->mEffects)); std::vector enchantEffectItems; int flag = (enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::ConstantEffect) ? Widgets::MWEffectList::EF_Constant : 0; enchantWidget->createEffectWidgets(enchantEffectItems, enchantArea, coord, false, flag); totalSize.height += coord.top - 6; totalSize.width = std::max(totalSize.width, coord.width); if (enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes || enchant->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenUsed) { int maxCharge = enchant->mData.mCharge; int charge = (info.remainingEnchantCharge == -1) ? maxCharge : info.remainingEnchantCharge; const int chargeWidth = 204; MyGUI::TextBox* chargeText = enchantArea->createWidget( "SandText", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, 10, 18), MyGUI::Align::Default, "ToolTipEnchantChargeText"); chargeText->setCaptionWithReplacing("#{sCharges}"); const int chargeTextWidth = chargeText->getTextSize().width + 5; const int chargeAndTextWidth = chargeWidth + chargeTextWidth; totalSize.width = std::max(totalSize.width, chargeAndTextWidth); chargeText->setCoord((totalSize.width - chargeAndTextWidth) / 2, coord.top + 6, chargeTextWidth, 18); MyGUI::IntCoord chargeCoord; if (totalSize.width < chargeWidth) { totalSize.width = chargeWidth; chargeCoord = MyGUI::IntCoord(0, coord.top + 6, chargeWidth, 18); } else { chargeCoord = MyGUI::IntCoord( (totalSize.width - chargeAndTextWidth) / 2 + chargeTextWidth, coord.top + 6, chargeWidth, 18); } Widgets::MWDynamicStatPtr chargeWidget = enchantArea->createWidget( "MW_ChargeBar", chargeCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default); chargeWidget->setValue(charge, maxCharge); totalSize.height += 24; } } captionWidget->setCoord((totalSize.width - captionSize.width) / 2 + imageSize, (captionHeight - captionSize.height) / 2, captionSize.width - imageSize, captionSize.height); // if its too long we do hscroll with the caption if (captionSize.width > maximumWidth) { mHorizontalScrollIndex = mHorizontalScrollIndex + 2; if (mHorizontalScrollIndex > captionSize.width) { mHorizontalScrollIndex = -totalSize.width; } int horizontal_scroll = mHorizontalScrollIndex; if (horizontal_scroll < 40) { horizontal_scroll = 40; } else { horizontal_scroll = 80 - mHorizontalScrollIndex; } captionWidget->setPosition( MyGUI::IntPoint(horizontal_scroll, captionWidget->getPosition().top + padding.top)); } else { captionWidget->setPosition(captionWidget->getPosition() + padding); } textWidget->setPosition(textWidget->getPosition() + MyGUI::IntPoint(0, padding.top)); // only apply vertical padding, the horizontal works automatically due to Align::HCenter if (!image.empty()) { MyGUI::ImageBox* imageWidget = mDynamicToolTipBox->createWidget("ImageBox", MyGUI::IntCoord( (totalSize.width - captionSize.width - imageCaptionHPadding) / 2, 0, imageSize, imageSize), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top); imageWidget->setImageTexture(realImage); imageWidget->setPosition(imageWidget->getPosition() + padding); } totalSize += MyGUI::IntSize(padding.left * 2, padding.top * 2); return totalSize; } std::string ToolTips::toString(const float value) { std::ostringstream stream; if (value != int(value)) stream << std::setprecision(3); stream << value; return stream.str(); } std::string ToolTips::toString(const int value) { return std::to_string(value); } std::string ToolTips::getWeightString(const float weight, const std::string& prefix) { if (weight == 0) return {}; else return "\n" + prefix + ": " + toString(weight); } std::string ToolTips::getPercentString(const float value, const std::string& prefix) { if (value == 0) return {}; else return "\n" + prefix + ": " + toString(value * 100) + "%"; } std::string ToolTips::getValueString(const int value, const std::string& prefix) { if (value == 0) return {}; else return "\n" + prefix + ": " + toString(value); } std::string ToolTips::getMiscString(const std::string& text, const std::string& prefix) { if (text.empty()) return {}; else return "\n" + prefix + ": " + text; } std::string ToolTips::getCountString(const int value) { if (value == 1) return {}; else return " (" + MyGUI::utility::toString(value) + ")"; } std::string ToolTips::getSoulString(const MWWorld::CellRef& cellref) { const ESM::RefId& soul = cellref.getSoul(); if (soul.empty()) return {}; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const ESM::Creature* creature = store.get().search(soul); if (!creature) return {}; if (creature->mName.empty()) return " (" + creature->mId.toDebugString() + ")"; return " (" + creature->mName + ")"; } std::string ToolTips::getCellRefString(const MWWorld::CellRef& cellref) { std::string ret; ret += getMiscString(cellref.getOwner().getRefIdString(), "Owner"); const ESM::RefId& factionId = cellref.getFaction(); if (!factionId.empty()) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const ESM::Faction* fact = store.get().search(factionId); if (fact != nullptr) { ret += getMiscString(fact->mName.empty() ? factionId.getRefIdString() : fact->mName, "Owner Faction"); if (cellref.getFactionRank() >= 0) { int rank = cellref.getFactionRank(); const std::string& rankName = fact->mRanks[rank]; if (rankName.empty()) ret += getValueString(cellref.getFactionRank(), "Rank"); else ret += getMiscString(rankName, "Rank"); } } } std::vector> itemOwners = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->getStolenItemOwners(cellref.getRefId()); for (std::pair& owner : itemOwners) { if (owner.second == std::numeric_limits::max()) ret += std::string("\nStolen from ") + owner.first.toDebugString(); // for legacy (ESS) savegames else ret += std::string("\nStolen ") + MyGUI::utility::toString(owner.second) + " from " + owner.first.toDebugString(); } ret += getMiscString(cellref.getGlobalVariable(), "Global"); return ret; } std::string ToolTips::getDurationString(float duration, const std::string& prefix) { auto l10n = MWBase::Environment::get().getL10nManager()->getContext("Interface"); std::string ret; ret = prefix + ": "; if (duration < 1.f) { ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationSecond", { "seconds" }, { 0 }); return ret; } constexpr int secondsPerMinute = 60; // 60 seconds constexpr int secondsPerHour = secondsPerMinute * 60; // 60 minutes constexpr int secondsPerDay = secondsPerHour * 24; // 24 hours constexpr int secondsPerMonth = secondsPerDay * 30; // 30 days constexpr int secondsPerYear = secondsPerDay * 365; int fullDuration = static_cast(duration); int units = 0; int years = fullDuration / secondsPerYear; int months = fullDuration % secondsPerYear / secondsPerMonth; int days = fullDuration % secondsPerYear % secondsPerMonth / secondsPerDay; // Because a year is not exactly 12 "months" int hours = fullDuration % secondsPerDay / secondsPerHour; int minutes = fullDuration % secondsPerHour / secondsPerMinute; int seconds = fullDuration % secondsPerMinute; if (years) { units++; ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationYear", { "years" }, { years }); } if (months) { units++; ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationMonth", { "months" }, { months }); } if (units < 2 && days) { units++; ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationDay", { "days" }, { days }); } if (units < 2 && hours) { units++; ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationHour", { "hours" }, { hours }); } if (units >= 2) return ret; if (minutes) ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationMinute", { "minutes" }, { minutes }); if (seconds) ret += l10n->formatMessage("DurationSecond", { "seconds" }, { seconds }); return ret; } bool ToolTips::toggleFullHelp() { mFullHelp = !mFullHelp; return mFullHelp; } bool ToolTips::getFullHelp() const { return mFullHelp; } void ToolTips::setFocusObjectScreenCoords(float min_x, float min_y, float max_x, float max_y) { mFocusToolTipX = (min_x + max_x) / 2; mFocusToolTipY = min_y; } void ToolTips::createSkillToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, ESM::RefId skillId) { if (skillId.empty()) return; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const ESM::Skill* skill = store.get().find(skillId); const ESM::Attribute* attr = store.get().find(skill->mData.mAttribute); widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "SkillNoProgressToolTip"); widget->setUserString("Caption_SkillNoProgressName", MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(skill->mName)); widget->setUserString("Caption_SkillNoProgressDescription", skill->mDescription); widget->setUserString("Caption_SkillNoProgressAttribute", "#{sGoverningAttribute}: " + MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(attr->mName)); widget->setUserString("ImageTexture_SkillNoProgressImage", skill->mIcon); } void ToolTips::createAttributeToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, int attributeId) { const ESM::Attribute* attribute = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().search(attributeId); if (!attribute) return; widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "AttributeToolTip"); widget->setUserString("Caption_AttributeName", MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(attribute->mName)); widget->setUserString( "Caption_AttributeDescription", MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(attribute->mDescription)); widget->setUserString("ImageTexture_AttributeImage", attribute->mIcon); } void ToolTips::createSpecializationToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, const std::string& name, int specId) { widget->setUserString("Caption_Caption", name); std::string specText; // get all skills of this specialisation const MWWorld::Store& skills = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get(); bool isFirst = true; for (const auto& skill : skills) { if (skill.mData.mSpecialization == specId) { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else specText += "\n"; specText += MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(skill.mName); } } widget->setUserString("Caption_ColumnText", specText); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "SpecializationToolTip"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); } void ToolTips::createBirthsignToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, const ESM::RefId& birthsignId) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore(); const ESM::BirthSign* sign = store.get().find(birthsignId); const VFS::Manager* const vfs = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS(); widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "BirthSignToolTip"); widget->setUserString( "ImageTexture_BirthSignImage", Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctTexturePath(sign->mTexture, vfs)); std::string text = sign->mName + "\n#{fontcolourhtml=normal}" + sign->mDescription; std::vector abilities, powers, spells; for (const ESM::RefId& spellId : sign->mPowers.mList) { const ESM::Spell* spell = store.get().search(spellId); if (!spell) continue; // Skip spells which cannot be found ESM::Spell::SpellType type = static_cast(spell->mData.mType); if (type != ESM::Spell::ST_Spell && type != ESM::Spell::ST_Ability && type != ESM::Spell::ST_Power) continue; // We only want spell, ability and powers. if (type == ESM::Spell::ST_Ability) abilities.push_back(spell); else if (type == ESM::Spell::ST_Power) powers.push_back(spell); else if (type == ESM::Spell::ST_Spell) spells.push_back(spell); } using Category = std::pair&, std::string_view>; for (const auto& [category, label] : std::initializer_list{ { abilities, "sBirthsignmenu1" }, { powers, "sPowers" }, { spells, "sBirthsignmenu2" } }) { bool addHeader = true; for (const ESM::Spell* spell : category) { if (addHeader) { text += "\n\n#{fontcolourhtml=header}#{"; text += label; text += '}'; addHeader = false; } text += "\n#{fontcolourhtml=normal}" + spell->mName; } } widget->setUserString("Caption_BirthSignText", text); } void ToolTips::createRaceToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, const ESM::Race* playerRace) { widget->setUserString("Caption_CenteredCaption", playerRace->mName); widget->setUserString("Caption_CenteredCaptionText", playerRace->mDescription); widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "RaceToolTip"); } void ToolTips::createClassToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, const ESM::Class& playerClass) { if (playerClass.mName.empty()) return; int spec = playerClass.mData.mSpecialization; std::string specStr = "#{"; specStr += ESM::Class::sGmstSpecializationIds[spec]; specStr += '}'; widget->setUserString("Caption_ClassName", playerClass.mName); widget->setUserString("Caption_ClassDescription", playerClass.mDescription); widget->setUserString("Caption_ClassSpecialisation", "#{sSpecialization}: " + specStr); widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "ClassToolTip"); } void ToolTips::createMagicEffectToolTip(MyGUI::Widget* widget, short id) { const ESM::MagicEffect* effect = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find(id); const std::string& name = ESM::MagicEffect::indexToGmstString(id); std::string icon = effect->mIcon; int slashPos = icon.rfind('\\'); icon.insert(slashPos + 1, "b_"); icon = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctIconPath(icon, MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS()); widget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); widget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "MagicEffectToolTip"); widget->setUserString("Caption_MagicEffectName", "#{" + name + "}"); widget->setUserString("Caption_MagicEffectDescription", effect->mDescription); widget->setUserString("Caption_MagicEffectSchool", "#{sSchool}: " + sSchoolNames[effect->mData.mSchool]); widget->setUserString("ImageTexture_MagicEffectImage", icon); } void ToolTips::setDelay(float delay) { mDelay = delay; mRemainingDelay = mDelay; } }