#include "actorutil.hpp" #include #include namespace MWRender { const std::string& getActorSkeleton(bool firstPerson, bool isFemale, bool isBeast, bool isWerewolf) { if (!firstPerson) { if (isWerewolf) return Settings::models().mWolfskin; else if (isBeast) return Settings::models().mBaseanimkna; else if (isFemale) return Settings::models().mBaseanimfemale; else return Settings::models().mBaseanim; } else { if (isWerewolf) return Settings::models().mWolfskin1st; else if (isBeast) return Settings::models().mBaseanimkna1st; else if (isFemale) return Settings::models().mBaseanimfemale1st; else return Settings::models().mXbaseanim1st; } } bool isDefaultActorSkeleton(std::string_view model) { return VFS::Path::pathEqual(Settings::models().mBaseanimkna.get(), model) || VFS::Path::pathEqual(Settings::models().mBaseanimfemale.get(), model) || VFS::Path::pathEqual(Settings::models().mBaseanim.get(), model); } std::string addSuffixBeforeExtension(const std::string& filename, const std::string& suffix) { size_t dotPos = filename.rfind('.'); // No extension found; return the original filename with suffix appended if (dotPos == std::string::npos) return filename + suffix; // Insert the suffix before the dot (extension) and return the new filename return filename.substr(0, dotPos) + suffix + filename.substr(dotPos); } }