#include <map>
#include <string>

#include <components/compiler/streamerrorhandler.hpp>
#include <components/compiler/fileparser.hpp>

#include <components/interpreter/interpreter.hpp>
#include <components/interpreter/types.hpp>

#include "../mwbase/scriptmanager.hpp"

#include "globalscripts.hpp"

namespace MWWorld
    struct ESMStore;

namespace Compiler
    class Context;

namespace Interpreter
    class Context;
    class Interpreter;

namespace MWScript
    class ScriptManager : public MWBase::ScriptManager
            Compiler::StreamErrorHandler mErrorHandler;
            const MWWorld::ESMStore& mStore;
            bool mVerbose;
            Compiler::Context& mCompilerContext;
            Compiler::FileParser mParser;
            Interpreter::Interpreter mInterpreter;
            bool mOpcodesInstalled;

            typedef std::pair<std::vector<Interpreter::Type_Code>, Compiler::Locals> CompiledScript;
            typedef std::map<std::string, CompiledScript> ScriptCollection;

            ScriptCollection mScripts;
            GlobalScripts mGlobalScripts;
            std::map<std::string, Compiler::Locals> mOtherLocals;


            ScriptManager (const MWWorld::ESMStore& store, bool verbose,
                Compiler::Context& compilerContext);

            virtual void run (const std::string& name, Interpreter::Context& interpreterContext);
            ///< Run the script with the given name (compile first, if not compiled yet)

            virtual bool compile (const std::string& name);
            ///< Compile script with the given namen
            /// \return Success?

            virtual std::pair<int, int> compileAll();
            ///< Compile all scripts
            /// \return count, success

            virtual Compiler::Locals& getLocals (const std::string& name);
            ///< Return locals for script \a name.

            virtual GlobalScripts& getGlobalScripts();

            virtual int getLocalIndex (const std::string& scriptId, const std::string& variable,
                char type);
            ///< Return index of the variable of the given name and type in the given script. Will
            /// throw an exception, if there is no such script or variable or the type does not match.
