--- -- `openmw.self` provides full access to the object the script is attached to. -- Can be used only from local scripts. All fields and function of `GameObject` are also available for `openmw.self`. -- @module self -- @extends openmw.core#GameObject -- @usage local self = require('openmw.self') -- local types = require('openmw.types') -- if self.type == types.Player then -- All fields and functions of `GameObject` are available. -- self:sendEvent("something", self.position) -- end --- -- Returns true if the script isActive (the object it is attached to is in an active cell). -- If it is not active, then `openmw.nearby` can not be used. -- @function [parent=#self] isActive -- @param self -- @return #boolean --- -- The object the script is attached to (readonly) -- @field [parent=#self] openmw.core#GameObject object --- -- Movement controls (only for actors) -- @field [parent=#self] #ActorControls controls --- -- Allows to view and/or modify controls of an actor. All fields are mutable. -- @type ActorControls -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #number movement +1 - move forward, -1 - move backward -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #number sideMovement +1 - move right, -1 - move left -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #number yawChange Turn right (radians); if negative - turn left -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #number pitchChange Look down (radians); if negative - look up -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #boolean run true - run, false - walk -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #boolean sneak If true - sneak -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #boolean jump If true - initiate a jump -- @field [parent=#ActorControls] #ATTACK_TYPE use Activates the readied weapon/spell according to a provided value. For weapons, keeping this value modified will charge the attack until set to @{#ATTACK_TYPE.NoAttack}. If an @{#ATTACK_TYPE} not appropriate for a currently equipped weapon provided - an appropriate @{#ATTACK_TYPE} will be used instead. --- -- @type ATTACK_TYPE -- @field #number NoAttack -- @field #number Any -- @field #number Chop -- @field #number Slash -- @field #number Thrust --- -- Enables or disables standard AI (enabled by default). -- @function [parent=#self] enableAI -- @param self -- @param #boolean v return nil