#include "inputactions.hpp" #include <queue> #include <set> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> #include <components/misc/strings/format.hpp> #include "luastate.hpp" namespace LuaUtil { namespace InputAction { namespace { std::string_view typeName(Type actionType) { switch (actionType) { case Type::Boolean: return "Boolean"; case Type::Number: return "Number"; case Type::Range: return "Range"; default: throw std::logic_error("Unknown input action type"); } } } MultiTree::Node MultiTree::insert() { size_t nextId = size(); mChildren.push_back({}); mParents.push_back({}); return nextId; } bool MultiTree::validateTree() const { std::vector<bool> complete(size(), false); traverse([&complete](Node node) { complete[node] = true; }); return std::find(complete.begin(), complete.end(), false) == complete.end(); } template <typename Function> void MultiTree::traverse(Function callback) const { std::queue<Node> nodeQueue; std::vector<bool> complete(size(), false); for (Node root = 0; root < size(); ++root) { if (!complete[root]) nodeQueue.push(root); while (!nodeQueue.empty()) { Node node = nodeQueue.back(); nodeQueue.pop(); bool isComplete = true; for (Node parent : mParents[node]) isComplete = isComplete && complete[parent]; complete[node] = isComplete; if (isComplete) { callback(node); for (Node child : mChildren[node]) nodeQueue.push(child); } } } } bool MultiTree::multiEdge(Node target, const std::vector<Node>& source) { mParents[target].reserve(mParents[target].size() + source.size()); for (Node s : source) { mParents[target].push_back(s); mChildren[s].push_back(target); } bool validTree = validateTree(); if (!validTree) { for (Node s : source) { mParents[target].pop_back(); mChildren[s].pop_back(); } } return validTree; } namespace { bool validateActionValue(sol::object value, Type type) { switch (type) { case Type::Boolean: return value.get_type() == sol::type::boolean; case Type::Number: return value.get_type() == sol::type::number; case Type::Range: if (value.get_type() != sol::type::number) return false; double d = value.as<double>(); return 0.0 <= d && d <= 1.0; } throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown action type"); } } void Registry::insert(const Info& info) { if (mIds.find(info.mKey) != mIds.end()) throw std::domain_error(Misc::StringUtils::format("Action key \"%s\" is already in use", info.mKey)); if (info.mKey.empty()) throw std::domain_error("Action key can't be an empty string"); if (info.mL10n.empty()) throw std::domain_error("Localization context can't be empty"); if (!validateActionValue(info.mDefaultValue, info.mType)) throw std::logic_error(Misc::StringUtils::format( "Invalid value: \"%s\" for action \"%s\"", LuaUtil::toString(info.mDefaultValue), info.mKey)); Id id = mBindingTree.insert(); mKeys.push_back(info.mKey); mIds[std::string(info.mKey)] = id; mInfo.push_back(info); mHandlers.push_back({}); mBindings.push_back({}); mValues.push_back(info.mDefaultValue); } std::optional<std::string> Registry::nextKey(std::string_view key) const { auto it = mIds.find(key); if (it == mIds.end()) return std::nullopt; auto nextId = it->second + 1; if (nextId >= mKeys.size()) return std::nullopt; return mKeys.at(nextId); } std::optional<Info> Registry::operator[](std::string_view actionKey) { auto iter = mIds.find(actionKey); if (iter == mIds.end()) return std::nullopt; return mInfo[iter->second]; } Registry::Id Registry::safeIdByKey(std::string_view key) { auto iter = mIds.find(key); if (iter == mIds.end()) throw std::logic_error(Misc::StringUtils::format("Unknown action key: \"%s\"", key)); return iter->second; } bool Registry::bind( std::string_view key, const LuaUtil::Callback& callback, const std::vector<std::string_view>& dependencies) { Id id = safeIdByKey(key); std::vector<Id> dependencyIds; dependencyIds.reserve(dependencies.size()); for (std::string_view s : dependencies) dependencyIds.push_back(safeIdByKey(s)); bool validEdge = mBindingTree.multiEdge(id, dependencyIds); if (validEdge) mBindings[id].push_back(Binding{ callback, std::move(dependencyIds), }); return validEdge; } sol::object Registry::valueOfType(std::string_view key, Type type) { Id id = safeIdByKey(key); Info info = mInfo[id]; if (info.mType != type) throw std::logic_error( Misc::StringUtils::format("Attempt to get value of type \"%s\" from action \"%s\" with type \"%s\"", typeName(type), key, typeName(info.mType))); return mValues[id]; } void Registry::update(double dt) { std::vector<sol::object> dependencyValues; mBindingTree.traverse([this, &dependencyValues, dt](Id node) { sol::main_object newValue = mValues[node]; std::vector<Binding>& bindings = mBindings[node]; bindings.erase(std::remove_if(bindings.begin(), bindings.end(), [&](const Binding& binding) { if (!binding.mCallback.isValid()) return true; dependencyValues.clear(); for (Id parent : binding.mDependencies) dependencyValues.push_back(mValues[parent]); try { newValue = sol::main_object( binding.mCallback.call(dt, newValue, sol::as_args(dependencyValues))); } catch (std::exception& e) { if (!validateActionValue(newValue, mInfo[node].mType)) Log(Debug::Error) << Misc::StringUtils::format( "Error due to invalid value of action \"%s\"(\"%s\"): ", mKeys[node], LuaUtil::toString(newValue)) << e.what(); else Log(Debug::Error) << "Error in callback: " << e.what(); } return false; }), bindings.end()); if (!validateActionValue(newValue, mInfo[node].mType)) Log(Debug::Error) << Misc::StringUtils::format( "Invalid value of action \"%s\": %s", mKeys[node], LuaUtil::toString(newValue)); if (mValues[node] != newValue) { mValues[node] = sol::object(newValue); std::vector<LuaUtil::Callback>& handlers = mHandlers[node]; handlers.erase(std::remove_if(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), [&](const LuaUtil::Callback& handler) { if (!handler.isValid()) return true; handler.tryCall(newValue); return false; }), handlers.end()); } }); } } namespace InputTrigger { Registry::Id Registry::safeIdByKey(std::string_view key) { auto it = mIds.find(key); if (it == mIds.end()) throw std::domain_error(Misc::StringUtils::format("Unknown trigger key \"%s\"", key)); return it->second; } void Registry::insert(const Info& info) { if (mIds.find(info.mKey) != mIds.end()) throw std::domain_error(Misc::StringUtils::format("Trigger key \"%s\" is already in use", info.mKey)); if (info.mKey.empty()) throw std::domain_error("Trigger key can't be an empty string"); if (info.mL10n.empty()) throw std::domain_error("Localization context can't be empty"); Id id = mIds.size(); mIds[info.mKey] = id; mInfo.push_back(info); mHandlers.push_back({}); } std::optional<Info> Registry::operator[](std::string_view key) { auto iter = mIds.find(key); if (iter == mIds.end()) return std::nullopt; return mInfo[iter->second]; } void Registry::registerHandler(std::string_view key, const LuaUtil::Callback& callback) { Id id = safeIdByKey(key); mHandlers[id].push_back(callback); } void Registry::activate(std::string_view key) { Id id = safeIdByKey(key); std::vector<LuaUtil::Callback>& handlers = mHandlers[id]; handlers.erase(std::remove_if(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), [&](const LuaUtil::Callback& handler) { if (!handler.isValid()) return true; handler.tryCall(); return false; }), handlers.end()); } } }