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synced 2025-03-28 08:37:12 +00:00
New brief comments version of settings.cfg.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,713 +1,341 @@
# WARNING: Editing this file might have no effect, as these settings
# are overwritten by your user settings file. Your user settings file
# varies with your operating system:
# This file provides minimal documentation for each setting, and
# ranges of recommended values. For detailed explanations of the
# significance of each setting, interaction with other settings, hard
# limits on value ranges and more information in general, please read
# the detailed documentation at the OpenMW Wiki page:
# https://wiki.openmw.org/index.php?title=Settings
# Linux: $HOME/.config/openmw
# Mac: $HOME/Library/Preferences/openmw
# Windows: C:\Users\Username\Documents\my games\openmw
# This path may vary depending on your installation hard drive, your
# Windows username, and your default language.
# Additionally, the user settings file is often written to disk when
# exiting OpenMW, so comments and changes to that file may also be
# discarded after running OpenMW. While most changes to the file will
# reflect setting changes made in game, some settings can have a wider
# range of values in the settings file than the GUI settings widgets
# allow. You may want to exercise some caution and backup this file
# when editing it by hand.
# The version of this file that actually controls the behavior of
# OpenMW is user specific, and it's location can be found in the
# documentation above. This file is probably NOT that file.
# This floating point setting controls the distance to the near
# clipping plane. The value must be greater than zero. Values
# greater than approximately 18.0 will occasionally clip objects in
# the world in front of the character. Values greater than
# approximately 8.0 will clip the character's hands in first person
# view and/or the back of their head in third person view.
# Near clipping plane (0.01 to 18.0).
near clip = 5.0
# This boolean setting determines whether objects that render to one
# pixel or smaller will be culled. It generally improves performance
# to enable this feature.
# Cull objects smaller than one pixel.
small feature culling = true
# Set the maximum visible distance. Larger values significantly
# improve rendering in exterior spaces, but also increase the amount
# rendered geometry and significantly reduce the frame rate. This
# value is a floating point value that defaults to 6666.0. This value
# interacts with the "exterior cell load distance" setting in that
# it's probably undesired for this value to provide visibility into
# cells that have not yet been loaded. When cells are visible before
# loading, the geometry will "pop-in" suddenly, creating a jarring
# visual effect. To prevent this effect, this value must be less
# than:
# 8192 * exterior cell load distance - 1024
# The constant 8192 is the size of a cell, and 1024 is the threshold
# distance for loading a new cell. Additionally, the "field of view"
# setting also interacts with this setting because the view frustrum
# end is a plane, so you can see further at the edges of the screen
# than you should be able to. This can be observed in game by looking
# at distant objects and rotating the camera so the object are near
# the edge of the screen. As a result, the "viewing distance" setting
# should further be reduced by a factor that depends on the "field of
# view" setting. In the default configuration this reduction is 7%.
# Using this factor, approximate values recommended for other
# "exterior cell load distance" settings are: 14285 for 2 cells, 21903
# for 3 cells, 29522 for 4 cells, and 35924 for 5 cells.
# Reductions of up 25% or more can be required to completely eliminate
# pop-in for wide fields of view and long viewing distances near the
# edges of the screen, but such situations are unusual and probably
# not worth the performance penalty introduced by loading geometry
# obscured by fog in the center of the screen.
# This setting can be adjusted in game from the ridiculously low value
# of 2000 to a maximum of 6666, using the "View Distance" slider in
# the Detail tab of the Video panel of the Options menu. See
# RenderingManager::configureFog for the relevant source code.
# Maximum visible distance (2000.0 to 6666.0+). Caution: this setting
# can dramatically affect performance, see documentation for details.
viewing distance = 6666.0
# This integer setting determines the number of exterior cells
# adjacent to the character that will be loaded for rendering. It
# interacts with "viewing distance" and "field of view" as described
# previously, and it is generally very wasteful for this value to load
# geometry than will almost never be visible due to viewing distance
# and fog. For low frame rate screenshots of scenic vistas, this
# setting should be set high, and viewing distances adjusted
# accordingly. This value must be greater than or equal to 1.
# Adjacent exterior cells loaded (>0). Caution: this setting can
# dramatically affect performance, see documentation for details.
exterior cell load distance = 1
# These two settings determine the background color of the tool tip
# and the crosshair when hovering over an item owned by an NPC. The
# color definitions are composed of four floating point values between
# 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive, representing the red, green, blue and alpha
# channels. The alpha value is currently ignored. The crosshair
# color will have no effect if the "crosshair" setting in the HUD
# section is disabled. These colors are used only if the "show owned"
# setting is enabled in the Game section.
# Color for tool tips and crosshair when owned by an NPC (R G B A).
color background owned = 0.15 0.0 0.0 1.0
color crosshair owned = 1.0 0.15 0.15 1.0
# This boolean setting enables or disables the "red flash" overlay
# that provides a visual clue when the character has taken damage.
# Red flash visually showing player damage.
hit fader = true
# This floating point setting controls the transparency of the GUI
# windows. The value should be between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0
# (opaque). The setting can be adjusted in game with the "Menu
# Transparency" slider in the Prefs panel of the Options menu.
# Transparency of GUI windows (0.0 to 1.0, transparent to opaque).
menu transparency = 0.84
# This floating point setting scales the GUI interface windows. The
# value must be greater than 0.0. A value of 1.0 results in the
# default scale. Values much larger than 2.0 may result in user
# interface components being inaccessible.
# Scales GUI window and widget size. (<1 is smaller, >1 is larger).
scaling factor = 1.0
# Stretch or shrink the introductory movie, new game screen, and
# loading screens to fill the specified video resolution. The default
# assets have a 4:3 aspect ratio, but other assets may have other
# resolutions. If this setting is false, the assets will be centered
# in their correct aspect ratio.
# Stretch menus, load screens, etc. to the window aspect ratio.
stretch menu background = false
# Enable or disable subtitles for NPC spoken dialog (and some sound
# effects). Subtitles will appear in a tool tip box in the lower
# center of the screen. The setting can be toggled in game with the
# "Subtitles" button in the Prefs panel of Options menu.
# Subtitles for NPC spoken dialog and some sound effects.
subtitles = false
# Set the delay between when you begin hovering over an item and when
# it's tooltip appears. This setting is a floating point value
# between 0.0, which displays the tool tip instantly and 1.0 which
# results in the maximum delay (approximately 1.5 seconds). This
# setting does not affect the tooltip delay for object under the
# crosshair in the "look mode", only widgets in the GUI windows. This
# setting can be adjusted in game with the "Menu Help Delay" slider in
# the Prefs panel of the Options menu.
# Time until tool tip appears when hovering over an object (0.0 is
# instantly, 1.0 is the maximum delay of about 1.5 seconds).
tooltip delay = 0.0
# Enable or disable the werewolf overlay. Unable to evaluate fully
# due to issues with becoming a werewolf.
# Werewolf overlay border around screen or window.
werewolf overlay = true
# If this boolean setting is true, the character will always use the
# most powerful attack when striking with a weapon (chop, slash or
# thrust). If this setting is false, the type of attack is determined
# by the direction that the character is moving at the time the attack
# begins. The setting can be toggled with the "Always Use Best
# Attack" button in the Prefs panel of the Options menu.
# Always use the best mode of attack: e.g. chop, slash or thrust.
best attack = false
# This integer setting adjusts the difficulty of the game and is
# intended to be in the range -100 to 100 inclusive. Given the
# default game setting for fDifficultyMult of 5.0, a value of -100
# results in the player taking 80% of the usual damage, doing 6 times
# the normal damage. A value of 100 results in the player taking 6
# times as much damage, but inflicting only 80% of the usual damage.
# Values less than -500 will result in the player receiving no damage,
# and values greater than 500 will result in the player inflicting no
# damage. The setting can be controlled in game with the Difficulty
# slider in the Prefs panel of the Options menu.
# Difficulty. Expressed as damage dealt and received. (-100 to 100).
difficulty = 0
# Show the remaining duration of magic effects and lights if this
# boolean setting is true. The remaining duration is displayed in the
# tooltip by hovering over the magical effect.
# Show duration of magic effect and lights in the spells window.
show effect duration = false
# Enable visual clues for items owned by NPCs when the crosshair is on
# the object. If the setting is 0, no clues are provided which is the
# default Morrowind behavior. If the setting is 1, the background of
# the tool tip for the object is highlight in the color specified by
# the "color background owned" setting in the "GUI" section. If the
# setting is 2, the crosshair is the color of the "color crosshair
# owned" setting in the "GUI" section. If the setting is 3, both the
# tool tip background and the crosshair are colored. Settings 2 and 3
# only color the crosshair if it's enabled in the "HUD" section.
# Color crosshair and tool tip when object is owned by an NPC. (O is
# no color, 1 is tool tip only, 2 is crosshair only, and 3 is both).
show owned = 0
# Set the maximum anisotropic filtering on textures. Anisotropic
# filtering is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures on
# surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles with respect to the
# camera. Valid values range from 0 to 16. Modern video cards can
# often perform 8 or 16 anisotropic filtering with a minimal
# performance impact. This effect of this setting can be seen in the
# Video panel of the Options menu by finding a location with straight
# lines (striped rugs and Balmora cobblestones work well) radiating
# into the distance, and adjusting the anisotropy slider. This
# setting can be changed in game using the "Anisotropy" slider in the
# Detail tab of the Video panel of the Options menu.
# Anisotropy reduces distortion in textures at low angles (0 to 16).
anisotropy = 4
# Sets the camera field of view in degrees. Recommended values range
# from 30 degrees to 110 degrees. Small values provide a very narrow
# field of view that creates a "zoomed in" effect, while large values
# cause distortion at the edges of the screen. The "field of view"
# setting interacts with aspect ratio of your video resolution in that
# more square aspect ratios (e.g. 4:3) need a wider field of view to
# more resemble the same field of view on a widescreen (e.g. 16:9)
# monitor. This setting can be adjusted in game from the Video tab of
# the Video panel of the Options menu using the "Field of View"
# slider.
# Camera field of view in degrees (30.0 to 110.0).
field of view = 55.0
# Specify the format for screenshots taken by pressing F12. This
# setting should be the file extension commonly associated with the
# desired format. The formats supported will be determined at
# compilation, but "jpg", "png", and "tga" should be allowed.
# File format for screenshots. (jpg, png, tga, and possibly more).
screenshot format = png
# Set the isotropic texture filtering mode to bilinear or trilinear.
# Bilinear filtering is a texture filtering method used to smooth
# textures when displayed larger or smaller than they actually are.
# Bilinear filtering is reasonably accurate until the scaling of the
# texture gets below half or above double the original size of the
# texture. Trilinear filtering is an extension of the bilinear
# texture filtering method, which also performs linear interpolation
# between mipmaps. Both methods use mipmaps in OpenMW, and the
# corresponding OpenGL modes are LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST and
# LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. Trilinear filtering produces better texturing
# at a minimal cost on modern video cards. This setting can be
# changed in game using the "Texture filtering" pull down in the
# Detail tab of the Video panel of the Options menu.
# Isotropic texture filtering. (bilinear or trilinear).
texture filtering = trilinear
# This boolean setting determines whether the crosshair or reticle is
# displayed. If this setting is disabled it will override "show
# owned" and "color crosshair owned". This setting can be toggled
# with the "Crosshair" button in the Prefs panel of the Options menu.
# Displays the crosshair or reticle when not in GUI mode.
crosshair = true
# Allow zooming in and out using the middle mouse wheel in third
# person view.
# Zoom in and out from player in third person view with mouse wheel.
allow third person zoom = false
# If this boolean setting is true, the character is running by
# default, otherwise the character is walking by default. The shift
# key will temporarily invert this setting, and the caps lock key will
# invert this setting while it's "locked". Confusingly, this setting
# is updated every time you exit the game, based on whether the caps
# lock key was on or off at the time you exited.
# Player is running by default.
always run = false
# This floating point setting controls the camera/mouse sensitivity
# when in "look mode". The default sensitivity is 1.0, with smaller
# values requiring more mouse movement, and larger values requiring
# less. This setting is multiplicative in magnitude. This setting
# does not affect mouse speed in GUI mode.
# Camera sensitivity when not in GUI mode. (0.1 to 5.0).
camera sensitivity = 1.0
# This floating point setting controls the vertical camera/mouse
# sensitivity relative to the horizontal sensitivity (see "camera
# sensitivity") above. It is multiplicative with the previous
# setting, meaning that it should remain set at 1.0 unless the player
# desires to have different sensitivities in the two axes.
# Vertical camera sensitivity multiplier when not in GUI mode.
# Because it's a multiplier values should be near one (0.5 to 1.5).
camera y multiplier = 1.0
# OpenMW will capture control of the cursor if this boolean setting is
# true. In "look mode", OpenMW will capture the cursor regardless of
# the value of this setting (since the cursor/crosshair is always
# centered in the OpenMW window). However, in GUI mode, this setting
# determines the behavior when the cursor is moved outside the OpenMW
# window. If true, the cursor movement stops at the edge of the
# window preventing access to other applications. If false, the
# cursor is allowed to move freely on the desktop.
# This setting does not apply to the screen where escape has been
# pressed, where the cursor is never captured. Regardless of this
# setting "Alt-Tab" or some other operating system dependent key
# sequence can be used to allow the operating system to regain control
# of the mouse cursor. This setting interacts with the "minimize on
# focus loss" setting by affecting what counts as a focus loss.
# Specifically on a two-screen configuration it may be more convenient
# to access the second screen with setting disabled.
# Capture control of the cursor prevent movement outside the window.
grab cursor = true
# Invert the vertical axis while in "look mode". If this setting is
# true, moving the mouse away from the player will look down, while
# moving it towards the player will look up. This setting does not
# affect cursor movement in GUI mode.
# Invert the vertical axis while not in GUI mode.
invert y axis = false
# This boolean setting causes the behavior of the sneak key (Ctrl by
# default) to toggle sneaking on and off rather than requiring the key
# to be held while sneaking. Players that spend significant time
# sneaking may find the character easier to control with this option
# enabled.
# Key controlling sneak toggles setting instead of being held down.
toggle sneak = false
# This setting continues to be loaded and saved, but has no known
# effect. Presumably it and a related but also removed option named
# "ui y sensitivity" used to control mouse sensitivity while in GUI
# mode. The default value is 1.0.
ui sensitivity = 1.0
# It is not currently possible to control how many adjacent cells are
# displayed in the map. It appears that this is hardcoded to one
# adjacent cell (3x3) in the code. These settings control the canvas
# and resolution sizes, and therefore the amount of panning required
# to see the entire map, and the level of detail visible.
# This integer setting adjusts the scale of the world map in the GUI
# mode map display. The value is the width in pixels of each cell in
# the map, so larger values result in larger more detailed world maps,
# while smaller values result in smaller less detailed world maps.
# However, the native resolution of the map source material appears to
# be 9 pixels per unexplored cell and approximately 18 pixels per
# explored cell, so values larger than 36 don't produce much
# additional detail. Similarly, the size of place markers is
# currently fixed at 12 pixels, so values smaller than this result in
# overlapping place markers. Values from 12 to 36 are recommended.
# For reference, Vvardenfell is approximately 41x36 cells.
# Size of each exterior cell in pixels in the world map. (12 to 24).
# Warning: affects explored areas in save files, see documentation.
global map cell size = 18
# This integer setting controls the zoom level for the HUD map display
# (the map in the lower right corner while not in GUI mode). A value
# of 64 results in the HUD map displaying one exterior cell. Since
# the GUI mode map displays 3x3 cells, a value of approximately 21
# displays the same area as the GUI mode map. Larger values increase
# the level of zoom, while smaller values are wasteful.
# Note that the actual size of the widget is always the same on the
# screen unless the "scaling factor" setting in the "GUI" section is
# changed. Increasing both the scaling factor of the GUI and this
# setting does result in a higher resolution HUD map, but
# unfortunately with a scaled direction pointer on top of it.
# Zoom level in pixels for HUD map widget. 64 is one cell, 128 is 1/4
# cell, 256 is 1/8 cell. See documentation for details. (64 to 256).
local map hud widget size = 256
# This integer setting controls the resolution of the GUI mode local
# map widget. Larger values generally increase the visible detail in
# map. If this setting is half the "local map widget size" or
# smaller, the map will generally be be fairly blurry. Setting the
# both options to the same value results in a map with good detail.
# Values that exceed the "local map widget size" setting by more than
# a factor of two are unlikely to provide much of an improvement in
# detail since they're subsequently scaled back to the approximately
# the map widget size before display. The video resolution setting
# interacts with this setting in that regard.
# Resolution of local map in GUI window in pixels. See documentation
# for details which may affect cell load performance. (128 to 1024).
local map resolution = 256
# This integer setting controls the canvas size of the GUI mode local
# map widget. Larger values result in a larger physical map size on
# screen, and typically require more panning to see all available
# portions of the map. This larger size also enables an overall
# greater level of detail if the "local map resolution" setting is
# also increased.
# Size of local map in GUI window in pixels. See documentation for
# details which may affect cell load performance. (256 to 1024).
local map widget size = 512
# This boolean setting currently has no known impact, but is
# presumably intended to enable shaders for objects other than water.
# Whenever the setting file is written by the game, this option is
# currently reset to false.
# Enable shaders for objects other than water. Unused.
shaders = true
# This string setting contains the default character name for loading
# saved games. This setting is automatically updated from the Load
# game menu option when a different character is selected.
character =
# This boolean setting determines whether the game will be
# automatically saved when the character rests. This setting can be
# toggled in game with the "Auto-Save when Rest" button in the Prefs
# panel of the Options menu.
# Automatically save the game whenever the player rests.
autosave = true
# This boolean setting determines whether the amount of the time the
# player has spent playing will displayed for each saved game in the
# menu for saving and loading games. This setting can not currently
# be adjusted in game. This setting is disabled by default for players
# who would prefer not to know how many hours they've spent
# playing. :-)
# Name of last character played, and default for loading save files.
character =
# Display the time played on each save file in the load menu.
timeplayed = false
# Shadows in general are dependent on the "shaders" setting be enabled
# in the Objects section. Additionally, the "enabled" setting in this
# section must be true for any other options in this section to have
# effect. Both that setting and the Shadows section options are
# temporarily disabled following the conversion to the OpenSceneGraph
# engine. None of these option can be adjusted in game at the present
# time.
# This boolean setting enables actors to cast shadows.
# Actors cast shadows. Unused.
actor shadows = true
# Enable debugging of shadows?
# Debugging of shadows. Unused.
debug = false
# Are shadows enabled in general?
# Enable shadows. Other shadow settings disabled if false. Unused.
enabled = false
# This floating point setting determines the fraction of the total
# shadow distance after which the shadow starts to fade out.
# Fraction of distance after which shadow starts to fade out. Unused.
fade start = 0.8
# Allows miscellaneous object to cast shadows.
# Miscellaneous object cast shadows.
misc shadows = true
# This setting will only have effect if the "split" setting in the
# Shadows section is false. Increasing shadow distance will lower the
# shadow quality.
# Distance for shadows if not split. Smaller is poorer. Unused.
shadow distance = 1300
# Split the shadow maps, allowing for a larger shadow distance?
# Split shadow maps, allowing for a larger shadow distance. Unused.
split = false
# This setting will only have effect if the "split" setting in the
# Shadows section is true. # This one shouldn't be too low, otherwise
# you'll see artifacts. Use at least 2x max viewing distance.
# Distance for shadows if split. Unused.
split shadow distance = 14000
# Allow static objects to cast shadows.
# Static objects cast shadows. Unused.
statics shadows = true
# Allow terrain to cast shadows.
# Terrain cast shadows. Unused.
terrain shadows = true
# Size of the shadow textures. Higher resolution texture produce more
# detailed shadows and a better visual effect.
# Size of the shadow textures in pixels. Unused. (256 to 2048).
texture size = 1024
# This string setting determines which audio device to use. A blank or
# missing setting means to use the default device, which should
# usually be sufficient, but if you need to explicitly specify a
# device name try doing so here.
# Name of audio device file. Blank means use the default device.
device =
# The settings in the Sound section are generally floating point
# settings in the range from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).
# All sound settings are multiplied by the "master volume" setting, and
# will thus have no effect if the master volume is set to 0.0. These
# settings can be adjusted in game from the Audio panel of the Options
# menu under the appropriately labeled slider.
# Volumes are 0.0 for silent and 1.0 for the maximum volume.
# The volume of footsteps from the character and other actors.
# Footsteps volume.
footsteps volume = 0.2
# The master volume is multiplied with all other volume settings to
# determine the final volume
# Master volume. Controls all other volumes.
master volume = 1.0
# The volume for music tracks.
# Music tracks volume.
music volume = 0.5
# The volume for special effect sounds such as combat noises, etc.
# Sound effects volume.
sfx volume = 1.0
# The volume for spoken dialog from NPCs.
# Voice dialog volume.
voice volume = 0.8
<<<<<<< HEAD
# Not currently used, presumably due to the OpenSceneGraph upgrade.
# Distant land is rendered? Unused.
distant land = false
# Not currently used, presumably due to the OpenSceneGraph upgrade.
# Use shaders for terrain? Unused.
shader = true
camera y multiplier = 1.0
>>>>>>> upstream/master
# This integer setting controls anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is
# technique designed to reduce distortions called aliasing caused by
# displaying high resolution textures at a lower resolution.
# Anti-aliasing can correct these distortions at the cost of a minor
# reduction in the frame rate. A value of 0 disables anti-aliasing.
# Other powers of two (e.g. 2, 4, 8, 16) are supported according to
# the capabilities of your graphics hardware. Higher values do a
# better job of correcting the distortion and have a greater impact on
# frame rate. This setting can be configured from a list of valid
# choices in the Graphics panel of the OpenMW Launcher.
# Anti-aliasing reduces texture distortion. (0, 2, 4, 8, 16).
antialiasing = 0
# This floating point setting controls the contrast correction for all
# video in the game. This setting does not currently work under
# Linux, and the in-game setting in the Options menu has been
# disabled.
contrast = 1.00
# Game video contrast. (0.0 to 1.0). No effect in Linux.
contrast = 1.0
# This floating point setting determines the maximum frame rate in
# frames per second. If this setting is 0.0, the frame rate is
# unlimited. There are several reasons to consider capping your frame
# rate, especially if you're already experiencing a relatively high
# frame rate (greater than 60 frames per second). Lower frame rates
# will consume less power and generate less heat and noise. Frame
# rates above 60 frames per second rarely produce perceptible
# improvements in visual quality. Capping the frame rate may in some
# situations reduce the perception of choppiness (highly variable
# frame rates during game play) by lowering the peak frame rates.
# This setting interacts with the "vsync" setting in the Video section
# in the sense that enabling vertical sync limits the frame rate to
# the refresh rate of your monitor (often 60 frames per second).
# Maximum frames per second. (1.0 to 200.0).
framerate limit = 0.0
# This boolean setting determines whether the entire screen is used
# for the specified resolution. This setting can be toggled in game
# using the "Fullscreen" button in the Video tab of the Video panel in
# the Options menu. It can also be toggled with the "Full Screen"
# check box in the Graphic tab of the OpenMW Launcher.
# OpenMW takes complete control of the screen.
fullscreen = false
# Theses two setting determine the horizontal and vertical resolution
# of the OpenMW game window. Larger values produce more detailed
# images within the constraints of your graphics hardware but also
# significantly reduce the frame rate. The window resolution can be
# selected from a menu of common screen sizes in the Video tab of the
# Video Panel of the Options menu. The resolution can also be set to
# a custom value in the Graphics tab of the OpenMW Launcher.
# Resolution of the Open window or screen. (600 to 2560).
resolution x = 800
resolution y = 600
# This boolean setting determines whether there's an operating system
# border drawn around the OpenMW window. If this setting is true, the
# window can be moved and resized with the operating system window
# controls. If this setting is false, the window has no operating
# system border. This setting has no effect if the "fullscreen"
# setting in the Video section is true. This setting can be toggled
# in game using the "Window Border" button in the Video tab of the
# Video panel in the Options menu. It can also be toggled with the
# "Window Border" check box in the OpenMW Launcher.
# An operating system border is drawn around the OpenMW window.
window border = true
# This integer setting determines which screen the game will open on
# in multi-monitor configurations. This setting is particularly
# important when "fullscreen" setting in the Video section is true,
# since this is the only way to control which screen is used, but it
# can also be used to control which screen a normal window or a
# borderless window opens on as well. This setting can be selected
# from a pull down menu in the Graphics tab of the OpenMW Launcher,
# but not adjusted during game play.
# Determines which screen OpenMW is on. (0 or 1).
screen = 0
# Minimize the OpenMW window if it loses cursor focus. This setting
# has no effect if the "fullscreen" setting is false. This setting is
# primarily useful for single screen configurations, so that the
# OpenMW screen in full screen mode can be minimized when the
# operating system regains control of the mouse and keyboard. On
# multiple screen configurations, disabling this option make make it
# easier to switch between screens while playing OpenMW.
# Minimize OpenMW if it loses cursor or keyboard focus.
minimize on focus loss = true
# This boolean setting determines whether frame draws are synchronized
# with the vertical refresh rate of your monitor. Enabling this
# setting can reduce "tearing", a visual defect caused by updating the
# image buffer in the middle of a screen draw. Enabling this option
# typically implies limiting the framerate to 60 frames per second,
# but may also introduce additional delays caused by having to wait
# until the appropriate time (the vertical blanking interval) to draw
# a frame.
# This setting can be adjusted in game using the "VSync" button in the
# Video tab of the Video panel in the Options menu. It can also be
# changed by toggling the "Vertical Sync" check box in the Graphics
# tab of the OpenMW Launcher.
# Enable vertical syncing to reduce tearing defects.
vsync = false
# This floating point setting controls the gamma correction for all
# video in the game. This setting does not currently work under
# Linux, and the in-game setting in the Options menu has been
# disabled.
gamma = 1.00
# Video gamma setting. (0.0 to 1.0). No effect in Linux.
gamma = 1.0
# The water settings can be tested experimentally in the Water tab of
# the Video panel in the Options menu. Changes there will be saved to
# these settings.
# This boolean setting enables the refraction rendering feature of the
# water shader. Refraction causes deep water to be more opaque and
# objects seen through the plane of the water to have a wavy
# appearance. Enabling this feature results in better visuals, and a
# marginally lower framerate depending on your graphics hardware. The
# "shader" setting in the Water section must be enabled for this
# setting to have any effect.
# Enable refraction which affects visibility through water plane.
refraction = false
# Refracted texture size. In the Video panel of the options menu, the
# choices are Low (512), Medium (1024) and High (2048). This setting
# determines the resolution of the textures used for rendering objects
# on the other wide of the plane of water (which have a wavy
# appearance caused the by the refraction). Higher values produces
# better visuals and result in a marginally lower framerate depending
# on your graphics hardware. The "refraction" setting in the "Water"
# section must be enabled for this setting to have any effect.
# Reflection and refraction texture size in pixels. (512, 1024, 2048).
rtt size = 512
# This boolean setting enables or disables the water shader, which
# results in much more realistic looking water surfaces, including
# shadows of reflected objects.
# Enable water shader with reflections and optionally refraction.
shader = false
# Each window in the GUI mode remembers it's previous location. Each
# setting is a floating point number representing a fraction of the
# "resolution x" or "resolution y" setting in the Video section. The
# X and Y values locate the top left corner, while the W value
# determines the width of the window and the H value determines the
# height of the window.
# Location and sizes of windows as a fraction of the OpenMW window or
# screen size. (0.0 to 1.0). X & Y, Height & Width.
# The alchemy window, for crafting potions. Activated by dragging an
# alchemy tool on to the rag doll. Unlike most other windows, this
# window hides all other windows when opened.
# Alchemy window for crafting potions.
alchemy h = 0.5
alchemy w = 0.5
alchemy x = 0.25
alchemy y = 0.25
# The NPC bartering window, displaying goods owned by the shopkeeper
# while bartering. Activated by clicking on the "Barter" choice in
# the dialog window for an NPC.
# NPC inventory window when bartering with a shopkeeper.
barter h = 0.375
barter w = 0.75
barter x = 0.25
barter y = 0
barter y = 0.0
# Unused?
# NPC inventory window when trading with a companion.
companion h = 0.375
companion w = 0.75
companion x = 0.25
companion y = 0
companion y = 0.0
# The console command window. Activated by pressing the tilde (~) key.
# Console command window for debugging commands.
console h = 0.5
console w = 1
console x = 0
console y = 0
console w = 1.0
console x = 0.0
console y = 0.0
# The container window, showing the contents of the container.
# Activated by clicking on a container. The same window is used for
# searching dead bodies, and pickpocketing people.
# Container inventory when searching a container.
container h = 0.375
container w = 0.75
container x = 0.25
container y = 0
container y = 0.0
# The dialog window, for talking with NPCs. Activated by clicking on a
# NPC.
# Dialog window for talking with NPCs.
dialogue h = 0.810
dialogue w = 0.810
dialogue x = 0.095
dialogue y = 0.095
# The character inventory window while bartering. It displays goods
# owned by the character while bartering. Activated by clicking on the
# "Barter" choice in the dialog window for an NPC.
# Player inventory window when bartering with a shopkeeper.
inventory barter h = 0.5725
inventory barter w = 0.6225
inventory barter x = 0
inventory barter x = 0.0
inventory barter y = 0.4275
# Unused?
# Player inventory window when trading with a companion.
inventory companion h = 0.5725
inventory companion w = 0.6225
inventory companion x = 0
inventory companion x = 0.0
inventory companion y = 0.4275
# The character inventory window while searching a container, showing
# the contents of the character's inventory. Activated by clicking on
# a container. The same window is used for searching dead bodies, and
# pickpocketing people.
# Player inventory window when searching a container.
inventory container h = 0.5725
inventory container w = 0.6225
inventory container x = 0
inventory container x = 0.0
inventory container y = 0.4275
# The inventory window, displaying the paper doll and possessions.
# Activated by clicking on the inventory widget (second from left) in
# the bottom left corner of the HUD.
# Player inventory window when explicitly opened.
inventory h = 0.5725
inventory w = 0.6225
inventory x = 0
inventory x = 0.0
inventory y = 0.4275
# The local and world map window. Activated by clicking on the map
# widget in the bottom right corner of the HUD.
# Local and world map window.
map h = 0.5725
map w = 0.375
map x = 0.625
map y = 0
map y = 0.0
# The spells window, displaying powers, spells, and magical items.
# Activated by clicking on the spells widget (third from left) in the
# bottom left corner of the HUD.
# Spells window displaying powers, spells, and magical items.
spells h = 0.4275
spells w = 0.375
spells x = 0.625
spells y = 0.5725
# The stats window, displaying level, race, class, skills and stats.
# Activated by clicking on any of the three bars in the lower left
# corner of the HUD.
# Stats window displaying level, race, class, skills and stats.
stats h = 0.4275
stats w = 0.375
stats x = 0
stats y = 0
stats x = 0.0
stats y = 0.0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user