mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-23 19:20:56 +00:00

make water depth independent of view frustum

This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Číž 2017-09-26 14:14:28 +02:00
parent 9dececcbd2
commit cde2c13900
4 changed files with 30 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -279,11 +279,14 @@ namespace MWRender
mViewDistance = Settings::Manager::getFloat("viewing distance", "Camera");
mFieldOfView = Settings::Manager::getFloat("field of view", "Camera");
mFirstPersonFieldOfView = Settings::Manager::getFloat("first person field of view", "Camera");
mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("near", mNearClip));
mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("far", mViewDistance));
mUniformNear = mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->getUniform("near");
mUniformFar = mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->getUniform("far");
@ -889,6 +892,9 @@ namespace MWRender
if (mFieldOfViewOverridden)
fov = mFieldOfViewOverride;
mViewer->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov, aspect, mNearClip, mViewDistance);
void RenderingManager::updateTextureFiltering()

View File

@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ namespace MWRender
SceneUtil::UnrefQueue* getUnrefQueue();
Terrain::World* getTerrain();
osg::Uniform* mUniformNear;
osg::Uniform* mUniformFar;
void preloadCommonAssets();
double getReferenceTime() const;

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class ClipCullNode : public osg::Group
// move the plane back along its normal a little bit to prevent bleeding at the water shore
const float clipFudge = -6;
const float clipFudge = -5;
modelViewMatrix->preMultTranslate(mCullPlane->getNormal() * clipFudge);
cv->pushModelViewMatrix(modelViewMatrix, osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF);

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// tweakables -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
const float VISIBILITY = 1200.0; // how far you can look through water
const float VISIBILITY = 2.5;
const float BIG_WAVES_X = 0.1; // strength of big waves
const float BIG_WAVES_Y = 0.1;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const vec3 SUN_EXT = vec3(0.45, 0.55, 0.68); //sunlight extinction
const float SPEC_HARDNESS = 256.0; // specular highlights hardness
const float BUMP_SUPPRESS_DEPTH = 0.03; // at what water depth bumpmap will be supressed for reflections and refractions (prevents artifacts at shores)
const float BUMP_SUPPRESS_DEPTH = 0.3; // at what water depth bumpmap will be supressed for reflections and refractions (prevents artifacts at shores)
const vec2 WIND_DIR = vec2(0.5f, -0.8f);
const float WIND_SPEED = 0.2f;
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ float fresnel_dielectric(vec3 Incoming, vec3 Normal, float eta)
return result;
varying vec3 screenCoordsPassthrough;
varying vec4 position;
varying float depthPassthrough;
varying vec3 screenCoordsPassthrough;
varying vec4 position;
varying float depthPassthrough;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
@ -76,15 +76,18 @@ uniform float near;
uniform float far;
uniform vec3 nodePosition;
float linearizeDepth(float depth) // helper for transforming water depth
float frustumDepth;
float linearizeDepth(float depth) // takes <0,1> non-linear depth value and returns <0,1> linearized value
float z_n = 2.0 * depth - 1.0;
depth = 2.0 * near * far / (far + near - z_n * (far - near));
return depth - depthPassthrough;
depth = 2.0 * near * far / (far + near - z_n * frustumDepth);
return depth / frustumDepth;
void main(void)
frustumDepth = abs(far - near);
vec3 worldPos = position.xyz + nodePosition.xyz;
vec2 UV = worldPos.xy / (8192.0*5.0) * 3.0;
UV.y *= -1.0;
@ -157,8 +160,13 @@ void main(void)
fresnel = clamp(fresnel, 0.0, 1.0);
float realWaterDepth = linearizeDepth(texture2D(refractionDepthMap, screenCoords).x);
float shore = clamp(realWaterDepth / (BUMP_SUPPRESS_DEPTH * (far - near)),0,1);
float normalization = frustumDepth / 1000;
float depthSample = linearizeDepth(texture2D(refractionDepthMap,screenCoords).x) * normalization;
float depthSampleDistorted = linearizeDepth(texture2D(refractionDepthMap,screenCoords-(normal.xy*REFR_BUMP)).x) * normalization;
float surfaceDepth = linearizeDepth(gl_FragCoord.z) * normalization;
float realWaterDepth = depthSample - surfaceDepth; // undistorted water depth in view direction, independent of frustum
float shore = clamp(realWaterDepth / BUMP_SUPPRESS_DEPTH,0,1);
float shore = 1.0;
@ -180,10 +188,8 @@ void main(void)
waterColor = waterColor * length(gl_LightModel.ambient.xyz);
float waterDepth = linearizeDepth(texture2D(refractionDepthMap, screenCoords-(normal.xy*REFR_BUMP)).x);
if (cameraPos.z > 0.0)
refraction = mix(refraction, waterColor, clamp(waterDepth/VISIBILITY, 0.0, 1.0));
refraction = mix(refraction, waterColor, clamp(depthSampleDistorted/VISIBILITY, 0.0, 1.0));
gl_FragData[0].xyz = mix( mix(refraction, scatterColour, lightScatter), reflection, fresnel) + specular * gl_LightSource[0].specular.xyz;