diff --git a/apps/launcher/graphicspage.cpp b/apps/launcher/graphicspage.cpp
index cdb51348c8..cb3a3e7cb3 100644
--- a/apps/launcher/graphicspage.cpp
+++ b/apps/launcher/graphicspage.cpp
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
 #include <SDL_video.h>
-#include <OgreRoot.h>
-#include <OgreRenderSystem.h>
 #include <boost/math/common_factor.hpp>
 #include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
@@ -36,11 +33,7 @@ QString getAspect(int x, int y)
 Launcher::GraphicsPage::GraphicsPage(Files::ConfigurationManager &cfg, GraphicsSettings &graphicsSetting, QWidget *parent)
-    : mOgre(NULL)
-    , mSelectedRenderSystem(NULL)
-    , mOpenGLRenderSystem(NULL)
-    , mDirect3DRenderSystem(NULL)
-    , mCfgMgr(cfg)
+    : mCfgMgr(cfg)
     , mGraphicsSettings(graphicsSetting)
     , QWidget(parent)
@@ -52,79 +45,12 @@ Launcher::GraphicsPage::GraphicsPage(Files::ConfigurationManager &cfg, GraphicsS
-    connect(rendererComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(rendererChanged(const QString&)));
     connect(fullScreenCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotFullScreenChanged(int)));
     connect(standardRadioButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotStandardToggled(bool)));
     connect(screenComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(screenChanged(int)));
-bool Launcher::GraphicsPage::setupOgre()
-    try
-    {
-        mOgre = mOgreInit.init(mCfgMgr.getLogPath().string() + "/launcherOgre.log");
-    }
-    catch(Ogre::Exception &ex)
-    {
-        QString ogreError = QString::fromUtf8(ex.getFullDescription().c_str());
-        QMessageBox msgBox;
-        msgBox.setWindowTitle("Error creating Ogre::Root");
-        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical);
-        msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok);
-        msgBox.setText(tr("<br><b>Failed to create the Ogre::Root object</b><br><br> \
-        Press \"Show Details...\" for more information.<br>"));
-        msgBox.setDetailedText(ogreError);
-        msgBox.exec();
-        qCritical("Error creating Ogre::Root, the error reported was:\n %s", qPrintable(ogreError));
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Get the available renderers and put them in the combobox
-    const Ogre::RenderSystemList &renderers = mOgre->getAvailableRenderers();
-    for (Ogre::RenderSystemList::const_iterator r = renderers.begin(); r != renderers.end(); ++r) {
-        mSelectedRenderSystem = *r;
-        rendererComboBox->addItem((*r)->getName().c_str());
-    }
-    QString openGLName = QString("OpenGL Rendering Subsystem");
-    QString direct3DName = QString("Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem");
-    // Create separate rendersystems
-    mOpenGLRenderSystem = mOgre->getRenderSystemByName(openGLName.toStdString());
-    mDirect3DRenderSystem = mOgre->getRenderSystemByName(direct3DName.toStdString());
-    if (!mOpenGLRenderSystem && !mDirect3DRenderSystem) {
-        QMessageBox msgBox;
-        msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Error creating renderer"));
-        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical);
-        msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok);
-        msgBox.setText(tr("<br><b>Could not select a valid render system</b><br><br> \
-                          Please make sure Ogre plugins were installed correctly.<br>"));
-        msgBox.exec();
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Now fill the GUI elements
-    int index = rendererComboBox->findText(mGraphicsSettings.value(QString("Video/render system")));
-    if ( index != -1) {
-        rendererComboBox->setCurrentIndex(index);
-    } else {
-        rendererComboBox->setCurrentIndex(rendererComboBox->findText(direct3DName));
-        rendererComboBox->setCurrentIndex(rendererComboBox->findText(openGLName));
-    }
-    antiAliasingComboBox->clear();
-    antiAliasingComboBox->addItems(getAvailableOptions(QString("FSAA"), mSelectedRenderSystem));
-    return true;
 bool Launcher::GraphicsPage::setupSDL()
     int displays = SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays();
@@ -153,8 +79,6 @@ bool Launcher::GraphicsPage::loadSettings()
     if (!setupSDL())
         return false;
-    if (!mOgre && !setupOgre())
-        return false;
     if (mGraphicsSettings.value(QString("Video/vsync")) == QLatin1String("true"))
@@ -203,7 +127,6 @@ void Launcher::GraphicsPage::saveSettings()
                                       : mGraphicsSettings.setValue(QString("Video/window border"), QString("false"));
     mGraphicsSettings.setValue(QString("Video/antialiasing"), antiAliasingComboBox->currentText());
-    mGraphicsSettings.setValue(QString("Video/render system"), rendererComboBox->currentText());
     if (standardRadioButton->isChecked()) {
@@ -221,39 +144,6 @@ void Launcher::GraphicsPage::saveSettings()
     mGraphicsSettings.setValue(QString("Video/screen"), QString::number(screenComboBox->currentIndex()));
-QStringList Launcher::GraphicsPage::getAvailableOptions(const QString &key, Ogre::RenderSystem *renderer)
-    QStringList result;
-    uint row = 0;
-    Ogre::ConfigOptionMap options = renderer->getConfigOptions();
-    for (Ogre::ConfigOptionMap::iterator i = options.begin (); i != options.end (); ++i, ++row)
-    {
-        Ogre::StringVector::iterator opt_it;
-        uint idx = 0;
-        for (opt_it = i->second.possibleValues.begin();
-             opt_it != i->second.possibleValues.end(); ++opt_it, ++idx)
-        {
-            if (strcmp (key.toStdString().c_str(), i->first.c_str()) == 0) {
-                result << ((key == "FSAA") ? QString("MSAA ") : QString("")) + QString::fromUtf8((*opt_it).c_str()).simplified();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Sort ascending
-    qSort(result.begin(), result.end(), naturalSortLessThanCI);
-    // Replace the zero option with Off
-    int index = result.indexOf("MSAA 0");
-    if (index != -1)
-        result.replace(index, tr("Off"));
-    return result;
 QStringList Launcher::GraphicsPage::getAvailableResolutions(int screen)
     QStringList result;
@@ -316,15 +206,6 @@ QRect Launcher::GraphicsPage::getMaximumResolution()
     return max;
-void Launcher::GraphicsPage::rendererChanged(const QString &renderer)
-    mSelectedRenderSystem = mOgre->getRenderSystemByName(renderer.toStdString());
-    antiAliasingComboBox->clear();
-    antiAliasingComboBox->addItems(getAvailableOptions(QString("FSAA"), mSelectedRenderSystem));
 void Launcher::GraphicsPage::screenChanged(int screen)
     if (screen >= 0) {
diff --git a/apps/launcher/graphicspage.hpp b/apps/launcher/graphicspage.hpp
index 213b6bccb4..fb96c39d78 100644
--- a/apps/launcher/graphicspage.hpp
+++ b/apps/launcher/graphicspage.hpp
@@ -3,12 +3,8 @@
 #include <QWidget>
-#include <components/ogreinit/ogreinit.hpp>
 #include "ui_graphicspage.h"
-namespace Ogre { class Root; class RenderSystem; }
 namespace Files { struct ConfigurationManager; }
 namespace Launcher
@@ -26,7 +22,6 @@ namespace Launcher
         bool loadSettings();
     public slots:
-        void rendererChanged(const QString &renderer);
         void screenChanged(int screen);
     private slots:
@@ -34,20 +29,12 @@ namespace Launcher
         void slotStandardToggled(bool checked);
-        OgreInit::OgreInit mOgreInit;
-        Ogre::Root *mOgre;
-        Ogre::RenderSystem *mSelectedRenderSystem;
-        Ogre::RenderSystem *mOpenGLRenderSystem;
-        Ogre::RenderSystem *mDirect3DRenderSystem;
         Files::ConfigurationManager &mCfgMgr;
         GraphicsSettings &mGraphicsSettings;
-        QStringList getAvailableOptions(const QString &key, Ogre::RenderSystem *renderer);
         QStringList getAvailableResolutions(int screen);
         QRect getMaximumResolution();
-        bool setupOgre();
         bool setupSDL();
diff --git a/components/CMakeLists.txt b/components/CMakeLists.txt
index 9ec6483812..1f9bd337b1 100644
--- a/components/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/components/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -114,10 +114,6 @@ add_component_dir (loadinglistener
-add_component_dir (ogreinit
-    ogreinit ogreplugin
-    )
 add_component_dir (myguiplatform
     myguirendermanager myguidatamanager myguiplatform myguitexture myguiloglistener
diff --git a/components/ogreinit/ogreinit.cpp b/components/ogreinit/ogreinit.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ca2e8bd9..0000000000
--- a/components/ogreinit/ogreinit.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#include "ogreinit.hpp"
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <OgreRoot.h>
-#include <OgreParticleEmitterFactory.h>
-#include <OgreParticleSystemManager.h>
-#include <OgreLogManager.h>
-#include <OgreLog.h>
-#include <OSX/macUtils.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
-#include "ogreplugin.hpp"
-namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
-    /** \brief Custom Ogre::LogListener interface implementation being
-        able to portably handle UTF-8 encoded path.
-        Effectively this is used in conjunction with default listener,
-        but since on every message messageLogged() set 'skip' flag to
-        true, there should be no troubles sharing same file.
-    */
-    class LogListener : public Ogre::LogListener
-    {
-        bfs::ofstream file;
-        char buffer[16];
-    public:
-        LogListener(const std::string &path)
-            : file((bfs::path(path)))
-        {
-            memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
-        }
-        void timestamp()
-        {
-            int local = time(0) % 86400;
-            int sec = local % 60;
-            int min = (local / 60) % 60;
-            int hrs = local / 3600;
-            sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d: ", hrs, min, sec);
-        }
-        virtual void messageLogged(const std::string &msg, Ogre::LogMessageLevel lvl, bool mask, const std::string &logName, bool &skip)
-        {
-            timestamp();
-            file << buffer << msg << std::endl;
-            skip = true;
-        }
-    };
-namespace OgreInit
-    OgreInit::OgreInit()
-        : mRoot(NULL)
-    #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CgProgramManager
-    , mCgPlugin(NULL)
-    #endif
-    #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_OctreeSceneManager
-    , mOctreePlugin(NULL)
-    #endif
-    #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_ParticleFX
-    , mParticleFXPlugin(NULL)
-    #endif
-    #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GL
-    , mGLPlugin(NULL)
-    #endif
-    , mGLES2Plugin(NULL)
-    #endif
-  #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_Direct3D9
-    , mD3D9Plugin(NULL)
-    #endif
-    {}
-    Ogre::Root* OgreInit::init(const std::string &logPath)
-    {
-        if (mRoot)
-            throw std::runtime_error("OgreInit was already initialised");
-        #ifndef ANDROID
-        // Set up logging first
-        new Ogre::LogManager;
-        Ogre::Log *log = Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().createLog(logPath);
-        // Use custom listener only on Windows
-        log->addListener(new LogListener(logPath));
-        #endif
-        // Disable logging to cout/cerr
-        log->setDebugOutputEnabled(false);
-        #endif
-        mRoot = new Ogre::Root("", "", "");
-        #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGIN_GL) || (ENABLE_PLUGIN_GLES2) || defined(ENABLE_PLUGIN_Direct3D9) || defined(ENABLE_PLUGIN_CgProgramManager) || defined(ENABLE_PLUGIN_OctreeSceneManager) || defined(ENABLE_PLUGIN_ParticleFX)
-        loadStaticPlugins();
-        #else
-        loadPlugins();
-        #endif
-        return mRoot;
-    }
-    OgreInit::~OgreInit()
-    {
-        delete mRoot;
-        delete Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr();
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GL
-        delete mGLPlugin;
-        mGLPlugin = NULL;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GLES2
-        delete mGLES2Plugin;
-        mGLES2Plugin = NULL;
-        #endif   
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_Direct3D9
-        delete mD3D9Plugin;
-        mD3D9Plugin = NULL;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CgProgramManager
-        delete mCgPlugin;
-        mCgPlugin = NULL;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_OctreeSceneManager
-        delete mOctreePlugin;
-        mOctreePlugin = NULL;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_ParticleFX
-        delete mParticleFXPlugin;
-        mParticleFXPlugin = NULL;
-        #endif
-    }
-    void OgreInit::loadStaticPlugins()
-    {
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GL
-        mGLPlugin = new Ogre::GLPlugin();
-        mRoot->installPlugin(mGLPlugin);
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GLES2
-        mGLES2Plugin = new Ogre::GLES2Plugin();
-        mRoot->installPlugin(mGLES2Plugin);
-        #endif       
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_Direct3D9
-        mD3D9Plugin = new Ogre::D3D9Plugin();
-        mRoot->installPlugin(mD3D9Plugin);
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CgProgramManager
-        mCgPlugin = new Ogre::CgPlugin();
-        mRoot->installPlugin(mCgPlugin);
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_OctreeSceneManager
-        mOctreePlugin = new Ogre::OctreePlugin();
-        mRoot->installPlugin(mOctreePlugin);
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_ParticleFX
-        mParticleFXPlugin = new Ogre::ParticleFXPlugin();
-        mRoot->installPlugin(mParticleFXPlugin);
-        #endif
-    }
-    void OgreInit::loadPlugins()
-    {
-        std::string pluginDir;
-        const char* pluginEnv = getenv("OPENMW_OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR");
-        if (pluginEnv)
-            pluginDir = pluginEnv;
-        else
-        {
-            pluginDir = ".\\";
-    #endif
-            pluginDir = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR;
-            // if path is not specified try to find plugins inside the app bundle
-            if (pluginDir.empty())
-                pluginDir = Ogre::macFrameworksPath();
-    #endif
-            pluginDir = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR;
-    #endif
-        }
-        Files::loadOgrePlugin(pluginDir, "RenderSystem_GL", *mRoot);
-        Files::loadOgrePlugin(pluginDir, "RenderSystem_GLES2", *mRoot);
-        Files::loadOgrePlugin(pluginDir, "RenderSystem_GL3Plus", *mRoot);
-        Files::loadOgrePlugin(pluginDir, "RenderSystem_Direct3D9", *mRoot);
-        Files::loadOgrePlugin(pluginDir, "Plugin_CgProgramManager", *mRoot);
-        if (!Files::loadOgrePlugin(pluginDir, "Plugin_ParticleFX", *mRoot))
-            throw std::runtime_error("Required Plugin_ParticleFX for Ogre not found!");
-    }
diff --git a/components/ogreinit/ogreinit.hpp b/components/ogreinit/ogreinit.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d1743950f2..0000000000
--- a/components/ogreinit/ogreinit.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-// Static plugin headers
-#ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CgProgramManager
-# include "OgreCgPlugin.h"
-#ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_OctreeSceneManager
-# include "OgreOctreePlugin.h"
-#ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_ParticleFX
-# include "OgreParticleFXPlugin.h"
-# include "OgreGLPlugin.h"
-# include "OgreGLES2Plugin.h"
-#ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_Direct3D9
-# include "OgreD3D9Plugin.h"
-namespace Ogre
-    class ParticleEmitterFactory;
-    class ParticleAffectorFactory;
-    class Root;
-namespace OgreInit
-    /**
-     * @brief Starts Ogre::Root and loads required plugins and NIF particle factories
-     */
-    class OgreInit
-    {
-    public:
-        OgreInit();
-        Ogre::Root* init(const std::string &logPath // Path to directory where to store log files
-            );
-        ~OgreInit();
-    private:
-        Ogre::Root* mRoot;
-        void loadStaticPlugins();
-        void loadPlugins();
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CgProgramManager
-        Ogre::CgPlugin* mCgPlugin;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_OctreeSceneManager
-        Ogre::OctreePlugin* mOctreePlugin;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_ParticleFX
-        Ogre::ParticleFXPlugin* mParticleFXPlugin;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GL
-        Ogre::GLPlugin* mGLPlugin;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_GLES2
-        Ogre::GLES2Plugin* mGLES2Plugin;
-        #endif
-        #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_Direct3D9
-        Ogre::D3D9Plugin* mD3D9Plugin;
-        #endif
-    };
diff --git a/components/ogreinit/ogreplugin.cpp b/components/ogreinit/ogreplugin.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 069b25e7b5..0000000000
--- a/components/ogreinit/ogreplugin.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#include "ogreplugin.hpp"
-#include <OgrePrerequisites.h>
-#include <OgreRoot.h>
-namespace Files {
-bool loadOgrePlugin(const std::string &pluginDir, std::string pluginName, Ogre::Root &ogreRoot) {
-	std::string pluginExt;
-    pluginExt = ".dll";
-    pluginExt = ".framework";
-    pluginExt = ".so";
-    // Append plugin suffix if debugging.
-    std::string pluginPath;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    pluginPath = pluginDir + "/" + pluginName + OGRE_PLUGIN_DEBUG_SUFFIX + pluginExt;
-    if (boost::filesystem::exists(pluginPath)) {
-        ogreRoot.loadPlugin(pluginPath);
-        return true;
-    }
-    else {
-        return false;
-    }
-#endif //defined(DEBUG)
-    pluginPath = pluginDir + "/" + pluginName + pluginExt;
-    if (boost::filesystem::exists(pluginPath)) {
-        ogreRoot.loadPlugin(pluginPath);
-        return true;
-    }
-    else {
-        return false;
-    }
diff --git a/components/ogreinit/ogreplugin.hpp b/components/ogreinit/ogreplugin.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fcf613768..0000000000
--- a/components/ogreinit/ogreplugin.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/version.hpp>
-namespace Ogre {
-	class Root;
-#if (BOOST_VERSION <= 104500)
-namespace boost {
-namespace filesystem {
-inline path absolute(const path& p, const path& base=current_path()) {
-	// call obsolete version of this function on older boost
-	return complete(p, base);
-#endif /* (BOOST_VERSION <= 104300) */
- * \namespace Files
- */
-namespace Files {
- * \brief Loads Ogre plugin with given name.
- *
- * \param pluginDir absolute path to plugins
- * \param pluginName plugin name, for example "RenderSystem_GL"
- * \param ogreRoot Ogre::Root instance
- *
- * \return whether plugin was located or not
- */
-bool loadOgrePlugin(const std::string &pluginDir, std::string pluginName, Ogre::Root &ogreRoot);
diff --git a/files/settings-default.cfg b/files/settings-default.cfg
index 32c3861c07..f1af8b6549 100644
--- a/files/settings-default.cfg
+++ b/files/settings-default.cfg
@@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ screen = 0
 # Minimize the window if it loses key focus?
 minimize on focus loss = true
-# Render system
-# blank means default
-# Valid values:
-# OpenGL Rendering Subsystem
-# Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem
-render system =
 # Valid values:
 # none
 # MSAA 2