mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-23 19:20:56 +00:00

Avoid Mangle for BSA accesses

The way it was set up was not very efficient, and we're using Ogre for resource
management anyway, so it's best to just use that.
This commit is contained in:
Chris Robinson 2012-07-15 07:41:19 -07:00
parent 94c3fb81d1
commit a8ebb39883
3 changed files with 265 additions and 214 deletions

View File

@ -28,13 +28,11 @@
#include <OgreArchiveFactory.h>
#include <OgreArchiveManager.h>
#include "bsa_file.hpp"
#include <libs/mangle/stream/clients/ogre_datastream.hpp>
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace Mangle::Stream;
using namespace Bsa;
struct ciLessBoost : std::binary_function<std::string, std::string, bool>
@ -239,10 +237,7 @@ public:
// Open the file
StreamPtr strm = narc->getFile(passed.c_str());
// Wrap it into an Ogre::DataStream.
return DataStreamPtr(new Mangle2OgreStream(strm));
return narc->getFile(passed.c_str());
bool exists(const String& filename) {

View File

@ -23,171 +23,235 @@
#include "bsa_file.hpp"
#include <libs/mangle/stream/servers/file_stream.hpp>
#include <libs/mangle/stream/filters/slice_stream.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <OgreDataStream.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Mangle::Stream;
using namespace Bsa;
class ConstrainedDataStream : public Ogre::DataStream {
std::ifstream mStream;
const size_t mStart;
size_t mPos;
bool mIsEOF;
ConstrainedDataStream(const Ogre::String &fname, size_t start, size_t length)
: mStream(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary), mStart(start), mPos(0), mIsEOF(false)
mSize = length;
if(!mStream.seekg(mStart, std::ios_base::beg))
throw std::runtime_error("Error seeking to start of BSA entry");
ConstrainedDataStream(const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::String &fname,
size_t start, size_t length)
: Ogre::DataStream(name), mStream(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary),
mStart(start), mPos(0), mIsEOF(false)
mSize = length;
if(!mStream.seekg(mStart, std::ios_base::beg))
throw std::runtime_error("Error seeking to start of BSA entry");
virtual size_t read(void *buf, size_t count)
if(count > mSize-mPos)
count = mSize-mPos;
mIsEOF = true;
mStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), count);
count = mStream.gcount();
mPos += count;
return count;
virtual void skip(long count)
if((count >= 0 && (size_t)count <= mSize-mPos) ||
(count < 0 && (size_t)-count <= mPos))
if(mStream.seekg(count, std::ios_base::cur))
mPos += count;
mIsEOF = false;
virtual void seek(size_t pos)
if(pos < mSize)
if(mStream.seekg(pos+mStart, std::ios_base::beg))
mPos = pos;
mIsEOF = false;
virtual size_t tell() const
{ return mPos; }
virtual bool eof() const
{ return mIsEOF; }
virtual void close()
{ mStream.close(); }
/// Error handling
void BSAFile::fail(const string &msg)
throw std::runtime_error("BSA Error: " + msg + "\nArchive: " + filename);
throw std::runtime_error("BSA Error: " + msg + "\nArchive: " + filename);
/// Read header information from the input source
void BSAFile::readHeader()
* The layout of a BSA archive is as follows:
* - 12 bytes header, contains 3 ints:
* id number - equal to 0x100
* dirsize - size of the directory block (see below)
* numfiles - number of files
* ---------- start of directory block -----------
* - 8 bytes*numfiles, each record contains:
* fileSize
* offset into data buffer (see below)
* - 4 bytes*numfiles, each record is an offset into the following name buffer
* - name buffer, indexed by the previous table, each string is
* null-terminated. Size is (dirsize - 12*numfiles).
* ---------- end of directory block -------------
* - 8*filenum - hash table block, we currently ignore this
* ----------- start of data buffer --------------
* - The rest of the archive is file data, indexed by the
* offsets in the directory block. The offsets start at 0 at
* the beginning of this buffer.
* The layout of a BSA archive is as follows:
* - 12 bytes header, contains 3 ints:
* id number - equal to 0x100
* dirsize - size of the directory block (see below)
* numfiles - number of files
* ---------- start of directory block -----------
* - 8 bytes*numfiles, each record contains:
* fileSize
* offset into data buffer (see below)
* - 4 bytes*numfiles, each record is an offset into the following name buffer
* - name buffer, indexed by the previous table, each string is
* null-terminated. Size is (dirsize - 12*numfiles).
* ---------- end of directory block -------------
* - 8*filenum - hash table block, we currently ignore this
* ----------- start of data buffer --------------
* - The rest of the archive is file data, indexed by the
* offsets in the directory block. The offsets start at 0 at
* the beginning of this buffer.
// Total archive size
size_t fsize = input->size();
std::ifstream input(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
if( fsize < 12 )
fail("File too small to be a valid BSA archive");
// Get essential header numbers
size_t dirsize, filenum;
// First 12 bytes
uint32_t head[3];
input->read(head, 12);
if(head[0] != 0x100)
fail("Unrecognized BSA header");
// Total number of bytes used in size/offset-table + filename
// sections.
dirsize = head[1];
// Number of files
filenum = head[2];
// Each file must take up at least 21 bytes of data in the bsa. So
// if files*21 overflows the file size then we are guaranteed that
// the archive is corrupt.
if( (filenum*21 > fsize -12) ||
(dirsize+8*filenum > fsize -12) )
fail("Directory information larger than entire archive");
// Read the offset info into a temporary buffer
vector<uint32_t> offsets(3*filenum);
input->read(&offsets[0], 12*filenum);
// Read the string table
input->read(&stringBuf[0], stringBuf.size());
// Check our position
assert(input->tell() == 12+dirsize);
// Calculate the offset of the data buffer. All file offsets are
// relative to this. 12 header bytes + directory + hash table
// (skipped)
size_t fileDataOffset = 12 + dirsize + 8*filenum;
// Set up the the FileStruct table
for(size_t i=0;i<filenum;i++)
// Total archive size
size_t fsize = 0;
if(input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end))
FileStruct &fs = files[i];
fs.fileSize = offsets[i*2];
fs.offset = offsets[i*2+1] + fileDataOffset;
fs.name = &stringBuf[offsets[2*filenum+i]];
if(fs.offset + fs.fileSize > fsize)
fail("Archive contains offsets outside itself");
// Add the file name to the lookup
lookup[fs.name] = i;
fsize = input.tellg();
isLoaded = true;
if(fsize < 12)
fail("File too small to be a valid BSA archive");
// Get essential header numbers
size_t dirsize, filenum;
// First 12 bytes
uint32_t head[3];
input.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(head), 12);
if(head[0] != 0x100)
fail("Unrecognized BSA header");
// Total number of bytes used in size/offset-table + filename
// sections.
dirsize = head[1];
// Number of files
filenum = head[2];
// Each file must take up at least 21 bytes of data in the bsa. So
// if files*21 overflows the file size then we are guaranteed that
// the archive is corrupt.
if((filenum*21 > fsize -12) || (dirsize+8*filenum > fsize -12) )
fail("Directory information larger than entire archive");
// Read the offset info into a temporary buffer
vector<uint32_t> offsets(3*filenum);
input.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&offsets[0]), 12*filenum);
// Read the string table
input.read(&stringBuf[0], stringBuf.size());
// Check our position
assert(input.tellg() == 12+dirsize);
// Calculate the offset of the data buffer. All file offsets are
// relative to this. 12 header bytes + directory + hash table
// (skipped)
size_t fileDataOffset = 12 + dirsize + 8*filenum;
// Set up the the FileStruct table
for(size_t i=0;i<filenum;i++)
FileStruct &fs = files[i];
fs.fileSize = offsets[i*2];
fs.offset = offsets[i*2+1] + fileDataOffset;
fs.name = &stringBuf[offsets[2*filenum+i]];
if(fs.offset + fs.fileSize > fsize)
fail("Archive contains offsets outside itself");
// Add the file name to the lookup
lookup[fs.name] = i;
isLoaded = true;
/// Get the index of a given file name, or -1 if not found
int BSAFile::getIndex(const char *str) const
Lookup::const_iterator it;
it = lookup.find(str);
Lookup::const_iterator it = lookup.find(str);
if(it == lookup.end())
return -1;
if(it == lookup.end()) return -1;
int res = it->second;
assert(res >= 0 && res < static_cast<int> (files.size()));
return res;
int res = it->second;
assert(res >= 0 && (size_t)res < files.size());
return res;
/// Open an archive file.
void BSAFile::open(const string &file)
filename = file;
input = StreamPtr(new FileStream(file));
filename = file;
/** Open an archive from a generic stream. The 'name' parameter is
used for error messages.
void BSAFile::open(StreamPtr inp, const string &name)
Ogre::DataStreamPtr BSAFile::getFile(const char *file)
filename = name;
input = inp;
StreamPtr BSAFile::getFile(const char *file)
int i = getIndex(file);
if(i == -1)
fail("File not found: " + string(file));
FileStruct &fs = files[i];
return StreamPtr(new SliceStream(input, fs.offset, fs.fileSize));
int i = getIndex(file);
if(i == -1)
fail("File not found: " + string(file));
const FileStruct &fs = files[i];
return Ogre::DataStreamPtr(new ConstrainedDataStream(filename, fs.offset, fs.fileSize));

View File

@ -24,13 +24,15 @@
#ifndef BSA_BSA_FILE_H
#define BSA_BSA_FILE_H
#include <libs/mangle/stream/stream.hpp>
#include <libs/platform/stdint.h>
#include <libs/platform/strings.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <OgreDataStream.h>
namespace Bsa
@ -39,98 +41,88 @@ namespace Bsa
class BSAFile
/// Represents one file entry in the archive
struct FileStruct
// File size and offset in file. We store the offset from the
// beginning of the file, not the offset into the data buffer
// (which is what is stored in the archive.)
uint32_t fileSize, offset;
/// Represents one file entry in the archive
struct FileStruct
// File size and offset in file. We store the offset from the
// beginning of the file, not the offset into the data buffer
// (which is what is stored in the archive.)
uint32_t fileSize, offset;
// Zero-terminated file name
const char *name;
typedef std::vector<FileStruct> FileList;
// Zero-terminated file name
char* name;
/// Table of files in this archive
FileList files;
typedef std::vector<FileStruct> FileList;
/// Filename string buffer
std::vector<char> stringBuf;
/// True when an archive has been loaded
bool isLoaded;
/// The archive source
Mangle::Stream::StreamPtr input;
/// Used for error messages
std::string filename;
/// Table of files in this archive
FileList files;
/// Case insensitive string comparison
struct iltstr
bool operator()(const char *s1, const char *s2) const
{ return strcasecmp(s1,s2) < 0; }
/// Filename string buffer
std::vector<char> stringBuf;
/** A map used for fast file name lookup. The value is the index into
the files[] vector above. The iltstr ensures that file name
checks are case insensitive.
typedef std::map<const char*, int, iltstr> Lookup;
Lookup lookup;
/// True when an archive has been loaded
bool isLoaded;
/// Error handling
void fail(const std::string &msg);
/// Used for error messages
std::string filename;
/// Read header information from the input source
void readHeader();
/// Case insensitive string comparison
struct iltstr
bool operator()(const char *s1, const char *s2) const
{ return strcasecmp(s1,s2) < 0; }
/// Get the index of a given file name, or -1 if not found
int getIndex(const char *str) const;
/** A map used for fast file name lookup. The value is the index into
the files[] vector above. The iltstr ensures that file name
checks are case insensitive.
typedef std::map<const char*, int, iltstr> Lookup;
Lookup lookup;
/* -----------------------------------
* BSA management methods
* -----------------------------------
/// Error handling
void fail(const std::string &msg);
: isLoaded(false)
{ }
/// Read header information from the input source
void readHeader();
/// Open an archive file.
void open(const std::string &file);
/// Get the index of a given file name, or -1 if not found
int getIndex(const char *str) const;
/* -----------------------------------
* Archive file routines
* -----------------------------------
/// Check if a file exists
bool exists(const char *file) const
{ return getIndex(file) != -1; }
/* -----------------------------------
* BSA management methods
* -----------------------------------
/** Open a file contained in the archive. Throws an exception if the
file doesn't exist.
: input(), isLoaded(false) {}
NOTE: All files opened from one archive will share a common file
handle. This is NOT thread safe.
Ogre::DataStreamPtr getFile(const char *file);
/// Open an archive file.
void open(const std::string &file);
/** Open an archive from a generic stream. The 'name' parameter is
used for error messages.
void open(Mangle::Stream::StreamPtr inp, const std::string &name);
/* -----------------------------------
* Archive file routines
* -----------------------------------
/// Check if a file exists
bool exists(const char *file) const { return getIndex(file) != -1; }
/** Open a file contained in the archive. Throws an exception if the
file doesn't exist.
NOTE: All files opened from one archive will share a common file
handle. This is NOT thread safe.
Mangle::Stream::StreamPtr getFile(const char *file);
/// Get a list of all files
const FileList &getList() const
/// Get a list of all files
const FileList &getList() const
{ return files; }