diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwlua/objectbindings.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwlua/objectbindings.cpp
index 0bf3fc99c5..3cab81c38d 100644
--- a/apps/openmw/mwlua/objectbindings.cpp
+++ b/apps/openmw/mwlua/objectbindings.cpp
@@ -131,30 +131,8 @@ namespace MWLua
                     throw std::runtime_error("Index out of range");
-            if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ObjectT, GObject>)
-            {
-                // GObject and LObject iterators are in separate branches because if they share source code
-                // there is a collision in sol and only one iterator can be mapped to Lua.
-                auto iter = sol::make_object(lua, [registry](const GObjectList& l, int64_t i) -> sol::optional<std::tuple<int64_t, GObject>>
-                {
-                    if (i >= 0 && i < static_cast<int64_t>(l.mIds->size()))
-                        return std::make_tuple(i + 1, GObject((*l.mIds)[i], registry));
-                    else
-                        return sol::nullopt;
-                });
-                listT[sol::meta_function::ipairs] = [iter](const GObjectList& list) { return std::make_tuple(iter, list, 0); };
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                auto iter = sol::make_object(lua, [registry](const LObjectList& l, int64_t i) -> sol::optional<std::tuple<int64_t, LObject>>
-                {
-                    if (i >= 0 && i < static_cast<int64_t>(l.mIds->size()))
-                        return std::make_tuple(i + 1, LObject((*l.mIds)[i], registry));
-                    else
-                        return sol::nullopt;
-                });
-                listT[sol::meta_function::ipairs] = [iter](const LObjectList& list) { return std::make_tuple(iter, list, 0); };
-            }
+            listT[sol::meta_function::pairs] = lua["ipairsForArray"].template get<sol::function>();
+            listT[sol::meta_function::ipairs] = lua["ipairsForArray"].template get<sol::function>();
         template <class ObjectT>
diff --git a/components/lua/luastate.cpp b/components/lua/luastate.cpp
index 38f3ae889e..ac32f12992 100644
--- a/components/lua/luastate.cpp
+++ b/components/lua/luastate.cpp
@@ -92,6 +92,15 @@ namespace LuaUtil
                 local nextFn, t, firstKey = ipairs(getmetatable(v).__index)
                 return function(_, k) return nextFn(t, k) end, v, firstKey
+            local function nextForArray(array, index)
+                index = (index or 0) + 1
+                if index < #array then
+                    return index, array[index]
+                end
+            end
+            function ipairsForArray(array)
+                return nextForArray, array, 0
+            end
             getmetatable('').__metatable = false
             getSafeMetatable = function(v)