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synced 2025-03-28 19:21:04 +00:00
updated changelog
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,228 @@
Bug #385: Light emitting objects have a too short distance of activation
Bug #455: Animation doesn't resize creature's bounding box
Bug #602: Only collision model is updated when modifying objects trough console
Bug #639: Sky horizon at nighttime
Bug #672: incorrect trajectory of the moons
Bug #814: incorrect NPC width
Bug #827: Inaccurate raycasting for dead actors
Bug #996: Can see underwater clearly when at right height/angle
Bug #1317: Erene Llenim in Seyda Neen does not walk around
Bug #1330: Cliff racers fail to hit the player
Bug #1366: Combat AI can't aim down (in order to hit small creatures)
Bug #1511: View distance while under water is much too short
Bug #1563: Terrain positioned incorrectly and appears to vibrate in far-out cells
Bug #1612: First person models clip through walls
Bug #1647: Crash switching from full screen to windows mode - D3D9
Bug #1650: No textures with directx on windows
Bug #1730: Scripts names starting with digit(s) fail to compile
Bug #1738: Socucius Ergalla's greetings are doubled during the tutorial
Bug #1813: Underwater flora lighting up entire area.
Bug #1871: Handle controller extrapolation flags
Bug #1921: Footstep frequency and velocity do not immediately update when speed attribute changes
Bug #2001: OpenMW crashes on start with OpenGL 1.4 drivers
Bug #2014: Antialiasing setting does nothing on Linux
Bug #2037: Some enemies attack the air when spotting the player
Bug #2052: NIF rotation matrices including scales are not supported
Bug #2111: Raindrops in front of fire look wrong
Bug #2140: [OpenGL] Water effects, flames and parts of creatures solid black when observed through brazier flame
Bug #2147: Trueflame and Hopesfire flame effects not properly aligned with blade
Bug #2148: Verminous fabricants have little coloured box beneath their feet
Bug #2149: Sparks in Clockwork City should bounce off the floor
Bug #2151: Clockwork City dicer trap doesn't activate when you're too close
Bug #2186: Mini map contains scrambled pixels that cause the mini map to flicker
Bug #2187: NIF file with more than 255 NiBillboardNodes does not load
Bug #2191: Editor: Crash when trying to view cell in render view in OpenCS
Bug #2270: Objects flicker transparently
Bug #2280: Latest 32bit windows build of openmw runns out of vram
Bug #2281: NPCs don't scream when they die
Bug #2286: Jumping animation restarts when equipping mid-air
Bug #2287: Weapon idle animation stops when turning
Bug #2355: Light spell doesn't work in 1st person view
Bug #2362: Lantern glas opaque to flame effect from certain viewing angles
Bug #2364: Light spells are not as bright as in Morrowind
Bug #2383: Remove the alpha testing override list
Bug #2436: Crash on entering cell "Tower of Tel Fyr, Hall of Fyr"
Bug #2457: Player followers should not report crimes
Bug #2458: crash in some fighting situations
Bug #2464: Hiding an emitter node should make that emitter stop firing particles
Bug #2466: Can't load a save created with OpenMW-0.35.0-win64
Bug #2468: music from title screen continues after loading savegame
Bug #2494: Map not consistent between saves
Bug #2504: Dialog scroll should always start at the top
Bug #2506: Editor: Undo/Redo shortcuts do not work in script editor
Bug #2513: Mannequins in mods appear as dead bodies
Bug #2524: Editor: TopicInfo "custom" condition section is missing
Bug #2540: Editor: search and verification result table can not be sorted by clicking on the column names
Bug #2543: Editor: there is a problem with spell effects
Bug #2544: Editor fails to save NPC information correctly.
Bug #2545: Editor: delete record in Objects (referenceables) table messes up data
Bug #2546: Editor: race base attributes and skill boni are not displayed, thus not editable
Bug #2547: Editor: some NPC data is not displayed, thus not editable
Bug #2551: Editor: missing data in cell definition
Bug #2553: Editor: value filter does not work for float values
Bug #2555: Editor: undo leaves the record status as Modified
Bug #2559: Make Detect Enchantment marks appear on top of the player arrow
Bug #2563: position consoling npc doesn't work without cell reload
Bug #2564: Editor: Closing a subview from code does not clean up properly and will lead to crash on opening the next subview
Bug #2568: Editor: Setting default window size is ignored
Bug #2569: Editor: saving from an esp to omwaddon file results in data loss for TopicInfo
Bug #2575: Editor: Deleted record (with Added (ModifiedOnly) status) remains in the Dialog SubView
Bug #2576: Editor: Editor doesn't scroll to a newly opened subview, when ScrollBar Only mode is active
Bug #2578: Editor: changing Level or Reputation of an NPC crashes the editor
Bug #2579: Editor: filters not updated when adding or cloning records
Bug #2580: Editor: omwaddon makes OpenMW crash
Bug #2581: Editor: focus problems in edit subviews single- and multiline input fields
Bug #2582: Editor: object verifier should check for non-existing scripts being referenced
Bug #2583: Editor: applying filter to TopicInfo on mods that have added dialouge makes the Editor crash
Bug #2586: Editor: some dialogue only editable items do not refresh after undo
Bug #2588: Editor: Cancel button exits program
Bug #2589: Editor: Regions table - mapcolor does not change correctly
Bug #2591: Placeatme - spurious 5th parameter raises error
Bug #2593: COC command prints multiple times when GUI is hidden
Bug #2598: Editor: scene view of instances has to be zoomed out to displaying something - center camera instance please
Bug #2607: water behind an invisible NPC becomes invisible as well
Bug #2611: Editor: Sort problem in Objects table when few nested rows are added
Bug #2621: crash when a creature has no model
Bug #2624: Editor: missing columns in tables
Bug #2627: Character sheet doesn't properly update when backing out of CharGen
Bug #2642: Editor: endif without if - is not reported as error when "verify" was executed
Bug #2644: Editor: rebuild the list of available content files when opening the open/new dialogues
Bug #2656: OpenMW & OpenMW-CS: setting "Flies" flag for ghosts has no effect
Bug #2659: OpenMW & OpenMW-CS: savegame load fail due to script attached to NPCs
Bug #2668: Editor: reputation value in the input field is not stored
Bug #2696: Horkers use land idle animations under water
Bug #2705: Editor: Sort by Record Type (Objects table) is incorrect
Bug #2711: Map notes on an exterior cell that shows up with a map marker on the world map do not show up in the tooltip for that cell's marker on the world map
Bug #2714: Editor: Can't reorder rows with the same topic in different letter case
Bug #2720: Head tracking for creatures not implemented
Bug #2722: Alchemy should only include effects shared by at least 2 ingredients
Bug #2723: "ori" console command is not working
Bug #2726: Ashlanders in front of Ghostgate start wandering around
Bug #2727: ESM writer does not handle encoding when saving the TES3 header
Bug #2728: Editor: Incorrect position of an added row in Info tables
Bug #2731: Editor: Deleting a record triggers a Qt warning
Bug #2733: Editor: Undo doesn't restore the Modified status of a record when a nested data is changed
Bug #2734: Editor: The Search doesn't work
Bug #2738: Additive moon blending
Bug #2746: NIF node names should be case insensitive
Bug #2752: Fog depth/density not handled correctly
Bug #2753: Editor: line edit in dialogue subview tables shows after a single click
Bug #2755: Combat AI changes target too frequently
Bug #2761: Can't attack during block animations
Bug #2764: Player doesn't raise arm in 3rd person for weathertype 9
Bug #2768: Current screen resolution not selected in options when starting OpenMW
Bug #2773: Editor: Deleted scripts are editable
Bug #2776: ordinators still think I'm wearing their helm even though Khajiit and argonians can't
Bug #2779: Slider bars continue to move if you don't release mouse button
Bug #2781: sleep interruption is a little off (is this an added feature?)
Bug #2782: erroneously able to ready weapon/magic (+sheathe weapon/magic) while paralyzed
Bug #2785: Editor: Incorrect GMSTs for newly created omwgame files
Bug #2786: Kwama Queen head is inverted under OpenMW
Bug #2788: additem and removeitem incorrect gold behavior
Bug #2790: --start doesn't trace down
Bug #2791: Editor: Listed attributes and skill should not be based on number of NPC objects.
Bug #2792: glitched merchantile/infinite free items
Bug #2794: Need to ignore quotes in names of script function
Bug #2797: Editor: Crash when removing the first row in a nested table
Bug #2800: Show an error message when S3TC support is missing
Bug #2811: Targetted Open spell effect persists.
Bug #2819: Editor: bodypart's race filter not displayed correctly
Bug #2820: Editor: table sorting is inverted
Bug #2821: Editor: undo/redo command labels are incorrect
Bug #2826: locking beds that have been locked via magic psuedo-freezes the game
Bug #2830: Script compiler does not accept IDs as instruction/functions arguments if the ID is also a keyword
Bug #2832: Cell names are not localized on the world map
Bug #2833: [cosmetic] Players swimming at water's surface are slightly too low.
Bug #2840: Save/load menu is not entirely localized
Bug #2853: [exploit/bug] disintegrate weapon incorrectly applying to lockpicks, probes. creates unbreakable lockpicks
Bug #2855: Mouse wheel in journal is not disabled by "Options" panel.
Bug #2856: Heart of Lorkhan doesn't visually respond to attacks
Bug #2863: Inventory highlights wrong category after load
Bug #2864: Illuminated Order 1.0c Bug – The teleport amulet is not placed in the PC inventory.
Bug #2866: Editor: use checkbox instead of combobox for boolean values
Bug #2875: special cases of fSleepRandMod not behaving properly.
Bug #2878: Editor: Verify reports "creature has non-positive level" but there is no level setting
Bug #2879: Editor: entered value of field "Buys *" is not saved for a creature
Bug #2880: OpenMW & OpenMW-CS: having a scale value of 0.000 makes the game laggy
Bug #2882: Freeze when entering cell "Guild of Fighters (Ald'ruhn)" after dropping some items inside
Bug #2884: NPC chats about wrong player race
Bug #2886: Adding custom races breaks existing numbering of PcRace
Bug #2888: Editor: value entered in "AI Wander Idle" is not kept
Bug #2889: Editor: creatures made with the CS (not cloned) are always dead
Bug #2890: Editor: can't make NPC say a specific "Hello" voice-dialouge
Bug #2893: Editor: making a creature use textual dialogue doesn't work.
Bug #2901: Editor: gold for trading can not be set for creatures
Bug #2907: looking from uderwater part of the PC that is below the surface looks like it would be above the water
Bug #2914: Magicka not recalculated on character generation
Bug #2915: When paralyzed, you can still enter and exit sneak
Bug #2917: chameleon does not work for creatures
Bug #2927: Editor: in the automatic script checker local variable caches are not invalidated/updated on modifications of other scripts
Bug #2930: Editor: AIWander Idle can not be set for a creature
Bug #2932: Editor: you can add rows to "Creature Attack" but you can not enter values
Bug #2938: Editor: Can't add a start script.
Bug #2944: Spell chance for power to show as 0 on hud when used
Bug #2953: Editor: rightclick in an empty place in the menu bar shows an unnamed checkbox
Bug #2956: Editor: freezes while editing Filter
Bug #2962: OpenMW: Assertion `it != invStore.end()' failed
Bug #2964: Recursive script execution can corrupt script runtime data
Bug #2973: Editor: placing a chest in the game world and activating it heavily blurrs the character portrait
Bug #2978: Editor: Cannot edit alchemy ingredient properties
Bug #2980: Editor: Attribute and Skill can be selected for spells that do not require these parameters, leading to non-functional spells
Bug #2990: Compiling a script with warning mode 2 and enabled error downgrading leads to infinite recursion
Bug #2992: [Mod: Great House Dagoth] Killing Dagoth Gares freezes the game
Feature #706: Editor: Script Editor enhancements
Feature #872: Editor: Colour values in tables
Feature #880: Editor: ID auto-complete
Feature #928: Editor: Partial sorting in info tables
Feature #942: Editor: Dialogue for editing/viewing content file meta information
Feature #1057: NiStencilProperty
Feature #1278: Editor: Mouse picking in worldspace widget
Feature #1280: Editor: Cell border arrows
Feature #1401: Editor: Cloning enhancements
Feature #1463: Editor: Fine grained configuration of extended revert/delete commands
Feature #1591: Editor: Make fields in creation bar drop targets where applicable
Feature #1998: Editor: Magic effect record verifier
Feature #1999: Editor Sound Gen record verifier
Feature #2000: Editor: Pathgrid record verifier
Feature #2528: Game Time Tracker
Feature #2534: Editor: global search does not auomatically focus the search input field
Feature #2535: OpenMW: allow comments in openmw.cfg
Feature #2541: Editor: provide a go to the very bottom button for TopicInfo and JournalInfo
Feature #2549: Editor: add a horizontal slider to scroll between opened tables
Feature #2558: Editor: provide a shortcut for closing the subview that has the focus
Feature #2565: Editor: add context menu for dialogue sub view fields with an item matching "Edit 'x'" from the table subview context menu
Feature #2585: Editor: Ignore mouse wheel input for numeric values unless the respective widget has the focus
Feature #2620: Editor: make the verify-view refreshable
Feature #2622: Editor: Make double click behaviour in result tables configurable (see ID tables)
Feature #2717: Editor: Add severity column to report tables
Feature #2729: Editor: Various dialogue button bar improvements
Feature #2739: Profiling overlay
Feature #2740: Resource manager optimizations
Feature #2741: Make NIF files into proper resources
Feature #2742: Use the skinning data in NIF files as-is
Feature #2743: Small feature culling
Feature #2744: Configurable near clip distance
Feature #2745: GUI scaling option
Feature #2747: Support anonymous textures
Feature #2749: Loading screen optimizations
Feature #2751: Character preview optimization
Feature #2804: Editor: Merge Tool
Feature #2818: Editor: allow copying a record ID to the clipboard
Feature #2883: game not playable if mod providing a spell is removed but the list of known spells still contains it
Feature #2946: Editor: add script line number in results of search
Feature #2959: space character in field enchantment (of an amulet) prevents rendering of surroundings
Feature #2963: Editor: Mouse button bindings in 3D scene
Feature #2983: Sun Glare fader
Feature #2999: Scaling of journal and books
Task #2665: Support building with Qt5
Task #2725: Editor: Remove Display_YesNo
Task #2730: Replace hardcoded column numbers in SimpleDialogueSubView/DialogueSubView
Task #2750: Bullet shape instancing optimization
Task #2793: Replace grid size setting with half grid size setting
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