diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index 25855bf913..49aa41a7a6 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -332,21 +332,6 @@ macOS12_Xcode13: variables: CCACHE_SIZE: 3G -variables: &engine-targets - targets: "openmw,openmw-iniimporter,openmw-launcher,openmw-wizard,openmw-navmeshtool,openmw-bulletobjecttool" - package: "Engine" - -variables: &cs-targets - targets: "openmw-cs,bsatool,esmtool,niftest,openmw-essimporter" - package: "CS" - -variables: &tests-targets - targets: "openmw_test_suite,openmw_detournavigator_navmeshtilescache_benchmark" - package: "Tests" - -variables: &combined-targets - targets: "openmw,openmw-iniimporter,openmw-launcher,openmw-wizard,openmw-navmeshtool,openmw-bulletobjecttool,openmw-cs,bsatool,esmtool,niftest,openmw-essimporter" - .Windows_Ninja_Base: tags: - windows @@ -387,17 +372,17 @@ variables: &combined-targets - sh CI/before_script.msvc.sh -c $config -p Win64 -v 2019 -k -V -N -b -t -C $multiview - cd MSVC2019_64_Ninja - .\ActivateMSVC.ps1 - - cmake --build . --config $config --target ($targets.Split(',')) + - cmake --build . --config $config - ccache --show-stats - cd $config - echo "CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}`nCI_JOB_ID ${CI_JOB_ID}`nCI_COMMIT_SHA ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 CI-ID.txt - Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.ilk | Remove-Item - | if (Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.pdb) { - 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${package}_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}_${CI_JOB_ID}_symbols.zip"))" '*.pdb' CI-ID.txt + 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}_${CI_JOB_ID}_symbols.zip"))" '*.pdb' CI-ID.txt Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.pdb | Remove-Item } - - 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${package}_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}.zip"))" '*' + - 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}.zip"))" '*' - if ($executables) { foreach ($exe in $executables.Split(',')) { & .\$exe } } after_script: - Copy-Item C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log @@ -423,67 +408,32 @@ variables: &combined-targets # When CCache doesn't exist (e.g. first build on a fork), build takes more than 1h, which is the default for forks. timeout: 2h -.Windows_Ninja_Engine_Release: +.Windows_Ninja_Release: extends: - .Windows_Ninja_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets config: "Release" -.Windows_Ninja_Engine_Release_MultiView: +.Windows_Ninja_Release_MultiView: extends: - .Windows_Ninja_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets multiview: "-M" config: "Release" -.Windows_Ninja_Engine_Debug: +.Windows_Ninja_Debug: extends: - .Windows_Ninja_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets config: "Debug" -.Windows_Ninja_Engine_RelWithDebInfo: +.Windows_Ninja_RelWithDebInfo: extends: - .Windows_Ninja_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets - config: "RelWithDebInfo" - -.Windows_Ninja_CS_Release: - extends: - - .Windows_Ninja_Base - variables: - <<: *cs-targets - config: "Release" - -.Windows_Ninja_CS_Debug: - extends: - - .Windows_Ninja_Base - variables: - <<: *cs-targets - config: "Debug" - -.Windows_Ninja_CS_RelWithDebInfo: - extends: - - .Windows_Ninja_Base - variables: - <<: *cs-targets - config: "RelWithDebInfo" - -.Windows_Ninja_Tests_RelWithDebInfo: - extends: .Windows_Ninja_Base - stage: build - variables: - <<: *tests-targets config: "RelWithDebInfo" # Gitlab can't successfully execute following binaries due to unknown reason # executables: "openmw_test_suite.exe,openmw_detournavigator_navmeshtilescache_benchmark.exe" - artifacts: - paths: [] - expire_in: 1 minute .Windows_MSBuild_Base: tags: @@ -523,17 +473,17 @@ variables: &combined-targets - New-Item -Type Directory -Force -Path $env:CCACHE_DIR - sh CI/before_script.msvc.sh -c $config -p Win64 -v 2019 -k -V -b -t -C $multiview - cd MSVC2019_64 - - cmake --build . --config $config --target ($targets.Split(',')) + - cmake --build . --config $config - ccache --show-stats - cd $config - echo "CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}`nCI_JOB_ID ${CI_JOB_ID}`nCI_COMMIT_SHA ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 CI-ID.txt - Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.ilk | Remove-Item - | if (Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.pdb) { - 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${package}_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}_${CI_JOB_ID}_symbols.zip"))" '*.pdb' CI-ID.txt + 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}_${CI_JOB_ID}_symbols.zip"))" '*.pdb' CI-ID.txt Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.pdb | Remove-Item } - - 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${package}_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}.zip"))" '*' + - 7z a -tzip "..\..\$(Make-SafeFileName("OpenMW_MSVC2019_64_${config}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}.zip"))" '*' - if ($executables) { foreach ($exe in $executables.Split(',')) { & .\$exe } } after_script: - Copy-Item C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log @@ -559,74 +509,29 @@ variables: &combined-targets # When CCache doesn't exist (e.g. first build on a fork), build takes more than 1h, which is the default for forks. timeout: 2h -.Windows_MSBuild_Engine_Release: +.Windows_MSBuild_Release: extends: - .Windows_MSBuild_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets config: "Release" rules: # run this for both pushes and schedules so 'latest successful pipeline for branch' always includes it - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" -.Windows_MSBuild_Engine_Debug: +.Windows_MSBuild_Debug: extends: - .Windows_MSBuild_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets config: "Debug" -.Windows_MSBuild_Engine_RelWithDebInfo: +Windows_MSBuild_RelWithDebInfo: extends: - .Windows_MSBuild_Base variables: - <<: *engine-targets - config: "RelWithDebInfo" - -.Windows_MSBuild_CS_Release: - extends: - - .Windows_MSBuild_Base - variables: - <<: *cs-targets - config: "Release" - rules: - # run this for both pushes and schedules so 'latest successful pipeline for branch' always includes it - - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" - - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" - -.Windows_MSBuild_CS_Debug: - extends: - - .Windows_MSBuild_Base - variables: - <<: *cs-targets - config: "Debug" - -.Windows_MSBuild_CS_RelWithDebInfo: - extends: - - .Windows_MSBuild_Base - variables: - <<: *cs-targets - config: "RelWithDebInfo" - -Windows_MSBuild_Combined_RelWithDebInfo: - extends: - - .Windows_MSBuild_Base - variables: - <<: *combined-targets - config: "RelWithDebInfo" - -.Windows_MSBuild_Tests_RelWithDebInfo: - extends: .Windows_MSBuild_Base - stage: build - variables: - <<: *tests-targets config: "RelWithDebInfo" # Gitlab can't successfully execute following binaries due to unknown reason # executables: "openmw_test_suite.exe,openmw_detournavigator_navmeshtilescache_benchmark.exe" - artifacts: - paths: [] - expire_in: 1 minute Ubuntu_AndroidNDK_arm64-v8a: tags: