mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-23 10:20:48 +00:00

Merge branch 'editor2'

This commit is contained in:
Marc Zinnschlag 2012-12-28 23:31:43 +01:00
commit 334588bf1c
62 changed files with 3854 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ option(BOOST_STATIC "Link static build of Boost into the binaries" FALSE)
option(BUILD_ESMTOOL "build ESM inspector" ON)
option(BUILD_LAUNCHER "build Launcher" ON)
option(BUILD_MWINIIMPORTER "build MWiniImporter" ON)
option(BUILD_OPENCS "build OpenMW Construction Set" ON)
option(BUILD_WITH_CODE_COVERAGE "Enable code coverage with gconv" OFF)
option(BUILD_UNITTESTS "Enable Unittests with Google C++ Unittest ang GMock frameworks" OFF)
@ -467,6 +468,10 @@ if (BUILD_MWINIIMPORTER)
add_subdirectory( apps/mwiniimporter )
add_subdirectory (apps/opencs)
# UnitTests
add_subdirectory( apps/openmw_test_suite )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
main.cpp editor.cpp
model/doc/documentmanager.cpp model/doc/document.cpp
model/world/universalid.cpp model/world/idcollection.cpp model/world/data.cpp model/world/idtable.cpp
model/world/commands.cpp model/world/idtableproxymodel.cpp model/world/record.cpp
model/tools/tools.cpp model/tools/operation.cpp model/tools/stage.cpp model/tools/verifier.cpp
model/tools/mandatoryid.cpp model/tools/reportmodel.cpp
view/doc/viewmanager.cpp view/doc/view.cpp view/doc/operations.cpp view/doc/operation.cpp view/doc/subviewfactory.cpp
view/world/table.cpp view/world/tablesubview.cpp view/world/subviews.cpp
view/tools/reportsubview.cpp view/tools/subviews.cpp
model/doc/documentmanager.hpp model/doc/document.hpp model/doc/state.hpp
model/world/universalid.hpp model/world/record.hpp model/world/idcollection.hpp model/world/data.hpp
model/world/idtable.hpp model/world/columns.hpp model/world/idtableproxymodel.hpp
model/tools/tools.hpp model/tools/operation.hpp model/tools/stage.hpp model/tools/verifier.hpp
model/tools/mandatoryid.hpp model/tools/reportmodel.hpp
view/doc/viewmanager.hpp view/doc/view.hpp view/doc/operations.hpp view/doc/operation.hpp view/doc/subviewfactory.hpp
view/doc/subview.hpp view/doc/subviewfactoryimp.hpp
view/world/table.hpp view/world/tablesubview.hpp view/world/subviews.hpp
view/tools/reportsubview.hpp view/tools/subviews.hpp
source_group (opencs FILES ${OPENCS_SRC} ${OPENCS_HDR})
find_package(Qt4 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtXml QtXmlPatterns REQUIRED)
qt4_wrap_ui(OPENCS_UI_HDR ${OPENCS_UI})
qt4_wrap_cpp(OPENCS_MOC_SRC ${OPENCS_HDR})
qt4_add_resources(OPENCS_RES_SRC ${OPENCS_RES})

apps/opencs/editor.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include "editor.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "model/doc/document.hpp"
#include "model/world/data.hpp"
CS::Editor::Editor() : mViewManager (mDocumentManager), mNewDocumentIndex (0)
connect (&mViewManager, SIGNAL (newDocumentRequest ()), this, SLOT (createDocument ()));
void CS::Editor::createDocument()
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "NewDocument" << (++mNewDocumentIndex);
CSMDoc::Document *document = mDocumentManager.addDocument (stream.str());
static const char *sGlobals[] =
"Day", "DaysPassed", "GameHour", "Month", "PCRace", "PCVampire", "PCWerewolf", "PCYear", 0
for (int i=0; sGlobals[i]; ++i)
ESM::Global record;
record.mId = sGlobals[i];
record.mValue = i==0 ? 1 : 0;
record.mType = ESM::VT_Float;
document->getData().getGlobals().add (record);
document->getData().merge(); /// \todo remove once proper ESX loading is implemented
mViewManager.addView (document);
int CS::Editor::run()
/// \todo Instead of creating an empty document, open a small welcome dialogue window with buttons for new/load/recent projects
return QApplication::exec();

apps/opencs/editor.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#ifndef CS_EDITOR_H
#define CS_EDITOR_H
#include <QObject>
#include "model/doc/documentmanager.hpp"
#include "view/doc/viewmanager.hpp"
namespace CS
class Editor : public QObject
int mNewDocumentIndex; ///< \todo remove when the proper new document dialogue is implemented.
CSMDoc::DocumentManager mDocumentManager;
CSVDoc::ViewManager mViewManager;
// not implemented
Editor (const Editor&);
Editor& operator= (const Editor&);
int run();
///< \return error status
public slots:
void createDocument();

apps/opencs/main.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#include "editor.hpp"
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
class Application : public QApplication
bool notify (QObject *receiver, QEvent *event)
return QApplication::notify (receiver, event);
catch (const std::exception& exception)
std::cerr << "An exception has been caught: " << exception.what() << std::endl;
return false;
Application (int& argc, char *argv[]) : QApplication (argc, argv) {}
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Application mApplication (argc, argv);
CS::Editor editor;
return editor.run();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#include "document.hpp"
CSMDoc::Document::Document (const std::string& name)
: mTools (mData)
mName = name; ///< \todo replace with ESX list
connect (&mUndoStack, SIGNAL (cleanChanged (bool)), this, SLOT (modificationStateChanged (bool)));
connect (&mTools, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int)), this, SLOT (progress (int, int, int)));
connect (&mTools, SIGNAL (done (int)), this, SLOT (operationDone (int)));
// dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented.
mSaveCount = 0;
connect (&mSaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT (saving()));
QUndoStack& CSMDoc::Document::getUndoStack()
return mUndoStack;
int CSMDoc::Document::getState() const
int state = 0;
if (!mUndoStack.isClean())
state |= State_Modified;
if (mSaveCount)
state |= State_Locked | State_Saving | State_Operation;
if (int operations = mTools.getRunningOperations())
state |= State_Locked | State_Operation | operations;
return state;
const std::string& CSMDoc::Document::getName() const
return mName;
void CSMDoc::Document::save()
mSaveCount = 1;
mSaveTimer.start (500);
emit stateChanged (getState(), this);
emit progress (1, 16, State_Saving, 1, this);
CSMWorld::UniversalId CSMDoc::Document::verify()
CSMWorld::UniversalId id = mTools.runVerifier();
emit stateChanged (getState(), this);
return id;
void CSMDoc::Document::abortOperation (int type)
mTools.abortOperation (type);
if (type==State_Saving)
emit stateChanged (getState(), this);
void CSMDoc::Document::modificationStateChanged (bool clean)
emit stateChanged (getState(), this);
void CSMDoc::Document::operationDone (int type)
emit stateChanged (getState(), this);
void CSMDoc::Document::saving()
emit progress (mSaveCount, 16, State_Saving, 1, this);
if (mSaveCount>15)
mSaveCount = 0;
emit stateChanged (getState(), this);
const CSMWorld::Data& CSMDoc::Document::getData() const
return mData;
CSMWorld::Data& CSMDoc::Document::getData()
return mData;
CSMTools::ReportModel *CSMDoc::Document::getReport (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id)
return mTools.getReport (id);
void CSMDoc::Document::progress (int current, int max, int type)
emit progress (current, max, type, 1, this);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#include <string>
#include <QUndoStack>
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include "../world/data.hpp"
#include "../tools/tools.hpp"
#include "state.hpp"
class QAbstractItemModel;
namespace CSMDoc
class Document : public QObject
std::string mName; ///< \todo replace name with ESX list
CSMWorld::Data mData;
CSMTools::Tools mTools;
// It is important that the undo stack is declared last, because on desctruction it fires a signal, that is connected to a slot, that is
// using other member variables. Unfortunately this connection is cut only in the QObject destructor, which is way too late.
QUndoStack mUndoStack;
int mSaveCount; ///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented.
QTimer mSaveTimer; ///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented.
// not implemented
Document (const Document&);
Document& operator= (const Document&);
Document (const std::string& name);
///< \todo replace name with ESX list
QUndoStack& getUndoStack();
int getState() const;
const std::string& getName() const;
///< \todo replace with ESX list
void save();
CSMWorld::UniversalId verify();
void abortOperation (int type);
const CSMWorld::Data& getData() const;
CSMWorld::Data& getData();
CSMTools::ReportModel *getReport (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id);
///< The ownership of the returned report is not transferred.
void stateChanged (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document);
void progress (int current, int max, int type, int threads, CSMDoc::Document *document);
private slots:
void modificationStateChanged (bool clean);
void operationDone (int type);
void saving();
///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented.
public slots:
void progress (int current, int max, int type);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "documentmanager.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "document.hpp"
CSMDoc::DocumentManager::DocumentManager() {}
for (std::vector<Document *>::iterator iter (mDocuments.begin()); iter!=mDocuments.end(); ++iter)
delete *iter;
CSMDoc::Document *CSMDoc::DocumentManager::addDocument (const std::string& name)
Document *document = new Document (name);
mDocuments.push_back (document);
return document;
bool CSMDoc::DocumentManager::removeDocument (Document *document)
std::vector<Document *>::iterator iter = std::find (mDocuments.begin(), mDocuments.end(), document);
if (iter==mDocuments.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("removing invalid document");
mDocuments.erase (iter);
delete document;
return mDocuments.empty();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace CSMDoc
class Document;
class DocumentManager
std::vector<Document *> mDocuments;
DocumentManager (const DocumentManager&);
DocumentManager& operator= (const DocumentManager&);
Document *addDocument (const std::string& name);
///< The ownership of the returned document is not transferred to the caller.
bool removeDocument (Document *document);
///< \return last document removed?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
namespace CSMDoc
enum State
State_Modified = 1,
State_Locked = 2,
State_Operation = 4,
State_Saving = 8,
State_Verifying = 16,
State_Compiling = 32, // not implemented yet
State_Searching = 64 // not implemented yet

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "mandatoryid.hpp"
#include "../world/idcollection.hpp"
CSMTools::MandatoryIdStage::MandatoryIdStage (const CSMWorld::IdCollectionBase& idCollection,
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& collectionId, const std::vector<std::string>& ids)
: mIdCollection (idCollection), mCollectionId (collectionId), mIds (ids)
int CSMTools::MandatoryIdStage::setup()
return mIds.size();
void CSMTools::MandatoryIdStage::perform (int stage, std::vector<std::string>& messages)
if (mIdCollection.searchId (mIds.at (stage))==-1 ||
mIdCollection.getRecord (mIds.at (stage)).isDeleted())
messages.push_back (mCollectionId.toString() + "|Missing mandatory record: " + mIds.at (stage));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../world/universalid.hpp"
#include "stage.hpp"
namespace CSMWorld
class IdCollectionBase;
namespace CSMTools
/// \brief Verify stage: make sure that records with specific IDs exist.
class MandatoryIdStage : public Stage
const CSMWorld::IdCollectionBase& mIdCollection;
CSMWorld::UniversalId mCollectionId;
std::vector<std::string> mIds;
MandatoryIdStage (const CSMWorld::IdCollectionBase& idCollection, const CSMWorld::UniversalId& collectionId,
const std::vector<std::string>& ids);
virtual int setup();
///< \return number of steps
virtual void perform (int stage, std::vector<std::string>& messages);
///< Messages resulting from this tage will be appended to \a messages.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#include "operation.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <QTimer>
#include "../doc/state.hpp"
#include "stage.hpp"
void CSMTools::Operation::prepareStages()
mCurrentStage = mStages.begin();
mCurrentStep = 0;
mCurrentStepTotal = 0;
mTotalSteps = 0;
for (std::vector<std::pair<Stage *, int> >::iterator iter (mStages.begin()); iter!=mStages.end(); ++iter)
iter->second = iter->first->setup();
mTotalSteps += iter->second;
CSMTools::Operation::Operation (int type) : mType (type) {}
for (std::vector<std::pair<Stage *, int> >::iterator iter (mStages.begin()); iter!=mStages.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->first;
void CSMTools::Operation::run()
QTimer timer;
timer.connect (&timer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (verify()));
timer.start (0);
void CSMTools::Operation::appendStage (Stage *stage)
mStages.push_back (std::make_pair (stage, 0));
void CSMTools::Operation::abort()
void CSMTools::Operation::verify()
std::vector<std::string> messages;
while (mCurrentStage!=mStages.end())
if (mCurrentStep>=mCurrentStage->second)
mCurrentStep = 0;
mCurrentStage->first->perform (mCurrentStep++, messages);
emit progress (mCurrentStepTotal, mTotalSteps ? mTotalSteps : 1, mType);
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter (messages.begin()); iter!=messages.end(); ++iter)
emit reportMessage (iter->c_str(), mType);
if (mCurrentStage==mStages.end())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include <vector>
#include <QThread>
namespace CSMTools
class Stage;
class Operation : public QThread
int mType;
std::vector<std::pair<Stage *, int> > mStages; // stage, number of steps
std::vector<std::pair<Stage *, int> >::iterator mCurrentStage;
int mCurrentStep;
int mCurrentStepTotal;
int mTotalSteps;
void prepareStages();
Operation (int type);
virtual ~Operation();
virtual void run();
void appendStage (Stage *stage);
///< The ownership of \a stage is transferred to *this.
/// \attention Do no call this function while this Operation is running.
void progress (int current, int max, int type);
void reportMessage (const QString& message, int type);
public slots:
void abort();
private slots:
void verify();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#include "reportmodel.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
int CSMTools::ReportModel::rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return mRows.size();
int CSMTools::ReportModel::columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return 2;
QVariant CSMTools::ReportModel::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const
if (role!=Qt::DisplayRole)
return QVariant();
if (index.column()==0)
return static_cast<int> (mRows.at (index.row()).first.getType());
return mRows.at (index.row()).second.c_str();
QVariant CSMTools::ReportModel::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role!=Qt::DisplayRole)
return QVariant();
if (orientation==Qt::Vertical)
return QVariant();
return tr (section==0 ? "Type" : "Description");
bool CSMTools::ReportModel::removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent)
if (parent.isValid())
return false;
mRows.erase (mRows.begin()+row, mRows.begin()+row+count);
return true;
void CSMTools::ReportModel::add (const std::string& row)
std::string::size_type index = row.find ('|');
if (index==std::string::npos)
throw std::logic_error ("invalid report message");
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), mRows.size(), mRows.size());
mRows.push_back (std::make_pair (row.substr (0, index), row.substr (index+1)));
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& CSMTools::ReportModel::getUniversalId (int row) const
return mRows.at (row).first;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
#include "../world/universalid.hpp"
namespace CSMTools
class ReportModel : public QAbstractTableModel
std::vector<std::pair<CSMWorld::UniversalId, std::string> > mRows;
virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
virtual QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
virtual bool removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex());
void add (const std::string& row);
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& getUniversalId (int row) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "stage.hpp"
CSMTools::Stage::~Stage() {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace CSMTools
class Stage
virtual ~Stage();
virtual int setup() = 0;
///< \return number of steps
virtual void perform (int stage, std::vector<std::string>& messages) = 0;
///< Messages resulting from this tage will be appended to \a messages.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#include "tools.hpp"
#include <QThreadPool>
#include "verifier.hpp"
#include "../doc/state.hpp"
#include "../world/data.hpp"
#include "../world/universalid.hpp"
#include "reportmodel.hpp"
#include "mandatoryid.hpp"
CSMTools::Operation *CSMTools::Tools::get (int type)
switch (type)
case CSMDoc::State_Verifying: return mVerifier;
return 0;
const CSMTools::Operation *CSMTools::Tools::get (int type) const
return const_cast<Tools *> (this)->get (type);
CSMTools::Verifier *CSMTools::Tools::getVerifier()
if (!mVerifier)
mVerifier = new Verifier;
connect (mVerifier, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int)), this, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int)));
connect (mVerifier, SIGNAL (finished()), this, SLOT (verifierDone()));
connect (mVerifier, SIGNAL (reportMessage (const QString&, int)),
this, SLOT (verifierMessage (const QString&, int)));
std::vector<std::string> mandatoryIds; // I want C++11, damn it!
mandatoryIds.push_back ("Day");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("DaysPassed");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("GameHour");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("Month");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("PCRace");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("PCVampire");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("PCWerewolf");
mandatoryIds.push_back ("PCYear");
mVerifier->appendStage (new MandatoryIdStage (mData.getGlobals(),
CSMWorld::UniversalId (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Globals), mandatoryIds));
return mVerifier;
CSMTools::Tools::Tools (CSMWorld::Data& data) : mData (data), mVerifier (0), mNextReportNumber (0)
for (std::map<int, ReportModel *>::iterator iter (mReports.begin()); iter!=mReports.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
delete mVerifier;
CSMWorld::UniversalId CSMTools::Tools::runVerifier()
mReports.insert (std::make_pair (mNextReportNumber++, new ReportModel));
mActiveReports[CSMDoc::State_Verifying] = mNextReportNumber-1;
return CSMWorld::UniversalId (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_VerificationResults, mNextReportNumber-1);
void CSMTools::Tools::abortOperation (int type)
if (Operation *operation = get (type))
int CSMTools::Tools::getRunningOperations() const
static const int sOperations[] =
int result = 0;
for (int i=0; sOperations[i]!=-1; ++i)
if (const Operation *operation = get (sOperations[i]))
if (operation->isRunning())
result |= sOperations[i];
return result;
CSMTools::ReportModel *CSMTools::Tools::getReport (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id)
if (id.getType()!=CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_VerificationResults)
throw std::logic_error ("invalid request for report model: " + id.toString());
return mReports.at (id.getIndex());
void CSMTools::Tools::verifierDone()
emit done (CSMDoc::State_Verifying);
void CSMTools::Tools::verifierMessage (const QString& message, int type)
std::map<int, int>::iterator iter = mActiveReports.find (type);
if (iter!=mActiveReports.end())
mReports[iter->second]->add (message.toStdString());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#include <QObject>
#include <map>
namespace CSMWorld
class Data;
class UniversalId;
namespace CSMTools
class Verifier;
class Operation;
class ReportModel;
class Tools : public QObject
CSMWorld::Data& mData;
Verifier *mVerifier;
std::map<int, ReportModel *> mReports;
int mNextReportNumber;
std::map<int, int> mActiveReports; // type, report number
// not implemented
Tools (const Tools&);
Tools& operator= (const Tools&);
Verifier *getVerifier();
Operation *get (int type);
///< Returns a 0-pointer, if operation hasn't been used yet.
const Operation *get (int type) const;
///< Returns a 0-pointer, if operation hasn't been used yet.
Tools (CSMWorld::Data& data);
virtual ~Tools();
CSMWorld::UniversalId runVerifier();
///< \return ID of the report for this verification run
void abortOperation (int type);
///< \attention The operation is not aborted immediately.
int getRunningOperations() const;
ReportModel *getReport (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id);
///< The ownership of the returned report is not transferred.
private slots:
void verifierDone();
void verifierMessage (const QString& message, int type);
void progress (int current, int max, int type);
void done (int type);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "verifier.hpp"
#include "../doc/state.hpp"
CSMTools::Verifier::Verifier() : Operation (CSMDoc::State_Verifying)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include "operation.hpp"
namespace CSMTools
class Verifier : public Operation

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#include "idcollection.hpp"
namespace CSMWorld
template<typename ESXRecordT>
struct FloatValueColumn : public Column<ESXRecordT>
FloatValueColumn() : Column<ESXRecordT> ("Value") {}
virtual QVariant get (const Record<ESXRecordT>& record) const
return record.get().mValue;
virtual void set (Record<ESXRecordT>& record, const QVariant& data)
ESXRecordT base = record.getBase();
base.mValue = data.toFloat();
record.setModified (base);
virtual bool isEditable() const
return true;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
struct StringIdColumn : public Column<ESXRecordT>
StringIdColumn() : Column<ESXRecordT> ("ID") {}
virtual QVariant get (const Record<ESXRecordT>& record) const
return record.get().mId.c_str();
virtual bool isEditable() const
return false;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
struct RecordStateColumn : public Column<ESXRecordT>
RecordStateColumn() : Column<ESXRecordT> ("*") {}
virtual QVariant get (const Record<ESXRecordT>& record) const
if (record.mState==Record<ESXRecordT>::State_Erased)
return static_cast<int> (Record<ESXRecordT>::State_Deleted);
return static_cast<int> (record.mState);
virtual void set (Record<ESXRecordT>& record, const QVariant& data)
record.mState = static_cast<RecordBase::State> (data.toInt());
virtual bool isEditable() const
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#include "commands.hpp"
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
#include "idtableproxymodel.hpp"
#include "idtable.hpp"
CSMWorld::ModifyCommand::ModifyCommand (QAbstractItemModel& model, const QModelIndex& index,
const QVariant& new_, QUndoCommand *parent)
: QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mIndex (index), mNew (new_)
mOld = mModel.data (mIndex, Qt::EditRole);
setText ("Modify " + mModel.headerData (mIndex.column(), Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString());
void CSMWorld::ModifyCommand::redo()
mModel.setData (mIndex, mNew);
void CSMWorld::ModifyCommand::undo()
mModel.setData (mIndex, mOld);
CSMWorld::CreateCommand::CreateCommand (IdTableProxyModel& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand *parent)
: QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mId (id)
setText (("Create record " + id).c_str());
void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::redo()
mModel.addRecord (mId);
void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::undo()
mModel.removeRow (mModel.getModelIndex (mId, 0).row());
CSMWorld::RevertCommand::RevertCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand *parent)
: QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mId (id), mOld (0)
setText (("Revert record " + id).c_str());
mOld = model.getRecord (id).clone();
delete mOld;
void CSMWorld::RevertCommand::redo()
QModelIndex index = mModel.getModelIndex (mId, 1);
RecordBase::State state = static_cast<RecordBase::State> (mModel.data (index).toInt());
if (state==RecordBase::State_ModifiedOnly)
mModel.removeRows (index.row(), 1);
mModel.setData (index, static_cast<int> (RecordBase::State_BaseOnly));
void CSMWorld::RevertCommand::undo()
mModel.setRecord (*mOld);
CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::DeleteCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand *parent)
: QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mId (id), mOld (0)
setText (("Delete record " + id).c_str());
mOld = model.getRecord (id).clone();
delete mOld;
void CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::redo()
QModelIndex index = mModel.getModelIndex (mId, 1);
RecordBase::State state = static_cast<RecordBase::State> (mModel.data (index).toInt());
if (state==RecordBase::State_ModifiedOnly)
mModel.removeRows (index.row(), 1);
mModel.setData (index, static_cast<int> (RecordBase::State_Deleted));
void CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::undo()
mModel.setRecord (*mOld);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include "record.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QUndoCommand>
#include <QModelIndex>
class QModelIndex;
class QAbstractItemModel;
namespace CSMWorld
class IdTableProxyModel;
class IdTable;
class RecordBase;
class ModifyCommand : public QUndoCommand
QAbstractItemModel& mModel;
QModelIndex mIndex;
QVariant mNew;
QVariant mOld;
ModifyCommand (QAbstractItemModel& model, const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& new_,
QUndoCommand *parent = 0);
virtual void redo();
virtual void undo();
class CreateCommand : public QUndoCommand
IdTableProxyModel& mModel;
std::string mId;
CreateCommand (IdTableProxyModel& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand *parent = 0);
virtual void redo();
virtual void undo();
class RevertCommand : public QUndoCommand
IdTable& mModel;
std::string mId;
RecordBase *mOld;
// not implemented
RevertCommand (const RevertCommand&);
RevertCommand& operator= (const RevertCommand&);
RevertCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand *parent = 0);
virtual ~RevertCommand();
virtual void redo();
virtual void undo();
class DeleteCommand : public QUndoCommand
IdTable& mModel;
std::string mId;
RecordBase *mOld;
// not implemented
DeleteCommand (const DeleteCommand&);
DeleteCommand& operator= (const DeleteCommand&);
DeleteCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand *parent = 0);
virtual ~DeleteCommand();
virtual void redo();
virtual void undo();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include "data.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
#include <components/esm/loadglob.hpp>
#include "idtable.hpp"
#include "columns.hpp"
mGlobals.addColumn (new StringIdColumn<ESM::Global>);
mGlobals.addColumn (new RecordStateColumn<ESM::Global>);
mGlobals.addColumn (new FloatValueColumn<ESM::Global>);
mModels.insert (std::make_pair (
UniversalId (UniversalId::Type_Globals),
new IdTable (&mGlobals)
for (std::map<UniversalId, QAbstractTableModel *>::iterator iter (mModels.begin()); iter!=mModels.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
const CSMWorld::IdCollection<ESM::Global>& CSMWorld::Data::getGlobals() const
return mGlobals;
CSMWorld::IdCollection<ESM::Global>& CSMWorld::Data::getGlobals()
return mGlobals;
QAbstractTableModel *CSMWorld::Data::getTableModel (const UniversalId& id)
std::map<UniversalId, QAbstractTableModel *>::iterator iter = mModels.find (id);
if (iter==mModels.end())
throw std::logic_error ("No table model available for " + id.toString());
return iter->second;
void CSMWorld::Data::merge()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include <map>
#include <components/esm/loadglob.hpp>
#include "idcollection.hpp"
#include "universalid.hpp"
class QAbstractTableModel;
namespace CSMWorld
class Data
IdCollection<ESM::Global> mGlobals;
std::map<UniversalId, QAbstractTableModel *> mModels;
// not implemented
Data (const Data&);
Data& operator= (const Data&);
const IdCollection<ESM::Global>& getGlobals() const;
IdCollection<ESM::Global>& getGlobals();
QAbstractTableModel *getTableModel (const UniversalId& id);
///< If no table model is available for \æ id, an exception is thrown.
void merge();
///< Merge modified into base.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "idcollection.hpp"
CSMWorld::IdCollectionBase::IdCollectionBase() {}
CSMWorld::IdCollectionBase::~IdCollectionBase() {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <functional>
#include <QVariant>
#include "record.hpp"
namespace CSMWorld
template<typename ESXRecordT>
struct Column
std::string mTitle;
Column (const std::string& title) : mTitle (title) {}
virtual ~Column() {}
virtual QVariant get (const Record<ESXRecordT>& record) const = 0;
virtual void set (Record<ESXRecordT>& record, const QVariant& data)
throw std::logic_error ("Column " + mTitle + " is not editable");
virtual bool isEditable() const = 0;
class IdCollectionBase
// not implemented
IdCollectionBase (const IdCollectionBase&);
IdCollectionBase& operator= (const IdCollectionBase&);
virtual ~IdCollectionBase();
virtual int getSize() const = 0;
virtual std::string getId (int index) const = 0;
virtual int getIndex (const std::string& id) const = 0;
virtual int getColumns() const = 0;
virtual std::string getTitle (int column) const = 0;
virtual QVariant getData (int index, int column) const = 0;
virtual void setData (int index, int column, const QVariant& data) = 0;
virtual bool isEditable (int column) const = 0;
virtual void merge() = 0;
///< Merge modified into base.
virtual void purge() = 0;
///< Remove records that are flagged as erased.
virtual void removeRows (int index, int count) = 0;
virtual void appendBlankRecord (const std::string& id) = 0;
virtual int searchId (const std::string& id) const = 0;
////< Search record with \a id.
/// \return index of record (if found) or -1 (not found)
virtual void replace (int index, const RecordBase& record) = 0;
///< If the record type does not match, an exception is thrown.
/// \attention \a record must not change the ID.
virtual void appendRecord (const RecordBase& record) = 0;
///< If the record type does not match, an exception is thrown.
virtual std::string getId (const RecordBase& record) const = 0;
///< Return ID for \a record.
/// \attention Throw san exception, if the type of \a record does not match.
virtual const RecordBase& getRecord (const std::string& id) const = 0;
///< \brief Collection of ID-based records
template<typename ESXRecordT>
class IdCollection : public IdCollectionBase
std::vector<Record<ESXRecordT> > mRecords;
std::map<std::string, int> mIndex;
std::vector<Column<ESXRecordT> *> mColumns;
// not implemented
IdCollection (const IdCollection&);
IdCollection& operator= (const IdCollection&);
virtual ~IdCollection();
void add (const ESXRecordT& record);
///< Add a new record (modified)
virtual int getSize() const;
virtual std::string getId (int index) const;
virtual int getIndex (const std::string& id) const;
virtual int getColumns() const;
virtual QVariant getData (int index, int column) const;
virtual void setData (int index, int column, const QVariant& data);
virtual std::string getTitle (int column) const;
virtual bool isEditable (int column) const;
virtual void merge();
///< Merge modified into base.
virtual void purge();
///< Remove records that are flagged as erased.
virtual void removeRows (int index, int count) ;
virtual void appendBlankRecord (const std::string& id);
virtual int searchId (const std::string& id) const;
////< Search record with \a id.
/// \return index of record (if found) or -1 (not found)
virtual void replace (int index, const RecordBase& record);
///< If the record type does not match, an exception is thrown.
/// \attention \a record must not change the ID.
virtual void appendRecord (const RecordBase& record);
///< If the record type does not match, an exception is thrown.
virtual std::string getId (const RecordBase& record) const;
///< Return ID for \a record.
/// \attention Throw san exception, if the type of \a record does not match.
virtual const RecordBase& getRecord (const std::string& id) const;
void addColumn (Column<ESXRecordT> *column);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
template<typename ESXRecordT>
for (typename std::vector<Column<ESXRecordT> *>::iterator iter (mColumns.begin()); iter!=mColumns.end(); ++iter)
delete *iter;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::add (const ESXRecordT& record)
std::string id;
std::transform (record.mId.begin(), record.mId.end(), std::back_inserter (id),
(int(*)(int)) std::tolower);
std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter = mIndex.find (id);
if (iter==mIndex.end())
Record<ESXRecordT> record2;
record2.mState = Record<ESXRecordT>::State_ModifiedOnly;
record2.mModified = record;
mRecords.push_back (record2);
mIndex.insert (std::make_pair (id, mRecords.size()-1));
mRecords[iter->second].setModified (record);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
int IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getSize() const
return mRecords.size();
template<typename ESXRecordT>
std::string IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getId (int index) const
return mRecords.at (index).get().mId;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
int IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getIndex (const std::string& id) const
int index = searchId (id);
if (index==-1)
throw std::runtime_error ("invalid ID: " + id);
return index;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
int IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getColumns() const
return mColumns.size();
template<typename ESXRecordT>
QVariant IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getData (int index, int column) const
return mColumns.at (column)->get (mRecords.at (index));
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::setData (int index, int column, const QVariant& data)
return mColumns.at (column)->set (mRecords.at (index), data);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
std::string IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getTitle (int column) const
return mColumns.at (column)->mTitle;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
bool IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::isEditable (int column) const
return mColumns.at (column)->isEditable();
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::addColumn (Column<ESXRecordT> *column)
mColumns.push_back (column);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::merge()
for (typename std::vector<Record<ESXRecordT> >::iterator iter (mRecords.begin()); iter!=mRecords.end(); ++iter)
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::purge()
mRecords.erase (std::remove_if (mRecords.begin(), mRecords.end(),
std::mem_fun_ref (&Record<ESXRecordT>::isErased) // I want lambda :(
), mRecords.end());
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::removeRows (int index, int count)
mRecords.erase (mRecords.begin()+index, mRecords.begin()+index+count);
typename std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter = mIndex.begin();
while (iter!=mIndex.end())
if (iter->second>=index)
if (iter->second>=index+count)
iter->second -= count;
mIndex.erase (iter++);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::appendBlankRecord (const std::string& id)
ESXRecordT record;
record.mId = id;
add (record);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
int IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::searchId (const std::string& id) const
std::string id2;
std::transform (id.begin(), id.end(), std::back_inserter (id2),
(int(*)(int)) std::tolower);
std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator iter = mIndex.find (id2);
if (iter==mIndex.end())
return -1;
return iter->second;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::replace (int index, const RecordBase& record)
mRecords.at (index) = dynamic_cast<const Record<ESXRecordT>&> (record);
template<typename ESXRecordT>
void IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::appendRecord (const RecordBase& record)
mRecords.push_back (dynamic_cast<const Record<ESXRecordT>&> (record));
mIndex.insert (std::make_pair (getId (record), mRecords.size()-1));
template<typename ESXRecordT>
std::string IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getId (const RecordBase& record) const
const Record<ESXRecordT>& record2 = dynamic_cast<const Record<ESXRecordT>&> (record);
return (record2.isModified() ? record2.mModified : record2.mBase).mId;
template<typename ESXRecordT>
const RecordBase& IdCollection<ESXRecordT>::getRecord (const std::string& id) const
int index = getIndex (id);
return mRecords.at (index);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
#include "idtable.hpp"
#include "idcollection.hpp"
CSMWorld::IdTable::IdTable (IdCollectionBase *idCollection) : mIdCollection (idCollection)
int CSMWorld::IdTable::rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return mIdCollection->getSize();
int CSMWorld::IdTable::columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return mIdCollection->getColumns();
QVariant CSMWorld::IdTable::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const
if (role!=Qt::DisplayRole && role!=Qt::EditRole)
return QVariant();
if (role==Qt::EditRole && !mIdCollection->isEditable (index.column()))
return QVariant();
return mIdCollection->getData (index.row(), index.column());
QVariant CSMWorld::IdTable::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role!=Qt::DisplayRole)
return QVariant();
if (orientation==Qt::Vertical)
return QVariant();
return tr (mIdCollection->getTitle (section).c_str());
bool CSMWorld::IdTable::setData ( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
if (mIdCollection->isEditable (index.column()) && role==Qt::EditRole)
mIdCollection->setData (index.row(), index.column(), value);
emit dataChanged (CSMWorld::IdTable::index (index.row(), 0),
CSMWorld::IdTable::index (index.row(), mIdCollection->getColumns()-1));
return true;
return false;
Qt::ItemFlags CSMWorld::IdTable::flags (const QModelIndex & index) const
Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
if (mIdCollection->isEditable (index.column()))
flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
return flags;
bool CSMWorld::IdTable::removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent)
if (parent.isValid())
return false;
beginRemoveRows (parent, row, row+count-1);
mIdCollection->removeRows (row, count);
return true;
void CSMWorld::IdTable::addRecord (const std::string& id)
int index = mIdCollection->getSize();
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), index, index);
mIdCollection->appendBlankRecord (id);
QModelIndex CSMWorld::IdTable::getModelIndex (const std::string& id, int column) const
return index (mIdCollection->getIndex (id), column);
void CSMWorld::IdTable::setRecord (const RecordBase& record)
int index = mIdCollection->searchId (mIdCollection->getId (record));
if (index==-1)
int index = mIdCollection->getSize();
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), index, index);
mIdCollection->appendRecord (record);
mIdCollection->replace (index, record);
emit dataChanged (CSMWorld::IdTable::index (index, 0),
CSMWorld::IdTable::index (index, mIdCollection->getColumns()-1));
const CSMWorld::RecordBase& CSMWorld::IdTable::getRecord (const std::string& id) const
return mIdCollection->getRecord (id);

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
namespace CSMWorld
class IdCollectionBase;
class RecordBase;
class IdTable : public QAbstractTableModel
IdCollectionBase *mIdCollection;
// not implemented
IdTable (const IdTable&);
IdTable& operator= (const IdTable&);
IdTable (IdCollectionBase *idCollection);
///< The ownership of \a idCollection is not transferred.
virtual ~IdTable();
virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
virtual QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
virtual bool setData ( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole);
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex & index) const;
virtual bool removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex());
void addRecord (const std::string& id);
QModelIndex getModelIndex (const std::string& id, int column) const;
void setRecord (const RecordBase& record);
///< Add record or overwrite existing recrod.
const RecordBase& getRecord (const std::string& id) const;

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include "idtableproxymodel.hpp"
#include "idtable.hpp"
CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel::IdTableProxyModel (QObject *parent)
: QSortFilterProxyModel (parent)
void CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel::addRecord (const std::string& id)
dynamic_cast<IdTable&> (*sourceModel()).addRecord (id);
QModelIndex CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel::getModelIndex (const std::string& id, int column) const
return mapFromSource (dynamic_cast<IdTable&> (*sourceModel()).getModelIndex (id, column));

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <string>
namespace CSMWorld
class IdTableProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
IdTableProxyModel (QObject *parent = 0);
virtual void addRecord (const std::string& id);
virtual QModelIndex getModelIndex (const std::string& id, int column) const;

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "record.hpp"
CSMWorld::RecordBase::~RecordBase() {}
bool CSMWorld::RecordBase::RecordBase::isDeleted() const
return mState==State_Deleted || mState==State_Erased;
bool CSMWorld::RecordBase::RecordBase::isErased() const
return mState==State_Erased;
bool CSMWorld::RecordBase::RecordBase::isModified() const
return mState==State_Modified || mState==State_ModifiedOnly;

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#include <stdexcept>
namespace CSMWorld
struct RecordBase
enum State
State_BaseOnly = 0, // defined in base only
State_Modified = 1, // exists in base, but has been modified
State_ModifiedOnly = 2, // newly created in modified
State_Deleted = 3, // exists in base, but has been deleted
State_Erased = 4 // does not exist at all (we mostly treat that the same way as deleted)
State mState;
virtual ~RecordBase();
virtual RecordBase *clone() const = 0;
bool isDeleted() const;
bool isErased() const;
bool isModified() const;
template <typename ESXRecordT>
struct Record : public RecordBase
ESXRecordT mBase;
ESXRecordT mModified;
virtual RecordBase *clone() const;
const ESXRecordT& get() const;
///< Throws an exception, if the record is deleted.
const ESXRecordT& getBase() const;
///< Throws an exception, if the record is deleted. Returns modified, if there is no base.
void setModified (const ESXRecordT& modified);
///< Throws an exception, if the record is deleted.
void merge();
///< Merge modified into base.
template <typename ESXRecordT>
RecordBase *Record<ESXRecordT>::clone() const
return new Record<ESXRecordT> (*this);
template <typename ESXRecordT>
const ESXRecordT& Record<ESXRecordT>::get() const
if (mState==State_Erased)
throw std::logic_error ("attempt to access a deleted record");
return mState==State_BaseOnly ? mBase : mModified;
template <typename ESXRecordT>
const ESXRecordT& Record<ESXRecordT>::getBase() const
if (mState==State_Erased)
throw std::logic_error ("attempt to access a deleted record");
return mState==State_ModifiedOnly ? mModified : mBase;
template <typename ESXRecordT>
void Record<ESXRecordT>::setModified (const ESXRecordT& modified)
if (mState==State_Erased)
throw std::logic_error ("attempt to modify a deleted record");
mModified = modified;
if (mState!=State_ModifiedOnly)
mState = mBase==mModified ? State_BaseOnly : State_Modified;
template <typename ESXRecordT>
void Record<ESXRecordT>::merge()
if (isModified())
mBase = mModified;
mState = State_BaseOnly;
else if (mState==State_Deleted)
mState = State_Erased;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
#include "universalid.hpp"
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
struct TypeData
CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class mClass;
CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type mType;
const char *mName;
static const TypeData sNoArg[] =
{ CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class_None, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_None, "empty" },
{ CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class_RecordList, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Globals, "Global Variables" },
{ CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class_None, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_None, 0 } // end marker
static const TypeData sIdArg[] =
{ CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class_None, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_None, 0 } // end marker
static const TypeData sIndexArg[] =
{ CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class_Transient, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_VerificationResults, "Verification Results" },
{ CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class_None, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_None, 0 } // end marker
CSMWorld::UniversalId::UniversalId (const std::string& universalId)
std::string::size_type index = universalId.find (':');
if (index==std::string::npos)
std::string type = universalId.substr (0, index);
if (index==std::string::npos)
for (int i=0; sNoArg[i].mName; ++i)
if (type==sNoArg[i].mName)
mArgumentType = ArgumentType_None;
mType = sNoArg[i].mType;
mClass = sNoArg[i].mClass;
for (int i=0; sIdArg[i].mName; ++i)
if (type==sIdArg[i].mName)
mArgumentType = ArgumentType_Id;
mType = sIdArg[i].mType;
mClass = sIdArg[i].mClass;
mId = universalId.substr (0, index);
for (int i=0; sIndexArg[i].mName; ++i)
if (type==sIndexArg[i].mName)
mArgumentType = ArgumentType_Index;
mType = sIndexArg[i].mType;
mClass = sIndexArg[i].mClass;
std::istringstream stream (universalId.substr (0, index));
if (stream >> mIndex)
throw std::runtime_error ("invalid UniversalId: " + universalId);
CSMWorld::UniversalId::UniversalId (Type type) : mArgumentType (ArgumentType_None), mType (type), mIndex (0)
for (int i=0; sNoArg[i].mName; ++i)
if (type==sNoArg[i].mType)
mClass = sNoArg[i].mClass;
throw std::logic_error ("invalid argument-less UniversalId type");
CSMWorld::UniversalId::UniversalId (Type type, const std::string& id)
: mArgumentType (ArgumentType_Id), mType (type), mId (id), mIndex (0)
for (int i=0; sIdArg[i].mName; ++i)
if (type==sIdArg[i].mType)
mClass = sIdArg[i].mClass;
throw std::logic_error ("invalid ID argument UniversalId type");
CSMWorld::UniversalId::UniversalId (Type type, int index)
: mArgumentType (ArgumentType_Index), mType (type), mIndex (index)
for (int i=0; sIndexArg[i].mName; ++i)
if (type==sIndexArg[i].mType)
mClass = sIndexArg[i].mClass;
throw std::logic_error ("invalid index argument UniversalId type");
CSMWorld::UniversalId::Class CSMWorld::UniversalId::getClass() const
return mClass;
CSMWorld::UniversalId::ArgumentType CSMWorld::UniversalId::getArgumentType() const
return mArgumentType;
CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type CSMWorld::UniversalId::getType() const
return mType;
const std::string& CSMWorld::UniversalId::getId() const
if (mArgumentType!=ArgumentType_Id)
throw std::logic_error ("invalid access to ID of non-ID UniversalId");
return mId;
int CSMWorld::UniversalId::getIndex() const
if (mArgumentType!=ArgumentType_Index)
throw std::logic_error ("invalid access to index of non-index UniversalId");
return mIndex;
bool CSMWorld::UniversalId::isEqual (const UniversalId& universalId) const
if (mClass!=universalId.mClass || mArgumentType!=universalId.mArgumentType || mType!=universalId.mType)
return false;
switch (mArgumentType)
case ArgumentType_Id: return mId==universalId.mId;
case ArgumentType_Index: return mIndex==universalId.mIndex;
default: return true;
bool CSMWorld::UniversalId::isLess (const UniversalId& universalId) const
if (mType<universalId.mType)
return true;
if (mType>universalId.mType)
return false;
switch (mArgumentType)
case ArgumentType_Id: return mId<universalId.mId;
case ArgumentType_Index: return mIndex<universalId.mIndex;
default: return false;
std::string CSMWorld::UniversalId::getTypeName() const
const TypeData *typeData = mArgumentType==ArgumentType_None ? sNoArg :
(mArgumentType==ArgumentType_Id ? sIdArg : sIndexArg);
for (int i=0; typeData[i].mName; ++i)
if (typeData[i].mType==mType)
return typeData[i].mName;
throw std::logic_error ("failed to retrieve UniversalId type name");
std::string CSMWorld::UniversalId::toString() const
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << getTypeName();
switch (mArgumentType)
case ArgumentType_None: break;
case ArgumentType_Id: stream << ": " << mId;
case ArgumentType_Index: stream << ": " << mIndex;
return stream.str();
bool CSMWorld::operator== (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& left, const CSMWorld::UniversalId& right)
return left.isEqual (right);
bool CSMWorld::operator!= (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& left, const CSMWorld::UniversalId& right)
return !left.isEqual (right);
bool CSMWorld::operator< (const UniversalId& left, const UniversalId& right)
return left.isLess (right);
std::ostream& CSMWorld::operator< (std::ostream& stream, const CSMWorld::UniversalId& universalId)
return stream << universalId.toString();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <QMetaType>
namespace CSMWorld
class UniversalId
enum Class
Class_None = 0,
Class_Collection, // multiple types of records combined
Class_Transient, // not part of the world data or the project data
Class_NonRecord // record like data that is not part of the world
enum ArgumentType
enum Type
Class mClass;
ArgumentType mArgumentType;
Type mType;
std::string mId;
int mIndex;
UniversalId (const std::string& universalId);
UniversalId (Type type = Type_None);
///< Using a type for a non-argument-less UniversalId will throw an exception.
UniversalId (Type type, const std::string& id);
///< Using a type for a non-ID-argument UniversalId will throw an exception.
UniversalId (Type type, int index);
///< Using a type for a non-index-argument UniversalId will throw an exception.
Class getClass() const;
ArgumentType getArgumentType() const;
Type getType() const;
const std::string& getId() const;
///< Calling this function for a non-ID type will throw an exception.
int getIndex() const;
///< Calling this function for a non-index type will throw an exception.
bool isEqual (const UniversalId& universalId) const;
bool isLess (const UniversalId& universalId) const;
std::string getTypeName() const;
std::string toString() const;
bool operator== (const UniversalId& left, const UniversalId& right);
bool operator!= (const UniversalId& left, const UniversalId& right);
bool operator< (const UniversalId& left, const UniversalId& right);
std::ostream& operator< (std::ostream& stream, const UniversalId& universalId);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include "operation.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"
void CSVDoc::Operation::updateLabel (int threads)
if (threads==-1 || ((threads==0)!=mStalling))
std::string name ("unknown operation");
switch (mType)
case CSMDoc::State_Saving: name = "saving"; break;
case CSMDoc::State_Verifying: name = "verifying"; break;
std::ostringstream stream;
if ((mStalling = (threads<=0)))
stream << name << " (waiting for a free worker thread)";
stream << name << " (%p%)";
setFormat (stream.str().c_str());
CSVDoc::Operation::Operation (int type) : mType (type), mStalling (false)
/// \todo Add a cancel button or a pop up menu with a cancel item
/// \todo assign different progress bar colours to allow the user to distinguish easily between operation types
void CSVDoc::Operation::setProgress (int current, int max, int threads)
updateLabel (threads);
setRange (0, max);
setValue (current);
int CSVDoc::Operation::getType() const
return mType;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include <QProgressBar>
namespace CSVDoc
class Operation : public QProgressBar
int mType;
bool mStalling;
// not implemented
Operation (const Operation&);
Operation& operator= (const Operation&);
void updateLabel (int threads = -1);
Operation (int type);
void setProgress (int current, int max, int threads);
int getType() const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#include "operations.hpp"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "operation.hpp"
/// \todo make widget height fixed (exactly the height required to display all operations)
setFeatures (QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures);
QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
setWidget (widget);
mLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
widget->setLayout (mLayout);
void CSVDoc::Operations::setProgress (int current, int max, int type, int threads)
for (std::vector<Operation *>::iterator iter (mOperations.begin()); iter!=mOperations.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->getType()==type)
(*iter)->setProgress (current, max, threads);
Operation *operation = new Operation (type);
mLayout->addWidget (operation);
mOperations.push_back (operation);
operation->setProgress (current, max, threads);
void CSVDoc::Operations::quitOperation (int type)
for (std::vector<Operation *>::iterator iter (mOperations.begin()); iter!=mOperations.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->getType()==type)
delete *iter;
mOperations.erase (iter);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include <vector>
#include <QDockWidget>
class QVBoxLayout;
namespace CSVDoc
class Operation;
class Operations : public QDockWidget
QVBoxLayout *mLayout;
std::vector<Operation *> mOperations;
// not implemented
Operations (const Operations&);
Operations& operator= (const Operations&);
void setProgress (int current, int max, int type, int threads);
///< Implicitly starts the operation, if it is not running already.
void quitOperation (int type);
///< Calling this function for an operation that is not running is a no-op.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include "subview.hpp"
CSVDoc::SubView::SubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id) : mUniversalId (id)
/// \todo add a button to the title bar that clones this sub view
setWindowTitle (mUniversalId.toString().c_str());
/// \todo remove (for testing only)
setMinimumWidth (100);
setMinimumHeight (60);
CSMWorld::UniversalId CSVDoc::SubView::getUniversalId() const
return mUniversalId;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/universalid.hpp"
#include "subviewfactory.hpp"
#include <QDockWidget>
class QUndoStack;
namespace CSMWorld
class Data;
namespace CSVDoc
class SubView : public QDockWidget
CSMWorld::UniversalId mUniversalId;
// not implemented
SubView (const SubView&);
SubView& operator= (SubView&);
SubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id);
CSMWorld::UniversalId getUniversalId() const;
virtual void setEditLock (bool locked) = 0;
void focusId (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& universalId);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#include "subviewfactory.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryBase::SubViewFactoryBase() {}
CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryBase::~SubViewFactoryBase() {}
CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager::SubViewFactoryManager() {}
for (std::map<CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type, SubViewFactoryBase *>::iterator iter (mSubViewFactories.begin());
iter!=mSubViewFactories.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
void CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager::add (const CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type& id, SubViewFactoryBase *factory)
assert (mSubViewFactories.find (id)==mSubViewFactories.end());
mSubViewFactories.insert (std::make_pair (id, factory));
CSVDoc::SubView *CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager::makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id,
CSMDoc::Document& document)
std::map<CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type, SubViewFactoryBase *>::iterator iter = mSubViewFactories.find (id.getType());
if (iter==mSubViewFactories.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("Failed to create a sub view for: " + id.toString());
return iter->second->makeSubView (id, document);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#include <map>
#include "../../model/world/universalid.hpp"
namespace CSMDoc
class Document;
namespace CSVDoc
class SubView;
class SubViewFactoryBase
// not implemented
SubViewFactoryBase (const SubViewFactoryBase&);
SubViewFactoryBase& operator= (const SubViewFactoryBase&);
virtual ~SubViewFactoryBase();
virtual SubView *makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document) = 0;
///< The ownership of the returned sub view is not transferred.
class SubViewFactoryManager
std::map<CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type, SubViewFactoryBase *> mSubViewFactories;
// not implemented
SubViewFactoryManager (const SubViewFactoryManager&);
SubViewFactoryManager& operator= (const SubViewFactoryManager&);
void add (const CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type& id, SubViewFactoryBase *factory);
///< The ownership of \a factory is transferred to this.
SubView *makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document);
///< The ownership of the returned sub view is not transferred.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"
#include "subviewfactory.hpp"
namespace CSVDoc
template<class SubViewT>
class SubViewFactory : public SubViewFactoryBase
virtual CSVDoc::SubView *makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document);
template<class SubViewT>
CSVDoc::SubView *SubViewFactory<SubViewT>::makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id,
CSMDoc::Document& document)
return new SubViewT (id, document);
template<class SubViewT>
class SubViewFactoryWithCreateFlag : public SubViewFactoryBase
bool mCreateAndDelete;
SubViewFactoryWithCreateFlag (bool createAndDelete);
virtual CSVDoc::SubView *makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document);
template<class SubViewT>
SubViewFactoryWithCreateFlag<SubViewT>::SubViewFactoryWithCreateFlag (bool createAndDelete)
: mCreateAndDelete (createAndDelete)
template<class SubViewT>
CSVDoc::SubView *SubViewFactoryWithCreateFlag<SubViewT>::makeSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id,
CSMDoc::Document& document)
return new SubViewT (id, document, mCreateAndDelete);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
#include "view.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QMdiArea>
#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"
#include "../world/subviews.hpp"
#include "../tools/subviews.hpp"
#include "viewmanager.hpp"
#include "operations.hpp"
#include "subview.hpp"
void CSVDoc::View::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event)
if (!mViewManager.closeRequest (this))
void CSVDoc::View::setupFileMenu()
QMenu *file = menuBar()->addMenu (tr ("&File"));
QAction *new_ = new QAction (tr ("New"), this);
connect (new_, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SIGNAL (newDocumentRequest()));
file->addAction (new_);
mSave = new QAction (tr ("&Save"), this);
connect (mSave, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (save()));
file->addAction (mSave);
void CSVDoc::View::setupEditMenu()
QMenu *edit = menuBar()->addMenu (tr ("&Edit"));
mUndo = mDocument->getUndoStack().createUndoAction (this, tr("&Undo"));
mUndo->setShortcuts (QKeySequence::Undo);
edit->addAction (mUndo);
mRedo= mDocument->getUndoStack().createRedoAction (this, tr("&Redo"));
mRedo->setShortcuts (QKeySequence::Redo);
edit->addAction (mRedo);
void CSVDoc::View::setupViewMenu()
QMenu *view = menuBar()->addMenu (tr ("&View"));
QAction *newWindow = new QAction (tr ("&New View"), this);
connect (newWindow, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (newView()));
view->addAction (newWindow);
void CSVDoc::View::setupWorldMenu()
QMenu *world = menuBar()->addMenu (tr ("&World"));
QAction *globals = new QAction (tr ("Globals"), this);
connect (globals, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (addGlobalsSubView()));
world->addAction (globals);
mVerify = new QAction (tr ("&Verify"), this);
connect (mVerify, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (verify()));
world->addAction (mVerify);
void CSVDoc::View::setupUi()
void CSVDoc::View::updateTitle()
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << mDocument->getName();
if (mDocument->getState() & CSMDoc::State_Modified)
stream << " *";
if (mViewTotal>1)
stream << " [" << (mViewIndex+1) << "/" << mViewTotal << "]";
setWindowTitle (stream.str().c_str());
void CSVDoc::View::updateActions()
bool editing = !(mDocument->getState() & CSMDoc::State_Locked);
for (std::vector<QAction *>::iterator iter (mEditingActions.begin()); iter!=mEditingActions.end(); ++iter)
(*iter)->setEnabled (editing);
mUndo->setEnabled (editing & mDocument->getUndoStack().canUndo());
mRedo->setEnabled (editing & mDocument->getUndoStack().canRedo());
mSave->setEnabled (!(mDocument->getState() & CSMDoc::State_Saving));
mVerify->setEnabled (!(mDocument->getState() & CSMDoc::State_Verifying));
CSVDoc::View::View (ViewManager& viewManager, CSMDoc::Document *document, int totalViews)
: mViewManager (viewManager), mDocument (document), mViewIndex (totalViews-1), mViewTotal (totalViews)
setDockOptions (QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks);
resize (300, 300); /// \todo get default size from settings and set reasonable minimal size
mOperations = new Operations;
addDockWidget (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mOperations);
CSVWorld::addSubViewFactories (mSubViewFactory);
CSVTools::addSubViewFactories (mSubViewFactory);
const CSMDoc::Document *CSVDoc::View::getDocument() const
return mDocument;
CSMDoc::Document *CSVDoc::View::getDocument()
return mDocument;
void CSVDoc::View::setIndex (int viewIndex, int totalViews)
mViewIndex = viewIndex;
mViewTotal = totalViews;
void CSVDoc::View::updateDocumentState()
static const int operations[] =
CSMDoc::State_Saving, CSMDoc::State_Verifying,
-1 // end marker
int state = mDocument->getState() ;
for (int i=0; operations[i]!=-1; ++i)
if (!(state & operations[i]))
mOperations->quitOperation (operations[i]);
QList<CSVDoc::SubView *> subViews = findChildren<CSVDoc::SubView *>();
for (QList<CSVDoc::SubView *>::iterator iter (subViews.begin()); iter!=subViews.end(); ++iter)
(*iter)->setEditLock (state & CSMDoc::State_Locked);
void CSVDoc::View::updateProgress (int current, int max, int type, int threads)
mOperations->setProgress (current, max, type, threads);
void CSVDoc::View::addSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id)
/// \todo add an user setting for limiting the number of sub views per top level view. Automatically open a new top level view if this
/// number is exceeded
/// \todo if the sub view limit setting is one, the sub view title bar should be hidden and the text in the main title bar adjusted
/// accordingly
/// \todo add an user setting to reuse sub views (on a per document basis or on a per top level view basis)
SubView *view = mSubViewFactory.makeSubView (id, *mDocument);
addDockWidget (Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, view);
connect (view, SIGNAL (focusId (const CSMWorld::UniversalId&)), this,
SLOT (addSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId&)));
void CSVDoc::View::newView()
mViewManager.addView (mDocument);
void CSVDoc::View::save()
void CSVDoc::View::verify()
addSubView (mDocument->verify());
void CSVDoc::View::addGlobalsSubView()
addSubView (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Globals);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#ifndef CSV_DOC_VIEW_H
#define CSV_DOC_VIEW_H
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include "subviewfactory.hpp"
class QAction;
namespace CSMDoc
class Document;
namespace CSMWorld
class UniversalId;
namespace CSVDoc
class ViewManager;
class Operations;
class View : public QMainWindow
ViewManager& mViewManager;
CSMDoc::Document *mDocument;
int mViewIndex;
int mViewTotal;
QAction *mUndo;
QAction *mRedo;
QAction *mSave;
QAction *mVerify;
std::vector<QAction *> mEditingActions;
Operations *mOperations;
SubViewFactoryManager mSubViewFactory;
// not implemented
View (const View&);
View& operator= (const View&);
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event);
void setupFileMenu();
void setupEditMenu();
void setupViewMenu();
void setupWorldMenu();
void setupUi();
void updateTitle();
void updateActions();
View (ViewManager& viewManager, CSMDoc::Document *document, int totalViews);
///< The ownership of \a document is not transferred to *this.
virtual ~View();
const CSMDoc::Document *getDocument() const;
CSMDoc::Document *getDocument();
void setIndex (int viewIndex, int totalViews);
void updateDocumentState();
void updateProgress (int current, int max, int type, int threads);
void newDocumentRequest();
public slots:
void addSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id);
private slots:
void newView();
void save();
void verify();
void addGlobalsSubView();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#include "viewmanager.hpp"
#include <map>
#include "../../model/doc/documentmanager.hpp"
#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"
#include "view.hpp"
void CSVDoc::ViewManager::updateIndices()
std::map<CSMDoc::Document *, std::pair<int, int> > documents;
for (std::vector<View *>::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter)
std::map<CSMDoc::Document *, std::pair<int, int> >::iterator document = documents.find ((*iter)->getDocument());
if (document==documents.end())
document =
documents.insert (
std::make_pair ((*iter)->getDocument(), std::make_pair (0, countViews ((*iter)->getDocument())))).
(*iter)->setIndex (document->second.first++, document->second.second);
CSVDoc::ViewManager::ViewManager (CSMDoc::DocumentManager& documentManager)
: mDocumentManager (documentManager)
for (std::vector<View *>::iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter)
delete *iter;
CSVDoc::View *CSVDoc::ViewManager::addView (CSMDoc::Document *document)
if (countViews (document)==0)
// new document
connect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)),
this, SLOT (documentStateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)));
connect (document, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int, int, CSMDoc::Document *)),
this, SLOT (progress (int, int, int, int, CSMDoc::Document *)));
View *view = new View (*this, document, countViews (document)+1);
mViews.push_back (view);
connect (view, SIGNAL (newDocumentRequest ()), this, SIGNAL (newDocumentRequest()));
return view;
int CSVDoc::ViewManager::countViews (const CSMDoc::Document *document) const
int count = 0;
for (std::vector<View *>::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->getDocument()==document)
return count;
bool CSVDoc::ViewManager::closeRequest (View *view)
std::vector<View *>::iterator iter = std::find (mViews.begin(), mViews.end(), view);
if (iter!=mViews.end())
bool last = countViews (view->getDocument())<=1;
/// \todo check if save is in progress -> warn user about possible data loss
/// \todo check if document has not been saved -> return false and start close dialogue
mViews.erase (iter);
if (last)
mDocumentManager.removeDocument (view->getDocument());
return true;
void CSVDoc::ViewManager::documentStateChanged (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document)
for (std::vector<View *>::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->getDocument()==document)
void CSVDoc::ViewManager::progress (int current, int max, int type, int threads, CSMDoc::Document *document)
for (std::vector<View *>::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->getDocument()==document)
(*iter)->updateProgress (current, max, type, threads);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#include <vector>
#include <QObject>
namespace CSMDoc
class Document;
class DocumentManager;
namespace CSVDoc
class View;
class ViewManager : public QObject
CSMDoc::DocumentManager& mDocumentManager;
std::vector<View *> mViews;
// not implemented
ViewManager (const ViewManager&);
ViewManager& operator= (const ViewManager&);
void updateIndices();
ViewManager (CSMDoc::DocumentManager& documentManager);
virtual ~ViewManager();
View *addView (CSMDoc::Document *document);
///< The ownership of the returned view is not transferred.
int countViews (const CSMDoc::Document *document) const;
///< Return number of views for \a document.
bool closeRequest (View *view);
void newDocumentRequest();
private slots:
void documentStateChanged (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document);
void progress (int current, int max, int type, int threads, CSMDoc::Document *document);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include "reportsubview.hpp"
#include <QTableView>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include "../../model/tools/reportmodel.hpp"
CSVTools::ReportSubView::ReportSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document)
: CSVDoc::SubView (id), mModel (document.getReport (id))
setWidget (mTable = new QTableView (this));
mTable->setModel (mModel);
mTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode (QHeaderView::Interactive);
mTable->setSortingEnabled (true);
mTable->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
mTable->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
connect (mTable, SIGNAL (doubleClicked (const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT (show (const QModelIndex&)));
void CSVTools::ReportSubView::setEditLock (bool locked)
// ignored. We don't change document state anyway.
void CSVTools::ReportSubView::show (const QModelIndex& index)
focusId (mModel->getUniversalId (index.row()));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include "../doc/subview.hpp"
class QTableView;
class QModelIndex;
namespace CSMDoc
class Document;
namespace CSMTools
class ReportModel;
namespace CSVTools
class Table;
class ReportSubView : public CSVDoc::SubView
CSMTools::ReportModel *mModel;
QTableView *mTable;
ReportSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document);
virtual void setEditLock (bool locked);
private slots:
void show (const QModelIndex& index);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "subviews.hpp"
#include "../doc/subviewfactoryimp.hpp"
#include "reportsubview.hpp"
void CSVTools::addSubViewFactories (CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager& manager)
manager.add (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_VerificationResults,
new CSVDoc::SubViewFactory<ReportSubView>);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
namespace CSVDoc
class SubViewFactoryManager;
namespace CSVTools
void addSubViewFactories (CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager& manager);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "subviews.hpp"
#include "../doc/subviewfactoryimp.hpp"
#include "tablesubview.hpp"
void CSVWorld::addSubViewFactories (CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager& manager)
manager.add (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Globals,
new CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryWithCreateFlag<TableSubView> (true));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
namespace CSVDoc
class SubViewFactoryManager;
namespace CSVWorld
void addSubViewFactories (CSVDoc::SubViewFactoryManager& manager);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#include "table.hpp"
#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QUndoStack>
#include <QAction>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QContextMenuEvent>
#include "../../model/world/data.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/commands.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/idtableproxymodel.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/idtable.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/record.hpp"
namespace CSVWorld
///< \brief Getting the data out of an editor widget
/// Really, Qt? Really?
class NastyTableModelHack : public QAbstractTableModel
QAbstractItemModel& mModel;
QVariant mData;
NastyTableModelHack (QAbstractItemModel& model);
int rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
int columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QVariant data (const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
bool setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole);
QVariant getData() const;
///< \brief Use commands instead of manipulating the model directly
class CommandDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
QUndoStack& mUndoStack;
bool mEditLock;
CommandDelegate (QUndoStack& undoStack, QObject *parent);
void setModelData (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex& index) const;
void setEditLock (bool locked);
CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::NastyTableModelHack (QAbstractItemModel& model)
: mModel (model)
int CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
return mModel.rowCount (parent);
int CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
return mModel.columnCount (parent);
QVariant CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const
return mModel.data (index, role);
bool CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::setData ( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
mData = value;
return true;
QVariant CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::getData() const
return mData;
CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::CommandDelegate (QUndoStack& undoStack, QObject *parent)
: QStyledItemDelegate (parent), mUndoStack (undoStack), mEditLock (false)
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setModelData (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QModelIndex& index) const
if (!mEditLock)
NastyTableModelHack hack (*model);
QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData (editor, &hack, index);
mUndoStack.push (new CSMWorld::ModifyCommand (*model, index, hack.getData()));
///< \todo provide some kind of feedback to the user, indicating that editing is currently not possible.
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setEditLock (bool locked)
mEditLock = locked;
void CSVWorld::Table::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event)
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows();
QMenu menu (this);
/// \todo add menu items for select all and clear selection
if (!mEditLock)
if (mCreateAction)
menu.addAction (mCreateAction);
if (listRevertableSelectedIds().size()>0)
menu.addAction (mRevertAction);
if (listDeletableSelectedIds().size()>0)
menu.addAction (mDeleteAction);
menu.exec (event->globalPos());
std::vector<std::string> CSVWorld::Table::listRevertableSelectedIds() const
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows();
std::vector<std::string> revertableIds;
for (QModelIndexList::const_iterator iter (selectedRows.begin()); iter!=selectedRows.end(); ++iter)
std::string id = mProxyModel->data (*iter).toString().toStdString();
CSMWorld::RecordBase::State state =
static_cast<CSMWorld::RecordBase::State> (mModel->data (mModel->getModelIndex (id, 1)).toInt());
if (state!=CSMWorld::RecordBase::State_BaseOnly)
revertableIds.push_back (id);
return revertableIds;
std::vector<std::string> CSVWorld::Table::listDeletableSelectedIds() const
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows();
std::vector<std::string> deletableIds;
for (QModelIndexList::const_iterator iter (selectedRows.begin()); iter!=selectedRows.end(); ++iter)
std::string id = mProxyModel->data (*iter).toString().toStdString();
CSMWorld::RecordBase::State state =
static_cast<CSMWorld::RecordBase::State> (mModel->data (mModel->getModelIndex (id, 1)).toInt());
if (state!=CSMWorld::RecordBase::State_Deleted)
deletableIds.push_back (id);
return deletableIds;
CSVWorld::Table::Table (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMWorld::Data& data, QUndoStack& undoStack,
bool createAndDelete)
: mUndoStack (undoStack), mCreateAction (0), mEditLock (false)
mModel = &dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&> (*data.getTableModel (id));
int columns = mModel->columnCount();
for (int i=0; i<columns; ++i)
CommandDelegate *delegate = new CommandDelegate (undoStack, this);
mDelegates.push_back (delegate);
setItemDelegateForColumn (i, delegate);
mProxyModel = new CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel (this);
mProxyModel->setSourceModel (mModel);
setModel (mProxyModel);
horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode (QHeaderView::Interactive);
setSortingEnabled (true);
setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
/// \todo make initial layout fill the whole width of the table
if (createAndDelete)
mCreateAction = new QAction (tr ("Add Record"), this);
connect (mCreateAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (createRecord()));
addAction (mCreateAction);
mRevertAction = new QAction (tr ("Revert Record"), this);
connect (mRevertAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (revertRecord()));
addAction (mRevertAction);
mDeleteAction = new QAction (tr ("Delete Record"), this);
connect (mDeleteAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (deleteRecord()));
addAction (mDeleteAction);
void CSVWorld::Table::setEditLock (bool locked)
for (std::vector<CommandDelegate *>::iterator iter (mDelegates.begin()); iter!=mDelegates.end(); ++iter)
(*iter)->setEditLock (locked);
mEditLock = locked;
#include <sstream> /// \todo remove
void CSVWorld::Table::createRecord()
if (!mEditLock)
/// \todo ask the user for an ID instead.
static int index = 0;
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "id" << index++;
mUndoStack.push (new CSMWorld::CreateCommand (*mProxyModel, stream.str()));
void CSVWorld::Table::revertRecord()
if (!mEditLock)
std::vector<std::string> revertableIds = listRevertableSelectedIds();
if (revertableIds.size()>0)
if (revertableIds.size()>1)
mUndoStack.beginMacro (tr ("Revert multiple records"));
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter (revertableIds.begin()); iter!=revertableIds.end(); ++iter)
mUndoStack.push (new CSMWorld::RevertCommand (*mModel, *iter));
if (revertableIds.size()>1)
void CSVWorld::Table::deleteRecord()
if (!mEditLock)
std::vector<std::string> deletableIds = listDeletableSelectedIds();
if (deletableIds.size()>0)
if (deletableIds.size()>1)
mUndoStack.beginMacro (tr ("Delete multiple records"));
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter (deletableIds.begin()); iter!=deletableIds.end(); ++iter)
mUndoStack.push (new CSMWorld::DeleteCommand (*mModel, *iter));
if (deletableIds.size()>1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <QTableView>
class QUndoStack;
class QAction;
namespace CSMWorld
class Data;
class UniversalId;
class IdTableProxyModel;
class IdTable;
namespace CSVWorld
class CommandDelegate;
///< Table widget
class Table : public QTableView
std::vector<CommandDelegate *> mDelegates;
QUndoStack& mUndoStack;
QAction *mCreateAction;
QAction *mRevertAction;
QAction *mDeleteAction;
CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel *mProxyModel;
CSMWorld::IdTable *mModel;
bool mEditLock;
void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event);
std::vector<std::string> listRevertableSelectedIds() const;
std::vector<std::string> listDeletableSelectedIds() const;
Table (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMWorld::Data& data, QUndoStack& undoStack, bool createAndDelete);
///< \param createAndDelete Allow creation and deletion of records.
void setEditLock (bool locked);
private slots:
void createRecord();
void revertRecord();
void deleteRecord();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include "tablesubview.hpp"
#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"
#include "table.hpp"
CSVWorld::TableSubView::TableSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document,
bool createAndDelete)
: SubView (id)
setWidget (mTable = new Table (id, document.getData(), document.getUndoStack(), createAndDelete));
void CSVWorld::TableSubView::setEditLock (bool locked)
mTable->setEditLock (locked);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include "../doc/subview.hpp"
class QUndoStack;
namespace CSMDoc
class Document;
namespace CSVWorld
class Table;
class TableSubView : public CSVDoc::SubView
Table *mTable;
TableSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, CSMDoc::Document& document, bool createAndDelete);
virtual void setEditLock (bool locked);

View File

@ -44,4 +44,14 @@ void Global::save(ESMWriter &esm)
esm.writeHNT("FLTV", mValue);
void Global::blank()
mValue = 0;
mType = VT_Float;
bool operator== (const Global& left, const Global& right)
return left.mId==right.mId && left.mValue==right.mValue && left.mType==right.mType;

View File

@ -18,11 +18,17 @@ class ESMWriter;
struct Global
std::string mId;
unsigned mValue;
float mValue;
VarType mType;
void load(ESMReader &esm);
void save(ESMWriter &esm);
void blank();
///< Set record to default state (does not touch the ID).
bool operator== (const Global& left, const Global& right);